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Services perform functions essential to the health or functionality of the system. For example, the Metrics service stores and manages system events, while the Watchdog service ensures that other services remain running.

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Service list

The table below describes the services that your system runs. For each service, the table lists:

Configuration settings — The settings you can configure for the service. For more information, see Configuring service settings.

RAM needed per instance — The amount of RAM that, by default, the service needs on each instance on which it's deployed. For all services except for System services and Workflow Agent, this value is also the default Docker Container Memory value for the service.

Number of instances — Shows both:

oThe required number of instances on which a service must run for the system to function properly.

oThe recommended number of instances that you should run a service on. These are recommended minimums; if your system includes more instances, you should take advantage of them by running services on them.

Service unit cost per instance —The number of service units that it costs to run the service on one instance. This cost indicates how computationally expensive one service is compared to another.

For more information, see Service units.

Whether the service is persistent or supports floating.

For information, see Floating services.

Whether the service has a single type or multiple.

For information, see Services with multiple types.


Note: For services with both the Container Memory and Max Heap Size settings, the Container Memory setting should be larger than the Max Heap Size setting.

Service Name and Description


Configuration settings


Hadoop Distributed File System. A distributed file system used for storing data.

Important: The Clustered-File-System service is offered as a technology preview. Do not use it on a production system.


Visualizes information stored in Elasticsearch indexes.


Decentralized database that can be scaled across large numbers of hardware nodes.


Data indexing and search platform.


Collection engine for event data. Can perform transformations on the data it collects and then send that data to a number of outputs.

Message Queue

Stream processing platform for handling real-time data streams.


Data indexing and search platform.

Note: For the Metrics service, the Container Memory setting should be at least 500MB larger than the JVM Heap size.


Job scheduler for Apache Mesos.


Runs the Administration App.



Mesos (master) -

Hardware resource management solution for distributed systems.



Mesos (slave) -

Hardware resource management solution for distributed systems.



HAProxy -

Load balancer for TCP and HTTP-based applications.



Runs internal system processes and monitors the health of the other services.



Marathon -

Orchestration platform for Mesos applications.



Apache Zookeeper -

Coordinates configuration settings and other information between a number of distributed services.



Monitors the other System Services and restarts them if necessary. Also responsible for initial system startup.


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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Clustered-File-System service considerations

The Clustered-File-System service provides storage space to other services.


Important: The Clustered-File-System service is offered as a technology preview. Do not use it on a production system.

Multiple service instance types

Each instance of the Clustered-File-System service can be one of these types:

Data Node — Stores data.

Name Node — Tracks the data stored in Data Nodes.

Journal Node — Tracks changes made by the Name Nodes.

You can run multiple different Clustered-File-System service instance types on a system instance. For example, a single system instance can run both a Journal Node and a Data Node instances of the Clustered-File-System service.

You cannot run multiple Clustered-File-System service instances of the same type on a system instance. For example, a single system instance cannot run two Data Node instances.

Deployment modes

The Clustered-File-System service can be deployed in either of these modes:

High Availability (HA) Mode — In HA mode, the Clustered-File-System service can retain its stored data in the event that a Name Node instance fails or becomes corrupt.

Non-HA Mode — In Non-HA mode, the Clustered-File-System service has a single Name Node instance. If this instance fails or becomes corrupt, all data stored by the Clustered-File-System service is lost.

The service's deployment mode is determined based on the number of service type instances you have when you initially deploy the service. Once the deployment mode is set, you cannot change it without losing all data stored by the Clustered-File-System service.

Initial deployment requirements: HA mode

To deploy the Clustered-File-System service in HA mode, you need at least 3 system instances.

Upon initial deployment of the service, you need to configure the service to run:

Exactly 2 Name Node instances

Exactly 3 Journal Node instances

You can run any number of Data Node instances. You need at least 1 to be able to store data. For HA mode, the recommended minimum is 3.

Initial deployment requirements: Non-HA mode

To deploy the Clustered-File-System service in Non-HA mode, you need only 1 system instance.

Upon initial deployment of the service, you need to configure the service to run:

Exactly 1 Name Node instances

Zero Journal Node instances

You can run any number of Data Node instances. You need at least 1 to be able to store data.

Scaling and moving the service

Caution: Scaling Clustered-File-System such that you have zero Name Node instances causes the Clustered-File-System service to lose track of all data stored on its Data Node instances.

When scaling or moving Name Node or Journal Node service instances, you need to perform only one operation at time.

For example, to move a Name Node from one system instance to another, you need to:

a.Run a service operation to remove an instance of the Name Node service type.

b.Wait for the operation to finish.

c.Run a service operation to start a new instance of the Name Node service type.

d.Wait for the operation to finish.

When running the Clustered-File-System service in HA mode, you need to have at least 2 Journal Node instances running at all times. Scaling the service such that you have zero or 1 Journal Node instances causes the service to become unresponsive.

Avoid scaling or moving Clustered-File-System service instances if you have a currently running workflow that has a Preprocessing pipeline.

There are no restrictions on the number of Data Node instances that you can scale or move at one time.

Changing deployment modes

When you initially deploy the Clustered-File-System service, it is deployed in either HA or Non-HA mode, depending on the number of service instances types you initially configure the service to run.

You can change the Clustered-File-System deployment mode after the service is initially deployed, however this requires a complete redeployment of the service.


Caution: Changing deployment modes causes the Clustered-File-System service to lose track of all data stored on its Data Node instances. Because of this, you should remove all existing Data Node instances and create new ones when changing the Clustered-File-System deployment mode.

To switch from one deployment mode to another:

1.Scale Clustered-File-System to run on zero instances in the system.

For information on scaling services, see Moving and scaling services.

2.Configure and run a service scale task to scale Clustered-File-System to the applicable number of service type instances.


Important: Name Node and Journal Node types must be scaled together in a single operation.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Viewing services

You can use Administration App, CLI, and REST API to view the status of all services for the system.

Related topics:

Service list

Service units

Administration App instructions
Related CLI command(s)



For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

GET /services

GET /services/c8ca9d05-a3e5-43fe-b1de-bc0e3f8e38f3

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Managing services

This section describes how you can reconfigure, restart, and otherwise manage the services running on your system.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Moving and scaling services

You can change a service to run on:

Additional instances (for example, if you need improved service performance and availability)

Fewer instances (for example, if you want to free up resources on an instance for running other services)

A different set of instances (for example, if you are retiring the piece of hardware on which an instance is installed)


Important: Before attempting to scale the Clustered-File-System service, see Clustered-File-System service considerations.

For information on:

Individual services and the number of instances they should run on, see Service list.

Monitoring service relocation operations, see Monitoring service operations.


Tip:  Use the All Available Instances option to have a floating service be eligible to run on any instance in the system, including any new instances added in the future.

Administration App instructions
Related CLI command(s)


For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

POST /services/configure

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Configuring service settings

You can configure settings for some of the services that the system runs. For information on the settings you can configure for each service, see Service list.


Note: If you make an unwanted change to a service configuration, wait for the operation to finish before creating a new operation to correct the service configuration.

Administration App instructions

1.Click on System Configuration.

2.Click on the Services panel.

3.Click on the Manage Services button.

4.Click on the service you want to configure. Then click Next.

5.Click on the Configure panel.

6.On the Settings tab, configure the service.

For information on the settings available for each service, see Service list.

7.Click on the Update Service button.

Related CLI command(s)


For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

POST /services/configure

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Repairing services

If a service becomes slow, unresponsive, or shows a status of Failed, you can run a service operation to repair it. Repairing a service stops and restarts the service on each instance on which it's running.

For information on viewing service health and activity, see Monitoring services.


Important: Depending on which service you're repairing, parts of the system will be unavailable until the repair operation finishes.

To repair a service:

1.Click on System Configuration.

2.Click on the Services panel.

3.Click on the Manage Services button.

4.Select the service you want to repair and click on the Next button.

5.Select the Repair option and click on the Next button.

6.Click on the Update Service button.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Advanced services

The System Configuration > Services > Advanced Services page in the Administration App includes links to the some of the underlying technologies that your system uses.


Caution: Do not make changes on any of these pages unless you know what you're doing. Improper changes can stop your system from functioning.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.


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