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Hitachi Vantara Knowledge

How to Collect Relevant Logs for SAP HANA Systems with Linux Clusters



The following how to give details and links to collecting information for High Available clusters for SAP HANA systems. 


All SAP HANA High Available solutions that are using the Linux High Availability Clusters or Storage Clusters for an HA solution with SAP HANA, Scale Up or Scale Out systems respectfully. 


Please use the following method to collect all logs from the OS. The following information is necessary to troubleshooting a Linux Cluster.  Please obtain the OS logs as well as the cluster logs. Upload all logs to  Please see the following links. 

For a fast collection of OS logs, please see the following data collection article: 

To enable to disable specific modules of the sosreport from Redhat, please see the following link. 

Please see the common Supportconfig Options from in the following link

The following link provides steps to collect an hb_report for SUSE High Availability Extension

The following link offers steps to obtain a crm_report for Redhat High Availability Add-on  (Login Required) Also older versions of the sosreport package may not generate a crm_report. Please update the sosreport package or manually run crm_report as described below


Additional Notes