VSSB Support Questions
To expedite the troubleshooting process for the most common issues by asking the following questions for VSSB
- Hitachi Virtual Storage Software Block (VSSB)
Top Troubleshooting Questions
- What is the VSSB model and version?
- What is the Client OS and version?
- Are the the products version supported as per VSSB compatibility matrix: https://compatibility.hitachivantara.com/products/hvssb ?
- Is there an abnormal status displayed on the VSSB GUI, on the VMWare server or on the VMWare ESXi (for Virtual Machine)?
- Is there an abnormal status displayed on the VSSB GUI (for bare metal)?
- Is this issue related to a performance degradation?
- When did the issue first occur? Do you have any timestamp of the issue (Please provide any error messages or screenshot)?
Data Collection
- VSSB data collection procedure: https://knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Support_Information/Data_Collection/Storage/How_to_Collect_VSSB_Logs_from_GUI
- Upload data to: https://tuf.hitachivantara.com/upload.php