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Hitachi Vantara Knowledge

Hitachi Block Storage Driver for Openstack Cinder Support Questions

Expedite the troubleshooting process for the most common issues by reviewing and answering the following questions for your product. 

General Troubleshooting Questions

  1. What is the error message, error code or problem?
  2. What is the exact syntax or series of steps (if Horizon GUI) of the offending command that produced the error above?
  3. What version of HBSD is involved? Use command to find out:
    1. For Red Hat and SUSE:
      1. # /bin/rpm -qi hbsd
    2. For Ubuntu and Mirantis:
      1. # /usr/bin/dpkg -s hbsd)
  4. Please collect the “hbsdgetinfo” log bundle, use command:
    1. /opt/hitachi/hbsd/sbin/hbsdgetinfo [-d directory] [-e cinder]
  5. What is the version of Openstack?
  6. What is the model of storage array?
  7. What is the version of CCI / RAID Manager?
  8. Did this work before? Or is this the first time you are setting it up?
  9. Collect a detailed dump from the array.
  10. Is this a Production environment?