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Updating HCI

You can update system software by uploading new update packages.


Important: Hitachi Vantara does not provide updates or security fixes for the host operating systems running on system instances.

Administration App instructions

To update system:

1.Click on System Configuration.

2.Click on the Updates panel.

3.Click on the Install Updates button.

4.Do one of these:

oIf the update file is stored on your computer, click and drag the file into the Upload panel.

oIf the update file is stored in one of your data sources, click on the Load panel. Then, select a data connection and browse for the file.

The update file is uploaded and system checks to make sure the file is valid. This may take several minutes.

5.On the Updates page, click on the View button in the Update Status panel.

6.The Verify & Apply Update page displays information about the contents of the update.

7.To start the update, click on the Apply Update button.

system begins checking to make sure the system is ready to be updated. If it isn't, the update stops. In this case, you need to correct the problems before the update can continue.

Related CLI command(s)






For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

GET /update

POST /update/install

DELETE /update/package

POST /update/package

POST /update/package/load —  (Retrieves update package from a data connection)

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

put API snippet here

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.


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