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Hitachi Vantara Knowledge

"I/O Card Area Intrusion" SEL event has caused vCenter warning on "Other 2 OCP Card 0" sensor



  • In vCenter, under host > Monitor > Task and Events > Hardware Health > ALERTS AND WARNINGS >  Warning on "Other 2 OCP_Card 0" sensor
  • In SEL, below event may appear.

     [Information] [OCP_Card]  [Physical Security]  I/O Card Area Intrusion - Asserted


  • Advanced Server DS120 G2
  • Advanced Server DS220 G2


Connect to impacted ESXi host via SSH and run below CLI to suppress the "Other 2 OCP_Card 0" sensor.

esxcfg-advcfg -s 228 /UserVars/HardwareHealthIgnoredSensors


This setting can be restored to default if there is concern. For reference:




The SEL event "[OCP_Card] [Physical Security] I/O Card Area Intrusion - Asserted" means there is an OCP card installed on the system, which is working as designed and does not indicate any hardware issue.

vCenter however alerts this SEL event as false positive warning on "Other 2 OCP_Card 0" sensor of the ESXi host.


Additional Notes