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You can backup all of your system configuration by exporting packages. You can back up these package files and use them to restore your configurations in case of a system failure.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Exporting packages

You can export the configurations for workflow and system components as package files. You can back up these package files and use them to restore your configurations in case of a system failure.

After exporting a package, you can store it in one of your data sources. When you want to import the package, your system can retrieve it directly from the data source.

For information on:

Importing packages, see Importing packages

Administration App instructions

1.Click on System Configuration.

2.Click on the Packages panel.

3.Click on Export.

4.Select the components you want to export.

If you select one component but not the components it depends on, the Administration App prompts you to add those missing components to the package.

5.Click on the Download Package button.

Related CLI command(s)



For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

POST /package/build

POST /package/download

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

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© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.

Importing packages

To import a package, you can upload it from your computer or have your system retrieve it from one of your data sources. After you import the package, your system runs a system task to synchronize the package components across all instances in your system.

The system can have only one imported package at a time.



You cannot import a package component if that component already exists on the system.

Administration App instructions

1.Click on System Configuration.

2.Click on the Packages panel.

3.Click on Import.

4.Do one of these:

oIf the package you want to import is stored on your computer, click and drag the package file into the Upload panel.

oIf the package you want to import is stored in one of your data sources, click on the Load panel. Then, select a data connection and browse for the package file.

5.On the Verify and Install Package page, review the contents of the package and, optionally, select the individual components you want to install.

6.Click on the Install Package button.

Your system starts a system task to install the package components on all instances in the system.

You can monitor the task from the current page or from the MonitoringTasks & ProcessesSystem Processes page.

7.Once the task has completed and all package components have been installed, delete the package from the system. To do this, click on the Delete Package button on the System ConfigurationPackages > Import page.

Related CLI command(s)


loadPackage  —  (Loads a package from a data connection)




For information on running CLI commands, see CLI reference.

Related REST API method(s)

POST /package  —  (Uploads a package)

POST /package/load  —  (Loads a package from a data connection)

POST /package/install

GET /package  —  (Gets the status of the imported package)

DELETE /package

For information on specific REST API methods, in the Administration App, click on the help icon (). Then:

To view the administrative REST API methods, click on Admin API.

To view the API methods used for performing searches, click on Search API.

For general information about the administrative REST API, see REST API reference.

Trademarks, Legal disclaimer, Third-party software in this documentation

© 2017 Hitachi Vantara Corporation. All rights reserved.


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