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Hitachi Vantara Knowledge

HIAA (Hitachi Infrastructure Analytics Advisor) Logs Collection



  • HIAA


Collecting the log file for the Analytics/Analyzer server

Run the hcmds64getlogs command to collect the log file for the Analyzer server.

1. Log on to the host on which the Analyzer server is installed, as a user with the Administrator permission (for Windows) or the root permission (for Linux).

2. Run the hcmds64getlogs command to collect the log file for the Analyzer server.

■ In Windows
common-component-installation-destination-folder\bin\hcmds64getlogs /dir output-folder-path

■ In Linux (on default preconfigured image install)
/opt/hitachi/Base64/bin/hcmds64getlogs -dir output-directory-path

An archive file is output to the specified output destination.

3. Upload resultant files to TUF:


Sample output of the hcmds64getlogs:


Additional Notes



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