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Expanding volumes and pools

You can increase the capacity of a volume or a pool that has a high usage rate. You can view the results of any capacity saving technologies in use in the dashboard and the Pool details page.

Workflow for expanding the capacity of a pool

If a pool's usage rate increases, you can expand the capacity of the pool to continue with your operations.

Add new drives to expand the capacity of a pool, as shown in the following workflow. Check the drive type and the drive speed in the details page of the pool. If you are using multiple pools, you can delete a pool that is not in use and reuse the drives from that pool, as shown in the subsequent workflow.



Workflow for creating additional pools

Create additional pools to improve fault-tolerance and ensure I/O performance, as shown in the following workflow.


Checking the volume capacity

You can check the capacity of a volume managed by Storage Advisor Embedded.

  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Servers. If you are not using Storage Advisor Embedded to manage servers, click Volumes in the dashboard or in the navigation bar, and then skip to step 3.

  2. Click the server name to open the server details page.

  3. Click the volume name to open the volume details page.

  4. Check the amount of used capacity, the usage rate, and other settings displayed in Summary.


    The volume capacity of a volume of the type Snapshot is not used. Data is stored directly in a pool.

Expanding the volume capacity

You can expand the capacity of a volume to increase the capacity that can be attached to the server.

  1. In the dashboard or in the navigation bar, click Servers. If you are not using Storage Advisor Embedded to manage servers, click Volumes in the dashboard or in the navigation bar, and then skip to step 3.

  2. Click the server name to open the server details page.

  3. Select one or more volumes and click GUID-402D8AA1-0960-497B-89D3-E00D72395927-low.gif (Expand Volumes).

  4. Expand the capacity of the selected volumes by specifying the amount of capacity to be added or by specifying the total capacity after expansion.

Checking the pool capacity

You can check the capacity of the pools managed by Storage Advisor Embedded. If you are using multiple pools, you can check the capacity of each pool and the total capacity of all pools.

  1. Check the capacity of pools in the following pages:

    • The total capacity of the pools: View Capacity Usage on the dashboard GUID-BEA346E6-E297-4B97-844F-F32638C41F7C-low.gif
    • The capacity of each pool: Click the name of the pool in the pool inventory to display the pool details page GUID-6AF88033-A058-4A92-AF63-513BD7B1F134-low.gif

Checking the drives that make up a pool

You can check the information about the drives that make up a pool, or the RAID level of the drives that make up a pool.

  1. In the navigation bar, click Pools.

  2. Click the pool name to open the pool details page.

  3. Click Drives, and then check the drive information or the RAID level.GUID-F07B5AF1-7C6F-496F-9429-498F11B9D4DE-low.gif

Expanding the capacity of a pool

If a pool's usage rate becomes high, you can continue using the pool by expanding the capacity of the pool.

Pools for thin provisioning are virtual areas in a storage system that are associated with multiple drives. Thin provisioning provides virtual volumes to a server and uses the actual capacity from a pool when a server makes a write request.

Storage Advisor Embedded displays a recommended configuration, from among various configurations supported by the storage system. This configuration consists of the combination of drives that allow drive space to be used most effectively.

For storage systems with a valid Dynamic Tiering license, if you include drives that have different drive information (drive type or drive rotation speed), the expanded pool will be a tiered pool where tiers are arranged by performance. In a tiered pool, data is automatically stored in optimum tiers.


  1. In the navigation bar, click Pools.

  2. Click GUID-402D8AA1-0960-497B-89D3-E00D72395927-low.gif (Expand Pool) for the pool being expanded.

  3. Click Submit to accept the recommended configuration and create a pool.

    To expand a pool by specifying its configuration, change the number of drives. Next, click Check to check the available combinations, and then click Submit.

Checking data reduction achieved using the capacity saving

You can check how effectively the storage system is being utilized when the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) is enabled in the storage system.

  1. In the following windows, check the amount of data reduction achieved by using the capacity saving (deduplication and compression) for the storage system:

    • Data reduction for the entire storage system: View the Data Reduction report on the dashboard.


    • Data reduction for each pool: Click a pool name in the Pools inventory to display the details page.


Expanding the capacity of a volume

The following request expands the capacity of the volume for the specified volume ID.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Provisioning)

Request line

POST base-URL/simple/v1/objects/volumes/object-ID/actions/expand/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the id value obtained by getting information about volumes.






    (Required) Volume ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body

    The following is an example of adding 100 MiB of capacity to a volume:

      "capacity": 100






    (Required) Capacity to be added to the volume (MiB)

    Specify the capacity to be added, as an integer in the range from 1 through 268435456.

Response message
  • Body






    List of URLs for referencing information about the capacity added to a volume



    Details about a volume to which capacity was added

    For details, see the description of the operationDetails attribute of the commandStatus object.

Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Getting information about a specific pool

The following request gets information about a specific pool by using the specified pool ID.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/simple/v1/objects/pools/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify a value for the id that was obtained by getting information about pools.






    (Required) Pool ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    The following is an example of output when getting information about a pool with ID 63:

      "id": 63,
      "name": "NASOS",
      "status": "Normal",
      "totalCapacity": 2996994,
      "usedCapacity": 38,
      "freeCapacity": 2996956,
      "capacityManage": {
        "usedCapacityRate": 0,
        "thresholdWarning": 70,
        "thresholdDepletion": 80
      "savingEffects": {
        "efficiencyDataReduction": 105,
        "efficiencyFmdSaving": 0,
        "preCapacityFmdSaving": 0,
        "postCapacityFmdSaving": 0,
        "isTotalEfficiencySupport": true,
        "totalEfficiencyStatus": "Valid",
        "dataReductionWithoutSystemDataStatus": "Valid",
        "totalEfficiency": 6742,
        "dataReductionWithoutSystemData": 138,
        "calculationStartTime": "2018-09-28T07:41:58Z",
        "calculationEndTime": "2018-09-28T07:43:51Z"
      "configStatus": [],
      "numberOfVolumes": 2,
      "numberOfTiers": 2,
      "numberOfDriveTypes": 2,
      "tiers": [
          "driveType": "Flash Drive",
          "driveRpm": "NUMBER_0",
          "totalCapacity": 1352148,
          "freeCapacity": 1352110
          "driveType": "SAS",
          "driveRpm": "NUMBER_10000",
          "totalCapacity": 1644846,
          "freeCapacity": 1644846
      "drives": [
          "driveType": "SAS",
          "driveRpm": "NUMBER_10000",
          "driveCapacity": 600,
          "displayDriveCapacity: "600 GB",
          "totalCapacity": 2400,
          "numberOfDrives": 4,
          "locations": [
          "raidLevel": "RAID5"
          "driveType": "SSD",
          "driveRpm": "NUMBER_0",
          "driveCapacity": 480,
          "displayDriveCapacity: "480 GB",
          "totalCapacity": 1920,
          "numberOfDrives": 4,
          "locations": [
          "raidLevel": "RAID5"

    This operation obtains the values of attributes obtained as part of the pool information, as well as the values of the following attributes.






    Number of drive types



    Drive information:

    • driveType (string)

      Drive type:

      • SAS
      • SSD(RI)
      • SSD
      • FMD DC2: A Hitachi flash-based SSD with compression capability.
    • driveRpm (string)

      Drive rotation speed (rpm):

      • NUMBER_0
      • NUMBER_7200
      • NUMBER_10000
      • NUMBER_15000
      • High
      • Middle
      • Low
      • Unknown
    • driveCapacity (int)

      Drive capacity (GB)

    • displayDriveCapacity (string)

      Capacity of the drive and unit of measurement (GB or TB)

    • totalCapacity (long)

      Total capacity of the drive (MiB)

    • numberOfDrives (int)

      Number of drives that belong to the pool

    • locations (string[])

      Mounted locations of the drive. Also commonly referred to as "name" or "ID".

    • raidLevel (string)

      RAID level:

      • RAID1
      • RAID5
      • RAID6
      • Mixed
Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X GET

Expanding the capacity of a pool

The following request expands the capacity of the pool by adding a drive to the pool.

For storage systems with a Dynamic Tiering license, if you include drives that have different drive information (drive type or drive rotation speed), the expanded pool will be a tiered pool where the tiers are arranged by performance. In a tiered pool, data is automatically stored in optimum tiers.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Provisioning)

Request line

POST base-URL/simple/v1/objects/pools/object-ID/actions/expand/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the id value obtained by getting information about the pool.






    (Required) Pool ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body

    The following is an example of adding four data drives that have the drive type code SLB5F-M480SS to a pool with ID 63:

      "additionalDrives": [
          "driveTypeCode": "SLB5F-M480SS",
          "dataDriveCount": 4,
          "raidLevel": "RAID5"






    Information of drives to be added to the pool:

    • (Required) driveTypeCode (string)

      Specify a drive type code consisting of 12 characters.*

      Example: DKR5D-J900SS

    • (Required) dataDriveCount (int)

      Specify the number of data drives as an integer from 1 through 1440.

      If RAID1 or RAID5 is specified as the RAID level, specify 4 or a greater value for the number of data drives.

      If RAID6 is specified as the RAID level, specify 8 or a greater value for the number of data drives.

    • (Required) raidLevel (string)

      Specify one of the following RAID levels:

      • RAID1
      • RAID5
      • RAID6


    • The storage system can contain drives that have the same drive conditions (drive type, drive rotation speed, and drive capacity), but different drive type codes. In this case, regardless of the drive type code you specified, drives that match the drive conditions are added to expand the pool.

      You can check information about the drives added to a pool by specifying the corresponding pool ID as a query parameter for the API request of getting drive information and then executing the request.

    • If a snapshot is created in an expanded pool, drives that have different drive conditions cannot be specified.
Response message
Status codes

See HTTP status codes.

Coding example

curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session b74777a3f9f04ea8bd8f09847fac48d3" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

raidcom get pool

Displays pool information for Thin Image, Copy-on-Write Snapshot, Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, and active flash for mainframe.

raidcom get pool [-key <keyword>] [-fx] [-pcap][-time_zone <time zone>]
Options and parameters
  • [-key <keyword>]

    Specify this option to display the following information that can be specified for <keyword>:

    • opt: Pool name.
    • basic: Basic information about the pool.
    • fmc: Information about parity groups that support accelerated compression.

      FMC stands for flash module compression (a drive in a parity group that supports accelerated compression).

    • software_saving: Information about the amount of capacity saved by deduplication and compression.

      Supported storage systems:

      • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
      • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

      If the microcode version does not support this option, nothing is displayed when this option is specified.

      If you use the capacity saving function, the saving ratio is calculated against the amount of metadata and garbage data generated internally in addition to user data.

    • saving: Information about the amount of saved capacity.
    • total_saving: Information about the amount of capacity saved by deduplication and compression, and accelerated compression of the parity group.
    • If the microcode version does not support this option, nothing is displayed when this option is specified.
      • If you use the capacity saving function, the saving ratio is calculated against the amount of metadata and garbage data generated internally in addition to user data.
      • This option is ignored when the microcode version does not support the option.
    • resource: Information about the parity group configuring the pool or external volume group.

      If the microcode version does not support this keyword, nothing is displayed when this keyword is specified.

    • efficiency:

      Supported storage systems:

      • VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
      Information about the data saving effect, snapshot effect, provisioning effect, and their total for the pool.
  • [-fx]

    Displays the LDEV number in hexadecimal.

  • [-pcap]

    Displays the information about the actual capacity. This option is valid only when the -key basic option is specified.

    For pools for which accelerated compression is enabled, and for pools to which pool volumes can be added automatically, specify this option to check the capacity information.

    This option is ignored when the microcode version does not support the option.

  • [-time_zone <time zone>]

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    Specifies the time zone displayed in storage systems. If this option is omitted, the time in the time zone set for the storage system is displayed.

    This option is valid only when it is specified with the -key efficiency option.

    utc: Displays the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Displaying pool information.

# raidcom get pool
PID POLS U(%) SSCNT Available(MB) Capacity(MB) Seq# Num LDEV# H(%) FMT_CAP(MB)
001 POLN 10   330   10000000      1000000000   62500 2   365  80  100
002 POLF 95   9900  100000        1000000000   62500 3   370  70  100
003 POLS 100  10000 100           1000000000   62500 1   375  70  100
004 POLE 0    0     0             0            62500 0   0    80  100
005 POLN 10   330   10000000      1000000000   62500 2   365  80  100
Example 2

Displaying pool name.

# raidcom get pool -key opt
001  POLN  10  my_aou_pool 62500   2   265  80   65500   OPEN S  HDP
002  POLF  95  New_Pool_2  62500   3   270  70   65534   OPEN S  HDP
003  POLS 100  my_ss_pool  62500   1   275  70     -     OPEN N  TI
004  POLN   0  New_Pool_4  62500   2   280  80     - 0   M/F  N  CW
005  POLE   0  New_Pool_5  62500   4    0   80     100   M/F  S  DM

Displaying pool name.

# raidcom get pool -key opt
001 POLN 10 my_aou_pool 62500 2 265 80 65500 OPEN S
002 POLF 95 New_Pool_2 62500 3 270 70 65534 OPEN S
DP -
003 POLS 100 my_ss_pool 62500 1 275 70 - OPEN N
004 POLN 0 New_Pool_4 62500 2 280 80 0 M/F N
CW -
005 POLE 0 New_Pool_5 62500 4 0 80 100 M/F S
DM -

This item is displayed for the following storage systems: VSP F1500, VSP G1x00.

Displaying pool name.

# raidcom get pool -key opt
001 POLN 10 my_aou_pool 62500 2 265 80 65500 OPEN S
DP -
002 POLF 95 New_Pool_2 62500 3 270 70 65534 OPEN S
DP -
003 POLS 100 my_ss_pool 62500 1 275 70 - OPEN N
TI -
004 POLN 0 New_Pool_4 62500 2 280 80 0 M/F N
raidcom get pool
CW -
005 POLE 0 New_Pool_5 62500 4 0 80 100 M/F S
DM -
Description of each column in output examples:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID.

  • POLS

    Displays the status of the pool.

    • POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
    • POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
    • POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
    • POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is blocked in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
  • U(%)

    Displays the usage rate of the pool.


    Displays the number of volumes in the pool.


    Displays the pool name.

  • Available (MB)

    Displays the capacity available to the volume data in the pool.

  • Capacity (MB)

    Displays the total capacity of the pool.

  • Seq#

    Displays the product serial number.

    The serial number (Seq#) for and VSP F1500 is displayed with a “3” at the beginning (“312345” = serial # 12345).

  • Num

    Displays the number of LDEVs configuring the pool.

  • LDEV#

    Displays the first number of LDEV configured the pool. 65535(ffff) is displayed if the pool is being created.

  • H(%)

    Displays threshold for the pool.

  • VCAP(%)

    Displays the maximum reserved V-VOL and Thin ImageVSP G1x00 pair capacity rate to the pool capacity. A hyphen (-) indicates unlimited. For VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, a hyphen (-) indicating invalid is displayed.

  • TYPE

    Displays the platform type of pools.

    • Open: Shows that it is a Dynamic Provisioning pool.
    • M/F: Shows that it is a Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe pool.
  • PM

    Displays the pool status.

    • N: Normal status.
    • S: Shrinking or rebalancing.
    • NT: The pool for Thin Image is in the normal status.
    • ST: (VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500, VSP Gx00 models, and VSP Fx00 models only) The pool for Thin Image is shrinking or rebalancing.
  • PT

    Displays the pool type. Any one of the following types is displayed.

    • HDP: Pool for Dynamic Provisioning
    • HDT: Pool for Dynamic Tiering
    • RT: Pool for active flash
    • TI: Pool for Thin Image
    • CW: Pool for Hitachi Copy-on-Write Snapshot
    • DM: Pool for Dynamic Provisioning that has the data direct mapping attribute

    Displays the formatted pool capacity. If there is no valid information for the pool, a hyphen (-) is displayed. In addition, for VSP and HUS VM, a hyphen (-) is always displayed.


    Displays whether to automatically add pool volumes according to the compression ratio of a parity group for which accelerated compression is enabled.

    • E: Pool volumes are added automatically according to the compression ratio of the accelerated compression enabled parity group.
    • D: Pool volumes in the parity group for which accelerated compression is enabled are not added automatically.
    • - (hyphen): This information is invalid for this pool. For VSP and HUS VM, a hyphen (-) is always displayed.
Example 3

Displaying basic information about a pool

# raidcom get pool -key basic
PID POLS U(%)  LCNT  SSCNT Available(MB) Capacity(MB) Snap_Used(MB) 
000 POLN    0 11001  11001          46998        46998             0
2432398 NB          0    0 300050   1     0   70   80  YES
001 POLN    0     -  11001          46998        46998             -
-  -          -    - 300050   1     1    -   80    -
- OPEN  N  TI tipool

Displaying basic information about a pool. The actual capacity is displayed.

# raidcom get pool -key basic -pcap 
PID POLS U(%) LCNT SSCNT Available(MB) Capacity(MB) Snap_Used(MB) 
000 POLN 0 11001 11001 46998 46998 - 
2432398 NB 0 0 300050 1 0 70 80 YES - 
OPEN N HDP dp_ti_pool 
001 POLN 0 - 11001 46998 46998 
- - - - - 300050 1 1 - 80 
- - OPEN N TI tipool 
Description of each column in output example 3:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID. Three digits padded with leading zeros.

  • POLS

    Displays the status of the pool.

    • POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
    • POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
    • POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
    • POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is blocked in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
  • U(%)

    Displays the usage rate of the pool.

    Displays the actual usage rate of the pool when the -pcap option is specified.

  • LCNT

    Displays the total number of Dynamic Provisioning virtual volumes mapped to the pool. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the information is not available for this pool.


    Displays the total number of snapshot data items mapped to the pool. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the information is not available for this pool.

  • Available(MB)

    Displays the available capacity for the volume data in the pool.

    Displays the actual capacity that can be used for volume data in the pool when the -pcap option is specified.

  • Capacity(MB)

    Displays the total capacity of the pool. When the -pcap option is specified, displays the total actual capacity of the pool.

  • Snap_Used(MB)

    Displays the capacity used for Thin Image data in megabytes. If the used capacity is less than 1 MB, the value is rounded up. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the information is not available for this pool.

    Displays a hyphen (-) when the -pcap option is specified.

  • TL_CAP(MB)

    Displays the total capacity of all Dynamic Provisioning virtual volumes and Thin Image pairs mapped to the pool. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the information is not available for this pool.

  • BM

    Displays the I/O Blocking Mode of the pool.

    • PF (Pool Full): If the pool is full, you cannot read from or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool VOL is blocked, you can read from or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • PB (Pool vol Blockade): If the pool VOL is blocked, you cannot read from or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool is full, you can read from or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • FB (Full or Blockade): If the pool is full or pool VOL is blocked, you cannot read from or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • NB (No Blocking): If the pool is full or pool VOL is blocked, you can read from or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • - (Not supported): The configuration does not support the I/O Blocking Mode.
  • TR_CAP(MB)

    Displays the sum of the pool capacities reserved for the volumes for which Full Allocation or Proprietary Anchor is enabled. For a configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

  • RCNT

    Displays the number of volumes for which Full Allocation is enabled that are mapped to a pool. For a configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

  • Seq#

    Displays the serial number. The serial number (Seq#) for VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500 is displayed with a “3” at the beginning (“312345” = serial # 12345).

  • Num

    Displays the number of LDEVs belonging to the pool.

  • LDEV#

    Displays the number of the first LDEV in the pool. "65535 (ffff)" is shown while the pool is being created.

  • W(%)

    Displays the threshold value for WARNING set for the pool. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the information is not available for this pool.

  • H(%)

    Displays the threshold value set for the pool as the high water mark.

  • STIP

    Displays the setting for Thin Image pairs when the high water mark threshold is exceeded.

    • YES: Thin Image pairs are suspended.
    • NO: Thin Image pairs are not suspended.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.
  • VCAP(%)

    Displays the maximum reserved V-VOL and Thin Image pair capacity rate to the pool capacity.

    • UNLIMITED: Unlimited.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.
  • TYPE

    Displays the platform type of the pool.

    • OPEN: Pool for open systems
    • M/F: Pool for mainframe systems
  • PM

    Displays the pool status.

    • N: Normal status.
    • S: Shrinking or rebalancing.
    • NT: The pool for Thin Image is in the normal status.
    • ST: The pool for Thin Image is shrinking or rebalancing.
  • PT

    Displays the pool type. One of the following types is displayed.

    • HDP: Pool for Dynamic Provisioning
    • HDT: Pool for Dynamic Tiering
    • RT: Pool for active flash
    • TI: Pool for Thin Image
    • CW: Pool for Hitachi Copy-on-Write Snapshot
    • DM: Pool for Dynamic Provisioning that has the data direct mapping attribute

    Displays the pool name.

Example 4

Displaying information about an accelerated compression-enabled parity group that configures a pool. This information is not displayed if the functionality to show this information is not supported.

For details about the capacity saved by the capacity saving feature, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.

# raidcom get pool -key fmc
001 90 10000000 100000000 0 0
0 0 0 0
002 99 10000 100000000 200 100000000
100000000 51200000000 409608601600 409600000000
004 90 10000000 100000000 150 100000000
100000000 38400000000 307201720320 307200000000
Description of each column in output example 4:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID.

  • U(%)

    Displays the actual usage rate of the pool.

  • ACT_AV(MB)

    Displays the available actual capacity of the volume mapped to this pool for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, and Dynamic Tiering.

  • ACT_TP(MB)

    Displays the total actual capacity of the pool.

  • FR(%)

    Displays the percentage of the logical capacity against the actual capacity of an accelerated compression-enabled parity group in the pool. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain an accelerated compression-enabled parity group.


    Displays the logically used capacity of an accelerated compression-enabled parity group in the pool, in the unit of 512 bytes. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain an accelerated compression-enabled parity group.


    Displays the actually used capacity of an accelerated compression-enabled parity group, in the unit of 512 bytes. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain an accelerated compression-enabled parity group.


    This item is displayed for the following storage systems: VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900. Displays the total physical capacity of the pool volume that supports accelerated compression used in the pool. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain a parity group that supports accelerated compression.


    Displays the logically used page capacity of the pool volume that supports accelerated compression in the pool in the unit of 512 bytes. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain a parity group that supports accelerated compression.


    Displays the total logical capacity of the pool volume that supports accelerated compression used in the pool. 0 is displayed if the pool does not contain a parity group that supports accelerated compression.

Example 5

Displaying information about the reduced capacity of data in a pool.

# raidcom get pool -key saving
000	12582912	9437184	28311552	20	15	5	33	1	0
001			0		0		-	-	-	-	0    -
Description of each column in output example 5:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID.


    Displays the capacity reduced by capacity saving or accelerated compression of the parity group in number of blocks of the parity group.

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, garbage data, metadata reduction, and garbage data reduction.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility. See the description of SE_SAVING(BLK) displayed by # raidcom get pool -key total_saving.


    Displays the capacity reduced by capacity saving in number of blocks.

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, garbage data, metadata reduction, and garbage data reduction.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility. See the description of PL_SAVING(BLK) displayed by # raidcom get pool -key software_saving.


    Displays the capacity of data (prior to reduction) to be reduced by capacity saving in number of blocks.

    The capacity prior to reduction does not contain the amount of zero data.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility. See the description of PL_PRE_USED(BLK) displayed by # raidcom get pool -key software_saving.

  • SES(%)

    Displays the percentage of capacity reduced by capacity saving or accelerated compression against the capacity used by the virtual volume mapped to this pool before the reduction.

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, garbage data, metadata reduction, and garbage data reduction.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility. See the description of SES(%) displayed by # raidcom get pool -key total_saving.

  • DDP(%)

    Displays the percentage of capacity reduced by deduplication of capacity saving against the capacity used by the virtual volume mapped to this pool before the reduction.

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of metadata and garbage data.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility.

  • CMP(%)

    Displays the percentage of capacity reduced by compression of capacity saving or the percentage of capacity of the parity group reduced by accelerated compression against the capacity used by the virtual volume mapped to this pool before the reduction.

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of metadata, garbage data, metadata reduction, and garbage data reduction.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility.

    NoteThe capacity used by the virtual volume before reduction, which is the denominator for calculating SES(%), DDP(%), CMP(%), and PLS(%), does not include the capacity used by or reserved for the deduplication system data volume.
  • PLS(%)

    Displays the percentage of capacity reduced by capacity saving against the amount before the reduction, which is calculated as follows:

    PL_SAVING(BLK) / PL_PRE_USED(BLK) × 100[%]

    The saved capacity does not include the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, and garbage data.

    For VSP F1500, VSP G1x00, and VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900, this information is provided for compatibility. See the description of PLS(%) displayed by # raidcom get pool -key software_saving.

  • Num

    Displays the number of deduplication system data volumes in the pool.

  • LDEV#

    Displays the LDEV number of the deduplication system data volume in the pool. A hyphen (-) is displayed if the number of deduplication system data volumes is zero.

    If there is more than one deduplication system data volume, LDEV numbers are separated by a space.

Example 6

Displaying information about the capacity saving effect achieved by the capacity saving function and accelerated compression of a parity group.

For details about the capacity saving effect achieved by the capacity saving feature and accelerated compression of a parity group, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.

# raidcom get pool -key total_saving
000 12582912 20 56623104
001 0 0 42467328

Description of each column in output example:

  • SE_SAVING(BLK): Displays the capacity saved by capacity saving or accelerated compression of the parity group in blocks. The saved capacity includes the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, garbage data, metadata reduction, and garbage data reduction.

    A hyphen (-) indicating an invalid value might be displayed if the amount of used data volume before the reduction is smaller than the used pool capacity.

  • SES(%): Displays the percentage of capacity saved by capacity saving or accelerated compression of the parity group against the capacity used by the virtual volume mapped to this pool before the reduction, which is calculated as follows:


    When the capacity saving function is used, the saving ratio is calculated against the amount of metadata and garbage data generated internally in addition to user data.

    A hyphen (-) indicating an invalid value might be displayed if the amount of used data volume before the reduction is smaller than the used pool capacity.

  • DATAVOL_USED(BLK): Displays the capacity used by a virtual volume in blocks. The capacity used by the deduplication system data volume is not included.
Example 7

Displaying information about the capacity of data stored in a pool saved by the capacity saving function.

For details about the capacity saved by the capacity saving feature, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.

# raidcom get pool -key software_saving
000 52 100931731456 0 64424509440 42949672960
6442450944 193273528320 0 193273528320

Description of each column in output example:

  • PLS(%): Displays the percentage of capacity compressed by capacity saving against the amount of data before the compression, which is calculated as follows:

    PL_SAVING(BLK) / PL_PRE_USED(BLK) × 100[%]

    When the capacity saving function is used, the saving ratio is calculated against the amount of metadata and garbage data generated internally in addition to user data.

    A hyphen (-) indicating an invalid value might be displayed if the amount of used data volume before the reduction is smaller than the used pool capacity.

  • PL_SAVING(BLK): Displays the capacity saved by capacity saving in blocks. The saved capacity includes the amount of zero data reduction, metadata, and garbage data.

    A hyphen (-) indicating an invalid value might be displayed if the amount of used data volume before the reduction is smaller than the used pool capacity.

  • CMP(BLK): Displays the capacity compressed by capacity saving in blocks. The compressed amount does not include the amount of metadata and garbage data.
  • DDP(BLK): Displays the capacity saved by deduplication of capacity saving in blocks. The saved amount does not include the amount of metadata and garbage data.
  • RECLAIM(BLK): Displays the capacity saved by reclaiming the specified data pattern using capacity saving in blocks. The saved amount does not include the amount of metadata and garbage data.
  • SYSTEM(BLK): Displays the amount of consumed system data (metadata and garbage data) for capacity saving in blocks.
  • PL_PRE_USED(BLK): Displays the capacity of data (before reduction) to be reduced by capacity saving in blocks.
  • PRE_CMP_USED(BLK): Displays the capacity of data (before compression) to be compressed by capacity saving in blocks.
  • PRE_DDP_USED(BLK): Displays the capacity of data (before deduplication) to be deduplicated by capacity saving in blocks.

    (VSP F1500, VSP G1x00) A value that is greater than the actual value might be displayed because the following data is contained:

    • Data in a virtual volume for which compression is specified as the capacity saving setting.
    • Data to be deduplicated.

For details about each effect, see the Provisioning Guide for your storage system.

Displaying information about the data saving effect , snapshot effect, provisioning effect, and their total for the pool.

#raidcom get pool -key efficiency
000 15.18 3.79 2.25 1.34
1.64 1.09 2.22 2.18
1.06 7.25 80 
2015-05-15T10:05 2015-05-15T10:38
001 9.78 1.67 1.44 1.21
1.20 1.01 1.26 1.26
1.00 5.85 40
2015-05-15T10:05 2015-05-15T10:38


    Displays the ratio for the total (excluding system data) of the data saving effect, snapshot effect, and provisioning effect.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.
  • TLS_R

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by the capacity saving feature and accelerated compression of the parity group.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.
  • PLS_R

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) of the capacity saving feature.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by compression of the capacity saving feature.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by deduplication of the capacity saving feature.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by reclaiming the specified data pattern using the capacity saving feature.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by accelerated compression of a parity group.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by compression of accelerated compression for a parity group.

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the data saving effect (excluding system data) achieved by reclaiming the specified data pattern using accelerated compression of a parity group.

    • NC: Calculate information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the ratio of the snapshot effect (excluding system data).

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the percentage of the provisioning effect (excluding system data).

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the start date and time for calculating the data saving effect, snapshot effect, provisioning effect, and their total (excluding system data).

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

    Displays the end date and time for calculating the data saving effect, snapshot effect, provisioning effect, and their total (excluding system data).

    • NC: Calculated information is not available.
    • - (hyphen): The information is not available for this pool.

Displaying information about the parity group configuring the pool and the external volume group.

# raidcom get pool -pool 0 -key resource
000 R 5-2 300 300 RAID1 2D+2D 1 D D -
000 E 1-1 300 300 - - 2 D - -

Description of each column in output example:

  • T: Displays the type of the volume group.
    • R: Parity group
    • E: External volume group
  • Group: Displays the parity group number or the external volume group number.
  • AV_CAP(GB): Displays the remaining available capacity (physically available area) of the parity group or the external volume group. A value less than 1 GB is rounded down and 0 is displayed.
  • TOTAL_CAP(GB): Displays the total capacity that can be used by the parity group or external volume group.
  • R_LVL: Displays the RAID level of the parity group or external volume group. A hyphen is displayed for external volume groups.
  • R_TYPE: Displays the RAID type of the parity group or external volume group. A hyphen is displayed for external volume groups.
  • TNO: Displays the number of the tier to which the parity group or external volume group belongs. The tier number is displayed only for Dynamic Tiering pools. A hyphen (-) is displayed for other pools.
  • V: Displays whether capacity virtualization of the parity group is enabled or disabled.
    • E: Capacity virtualization is enabled.
    • D: Capacity virtualization is disabled.
  • E: Displays whether encryption is enabled or disabled.
    • E: Encryption is enabled.
    • D: Encryption is disabled.
    • - (hyphen): Displaying encryption status is not supported.
  • AUTO_ADD_PLV: Displays whether to automatically add pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled according to the compression ratio of a parity group for which accelerated compression is enabled.
    • E: Automatically adds pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled according to the compression ratio of a parity group for which accelerated compression is enabled.
    • D: Pool volumes for which accelerated compression is enabled are not added automatically.
    • - (hyphen): This information is invalid for this parity group.

raidcom get dp_pool

Displays pool information for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, and active flash for mainframe.

raidcom get dp_pool [-key <keyword> [-fx] 
   [-pool {<pool_id> | <pool naming>} ]] [-pcap]
Options and parameters
  • [-key <keyword> [-fx]]

    Specifies the display keyword. Specify opt as <keyword>. If you specify opt, information about Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe pool is displayed.

    If you specify the -fx option, TL_RANGE and TD_RANGE are displayed in hexadecimal notation.

  • [-pool {<pool_id> | <pool naming>} ]

    Specifies the pool ID or the pool name of Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe when you want to display the range for each tiering level of Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe pools. When you specify only digits, it is recognized as a pool ID. When the pool name consists of digits, specify the pool ID instead of the pool name. This option is effective only when the -key option is specified.

  • [-pcap]

    Supported storage systems:

    • VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500
    • VSP G130, G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900

    Specifies the actual capacity. This option is valid only when the -key opt option is specified. For the pool for which automatic addition settings of pool volumes whose accelerated compression is enabled are enabled, check the pool capacity by specifying this option.

    If the microcode version does not support this option, nothing is displayed when this option is specified.

Example 1

Displaying the pool information of the pool for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, and active flash for mainframe.

# raidcom get dp_pool
001 POLN   10   45000000   50000000   50   80   2   265   33   65000000 PF   4000000     1
002 POLF   95      10000  100000000   50   80   3   270  900  100000000 PF         0     0
004 POLN    0   10000000  100000000   80   90   2   280    0  200000000 PF         0     0
# raidcom get dp_pool
001 POLN   10   45000000   50000000   50   80   2   265   33   65000000 PF    4000000    1
002 POLF   95      10000  100000000   50   80   3   270  900  100000000 PF          0    0
004 POLN    0   10000000  100000000   80   90   2   280    0  200000000 PF          0    0
Description of each column in output example:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID of Dynamic Provisioning/Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.

  • POLS

    Displays the status of the pool.

    • POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
    • POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
    • POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
    • POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is suspended in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
  • U(%)

    Displays the usage rate of the pool (including the mapped capacity and the capacity for Full Allocation).

  • AV_CAP(MB)

    Displays the available capacity for the volumes of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe mapped to this pool.

  • TP_CAP(MB)

    Displays the total capacity of the pool.

  • W(%)

    Displays the threshold value for WARNING set for the pool.

  • H(%)

    Displays the threshold value set for the pool as the high water mark.

  • Num

    Displays the number of LDEVs configuring the pool.

  • LDEV#

    Displays the LDEV number of a pool-VOL that includes the pool management area. 65535(ffff) is displayed if the pool is being created.

  • LCNT

    Displays the total number of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe volumes mapped to the pool.

  • TL_CAP(MB)

    Displays the total capacity of all Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe virtual volumes and Thin Image pairs mapped to the pool.

  • BM

    Displays the I/O Blocking Mode of the pool.

    • PF (Pool Full): If the pool is full, you cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool VOL is blocked, you can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • PB (Pool vol Blockade): If the pool VOL is blocked, you cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL. If the pool is full, you can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL.
    • FB (Full or Blockade): You cannot read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL if the pool is full and/or pool VOL is blocked.
    • NB (No Blocking): You can read from the target DP-VOL or write to the target DP-VOL even if the pool is full or pool VOL is blocked.
    • - (Not supported): The configuration that does not support the I/O Blocking Mode.
  • TR_CAP(MB)

    Shows the sum of the pool capacities which are reserved for the volumes on which Full Allocation or Proprietary Anchor is enabled. For a configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

  • RCNT

    Shows the number of volumes for which Full Allocation is enabled that are mapped to a pool. In the configuration that does not support Full Allocation, a hyphen (-) is displayed.

The following figures show the difference between the capacity ratio changing according to whether Full Allocation is enabled or disabled when DP-VOL is written. The "Mapped capacity" in the figure is the total capacity of the user data in each virtual volumes and the page capacity which is storing the control information.

Example 2

Displays the tier information of the pool for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe. For details about the parameters, see the Provisioning Guide for the storage system.

# raidcom get dp_pool -key opt
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 1  00005000  00003000    200000    1000000  80   54   98   40   PM 24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 2  00003000  00002000    400000    1000000  80   54   98   30   PM 24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 3  00002000  00002000    600000    1000000  80   54   98   40   PM 24
002 POLF AUT  MON PND 1         -         -    500000    1000000  80   54  100    2   PM  8
Example 3

When you specify -pool, displays the range for each tiering level of corresponding pools.

# raidcom get dp_pool  -pool 1 -key opt
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 0 4294967294 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 0 4294967294 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 0   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 1   00000000 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 1   00000000 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 1   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 2   00000039 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 2   00000000 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 2   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 3   00000100 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 3   00000041 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 3   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 4   00000001 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 4   00000000 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 4   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 5   00000001 00000000  8064 8190 10   28  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 5   00000001 00000000  3948 3990 10  100  100 2 PM  24
001 POLN DEF  STP VAL 5   00000000 00000000   504 8190 10   33  100 2 PM  24
Description of each column in output example:
  • PID

    Displays the pool ID for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe.

  • POLS

    Displays the status of the pool.

    • POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
    • POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
    • POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
    • POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is suspended in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
  • MODE

    Displays the execution mode.

    • DEF: The start/termination of the monitor is performed by the instruction of the CCI, and the Tier range setting is performed by the automatic calculation of the storage system.
    • AUT: The start/termination of the monitor is performed by time specification, and the Tier range setting is performed by the automatic calculation of the storage system.

      AUT cannot be instructed from the CCI. AUT can only performed if displayed when set from the SN2.

  • STS

    Displays the operational status of the performance monitor and the tier relocation.

    • STP: The performance monitor and the tier relocation are stopped.
    • RLC: The performance monitor is stopped. The tier relocation is waiting or operating.
    • MON: The performance monitor is operating. The tier relocation is stopped.
    • RLM: The performance monitor is operating. The tier relocation is waiting or operating.
  • DAT

    Displays the status of the monitor information.

    • VAL: Valid.
    • INV: Invalid.
    • PND: Being calculated.
  • TNO

    Tiering number. When you specify the pool, displays the tiering level (0 means "all" is set to the level of tiering policy).


    Lowest limit value of the Tier in IOPH.

    0 (0x00000000) to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE)

    When "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, the lowest limit value of the tier is displayed. When there is no V-VOL where "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, or when there is no V-VOL related to the pool, the invalid value "-" (0xFFFFFFFF) is displayed. If the -fix option is specified, this displays the value in parentheses given in hexadecimal.


    Delta value of the Tier in IOPH. 0 (0x00000000) to 4294967294 (0xFFFFFFFE): When "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, the lowest limit value of the tier is displayed. When there is no V-VOL where "all" is set to the level of tiering policy, or when there is no V-VOL related to the pool, the invalid value "-" (0xFFFFFFFF) is displayed. If the -fix option is specified, this displays the value in parentheses given in hexadecimal.

  • TU_CAP(MB)

    Tier capacity (Usage amount). Displays the actual capacity of the tier (usage amount) when the -pcap option is specified.

  • TT_CAP(MB)

    Tier capacity (Total capacity). Displays the actual capacity of the tier (total capacity) when the -pcap option is specified.

  • T(%)

    The free space percentage for the new allocation

  • P(%)

    Performance working ratio

  • R(%)

    Progress percentage of relocation.

    • 0 to 99: Shows one of the following statuses.
      • When the value of STS is RLC or RLM: relocation is waiting or in progress.
      • When the value of STS is STP or MON: relocation is suspended.
    • 100: Shows if the relocation operation is not in progress, or the relocation is complete.
  • B(%)

    Displays the amount of buffer for the tier reallocation.

  • MM

    Displays the mode of performance monitoring and the availability of active flash:

    • PM: Periodical mode.
    • CM: Continuous mode.
    • RPM: Periodical mode and active flash is enabled.
    • RCM: Continuous mode and active flash is enabled.
  • MC(h)

    Displays the execution cycle of performance monitoring and tier reallocation. A hyphen (-) is displayed if MODE is not AUT.

    For VSP G1x00, VSP F1500, VSP, HUS VM, VSP G200, G400, G600, G800, and VSP F400, F600, F800, a hyphen (-) is always displayed.

raidcom get snap_pool

Displays pool information for Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot.

raidcom get snap_pool
Options and parameters



Displaying pool information for Thin Image or Copy-on-Write Snapshot.

# raidcom get snap_pool
PID POLS U(%) SSCNT Available(MB) Capacity(MB) Seq# Num LDEV# H(%)
003 POLS 100 10000           100  1000000000   62500  1  375  70
Description of each column in output example:
  • PID

    pool ID

  • POLS

    Displays status of the pool.

    • POLN: "Pool Normal" (The pool is in the normal status.)
    • POLF: "Pool Full" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold.)
    • POLS: "Pool Suspend" (The pool is in the overflow status exceeding the threshold and is blocked.)
    • POLE: "Pool failure" (The pool is suspended in the failure status.) In this status, the pool information cannot be displayed.
  • U(%)

    Usage rate of the pool, including the mapped capacity and the capacity for Full Allocation


    number of volumes in the pool

  • Available (MB)

    Available capacity for the data volumes in the pool

  • Capacity (MB)

    Total capacity of the pool.

  • Seq#

    Serial number. For VSP G1x00 and VSP F1500 the serial number is displayed with a “3” added to the beginning (for example, “312345” = serial number 12345).

  • Num

    Number of LDEVs in the pool

  • LDEV#

    Number of the first LDEV in the pool

  • H(%):

    threshold value for the pool

raidcom get ldev

Displays the information of the specified LDEV or the device file. A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.

raidcom get ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> … [-cnt <count>] |
   -grp_opt <group option> -device_grp_name <device group 
   name> [<device name>] | -ldev_list <ldev list option>}
   [-key <keyword>][{-check_status | -check_status_not}
   <string>... [-time <time>]]
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#> …

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
    • -ldev_id 100-110
    • -ldev_id 100 -cnt 10
  • [-cnt <count> ]

    Specifies the count (2-65280).

    If this option is omitted, the count is set to one.

  • -grp_opt <group option>

    Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.

  • -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]

    Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.

    To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.

    If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.

  • -ldev_list <ldev list option>

    Specifies the type of LDEVs to display. Specify one of the following LDEV list options. If the LDEV that meets the specified condition does not exist, [EX_ENODEV] No such device is displayed.

    • defined: Displays all implemented LDEVs.
    • dp_volume: Displays LDEVs that have Dynamic Provisioning attributes.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs that have Dynamic Provisioning attributes related to the specified POOL.

    • external_volume: Displays external volumes.
    • undefined: Displays all LDEV numbers that are not implemented.
    • mapped: Displays all LDEVs to which LU paths are defined.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.

    • unmapped: Displays all LDEVs to which LU paths are defined. However, LDEVs that are not implemented are not displayed because they cannot specify the LU path.

      Combining this with -pool_id <pool id> specification displays LDEVs (not defined the LU path) relate to the specified POOL.

    • journal -journal_id <journal id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified journal.
    • pool -pool_id <pool id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified pool.

      If a -pool_id option is non-numeric, the specified value is recognized as a pool name to identify the pool ID.

    • parity_grp -parity_grp_id <parity group id>: Displays LDEVs that belong to the specified parity group.
    • mp_blade -mp_blade_id <mp#>: Displays LDEVs that are set to the specified MP blades.
    • quorum: Displays LDEVs set for the quorum disks.
    • clpr-clpr_id <clpr#> : Displays LDEVs belonging to the specified CLPR.

      Supported storage systems:

      • VSP G/F350, G/F370, G/F700, G/F900
  • [-key <keyword> ]

    Specifies a display keyword.

    If this option is omitted, basic LDEV information is displayed. If this option is specified, the following information is displayed. The following display keywords can be specified:

    front_end: Front-end information

    parity_grp: Parity group information

    external: External volume information

    tier: Tier information for the Dynamic Tiering or active flash V-VOL.

    software_saving: Information on the capacity saved by the capacity saving feature for volumes with the capacity saving feature enabled.

    naa: The NAA identifier of the LU (LUN WWN)

  • [-check_status <string>... [-time <time>]]

    Check if the LDEV is in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the OR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is in one of the states contained in the option.

    The following strings are specified in the <string>.

    • STS
      • NML: Normal
      • BLK: Blocked
      • BSY: Status is changing
    • OPE_TYPE
      • FMT: Formatting
      • QFMT: Quick formatting
      • CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
      • CACCS: Accessing to collections
      • NONE: Not in operation
      • SHRD: Shredding
      • ZPD: Page discarding
      • SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
      • RLC: Pool relocating
      • RBL: Pool rebalancing
    • VOL_TYPE
      • NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
      • DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
      • REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted

    If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).

    When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.

    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states: 0
    • The LDEV is in none of the specified states (without -time option): 1
    • The LDEV is in none of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT
  • [-check_status_not <string>... [-time <time>]]

    Check that the LDEV is not in the same state as the specified in <string>. If the option contains multiple states, the NOR condition check is performed and verifies that the LDEV is not in any of the states contained in the option.

    The following strings are specified in the <string>.

    • STS
      • NML: Normal
      • BLK: Blocked
      • BSY: Status is changing
    • OPE_TYPE
      • FMT: Formatting
      • QFMT: Quick formatting
      • CCOPY: Data copying (Correction copy / Copy back / Drive copy / Dynamic sparing)
      • CACCS: Accessing to collections
      • NONE: Not in operation
      • SHRD: Shredding
      • ZPD: Page discarding
      • SHRPL: Deleting from the pool
      • RLC: Pool relocating
      • RBL: Pool rebalancing
    • VOL_TYPE
      • NOT DEFINED: An LDEV is not installed
      • DEFINING: An LDEV is being created
      • REMOVING: An LDEV is being deleted

    If "-time" is specified, the status of the LDEV is checked every three seconds until the end of the specified <time> (seconds).

    When this option is specified, the returned values are as follows.

    • The LDEV is not in any of the specified states: 0
    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states (without -time option): 1
    • The LDEV is in one of the specified states (when the specified <time> passed): EX_EWSTOT

Some keywords might not be displayed depending on the LDEV attribute as shown below.

LDEV attribute

Front end

Parity group



Normal volume

Internal volume





External volume





POOL Volume for Thin Image, Copy-on-Write Snapshot, Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, active flash, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, or active flash for mainframe

Internal volume





External volume





Journal volume

Internal volume





External volume





Legend Y: Displayed, N: Not displayed

  • Internal volume examples
  • External volume examples
  • Dynamic Provisioning V-VOL examples
  • Deduplication system data volume example
  • Volume deletion examples
  • Dynamic Tiering V-VOL examples
  • Thin Image primary volume example
  • Pool volume example
  • rmawk command examples
  • Capacity saving example

raidcom extend ldev

Extends the capacity of a V-VOL for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe.

If the specified LDEV is not a V-VOL of Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe, the command is rejected with EX_ENOOBJ.

A device group can also be specified instead of an LDEV.

raidcom extend ldev {-ldev_id <ldev#> | -grp_opt <group option> 
     -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]} 
     -capacity <size> | -offset_capacity <size> | -cylinder <size>
Options and parameters
  • -ldev_id <ldev#> (0-65279)

    Specifies the LDEV number (0-65279). Specify LDEVs for Dynamic Provisioning, Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe, Dynamic Tiering, Dynamic Tiering for Mainframe, active flash, or active flash for mainframe. For example:

    • -ldev_id 200
  • -grp_opt <group option>

    Specifies the device information extracted from the LDEV belonging to the device group. Specify "ldev" (fixed). The information of LDEV belonging to the device group is used.

  • -device_grp_name <device group name> [<device name>]

    Specifies the name of device group (maximum 32 characters) to be operated.

    To operate an LDEV in the device group, specify the device name of LDEV (maximum 32 characters) within the device group.

    If the device name is omitted, all the LDEVs belonging in the device group are operated.

  • -capacity <size>

    The increment size of capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks. When specifying in bytes, the unit is t/T (terabyte), g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte). If this unit is omitted, block (512 bytes) is used.

    Example of specification:

    1GB (gigabyte) is:

    -capacity 1G, -capacity 1g, -capacity 1024M, -capacity 1024m, -capacity 1048576K, -capacity 1048576k, -capacity 2097152

  • -offset_capacity <size>

    Specifies capacity. Corrects the size as well as GUI for the specified capacity. The capacity can be specified in bytes or blocks.

  • -cylinder <size>

    Specifies the size in cylinder unit. When specifying, the unit is g/G (gigabyte), m/M (megabyte), or k/K (kilobyte). Cylinder is applied if you do not specify the unit.

    When the emulation type for the Open System is specified, this option cannot be specified.


Extending the capacity of a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL: 200 by 10 GB.

# raidcom extend ldev -ldev_id 200 -capacity 10G

Extending the capacity of a Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL: 201 by 200 MB.

# raidcom extend ldev -ldev_id 201 -capacity 200M

Extending the capacity of Dynamic Provisioning or Dynamic Provisioning for Mainframe V-VOL belonging to the device group: grp1 by 200 MB.

# raidcom extend ldev -grp_opt ldev -device_grp_name grp1 -capacity 200M