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Export Tool

About Export Tool 2

Export Tool 2 allows you to export the performance information accumulated by your storage system. By exporting and storing the information, you can analyze health status, troubleshoot, and predict future storage performance. You can also use Export Tool 2 to save and accumulate data over extended periods of time for long-term analysis and future reference.

The performance information exported by Export Tool 2 is output in the CSV format. You can analyze CSV files by using spreadsheet software.

Key terms

The following table describes the terms used by Export Tool 2.

Term Description
Performance metrics

Calculated performance information (for example, IOPS).

Performance metrics group The storage system resource (for example, MP, port) or function (for example, TrueCopy) for which a specific set of performance metrics is collected.
Accumulated data Performance information that is accumulated in the storage system. at periodic intervals.
Sampling interval How often, in minutes, monitoring data is collected.
Plot The amount of time during which data is accumulated at periodic intervals. It is also called a side.

Directory structure

The following table shows the directory structure of Export Tool 2. Windows and Linux share this structure.

File name or directory Description
monitor2 Root directory of Export Tool 2
runWin.bat Batch for running Export Tool 2 for Windows (Command execution)1 Shell for running Export Tool 2 for Linux (Command execution) 2 Properties file of Export Tool 2
exportTool.jar Export Tool 2
Readme.txt Readme file
Version.txt Version file (XX-YY-ZZ/RR)
external External file directory of Export Tool 2 (for example, storing the JAR file of the used OSS)
log Log output directory of Export Tool 2
out Export data output directory (Default setting)


1. runWin.bat is a file for Windows. Because it is not required for Linux users, you should delete it.

2. is a file for Linux. Because it is not required for Windows users, you should delete it.

Working with multiple instances of Export Tool 2

You can start up to three instances of Export Tool 2 at the same time.

Export Tool 2 runs from the command line/shell.

Observe the following:

  • Multiple instances of Export Tool 2 should be limited.
  • When Export Tool 2 is executed in the background for extended periods of time (for example, if Export Tool 2 is executed throughout the night, and in other similar situations), you should keep the execution result in a separate file.
  • When running multiple instances of Export Tool 2 simultaneously by registering them in a scheduler, start them at intervals of a few seconds to a minute; if they are started at the exact same time, two or more execution logs might be stored in the same log file.

Log file information

A log file is created for each command execution. In the cases of simultaneous multiple executions and periodical executions of Export Tool 2, “date and time of execution” and “executed function (command)” can be identified by log file names. The following table lists the log files generated by Export Tool 2.

Function Log file name
Sampling interval check function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ show_interval.log
Sampling interval setting function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ set_interval.log
Accumulated data period check function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ show_range.log
CU number check functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_show_cu.log
CU number adding functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_add_cu.log
CU number remove functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_remove_cu.log
Performance metrics export function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ export_data.log

Note: The help function does not have any log file (it does not output log).

The following table describes the items that are output to logs.

Log output item Format
Date and time YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS

Date and time of the machine running Export Tool 2.

Thread ID Thread ID (5-digit decimal)
Log level (type) INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG
Message ID Message ID (4-digit decimal)
Class name and Method name Class name::Method name
Message text Message text

DEBUG type includes logs (trace, returned value output for development.

Auto deletion of logs

Export Tool 2 automatically deletes old log files so that a large amount of the storage capacity (disk capacity) of the client machine would not be used due to monotonic increase in log files. Logs are automatically deleted as follows.

  • The directory that is set as the log output directory ( of the properties file ( is referenced for each command execution. If any log was output at least one month before the command execution date, the log file is automatically deleted.
  • If log deletion fails, a message indicating that deletion failed (warning level) is output in the log file, and the processing continues.

Installing Export Tool 2

Installation of Export Tool 2 includes the following activities:

  • Verifying the system requirements for Export Tool 2
  • Installing the Export Tool 2 software on the management client
  • Configuring the Export Tool 2 properties file
  • Configuring the management client

System requirements for Export Tool 2

Before installing the Export Tool 2 software on the management client, verify that the management client meets the system requirements listed in the following table.

Item Requirements
Operating system Windows:
  • Windows 7 SP1 (32-bit, 64-bit)

    Not supported by VSP E series

  • Windows 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (64-bit)

    Not supported by VSP E series

  • Windows Server 2012 SP1 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 (64-bit)
  • Windows Server 2016 (64-bit)


  • Solaris 10 (32-bit)


  • Red Hat Entperprise Linux AS v6.2 (64-bit)
  • Red Hat Entperprise Linux AS v7.3 (64-bit)
JRE JRE 8.0 or later

Processor (CPU): Intel® Core™ i5-6600 processor or equivalent

Memory (RAM): 4 GB or larger1,2

Free storage capacity: 50 GB or larger1 (Free storage capacity is also required each time the exported data is compressed to create a CSV file.)

TCP/IP: 1 GB Ethernet or 10 GB Ethernet (1000BASE-T, 1000BASE-TX, 10GBASE-T)


  1. To run Export Tool 2 for multiple storage systems at the same time, multiply the Free storage capacity requirement by the number of storage systems in order to calculate the total storage capacity required. 8 GB of memory is also required.
  2. If there are many resources (such as LDEVs or LUs), the memory required might be greater than 8 GB.
The following table shows the estimated used memory size, drive size, and time required for each configuration.
Model Number of LU paths Used memory Drive size Time required (All plots, CSV) Time required (All plots, ZIP)
VSP G350/VSP F350 5000 or less 1 GB 3 GB 1.0 hour 1.0 hour
10000 or less 1 GB 5 GB 1.0 hour 1.0 hour
Maximum or less 2 GB or more 30 GB 2.0 hours 2.5 hours
VSP G370/VSP F370/VSP G700/VSP F700/VSP G900/VSP F900/VSP E series (microcode earlier than 93-06-21-xx)5000 or less 1 GB 3 GB 1.5 hours 2.0 hours
10000 or less 1 GB 5 GB 1.5 hours 2.0 hours
50000 or less 2 GB or more 30 GB 2.0 hours 2.5 hours
100000 or less 2 GB or more 50 GB 3.5 hours 4.5 hours
Maximum or less 2 GB or more 100 GB 7.0 hours 9.0 hours
VSP E series running microcode version 93-06-21-xx or later

The following table shows the VSP E series estimated used memory size, drive size, and time required for each configuration when runing microcode version 93-06-21-xx or later with 33 or more target CUs and a sampling interval of 5 to 60 minutes (288 plots).

Model Number of LU paths Used memory Drive size

Time required for resourceid_on_row1

(All plots, CSV)

Time required for resourceid_on_row1

(All plots, ZIP)

Time required for resourceid_on_column1, 2

(All plots, ZIP)
VSP E series running microcode version 93-06-21-xx or later 5000 or less 1 GB 3 GB 1.5 hours 2.0 hours 2.5 hours
10000 or less 1 GB 5 GB 1.5 hours 2.0 hours 2.5 hours
50000 or less 2 GB30 GB 2.0 hours 2.5 hours 4.0 hours
100000 or less 2 GB 50 GB 3.5 hours 4.5 hours 12.0 hours or more
Maximum or less 2 GB100 GB 7.0 hours 9.0 hours 12.0 hours or more
1. The output format specified for the “-option” parameter in the export data command.

2. When the number of LU paths is more than 50000, do not specify “resourceid_on_column” because the required time might be more than 12.0 hours.

The following table shows the VSP E series estimated used memory size, drive size, and time required for each configuration when running microcode version 93-06-21-xx or later with 32 or less target CUs and a sampling interval of 1 to 15 minutes (1440 plots).

Model Number of LU paths Used memory Drive size

Time required for resourceid_on_row1

(All plots, CSV)

Time required for resourceid_on_row1

(All plots, ZIP)

Time required for resourceid_on_column1, 2

(All plots, ZIP)
VSP E seriesrunning microcode version 93-06-21-xx/xx or later 1000 or less 1 GB 10 GB 4.0 hours4.5 hours 5.0 hours
5000 or less 1 GB 15 GB 4.0 hours4.5 hours 5.0 hours
10000 or less 2 GB25 GB 4.0 hours4.5 hours 5.5 hours
20000 or less 2 GB 100 GB 4.0 hours4.5 hours 6.7 hours or more
1. The output format specified for the “-option” parameter in the export data command.

2. When the number of LU paths is more than 50000, do not specify “resourceid_on_column” because the required time might be more than 12.0 hours.

Installing Export Tool 2 (Windows)

Before you begin

  • Make sure that the management client computer meets the requirements. For details, see System requirements for Export Tool 2.
  • If are using VSP E series storage and upgraded to microcode 93-06-21/xx or later, install version 93-06-20/xx or later of Export Tool 2.


  1. On the Windows computer, create a new directory to store the export tool program.

  2. Insert the installation media into the computer.

  3. Copy the \program\monitor2 directory in the installation media to the directory that you created in step 1. (Copy all directories and files including the \program\monitor2 directory under the directory.)

    The Export Tool 2 program is in the Java class file format (exportTool.jar), and it is located in the \program\monitor2 directory.

Installing Export Tool 2 (Linux or UNIX)

Before you begin

  • Make sure that the management client computer meets the requirements. For details, see System requirements for Export Tool 2.
  • If are using VSP E series storage and upgraded to microcode 93-06-21-xx or later, install version 93-06-20/xx or later of Export Tool 2.


  1. On the computer, create a new directory to store the export tool program.

  2. Mount the installation media.

  3. Copy the \program\monitor2 directory in the installation media to the directory that you created in step 1. (Copy all directories and files including the \program\monitor2 directory under the directory.)

  4. Give execution permission to by using the command chmod a+x

Configuring the Export Tool 2 properties file

Settings that are shared across commands are configured in the properties file. The content of the properties file is the same for Windows and Linux. The linefeed code of the properties file is <CR+LF> for both Windows and Linux. The following table describes the configurable settings available in the properties file.

Item Properties file setting Description Value
REST API connection information restapi.timeout Timeout Configurable value: 1 to 9999 (min.)

Default value: 1

restapi.maxRetryCount Maximum retry count Configurable value: 0 to 99 (0 indicates that it is tried again without limit)

Default value: 5

restapi.retryInterval Retry wait time Configurable value: 1 to 59 (min.)

Default value: 5

DUMP API connection information dumpapi.timeout Timeout Configurable value: 1 to 9999 (min.)

Default value: 20

dumpapi.maxRetryCount Maximum retry count Configurable value: 0 to 99 (0 indicates that it is tried again without limit)

Default value: 10

dumpapi.retryInterval Retry wait time Configurable value: 1 to 59 (min.)

Default value: 1

Storage connection information exportdata.protocol Protocol Configurable value: HTTP/HTTPS

Default value: HTTPS

exportdata.portNumber Port number Configurable value: 1 to 65535

Default value: 443

CSV output information exportdata.isCsvHeader Header line output Configurable value: TRUE/FALSE

Default value: TRUE

Note: When you specify resourceid_on_column as an option of the export data command, set this item to TRUE. If you specify FALSE, an error occurs when the export data command runs.

log.level Log level Configurable value: NORMAL/DEBUG

Default value: NORMAL

Log information Location of log output Configurable value: A maximum of 150 characters when a full path is specified.

To specify "\", specify "\\" (Example: C:\\log).

When specifying a relative path, consider the number of characters in a full path.

Default value: ./log

log.keepPeriod Log retention period Configurable value: 7 days to 365 days

Default value: 30

The following list shows the settings of the properties file available to you.

  • Storage connection information
  • CSV output information
  • Log information

Example of the properties file setting:

# ***Storage Connect properties***
# ***CSV properties***
# ***Log properties***

Example of the properties file setting (including the API information settings):

# ***REST API properties***
# ***DUMP API properties***
# ***Storage Connect properties***
exportdata. portNumber =443
# ***CSV properties***
# ***Log properties***

Configuring the management client

Before using Export Tool 2, make sure that the PATH environment variable and command prompt on the management client are properly configured.


  1. On the management client, verify that the PATH environment variable includes a path to the Java virtual machine (java.exe). If not, edit the PATH variable to add a path to the Java virtual machine.

    If the PATH environment variable does not include a path to the Java virtual machine, Export Tool 2 will not run.
  2. Open a command prompt, and verify that the screen buffer size height (in Properties > Layout) is set to at least 1500.

    When the maximum number of plots (1440) has accumulated in the storage system and you run the show range command, you cannot check the execution result in the command prompt if the screen buffer size height is less than 1500.

Removing Export Tool 2

The procedure for removing Export Tool 2 is the same for both Windows and Linux.

Before you remove Export Tool 2, if the exported data, logs, and files that you edited are required, save them in another directory. To remove Export Tool 2, delete the directory that you created when you installed the tool. When you delete the directory, the exported data, logs, and files that you edited are also deleted.

Using Export Tool 2

After installing Export Tool 2, you must prepare a batch file before you can export any monitoring data.

Functions provided by Export Tool 2

Export Tool 2 provides numerous functions, allowing you to check or set the current sampling interval of accumulated data, check the retention period information of accumulated data, and output the performance metrics in the CSV format.

The following table shows the functions that are provided by Export Tool 2.

Function name Description
Sampling interval check function This function checks the current sampling interval of accumulated data.
Sampling interval setting function This function sets the sampling interval of accumulated data.

It is reflected to the next accumulation timing after the specified point.

The sampling interval of each plot accumulated before it is set is not changed.

Accumulated data period check function This function checks the retention period information of accumulated data at the current point of time.

Performance information can be output only in the period in which it is output by this function.

Information output by this function is used for narrowing down the period in the Performance metrics export function.

Performance metrics export function This function outputs performance metrics calculated by analyzing accumulated data in the CSV format.

Performance metrics are compressed in the ZIP format by default when they are output, but they can also be output in the CSV format.

Performance metrics of any period in the Accumulated data period check function can be output.

Help function This function displays help for commands that are provided by Export Tool 2.

Running Export Tool 2 using a batch file or shell file

To save monitoring data in files, launch Export Tool 2 by running the batch file or shell file.

Double-click the batch or shell file to run it.

Dots (...) appear on the screen until the system finishes exporting data. If an internal error occurs, an exclamation mark (!) appears and then Export Tool 2 restarts automatically.


If you using a VSP E series storage system and run Export Tool 2, the following message might appear:

main WARN JNDI lookup class is not available because this JRE does not support JNDI. JNDI string lookups will not be available, continuing configuration. Ignoring java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.logging.log4j.core.lookup.JndiLookup

This message appears when you run Export Tool 2 on a computer with countermeasures for the Apache Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228), which does not affect any functionality.

Batch file and shell file contents for Export Tool 2

Use a batch file to run Export Tool 2, which starts and saves monitoring data in files when you run the batch file/shell file. Therefore, the batch file/shell files (runWin.bat and runUnix.bat respectively) for Windows and Linux are provided. If your computer runs Windows, use runWin.bat and if your computer runs UNIX, use runUnix.bat.

The following describes the contents of the batch file and the shell file. These batch files include a command line that runs a Java command. When you run the batch file, the Java command runs the subcommands specified in the command file and then saves monitoring data in files.

NoteIf Out of Memory occurs, increase the maximum heap memory size as needed (for example, -Xmx2g).

Batch file for starting Export Tool 2 for Windows (runWin.bat):

java -classpath "./exportTool.jar";"./external/log4j-core-2.7.jar";"./external/log4j-api
-2.7.jar";"./external/commons-codec-1.3.jar";"./external/lz4-1.3.0.jar" %*<CR+LF>
<CR+LF> indicates the end of a command line.

Shell file for starting Export Tool 2 for Linux (

#! /bin/sh<LF>
java –classpath
codec-1.3.jar":"./external/lz4-1.3.0.jar" "$@"<LF>
<LF> indicates the end of a command line.

Generating the performance information file

The performance information file is generated in CSV or ZIP format based on the setting of the “-option” parameter in the export data command.

The performance information file includes the following:

  • Date: Date on which the performance data was recorded (YYYY/MM/DD)
  • Time: Time at which the performance data was recorded (HH:MM)
  • ID: Resource ID (for example, CL1-A when "port" was specified)
  • <performance metric>: Description of the calculated performance data (for example, Total_IOPS, Write_Pending_Rate)

When you generate the performance information file, a separate file called "export_metadata.csv" is also output to the same directory. This metadata file contains the following information that identifies the data in the performance information file:

  • Serial number: 6-digit serial number of the storage system
  • Product name: Product name of the storage system (for example, VSP G700)
  • From: Start date and time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM) of the data (specified by the -range parameter of the export data command)
  • To: End date and time (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM) of the data (specified by the -range parameter of the export data command)
  • Sampling: sampling interval (minutes) of the data

The following example shows the meta information file content:

“Serial Number”,”Product Name”,”From”,”To”,”Sampling”
"410025",”VSP G700”,”2017/04/13 15:00”,”2017/04/14 15:00”,”5”

The following example shows content from the CSV file:


SAS Port#

The resource “SAS Port#” that is output by the MP group can be converted to the package location (PK LOC) format. The following table describes the correspondence between PK LOC and SAS Port#, so that you can calculate “PK LOC”.


VSP E1090

VSP G700/VSP F700 VSP E590/VSP E790 VSP G350/VSP F350, VSP G370/VSP F370
SAS Port# (port0,port1 in SAS) SAS Port# (port0,port1 in SAS) SAS Port# (port0,port1 in SAS) SAS Port# (port0,port1 in SAS)
1B 0x04,0x05
1C 0x00,0x01
1E 0x04,0x05
1F 0x06,0x07
1G 0x00,0x01 0x00,0x01 0x00,None
1H 0x02,0x03 0x02,0x03 0x02,None
2B 0x0c,0x0d
2C 0x08,0x09
2E 0x0C,0x0D
2F 0x0E,0x0F
2G 0x08,0x09 0x08,0x09 0x08,None
2H 0x0A,0x0B 0x0A,0x0B 0x0a,None

Log file information

A log file is created for each command execution. In the cases of simultaneous multiple executions and periodical executions of Export Tool 2, “date and time of execution” and “executed function (command)” can be identified by log file names. The following table lists the log files generated by Export Tool 2.

Function Log file name
Sampling interval check function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ show_interval.log
Sampling interval setting function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ set_interval.log
Accumulated data period check function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ show_range.log
CU number check functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_show_cu.log
CU number adding functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_add_cu.log
CU number remove functionYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_remove_cu.log
Performance metrics export function YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_ export_data.log

Note: The help function does not have any log file (it does not output log).

The following table describes the items that are output to logs.

Log output item Format
Date and time YYYY/MM/DD-HH:MM:SS

Date and time of the machine running Export Tool 2.

Thread ID Thread ID (5-digit decimal)
Log level (type) INFO, WARN, ERROR, DEBUG
Message ID Message ID (4-digit decimal)
Class name and Method name Class name::Method name
Message text Message text

DEBUG type includes logs (trace, returned value output for development.

Return codes

The following table shows Export Tool 2 return codes. The following return codes are common to all functions (all commands).

Return code Description
0 Normal end
1 If the command is tried again without changing the parameter, it might succeed.
2 The function does not end normally unless you remove the cause of the failure, such as changing the parameter. For example:
  • The password of the account of the storage system is incorrect.
  • Command analysis failed.
  • The properties file is corrupted, or reading it failed.
3 The Storage Administrator (performance management) or Support Personnel (Vendor Only) role is not assigned.

Command Reference

You can use the following commands with Export Tool 2.

show interval

The show interval command displays the sampling interval (how often, in minutes, monitoring data is collected).

show interval -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP address> <Port number> <User name> <Password>
Options and parameters
  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you will be prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

Interval : <Value> min

Displays the sampling interval obtained from the storage system.


show interval -ip -login User Pass
Interval : 50 min
show interval command success

set interval

The set interval command sets the sampling interval (in minutes) at which monitoring data is collected.

Command results

The results of this command differ depending on the storage system model and microcode version as follows:

  • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later

    After you change the sampling interval, the accumulated performance information is discarded, and then the performance information collection starts using the new sampling interval.

    The number of plots (areas in which performance information is accumulated) differs depending on the combination of the number of Control Units (CUs) for which performance information is collected (target CUs) and the value of the sampling interval.

    To check the number of target CUs, use the show cu command. To specify the target CUs, use the add cu and remove cu commands.

    • If the number of the target CUs is 32 or fewer, specify an integer from 1 to 15 for the sampling interval. The number of plots will be 1440.
    • If the number of the target CUs is 33 or more, specify a value for the sampling interval that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60. The number of plots will be 288.
  • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version earlier than 93-06-21 and storage system models other than VSP E series

    After you change the sampling interval, the accumulated performance information is not discarded. Also, the sampling interval for the plots in which performance information was accumulated before the setting change does not change. The number of plots does not differ depending on the combination of the number of target CUs and the set value of the sampling interval.

    Specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60. The number of plots is 288.


set interval -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -interval <Sampling interval> -q
Options and parameters

  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

  • -interval <sampling interval>

    Specifies the sampling interval (in minutes). You must specify this parameter.

    • VSP E series with DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later:
      • If the number of the target CUs is 32 or fewer, specify an integer from 1 to 15 (unit: minute).
      • If the number of the target CUs is 33 or more, specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60 (unit: minute).
    • VSP E series with microcode version earlier than 93-06-21, and storage system models other than VSP E series:

      Specify a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60 (unit: minute).

  • -q

    Specifies to run the command without displaying a message that prompts you as to whether to discard the accumulated data and continue the processing. If you use this parameter, the accumulated data is automatically deleted. This parameter is only available for VSP E series running DKCMAIN microcode version 93-06-21 or later.

set interval -ip -login User Pass -interval 50
Interval: 50 min
set interval command success

show range

The show range command displays the list of accumulated monitoring data (list of date and time that indicate the retention period). You can use the performance metrics export function (export data command) to output performance information during this period of time.


show range -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password>
Options and parameters
  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 format, IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.


The show range command displays a list of the plots accumulated in the storage system. The list is displayed in chronological order. Each plot is displayed in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS.

show range -ip -login User Pass
2017/03/31 12:20:30
2017/03/31 12:25:30
2017/03/31 12:30:30
show range command success

show cu

The show cu command displays a list of Control Units (CUs) for which performance data is collected with the specified sampling interval.

show cu -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP address> <Port number> <User name> <Password>
Options and parameters
  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

CUs : <Values>

Displays the number of CUs for which performance information is collected.


show cu -ip -login User Pass
CUs  : 00,01,0F
show cu command success

add cu

The add cu command adds CUs for which performance information is collected (target CUs).

This command is available for VSP E series with a DKCMAIN microcode version of 93-06-21 or later.

Performance information collection starts for the newly added target CUs when the accumulated performance information is discarded.

NoteWhen the sampling interval is not 5, 10, or 15 minutes, you cannot add CUs if the number of monitored CUs will change to 33 or more. In this case, set the sampling interval to 5, 10, or 15 minutes first, and then add CU numbers. For more detailed information, see set interval.

add cu -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -cu <CU number> -q
Options and parameters

  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

  • -cu <control unit number>

    Specifies the CU numbers that you want to add for which to collect performance information (in two-digit Hexadecimal numbers).

    When adding multiple CUs, use commas to separate them. You can also specify a range of CU numbers by delimiting the start and end numbers with a colon (:) (for example, “00:09” for the range from 00 to 09). You can also mix both formats (for example, “00,02,04:09”).

    The number of CU numbers that you can set differs depending on the sampling interval as described in set interval.
  • -q

    Specifies to run the command without displaying a message that prompts you as to whether to discard the accumulated data and continue the processing. If you use this parameter, the accumulated data is automatically deleted.

add cu -ip -login User Pass -cu 00,01,05:0A -q
add cu command success

remove cu

The remove cu command removes CUs for which performance information is collected (target CUs).

This command is available for VSP E series with a DKCMAIN microcode version of 93-06-21 or later.

Performance information collection starts for the reduced set of CUs when the accumulated performance information is discarded.

Note When the sampling interval is 5, 10, or 15 minutes, you cannot remove CUs if the number of monitored CUs will change to less than 33. In this case, set the sampling interval to a value that is a multiple of 5 in the range from 5 to 60 first, and then remove CU numbers. For more detailed information, see set interval.

remove cu -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -cu <CU number> -q
Options and parameters

  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password of the Export Tool 2 user. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

  • -cu <control unit number>

    Specifies the CU numbers that you want to remove for which performance information is collected (in two-digit Hexadecimal numbers).

    When removing multiple CUs, use commas to separate them. You can also specify a range of CU numbers by delimiting the start and end numbers with a colon (:) (for example, “00:09” for the range from 00 to 09). You can also mix both formats (for example, “00,02,04:09”).

    The number of CU numbers that you can set differs depending on the sampling interval as described in set interval.
  • -q

    Specifies to run the command without displaying a message that prompts you as to whether to discard the accumulated data and continue the processing. If you use this parameter, the accumulated data is automatically deleted.

remove cu -ip -login User Pass -cu 00,01,05:0A -q
remove cu command success

export data

The export data command exports accumulated performance metrics data to an (uncompressed) CSV file or a compressed ZIP file. You can export performance metrics information for any period of time that is included in the available timeframe. You can determine the time period for which data is accumulated by using the show range command.

The export data command outputs two types of files:

  • CSV file for performance information
  • CSV file for meta information (export_metadata.csv)

When an error occurs when running the export data command and the command is terminated, or when the command is interrupted by pressing Ctrl+c, files that were already output are not deleted.


export data -ip <IP address> -login <User name> <Password> -proxy <IP 
address> <Port number> <User name> <Password> -outpath <Output directory> -range 
<Range of accumulated data> -group <Group name> -option <Content of option>
Options and parameters
  • -ip <IP Address>

    Specifies the IP address of GUM (IPv4 or IPv6 format) or host name.

  • -login <user name> <password>

    Specifies the user ID and password. If this option is omitted, you are prompted to enter your user ID and password.

  • -proxy <IP address or host name> <port number> <user name> <password>

    If the management client is connected to the storage system through a proxy server, this option specifies the proxy information (IP address [IPv4 or IPv6 format] or host name, port number, user name and password). If <user name> and <password> are omitted here, but <user name> and <password> are specified for the -login parameter, the proxy is used without authentication. If <user name> and <password> are omitted and the -login parameter is omitted, you are prompted to enter the user ID and password for the proxy server.

  • -outpath

    This option defines the output path of the files to export.

    A maximum of 150 characters can be used when specifying a full path.

    When specifying a relative path, consider the number of characters in a full path.

    When this option is omitted, the files are output to the monitor2\out directory.

    • Relative paths are supported.
    • Output to a network drive is not supported.
    • To include a space in a path, enclose it in double quotation marks ("" "").
    • To specify "\", specify "\\")
    • If the specified directory does not exist, the directory is automatically created.

    This parameter is optional.

  • -range


    This parameter defines the range of accumulated data you want to export (specifies date and time).

    All data that was accumulated in the specified range (date and time) is output.

    When this parameter is not specified, all data accumulated in the storage system is exported (up to 1440 plots).

    Because performance values are obtained from differences in accumulated data, the output performance values are reduced by 1 plot. (Time at the head is not output.)

    This parameter is optional.

  • -group

    This parameter defines the performance metrics group name of the accumulated data you want to export.

    Specify one of the following performance metrics group names for the accumulated data you want to export:

    • MP
    • Cache
    • ParityGroup
    • LDEV
    • LU
      NoteThe same value is output to all LUs mapped to the LDEV. These files do not contain the monitoring data for a volume that does not accept I/O from the host, such as a pool volume. Performance monitoring data cannot be collected for a LU with an NVMe connection.
    • Port
    • PortError
    • LoginWWN
    • BackendPort
    • TrueCopy
    • UR

    You can specify group names in any order. To specify multiple groups, use a space to separate the group names (for example, MP Cache ParityGroup). When this parameter is not specified, accumulated data for all groups is exported.

  • -option

    This parameter specifies the option to export data.

    You can specify one or more of the following options in any order:

    • Whether to delete a file in the save directory.

      ask: Ask the user whether to delete a file or subdirectory (in the save directory) that has the same name as the output file.

      clear: Delete both CSV and ZIP files (in the save directory) that have the same name as the output file.

      When this parameter is not specified, the process is the same as when you specify clear.

    • Whether to compress exported data

      compress: Compresses data (ZIP format)

      nocompress: Does not compress data

      When this parameter is not specified, the process is the same as when you specify compress.

    • Whether to list the resource ID per row or per column

      resourceid_on_row: Lists the resource ID in a row for the exported data

      When this option is specified, the ID of a resource (for example, port) is listed in a row in the exported data (CSV file for performance information). Therefore, each record contains performance information for each collection time and resource.

      Example CSV file output:


      resourceid_on_column: Lists the resource ID in a column for the exported data

      When this option is specified, the ID of a resource (for example, port) is output in multiple rows in the exported data (CSV file for performance information). Therefore, each record contains performance information for multiple resources collected at the same time.

      You can specify these options (resourceid_on_row and resourceid_on_column) for VSP E series with a DKCMAIN microcode version of 93-06-21 or later.

      When these options are not specified or your storage system does not support these options, the process is the same as when you specify resourceid_on_row.

      Example CSV file output:

      Serial Number : 610025(VSP E790)
      From : 2021/09/20 23:40
      To : 2021/09/20 23:45
      Sampling : 5
CSV file format

The format of the performance information CSV file differs depending on the value specified for the -option parameter (resourceid_on_row or resourceid_on_column). When neither is specified, the output format is the same as when resourceid_on_row is specified.

  • When resourceid_on_row is specified, each record is output for each collection time and resource. You can modify certain aspects of the CSV file format by editing the file.

    • To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value for the exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter. The default setting value is “output”.

      The following shows the content of the CSV header.

      "Date", "Time", "ID", "metrics name"
    • The record format is as follows:
      "YYYY/MM/DD","HH:MM","Resource ID","Performance value"
    • The record placement is one line per record.

      The following shows an output example of the CSV file:


  • When resourceid_on_column is specified, one line contains performance information of multiple resources collected at the same time.. You can modify certain aspects of the CSV file format by editing the file.
    • To determine whether the CSV header is included, set the value for the exportdata.isCsvHeader parameter. The default setting value is “TRUE”. If you specify FALSE (meaning that the CSV header is not included), an error occurs when the export data command runs.

      The CSV header includes the following information:

      CSV file name
      Serial Number: <Serial number>(<Storage model name>)
      "Date", "Time", "Resource ID",…," Resource ID "
    • The record format is as follows:
      "YYYY/MM/DD","HH:MM","Performance value", ..., "Performance value"
    • The record placement is one line contains performance information of multiple resources collected at the same time.

      The following shows an output example of the CSV file:

      Serial Number : 610025(VSP E790)
      From : 2021/09/20 23:40
      To : 2021/09/20 23:45
      Sampling : 5

export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -range
 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN 
BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear resourceid_on_row
Start export performance data
================================> 100.0%
Plot:12(2017/04/06 12:00 - 2017/04/06 13:00)
export data command success

If the range of accumulation that you specified does not exist in the accumulated data, the following is displayed:

================================> 100.0%
export data command success

Specifying "ask" in the “-option” parameter:

export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress

When there are existing CSV or ZIP files that were previously generated, check file deletion. Check file deletion only once. (Deletion is not checked for each file.)

runWin.bat export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)

Specifying "ask" and responding with “clear(c)”:

export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)
You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n)

Specifying "ask" and responding with “y”. All existing CSV and ZIP files are deleted, and the export data command is run.

export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)
You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n)
Start export performance data

“n” is selected: Export data command ends.

export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)
You selected "c". Is it OK? (y/n)
Execution stops.

“stop(s)” is selected: export data command ends (unconditionally).

export data -ip -login User Pass –option ask nocompress
Some file exists on path. What do you do? clear(c)/stop(s)
Execution stops.

Export commands ending with an error

The export data command starts:

export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -
range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN 
BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear
Start export performance data

The accumulated data is obtained, the CSV files is created, and the file is compressed.

export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -
range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN 
BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear
Start export performance data
==========>                                     40.3%

When an error occurs during the processing, this message is displayed, and the command is terminated:

export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -
range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN 
BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear
Start export performance data
===============> 50.0%
Error message [MSG ID = XXXX]
Execution stops.

Stopping the process by pressing the Ctrl+c key

When you press the Ctrl+c key to stop the process, the messages “Stopping...” and “Execution stops.” are displayed, and the command is terminated:

export data -ip -login User Pass -outpath c:\\exportlog -
range 201704061200:201704061300 -group MP PG LDEV LU Port PortError LoginWWN 
BackendPort TrueCopy UR –option nocompress clear
Start export performance data
==========>                     40.3%
Execution stops.

Starting multiple export tools at the same time

When you start the export tool, the number of export tools already running is displayed. (If no other export tool is running, it is not displayed.)

export data -ip -login User Pass 
Start export performance data 
Number of concurrent export performance data:1 


The help function (help command) displays help information for Export Tool 2.



After the command is input, the content of the help file is output.

Example of Command Execution (help command)

The following example shows command execution. It is merely an example; the description is different from the actual one because the help is updated due to additions and improvement of functions.

Command Line Syntax
show interval
Sampling interval of performance information set in storage is displayed. 
show interval [-ip {ip-address|host-name}] [-login userid password] [-proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-
number userid password]
ip {ip-address|host-name}
ip-address: The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Storage.
host-name:  The host name of the Storage.
login userid password
userid:   The user ID to be used for logging into the DKC.
password: The password of the user
proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-number userid password
ip-address:   The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Proxy Server.
host-name:    The host name of the Proxy Server.
port-number:  The host name of the Proxy Server.
userid:       The user ID to be used for logging into the Proxy Server.
password:     The password of the user
set interval
Set sampling interval of performance information for storage. 
set interval [-ip {ip-address|host-name}] [-login userid password] [-proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-
number userid password] [-interval Sampling interval]
ip {ip-address|host-name}
ip-address: The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Storage.
host-name:  The host name of the Storage.
login userid password
userid:   The user ID to be used for logging into the DKC.
password: The password of the user
proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-number userid password
ip-address:   The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Proxy Server.
host-name:    The host name of the Proxy Server.
port-number:  The host name of the Proxy Server.
userid:       The user ID to be used for logging into the Proxy Server.
password:     The password of the user
interval Sampling interval
Specify 5 to 60 (multiple of 5) as the sampling interval (min).
show range
Display the list of time of performace information accumulated in storage. 
show range [-ip {ip-address|host-name}] [-login userid password] [-proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-
number userid password]
ip {ip-address|host-name}
ip-address: The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Storage.
host-name:  The host name of the Storage.
login userid password
userid:   The user ID to be used for logging into the DKC.
password: The password of the user
proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-number userid password
ip-address:   The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Proxy Server.
host-name:    The host name of the Proxy Server.
port-number:  The host name of the Proxy Server.
userid: The user ID to be used for logging into the Proxy Server.
password:     The password of the user
export data
Get performance information accumulated in storage and output it in CSV file. 
export data [-ip {ip-address|host-name}] [-login userid password] [-proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-
number userid password] 
[-outpath Output directory] [-range yyyyMMddhhmm:yyyyMMddhhmm] [-group Group name...] [-
option {ask|clear} {compress|nocompress}]
ip {ip-address|host-name}
ip-address: The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Storage.
host-name:  The host name of the Storage.
login userid password
userid:   The user ID to be used for logging into the DKC.
password: The password of the user
proxy {ip-address|host-name} port-number userid password
ip-address:   The IP address(IPv4|IPv6) of the Proxy Server.
host-name:    The host name of the Proxy Server.
port-number:  The host name of the Proxy Server.
userid:       The user ID to be used for logging into the Proxy Server.
password:     The password of the user
outpath Output directory
Specifies the directory in which files will be saved.
If the specified directory does not exist, this subcommand creates the directory.
It can be specified with a relative path. 
To include a space in a path, enclose it in double quotation marks. (To enter "\", enter "\\")
If the option is not specified, <Export tool directory/monitor/out> is specified. 
range yyyyMMddhhmm:yyyyMMddhhmm
Specify the accumulation period you want to get from the accumulation period list of the result of 
showrange command. 
The left of ":" indicates the start time of the period, and the right indicates the end time. 
If this option is not specified, all performance information accumulated in storage is obtained.
group Group name
Specify a group name from the following names. 
To specify multiple groups, specify them by separating each name with a space. 
Port: Performance information of port is output. 
PortError: PortError performance information is output. 
LoginWWN: LoginWWN performance information is output. 
ParityGroup: ParityGroup performance information is output. 
LDEV: LDEV performance information is output. 
LU: LU performance information is output. 
MP: MP performance information is output. 
Cache: Cache performance information is output. 
BackendPort: BackendPort performance information is output. 
TrueCopy: TrueCopy performance information is output. 
UR: UR performance information is output. 
If this option is not specified, all groups are specified. 
option {ask|clear} {compress|nocompress}
ask:   Displays a message that asks whether to delete existing directories and files.
clear: Deletes subdirectories and CSV files from the directory in which CSV files
should be saved, and then exports monitoring data.
If ask|clear is not specified, clear is specified. 
compress: CSV file is output as compressed ZIP file. 
nocompress: CSV file is output. 
If compress|nocompress is not specified, compress is specified.


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