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Managing volumes

You can get information about volumes, get detailed information about specific volumes, or change volume settings.

NoteYou can use the Embedded CCI to manage volumes created from parity groups, including the following commands:
  • raidcom add ldev
  • raidcom modify ldev
  • raidcom delete ldev
  • raidcom extend ldev
  • raidcom get ldev

To manage external storage resources, use Storage Advisor.

Modifying a volume name

You can modify the volume name.

  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Volumes.

  2. Click GUID-AD1968EB-1936-404B-BECF-E261384BB0BD-low.gif (Edit Volumes) of the volume you want to modify.

  3. Modify the name and click Submit.

Modifying the setting of the capacity saving for volumes

You can modify the setting of the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) for volumes.

The capacity saving is significantly effective in reducing the amount of data stored if high data reduction ratio is already observed for other volumes used for similar operations. Enable the capacity saving to reduce the amount of data stored on volumes for which the feature is expected to be as effective as it is for other volumes. Disable the feature for volumes where the function is not effectively reducing the amount of data being stored. If you change the capacity saving settings while it is enabled, rehydrating data might take some time.

NoteYou can use the Embedded CCI to set the capacity saving mode, using the command raidcom modify ldev.

Before you begin

  • Identify the server name.
  • Identify the volume name.
  • If the planned changes can impact the free space on the pool, check the current amount of free space.


  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Servers. If you are not using Storage Advisor Embedded to manage servers, click Volumes in the dashboard or in the navigation bar, and then skip to step 3.

  2. Click the server name to open the server details page.

  3. Select one or more volumes and click GUID-AD1968EB-1936-404B-BECF-E261384BB0BD-low.gif (Edit Volumes).

  4. Modify the setting of the capacity saving.

  5. Click the volume name to open the details page, and then confirm that the settings are correctly specified.

Deleting volumes

You can delete volumes that are no longer needed. Data in the volumes is also deleted. You cannot delete volumes that are attached to servers.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that there is no snapshot created for the volume.
  • Neither Snapshot nor Attached Unmanaged is displayed for the volume type.

Volumes for which Attached Unmanaged is displayed for the volume type are volumes that were attached by using management software other than Storage Advisor Embedded.


  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Volumes.

  2. Select one or more volumes and click GUID-F074FA1A-3F5C-4AD5-A29C-48E36520F7C7-low.gif (Delete Volumes) .

Volume management

You can use the REST API to obtain volume information, create new volumes, and increase the capacity of volumes that have high usage rates.

Getting volume information

The following request obtains volume information. You can also specify filter conditions.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/simple/v1/objects/volumes
Request message
  • Object ID


  • Query parameters

    With each request, you can obtain information about a maximum of 500 volumes. To obtain information about additional volumes, execute the API request multiple times by using a combination of the count and startVolumeId parameters. By specifying the count parameter, you can also filter the volume information you require.



    Filter Condition



    (Optional) ID of the pool to which the volumes belong

    If poolName is specified, do not specify this parameter.



    (Optional) Name of the pool to which the volumes belong

    Volume information will also be obtained if part of the specified value matches the pool name.

    If poolId is specified, do not specify this parameter. If both poolId and this parameter are specified, this parameter is ignored.



    Only applicable if the server provisioning option is enabled.

    (Optional) ID of the server to which the volumes have been attached

    If serverNickName is specified, do not specify this parameter.



    Only applicable if the server provisioning option is enabled.

    (Optional) Nickname of the server to which the volumes have been attached

    Volume information will also be obtained if part of the specified value matches the nickname of a server.

    If serverId is specified, do not specify this parameter. If both serverId and this parameter are specified, this parameter is ignored.



    (Optional) Nickname of the volumes

    Volume information will also be obtained if part of the specified value matches the nickname of the volume.



    (Optional) Minimum capacity of the volumes (MiB)

    Specify the minimum capacity of the volumes for which you want to obtain information as an integer in the range from 47 through 268435456.



    (Optional) Maximum capacity of the volumes (MiB)

    Specify the maximum capacity of the volumes for which you want to obtain information as an integer in the range from 47 through 268435456.



    (Optional) Minimum usage capacity of the volumes (MiB)

    Specify the minimum usage capacity of the volumes for which you want to obtain information as an integer in the range from 0 through 268435456.



    (Optional) Maximum usage capacity of the volumes (MiB)

    Specify the maximum usage capacity of the volumes for which you want to obtain information an integer in the range from 0 through 268435456.



    (Optional) Specify the ID of the volume for which you want to start acquiring information, by using a value in the range from 0 through 65279.



    (Optional) Specify the number of volumes for which information is to be obtained, by using a value in the range from 1 through 500.

    If this parameter is omitted, 500 is considered.

  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    The following is an example of output of obtained information for a volume that belongs to the pool with ID 63 (63 is specified in the poolId query parameter):

      "data": [
          "id": 100,
          "nickname": "JH-26216_DP",
          "poolId": 63,
          "poolName": "NASOS",
          "totalCapacity": 1024,
          "usedCapacity": 42,
          "numberOfConnectingServers": 2,
          "numberOfSnapshots": 2,
          "volumeTypes": []
          "id": 101,
          "nickname": "JH-26216_DP",
          "poolId": 63,
          "poolName": "NASOS",
          "totalCapacity": 1024,
          "usedCapacity": 0,
          "numberOfConnectingServers": 2,
          "numberOfSnapshots": 2,
          "volumeTypes": [
      "count": 2,
      "totalCount": 2,
      "hasNext": false






    Volume ID






    ID of the pool to which the volume belongs



    Name of the pool to which the volume belongs

    This attribute do not appear when the volume is being created or deleted.



    Total capacity of the volume (MiB)



    Used capacity of the volume (MiB)

    0 appears when the volume is being created or deleted.





    Number of snapshots



    Volume Types

    • Snapshot: Volumes that are created from snapshots and for which volume IDs are defined.
    • System: Volumes used for deduplication system data volumes or journal volumes.
    • Command Device: Volumes used as command devices.
    • SLU: Volumes with the SLU (Subsidiary Logical Unit) attribute.
    • AttachedUnmanaged: Volumes are attached using other management tools.
Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X GET

Getting information about a specific volume

The following request gets information about the volume for the specified volume ID.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/simple/v1/objects/volumes/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the id value obtained by getting information about volumes.






    (Required) Volume ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    The following is an example of getting information about a volume with ID 100:

      "id": 100,
      "nickname": "JH-26216_DP",
      "poolId": 63,
      "poolName": "NASOS",
      "totalCapacity": 1024,
      "usedCapacity": 42,
      "freeCapacity": 982,
      "reservedCapacity": 0,
      "savingSetting": "DISABLE",
      "capacitySavingStatus": "Rehydrating",
      "capacitySavingProgress": 40,
      "numberOfConnectingServers": 2,
      "numberOfSnapshots": 2,
      "luns": [
          "lun": 1,
          "serverId": 10,
          "portId": "CL1-A"
          "lun": 1,
          "serverId": 11,
          "portId": "CL2-A"
      "volumeTypes": []

    The obtained attributes include the following attributes, in addition to the attributes obtained when volume information is obtained:






    Free space in the volume (MiB)

    The total capacity of the volume appears when the volume is being created or deleted.



    Capacity of the reserved pages in the volume (MiB)



    Whether the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) is enabled:

    • DEDUPLICATION_AND_COMPRESSION: The capacity saving (deduplication and compression) is enabled.
    • COMPRESSION: The capacity saving (compression) is enabled.
    • DISABLE: No settings are specified.



    Setting of the capacity saving (deduplication and compression)

    • Disabled: The capacity saving is disabled.
    • Enabled: The capacity saving is enabled.
    • Rehydrating: The capacity saving is being disabled.
    • Enabling: The capacity saving is being enabled.
    • Deleting: The volumes for which the capacity saving is enabled are being deleted.
    • Failed: The data on the deduplication system data volumes is invalid.



    Progress rate of the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) (%)



    Array of LUN configuration information:

    • lun (int):

      LU number

    • serverId (int):

      Server ID

    • portId (string):

      ID of the port to which the LUN is assigned

Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X GET

Changing the volume settings

The following request changes the nickname and capacity saving setting for the specified volume.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Provisioning)

Request line

PATCH base-URL/simple/v1/objects/volumes/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the id value obtained by getting information about volumes.






    (Required) Volume ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body

    Only the specified attributes are changed.

    The following is an example of changing the nickname of a volume:

      "nickname": "REST_API_10GVolume"

    The following is an example of disabling the value set for the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) of a volume:

      "savingSetting": "DISABLE"






    (Optional) Specify a new nickname of up to 32 characters.

    You can use alphanumeric characters (0 through 9, A through Z, a through z), space characters, and the following symbols:

    Exclamation mark (!), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), plus sign (+), comma (,), hyphen (-), period (.), forward slash (/), colon (:), equal sign (=), at sign (@), left square bracket ([), back slash (\), right square bracket (]), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), left curly bracket ({), right curly bracket (}), tilde (~)

    This attribute is case-sensitive.

    You can use a space character between characters, but you cannot use it at the beginning or end of the nickname.

    You cannot use a hyphen (-) at the beginning of the name.

    If you specify this attribute, do not specify savingSetting.



    (Optional) Settings for the capacity saving (deduplication and compression)

    Specify the following values:

    • DEDUPLICATION_AND_COMPRESSION: The capacity saving (deduplication and compression) is enabled.

      The capacity saving (compression) is enabled when you enable the capacity saving (deduplication).

    • COMPRESSION: The capacity saving (compression) is enabled.
    • DISABLE: No settings are specified.

    If you specify this attribute, it might take time to complete.

    If you specify this attribute, do not specify nickname.

Response message
  • Body

    • If you changed the volume nickname:






      List of URLs for referencing information about the changed volume



      Details about the changed volume

      For details, see the description of the operationDetails attribute of the commandStatus object.

    • If you changed the settings for the capacity saving (deduplication and compression):






      URL for referencing information about the changed volume


    Execute the API function for obtaining information about the status of the API function that performs asynchronous processing. For details, see Getting status information about an API function that performs asynchronous processing.

Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Deleting a volume

The following request deletes the volume corresponding to the specified volume ID.


The request to delete a volume for which the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) is enabled might take some time to complete. For this reason, we recommend that you plan when to delete such volumes.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Provisioning)

Request line

DELETE base-URL/simple/v1/objects/volumes/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the id value obtained by getting information about volumes.






    (Required) Volume ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X DELETE

raidcom get ldev

Displays the information of the specified LDEV or the device file. A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.

raidcom get ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> … [-cnt <count>] |
   -grp_opt <group option> -device_grp_name <device group 
   name> [<device name>] | -ldev_list <ldev list option>}
   [-key <keyword>][{-check_status | -check_status_not}
   <string>... [-time <time>]]
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#> …

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
    • -ldev_id 100-110
    • -ldev_id 100 -cnt 10
  • [-cnt <count> ]

    Specifies the count (2-65280).

    If this option is omitted, the count is set to one.

  • -grp_opt <group option>

    Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.

  • -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]

    Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.

    To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.

    If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.

  • -ldev_list <ldev list option>

    Specifies the type of LDEVs to display. Specify one of the following LDEV list options. If the LDEV that meets the specified condition does not exist, [EX_ENODEV] No such device is displayed.

    • defined: Displays all implemented LDEVs.
    • dp_volume: Displays LDEVs that have Dynamic Provisioning attributes.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs that have Dynamic Provisioning attributes related to the specified POOL.

    • external_volume: Displays external volumes.
    • undefined: Displays all LDEV numbers that are not implemented.
    • mapped: Displays all LDEVs to which LU paths are defined.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.

    • unmapped: Displays all LDEVs to which LU paths are defined. However, LDEVs that are not implemented are not displayed because they cannot specify the LU path.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (not defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.

    • journal -journal_id <journal id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified journal.
    • pool -pool_id <pool id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified pool.

      If a -pool_id option is non-numeric, the specified value is recognized as a pool name to identify the pool ID.

    • parity_grp -parity_grp_id <parity group id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified parity group.
    • mp_blade -mp_blade_id <mp#>: Displays LDEVs that are set to the specified MP blades.
    • quorum: Displays LDEVs set for the quorum disks.
    • clpr-clpr_id <clpr#> : Displays LDEVs belonging to the specified CLPR.

      Supported storage systems:

      • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
  • [-key <keyword> ]

    Specifies a display keyword.

    If this option is omitted, basic LDEV information is displayed. If this option is specified, the following information is displayed. The following display keywords can be specified:

    front_end: Front-end information

    parity_grp: Parity group information

    external: External volume information

    tier: Tier information for the Dynamic Tiering or active flash V-VOL.

    software_saving: Information on the capacity saved by the capacity saving feature for volumes with the capacity saving feature enabled.

    naa: The NAA identifier of the LU (LUN WWN)

  • [-check_status <string>... [-time <time>]]

    Check if the LDEV is in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the OR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is in one of the states contained in the option.

    The following strings are specified in the <string>.

    • STS
      • NML: Normal
      • BLK: Blocked
      • BSY: Status is changing
    • OPE_TYPE
      • FMT: Formatting
      • QFMT: Quick formatting
      • CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
      • CACCS: Accessing to collections
      • NONE: Not in operation
      • SHRD: Shredding
      • ZPD: Page discarding
      • SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
      • RLC: Pool relocating
      • RBL: Pool rebalancing
    • VOL_TYPE
      • NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
      • DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
      • REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted

    If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).

    When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.

    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states: 0
    • The LDEV is in none of the specified states (without -time option): 1
    • The LDEV is in none of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT
  • [-check_status_not <string>... [-time <time>]]

    Check that the LDEV is not in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the NOR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is not in any of the states contained in the option.

    The following strings are specified in the <string>.

    • STS
      • NML: Normal
      • BLK: Blocked
      • BSY: Status is changing
    • OPE_TYPE
      • FMT: Formatting
      • QFMT: Quick formatting
      • CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
      • CACCS: Accessing to collections
      • NONE: Not in operation
      • SHRD: Shredding
      • ZPD: Page discarding
      • SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
      • RLC: Pool relocating
      • RBL: Pool rebalancing
    • VOL_TYPE
      • NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
      • DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
      • REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted

    If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).

    When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.

    • The LDEV is not in any of the specified states: 0
    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states (without -time option): 1
    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT

Some keywords might not be displayed depending on the LDEV attribute as shown below.

LDEV attribute

Front end

Parity group



Normal volume

Internal volume





External volume





POOL Volume for Thin Image, Copy-on-Write Snapshot, Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe

Internal volume





External volume





Journal volume

Internal volume





External volume





Legend Y: Displayed, N: Not displayed

  • Internal volume examples
  • External volume examples
  • Dynamic Provisioning V-VOL examples
  • Deduplication system data volume example
  • Volume deletion examples
  • Dynamic Tiering V-VOL examples
  • Thin Image primary volume example
  • Pool volume example
  • rmawk command examples
  • Capacity saving example

raidcom modify ldev

Changes the following LDEV attributes:

  • Blocking LDEV and restoring LDEV.
  • Setting LDEV nickname.
  • Setting MP blade ID of LDEV.
  • Setting the Tiering policy, the new page assignment tier, or enabling or disabling of the tier relocation for the Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe V-VOL.
  • Instructing the page discarding of V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.
  • Setting the SSID.
  • Setting the command device attribute.
  • Setting the quorum disk and releasing setting of the quorum disk.
  • Setting capacity saving.
  • Setting the capacity saving processing mode (post process or inline).

When blocking LDEV, restoring LDEV, setting the quorum disk, releasing setting of the quorum disk, or setting capacity saving, this command is executed asynchronously with the command input. Check the completion of this process using the raidcom get command_status command.

raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id <ldev#> {-status <status> [<level>]
   [-forcible -password <One Time Password>]  
   | -ldev_name <ldev naming> | -mp_blade_id <mp#> | -ssid <value> |
   [-forcible -password <One Time Password>]  -command_device 
   {y | n} [Security value] | -quorum_enable <serial#> 
   <id> -quorum_id <quorum id> | -quorum_disable | 
   -alua {enable|disable} | -capacity_saving <capacity saving>
   | -capacity_saving_mode <saving mode>}
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#>

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
  • -status <status> [<level>]

    Specifies the LDEV status. The following LDEV statuses can be specified.

    • nml: Changes the LDEV status to Normal
    • blk: Changes the LDEV status to Blockade
    • {enable_reallocation [<level>]|enable_relocation [<level>]}: Relocation of LDEV (V-VOL for Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe) enabled. Defines the tier that is used for reallocation depending on the value of the level.
      • all: Uses all tiers in the pool.
      • 1-5: Specifies the level of the tier for use. For details, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.
    • disable_reallocation | disable_relocation: Relocation of LDEV (V-VOL for Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe) disabled
    • discard_zero_page: Discarding 0 page of LDEV(V-VOL) for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.
    • stop_discard_zero_page: Stops the discard of LDEV (virtual volume) pages for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.
    • enable_relocation_policy <policy_id>: Enables the LDEV relocation for Dynamic Tiering or active flash, and sets the level or customized policy of the Tier to be used for the relocation by Policy ID.


      • all: Uses all tiers in the pool.
      • 1-5: Specifies the level of the tier for use.
      • 6-31: Specifies the customized policy of the tier for use.
    • new_page_allocation: Sets the Tier when new page is allocated to the LDEV for Dynamic Tiering or active flash (V-VOL). The value is one of high/middle/low.
    • enable_fullallocation: Enables Full Allocation. If all areas equivalent to the sum of the pool capacities the specified volume requires can be reserved, it is guaranteed that all areas of DP-VOL are writable.
    • disable_fullallocation: Disables Full Allocation.

    For example:

    • -status nml
  • [-forcible -password <One Time Password>]

    Specify this option with a one-time password to restore an LDEV status forcibly without considering data consistency. For details about the password, contact customer support. This option is valid only if the -status nml option is specified.

  • -ldev_name <ldev naming>

    Specifies the LDEV nickname (maximum 32 characters).

  • -mp_blade_id <mp#>

    Specifies the MP blade ID (0-15).

    Do not change the MP blade ID during initial copying or I/O processing of TrueCopy, ShadowImage, Universal Replicator, or global-active device.

    To change the MP blade ID again for the same LDEV, wait for more than 30 minutes after changing the MP blade ID. For example:

    -mp_blade_id 2

    When you change the MP blade ID where the LDEV is allocated, both before and after the changing should be executed during as off-peak hours for the rate of write pending data of the MP blade as possible. It is recommended to execute when the rate of write pending data of all CLPRs is less than 50%.

    Do not change the MP blade ID in regard to a lot of LDEVs at the same time. The number of LDEVs and I/O workload for which you can change the MP blade ID at the same time is lower than 10% of the total number of LDEVs where the same MP blade ID is allocated as a guideline.

  • -ssid <value>

    Specifies SSID (hexadecimal number).

    When specifying SSID, specify not only unallocated SSID but also LDEV ID. In this case, LDEV ID must be ID for the undefined LDEV in the area where SSID is not allocated. For example:

    -ssid 0x1234 -ldev_id 200

    NoteThis option is for enterprise storage systems. You do not need to specify SSID for HUS VM, VSP Gx00 models, and VSP Fx00 models, but this option is enabled.
  • -command_device {y | n} [Security value]

    Configures command device attribute.

    y: Command device attribute enabled.

    n: Command device attribute disabled.

    Specifies the value of command device security (0-7).

    You can specify 0-7 to Security value as the command device security setting:

    • 0: Security: OFF, User authentication: OFF, Group information acquisition: OFF
    • 1: Security: OFF, User authentication: OFF, Group information acquisition: ON
    • 2: Security: OFF, User authentication: ON, Group information acquisition: OFF
    • 3: Security: OFF, User authentication: ON, Group information acquisition: ON
    • 4: Security: ON, User authentication: OFF, Group information acquisition: OFF
    • 5: Security: ON, User authentication: OFF, Group information acquisition: ON
    • 6: Security: ON, User authentication: ON, Group information acquisition: OFF
    • 7: Security: ON, User authentication: ON, Group information acquisition: ON
  • -quorum_enable <serial#> <id>

    Sets quorum disk for global-active device configuration. You must also set the -quorum_id parameter.

    serial#: Serial number (of the migration source storage system)

    id: The identifier of the source storage system

    • R600: USP V
    • RK600: USP VM
    • R700: VSP
    • R800: VSP G1x00, VSP F1500
    • M700: HUS VM
    • M850: VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900
  • -quorum_id <quorum id>

    Specifies the quorum ID for setting the quorum disk.

  • -quorum_disable

    Releases setting of the quorum disk.

  • -alua {enable|disable}

    Specifies the ALUA mode. You must enable ALUA mode only when you use ALUA by global-active device.

    • enable: The ALUA mode is enabled.
    • disable: The ALUA mode is disabled.
  • [-capacity_saving <capacity saving>]

    Specifies the capacity saving setting:

    • disable: Capacity saving is disabled.
    • compression: Compression is enabled.
    • deduplication_compression: Deduplication and compression are enabled.
    Note Disabling the capacity saving setting for a deduplication volume might take a while to complete due to its data extension operation. Also, more pool/physical capacity might be used. You cannot stop the operation of disabling the capacity saving setting while it is in process.
  • [-capacity_saving_mode <saving mode>]

    Specifies post-process mode or inline mode as the capacity saving processing mode for DP-VOLs. For details about the capacity saving processing modes, see the Provisioning Guide for the storage system.

  • post_process: Sets the post-process mode for capacity saving processing.
  • inline: Sets the inline mode for capacity saving processing.

For VSP G1x00, VSP F1500, VSP G200, G400, G600, G800, and VSP F400, F600, F800 post_process is the default. For VSP G350, G370, G700, G900 and VSP F350, F370, F700, F900 inline is the default.


Restoring the LDEV: 200.

# raidcom modify ldev -status nml -ldev_id 200

Blocking the LDEV: 200.

# raidcom modify ldev -status blk -ldev_id 200

Assigning an LDEV nickname: my_volume to LDEV: 200

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -ldev_name my_volume

Setting the LDEV owner MP blade ID of LDEV: 200 to 2

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -mp_blade_id 2

Enabling relocation of LDEV (Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe V-VOL): 200

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -status enable_reallocation

Disabling relocation of LDEV (Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe V-VOL): 200

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -status disable_reallocation

Discarding the zero page of LDEV (Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe V-VOL): 200

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -status discard_zero_page

Specifying 0x1234 to LDEV SSID of LDEV: 200.


Specify undefined LDEV number: 200 in the area that is not allocated SSID, and assign new SSID: 0x1234. If you specify an LDEV number that is already defined or an SSID that is already registered, an error occurs.

# raidcom modify ldev -ssid 0x1234 -ldev_id 200

Enabling LDEV command device attribute of LDEV: 200. Specifies 2 to the value of command device security.

# raidcom modify ldev -command_device y 2 -ldev_id 200

Disabling LDEV command device attribute of LDEV: 200.

# raidcom modify ldev -command_device n -ldev_id 200

Setting the relocation of LDEV for LDEV:200 by the customized policy 6.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -status enable_relocation_policy 6

Setting the tier from which the new mapped page of LDEV: 200 is allocated to High.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -status new_page_allocation high

Setting LDEV: 200 as the quorum disk whose quorum ID is 10.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -quorum_enable 65384 R700 -quorum_id 10

Enabling the ALUA mode for LDEV: 200.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -alua enable

Setting the capacity saving setting to compression for LDEV: 200.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 200 -capacity_saving compression

Changing the capacity saving processing mode for LDEV: 0 to the inline mode.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 0 -capacity_saving_mode inline

Changing the capacity saving processing mode for LDEV: 0 to the post-process mode.

# raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 0 -capacity_saving_mode post_process

raidcom delete ldev

Deletes the specified LDEVs or V-VOLs. A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.

This command is executed asynchronously with the command input. Check the completion of this process on the raidcom get command_status command.

raidcom delete ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> | -grp_opt <group option> 
     -device_grp_name <device group name>  [<device name>] }
     [-operation initialize_capacity_saving]
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#> (0-65279)

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
  • -grp_opt <group option>

    Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.

  • -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]

    Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.

    To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.

    If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.

  • [-operation initialize_capacity_saving]

    Deletes an LDEV for which the capacity saving setting is enabled. When you specify this option, use the raidcom get command_status command to check if the LDEV deletion started, and then use the raidcom get ldev command to check if VOL_TYPE of the LDEV is changed from REMOVING to NOT DEFINED. If you perform another operation during or immediately after deletion of the LDEV, the operation might fail. In this case, wait a while and then retry the operation.

    • Deleting a deduplication volume using this command might take a while. Also, more pool/physical capacity might be used. You cannot stop the deletion operation while it is in process.
    • If you want to delete all of the pool-associated volumes for which capacity saving is enabled, first execute the raidcom modify ldev command to block both the pool-associated volumes and the deduplication system data volumes, and then execute the raidcom initialize pool command. By executing the raidcom initialize pool command before deleting the volumes, you can shorten the time for the volume deletion process and prevent the increase of pool capacity to be used.

Deleting an LDEV: 200.

raidcom delete ldev -ldev_id 200

Deleting an LDEV belonging to the device group: grp1.

raidcom delete ldev -grp_opt ldev -device_grp_name grp1

Deleting an LDEV: 200, for which capacity saving setting is enabled.

# raidcom delete ldev -ldev_id 200 -operation initialize_capacity_saving

raidcom add ldev

Adds an LDEV to the specified parity group or the external volume group. Or this adds V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash for mainframe, Thin Image, or Copy-on-Write Snapshot to the specified pool.

Alternatively, this command creates V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning associated with a pool volume having the data direct mapping attribute.

This command is executed asynchronously with the command input. Check the completion of this process on the raidcom get command_status command.


When creating an LDEV or V-VOL in the specified parity group, external volume group, or pool.

raidcom add ldev {-parity_grp_id <gno-sgno>| 
   -external_grp_id <gno-sgno> | -pool {<pool ID#> |
    <pool naming> | snap}} {-ldev_id <ldev#> | 
   -tse_ldev_id <ldev#> | -ldev_id auto -request_id auto 
   [-resource_id <resource group id>] [-ldev_range <range>]} 
   {-capacity <size> | -offset_capacity <size> | -cylinder <size>} 
   [-emulation <emulation type>][-location <lba>]
   [-mp_blade_id <mp#>][-clpr <clpr#>]
   [-status {enable_fullallocation | disable_fullallocation}] 
   [-capacity_saving {compression | deduplication_compression} 
   [-capacity_saving_mode <saving_mode>] | 
   -capacity_saving disable]

When creating a V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning associated with a pool volume having the data direct mapping attribute.

raidcom add ldev -ldev_id <ldev#> -mapping_ldev_id <ldev id>
Options and parameters
  • -parity_grp_id <gno-sgno>

    Specifies the parity group number (gno:1-52, sgno:1-32) (for example, 3-1).

  • -external_grp_id <gno-sgno>

    Specifies the external volume group number (gno:1-16384, sgno:1-4096) (for example, 52-11 ("E" is not required)).

  • -pool {<pool ID#> | <pool naming> | snap}

    Specifies a Pool ID or Pool name for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe when V-VOL is created to Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe pool.

    When only a number is specified, it is recognized as a pool ID. Therefore, when you specify a pool that the pool name is only a number, specify the pool ID instead of the pool name.

    When creating V-VOL for a Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot pool, specify "snap".

  • -ldev_id <ldev#> | -tse_ldev_id <ldev#>

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279).

    If you specify the -tse_ldev_id option, the volume is the same as the volume used by FlashCopy SE. When using -tse_ldev_id option, you must create the virtual volumes in Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe. For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
    • -tse_ldev_id 400
  • -ldev_id auto -request_id auto [-resource_id <resource group id>] [-ldev_range <range>]

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
    • VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    This option can be specified only when a V-VOL of which emulation type is OPEN-V is created in a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Tiering pool.

    Specify this option to automatically assign an LDEV number to the LDEV you created. From the unused numbers of the LDEVs for which the user has operation permission, the smallest LDEV number is assigned. To limit the range of the LDEV numbers to be assigned, use any of the following options:

    • -request_id auto: Effective only when "auto" is specified as the -request_id option. If other option than "auto" is specified, EX_INVARG or EX_REQARG is replied.
    • -resource_id <resource grp id>: Assigns the smallest LDEV number from the numbers of the unused LDEVs with the specified resource group ID.
    • -ldev_range <range>: Assigns the smallest LDEV number from the numbers of the unused LDEVs with the LDEV number specified by <range>. If the -resource_id <resource grp id> is specified with this option, the smallest LDEV number from the numbers of the unused LDEVs that have the LDEV number in <range> and the specified resource group number is assigned.

    Specify <range> in the format of <starting-LDEV-number-ending-LDEV-number>. LDEV numbers must be specified in decimal or hexadecimal. To specify in hexadecimal, add 0x at the beginning of the LDEV number.

    For example, to specify LDEV numbers from 300 to 305:

    • -ldev_range 300-305
    • -ldev_range 0x12c-0x131
    • -ldev_range 0x12c-305

      (You can combine decimal and hexadecimal numbers.)

    You can check the selected LDEV numbers using the raidcom get command_status command.

    The selected LDEV numbers are output after completion of the raidcom add ldev command. The LDEV numbers are output in the following format:

    • REQID : <request#>

      Where <request#> is a request ID assigned each time the command is executed. The raidcom get command_status command uses the ID when waiting for completion of LDEV creation. For details, see the description of the raidcom get command_status command.

    The request ID might be output when the command execution fails. If the request ID is output, check the error information with raidcom get command_status command, and release the request ID by the raidcom reset command_status -request_id <request#> command or raidcom reset command_status -request_id all command. 65,280 request IDs can be used in a storage system.

    If there are no request IDs you can use, the command fails with EX_IDEXHA. In this case, release the unused request IDs by the following procedure, and then execute the command again. Alternatively, ask another user who uses a request ID to release it, and then execute the command.

    Procedure for releasing request IDs:

    1. Use the raidcom get command_status command to check the error information of the request ID for which error information you did not check.
    2. Release the request ID by the raidcom reset command_status -request_id all command.

    Unused LDEV numbers in the resource group where you create an LDEV and in the LDEV number range must satisfy the following requirements:

    • The unused LDEV numbers are not in the same range (grouped by every 32 LDEV numbers) as the installed LDEV in an emulation group other than OPEN-V. If this requirement is not satisfied, the command might fail with EX_CMDRJE (SSB1=2E30, SSB2=0026).
    • The unused LDEV numbers are not used as an alias of PAV. If this requirement is not satisfied, the command might fail with EX_CMDRJE (SSB1=2E30, SSB2=0025).
    • The unused LDEV numbers can be used in the shared memory installed in the storage system. If this requirement is not satisfied, the command might fail with EX_CMDRJE (SSB1=2E23, SSB2=0001).
    • When using a mainframe volume in the same storage system, SSID that is not used by the mainframe volume is assigned to the unused LDEV numbers.

    The storage system might execute multiple raidcom add ldev commands at the same time. In such a batch operation, if one command fails, the others also fail. You can display command error information by executing raidcom get command_status -request_id <request#>, where you must specify the Request ID output when the command is executed. For errors caused due to batch operation, 'O' is displayed in column R, while for errors caused for other reason, 'T' is displayed in the same column. For example, if a user issues two raidcom add ldev -ldev_id auto commands at the same time to a storage system having only one free LDEV number, the system attempts to execute the commands in a batch, causing both of them to fail. Check command status by executing raidcom get command_status -request_id <request#> with the Request ID. If 'O' is displayed under column R, retry the command.

  • -capacity <size>

    Specifies the capacity. The size can be specified in bytes or blocks. When specifying in bytes, the unit is t/T (terabyte), g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte). If this unit is omitted, block (512 bytes) is used.

    When specifying in bytes, note the following:

    • There is no size correction.
    • If the capacity of LDEVs that are created by GUI and by CLI are the same, a copy pair might not be created. To create a pair with an LDEV that was created by GUI, create the LDEV by specifying blocks.

    Example of specification:

    1GB (gigabyte) is:

    -capacity 1G, -capacity 1g, -capacity 1024M, -capacity 1024m, -capacity 1048576K, -capacity 1048576k, -capacity 2097152

    In the case of volumes other than OPEN-V, more free space than the capacity that was actually specified is required. For details, see the Provisioning Guide for the storage system.

    When you specify "all" instead of digits to create an OPEN-V LDEV and no LDEV has been created in the specified parity group* or the external volume group, the system allocates all empty space for the LDEV. If the empty space is larger than the maximum capacity of an LDEV, the system creates the LDEV with the maximum capacity and leaves the rest of the space as an empty space.

    *: "all" cannot be specified depending on the combination of the drive type and drive level because of the LDEV control area allocation, and so on. In this case specify bytes or blocks.

  • -offset_capacity <size>

    Specifies capacity. Corrects the size as well as GUI for the specified capacity. The capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks. When specifying byte, the unit is t/T (terabyte), g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte).

  • -cylinder <size>

    Specifies the size in cylinder unit. When specifying, the unit is t/T (teracylinder), g/G (gigacylinder), m/M (megacylinder), or k/K (kilocylinder). Cylinder is applied if you do not specify the unit.

    When an open-systems emulation type is specified, this option cannot be specified.

  • [-location <lba>]

    Specifies the Location (the starting point of the LDEV to be created in the parity group/external volume group). If this specification is omitted, create a LDEV and close up in the free space.

  • [-emulation <emulation type> ]

    Specifies the emulation type (for example, OPEN-V).

    If this specification is omitted, OPEN-V is specified.

    If this specification is omitted when the virtual volume is crated, the following emulation type is specified.

    • OPEN-V: Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Tiering, or active flash
    • 3390-A: Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe

    The values that can be specified for <emulation type> are:

    • 3390-1, 3390-2, 3390-3, 3390-A, 3390-3A, 3390-3B, 3390-3C, 3390-3R, 3390-9, 3390-9A, 3390-9B, 3390-9C, 3390-L, 3390-LA, 3390-LB, 3390-LC, 3390-M, 3390-MA, 3390-MB, 3390-MC, 3390-V
    • 3380-3, 3380-3A, 3380-3B, 3380-3C

    Some emulation types cannot be specified depending on the emulation type.


    You can specify 3390-3 or 3390-3R as the emulation type, but these are unable to be mixed. You can specify the 3380 series or the 3390 series as the emulation type for each parity group, but they are unable to be mixed for each 32 address boundary because of the OS restriction.

  • [-mp_blade_id <mp#> ]

    Specifies the MP blade ID (0-15). If this specification is omitted, it is allocated automatically.

  • [-clpr <clpr#> ]

    When you create virtual volumes by specifying the -pool <pool#> option, specify the CLPR ID. If you omit this option, the ID number of CLPR to which the pool is allocated is used.

  • [-status {enable_fullallocation | disable_fullallocation}]

    Specifies an availability of Full Allocation when the virtual volume is used for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Tiering, or active flash. If this specification is omitted, Full Allocation is disabled.

    • enable_fullallocation: Enables Full Allocation. If all areas equivalent to the sum of the pool capacities the specified volume requires can be reserved, it is guaranteed that all areas of DP-VOL are writable.
    • disable_fullallocation: Disables Full Allocation.
  • [-t10pi_enable]

    Enables the T10 PI attribute.

  • -mapping_ldev_id <ldev id>

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
    • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    Creates the V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning associated with the pool volume having the data direct mapping attribute. When you specify this option, the data direct mapping attribute is automatically set to the V-VOL to be created.

  • [-capacity_saving <capacity saving>]

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
    • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    Specifies the capacity saving setting. If you omit this option, a volume is created with the capacity saving function disabled.

    • compression: Enables compression.
    • deduplication_compression: Enables deduplication and compression.
    • disable: Disables capacity saving.
  • [-capacity_saving_mode <saving mode>]

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
    • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    When you enable capacity saving, specifies the post-process mode or inline mode as the capacity saving processing mode for DP-VOLs. For details about the capacity saving processing modes, see the Provisioning Guide for the storage system.

    • post_process: Sets the post-process mode for capacity saving processing.
    • inline: Sets the inline mode for capacity saving processing.

    For VSP G1x00, VSP F1500, VSP G200, G400, G600, G800, and VSP F400, F600, F800 post_process is the default. For VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900 inline is the default.


Creating an LDEV: 100 of size 10 GB in a parity group: 5-2.

Location in the parity group: automatic allocation, LDEV Emulation type: OPEN-V

# raidcom add ldev -parity_grp_id 5-2 -ldev_id 100 -capacity 10G

Creating an LDEV with the following conditions: Parity group: 5-3, location of the parity group: automatic allocation, Emulation type: 3390-3, Size: 10 M cylinder (Cylinder specification), LDEV: 120.

# raidcom add ldev -parity_grp_id 5-3 -ldev_id 120 -cylinder 10m -emulation 3390-3

Creating an LDEV of position in the external volume: allocated automatically, emulation type: OPEN-V, External volume: 01-02, Capacity: 200 MB, and LDEV number: 200.

# raidcom add ldev -external_grp_id 01-02 -ldev_id 200 -capacity 200m

Creating an LDEV of external volume group: 01-03, position in the external volume: allocated automatically, emulation type: OPEN-V, External volume size: takeover, and LDEV number: 220.

# raidcom add ldev -external_grp_id 01-03 -ldev_id 220 -capacity all

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB and number: 300, to a pool for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.

# raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id 300 -capacity 300m

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB and LDEV number: 400, to a pool for Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot.

# raidcom add ldev -pool snap -ldev_id 400 -capacity 300m

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB, LDEV number: 300, and Full Allocation: enable, to the pool ID: 4 for Dynamic Provisioning.

# raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id 300 -capacity 300m -status enable_fullallocation

Creating a V-VOL (LDEV ID: 44:44) for Dynamic Provisioning associated with the pool volume (LDEV ID: 22:22) that has the data direct mapping attribute in the Dynamic Provisioning pool.

#raidcom add ldev -ldev_id 44:44 -mapping_ldev_id 22:22

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB, LDEV number: 300, and the T10 PI attribute: valid, in a pool (pool ID: 4) for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.

# raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id 300 -capacity 300m -t10pi_enable

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB, LDEV number: 300, and capacity saving setting: compression, in the pool (ID: 4) for Dynamic Provisioning.

# raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id 300 -capacity 300m -capacity_saving compression

Creating a V-VOL of Capacity: 300 MB, LDEV number: 300, capacity saving setting: deduplication and compression, and capacity saving mode: inline, in the pool (ID: 4) for Dynamic Provisioning.

#raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id 300 -capacity 300m -capacity_saving deduplication_compression -capacity_saving_mode inline

Creating a V-VOL of capacity: 10 GB for a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Tiering pool (pool ID: 4), and assigning an unused LDEV number automatically.

# raidcom add ldev -pool 4 -ldev_id auto -request_id auto -capacity 10G

Creating an LDEV of parity group: 33-16, position in the parity group: allocated automatically, emulation type: OPEN-V, and size: 10GB, and allocating an unused LDEV number automatically for the created LDEV.

# raidcom add ldev -parity_grp_id 33-16 -ldev_id auto -capacity 10G REQID : 100 
CautionIf an LDEV larger than 4 TB is specified, the following message is shown:

raidcom : Please check if LDEV over 4 TB will be used for replication products, and then check the supported capacity.

raidcom extend ldev

Extends the capacity of a V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe.

If the specified LDEV is not a V-VOL of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe, the command is rejected with EX_ENOOBJ.

A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.

raidcom extend ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> | -grp_opt <group option> 
     -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]} 
     -capacity <size> | -offset_capacity <size> | -cylinder <size>
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#> (0-65279)

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). Specify LDEVs for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe. For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
  • -grp_opt <group option>

    Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.

  • -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]

    Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.

    To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.

    If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.

  • -capacity <size>

    The increment size of capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks. When specifying in bytes, the unit is t/T (terabyte), g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte). If this unit is omitted, block (512 bytes) is used.

    Example of specification:

    1GB (gigabyte) is:

    -capacity 1G, -capacity 1g, -capacity 1024M, -capacity 1024m, -capacity 1048576K, -capacity 1048576k, -capacity 2097152

  • -offset_capacity <size>

    Specifies capacity. Corrects the size as well as GUI for the specified capacity. The capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks.

  • -cylinder <size>

    Specifies the size in cylinder unit. When specifying, the unit is g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte). Cylinder is applied if you do not specify the unit.

    When the emulation type for the Open System is specified, this option cannot be specified.


Extending the capacity of a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL: 200 by 10 GB.

# raidcom extend ldev -ldev_id 200 -capacity 10G

Extending the capacity of a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL: 201 by 200 MB.

# raidcom extend ldev -ldev_id 201 -capacity 200M

Extending the capacity of Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL belonging to the device group: grp1 by 200 MB.

# raidcom extend ldev -grp_opt ldev -device_grp_name grp1 -capacity 200M

Shredding volumes

By using the CCI, you can completely erase all data from volumes. After the erase, the volumes can be reused securely.


Data cannot be restored after the shredding. Therefore, before executing the command, make sure that the specified volumes are correct.

You can prevent data leakage by shredding volumes in the following cases:

  • When you want to reuse a volume.
  • When you want to dispose of a drive.

Shredding erases the volume data by overwriting it repeatedly with dummy data.

Operation overview

Block the target volume, and then delete the data.

  • Block the volume.

    To stop access to the target volume, block the volume. To prevent operation mistakes, data can be erased only when the volume is blocked.

  • Erase the data from the volume.

    Delete data from the volume by repeatedly overwriting the unnecessary dummy data. You can specify any data pattern for the second time. By default, the dummy data is overwritten in the following order:

    • First time: 0x00000000

    • Second time: 0xFFFFFFFF

    • Third time: 0x00000000

Example environment

The following figure shows an example system environment.


    • Server

      CCI is installed on the server.

    • Storage volumes for shredding

      Volume ID: 100

      Volume ID: 200

    • User name and password of storage system

      User name: user00

      Password: password00

Volume shredding command example

Delete data from all of the volumes in a pool.

Before you begin

  • I/O operations of the volume have stopped.
  • The volume is not paired with another volume.


  1. Log in to a storage system by using the CCI.

    # raidcom -login user00 password00
  2. Block volumes for shredding.

    # raidcom modify ldev -ldev_id 100 200 -status blk
  3. Delete the data from the blocked volumes.

    # raidcom initialize ldev -operation shrd 0x55aa55aa -ldev_id 100 200
  4. Make sure that the data has been deleted.

    # raidcom get command_status
    # echo $?

    If the return value is 0, the shredding command completed normally. If the return value is 1, the command returned errors.

  5. Log out from the storage system.

    # raidcom -logout


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