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Uninstalling an system system

To completely uninstall a system, do the following on all instances:

1.Stop the run script from running. You do this using whatever method you're currently using to run the script.

2.Run this command to stop all system Docker containers on the instance:

sudo <installation-directory>/bin/stop

3.Delete the system Docker containers:

a.List all Docker containers:

sudo docker ps

b.Note the container IDs for all containers that use a com.hds.ensemble image.

c.Delete each of those containers:

sudo docker rm <container-id>

4.Delete the system Docker images:

a.List all Docker images:

sudo docker images

b.Note the image IDs for all images that use a com.hds.ensemble repository.

c.Delete each of those images:

sudo docker rmi <image-id>

5.Delete the system installation directory:

rm -rf /<installation-directory>

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