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Initial settings for a storage system

Initial setup tasks of a storage system include setting date and time, registering licenses, and specifying the target destination of the audit log files.

Overview of the initial settings of a storage system

This section describes the operations that can be performed by using the REST API, related to the initial settings of a storage system.
For VSP 5000 series

You can perform the following operations:

  • Setting the transfer destinations for audit log files

    Specify settings related to the transfer of audit log files from a storage system to the syslog servers. You can also upload to the storage system the certificate files that are required when SSL communication is used to transfer audit log files between a storage system and the syslog servers.

  • Setting the SNMP notification destinations

    Specify settings related to reporting error information (SIM) of a storage system by using SNMP. To perform a test transmission of the SNMP trap, use Hitachi Device Manager - Storage Navigator.

  • License management

    Set software licenses.

  • Changing the user information used in searches of the external authentication server

    Change the DN (Distinguished Name) and password of the user used in searches of the external authentication server set for the storage system.

For VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900
  • Setting the system date and time for a storage system

    Set the system date and time for a storage system.

  • Setting the transfer destinations for audit log files

    Specify settings related to the transfer of audit log files from a storage system to the syslog servers. You can also upload to the storage system the certificate files that are required when SSL communication is used to transfer audit log files between a storage system and the syslog servers.

  • Setting the SNMP notification destinations

    Specify settings related to reporting error information (SIM) of a storage system by using SNMP.

  • Setting error notification emails

    Specify settings related to reporting error information (SIM) of a storage system by using emails.

  • License management

    Set software licenses.

  • Changing the user information used in searches of the external authentication server

    Change the DN (Distinguished Name) and password of the user used in searches of the external authentication server set for the storage system.

Related manuals

For details about the initial settings of the storage system, see the following manuals.

  • System Administrator Guide
  • Hitachi Alert Notification Guide (VSP 5000 series)
  • Hitachi SNMP Agent User Guide (VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900)

Getting the system date and time of a storage system

The following request gets the system date and time of a storage system.

You can use this API function for VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/v1/objects/date-times/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "isNtpEnabled": true,
      "ntpServerNames": [
      "timeZoneId": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "systemTime": "2016-07-20T17:02:12Z",
      "synchronizingLocalTime": "22:00",
      "adjustsDaylightSavingTime": true






    Whether to synchronize the time with the NTP server

    • true: Synchronize the time with the NTP server
    • false: Do not synchronize the time with the NTP server



    The IP address or host name of the NTP server

    This attribute is displayed if the time is synchronized with the NTP server.



    Time zone ID



    System date and time (UTC)



    Synchronization time with the NTP server (local time)

    This attribute is displayed if the time is synchronized with the NTP server.



    Whether to automatically adjust for daylight saving time

    This attribute is displayed if the time zone supports daylight saving time.

    • true: Adjust for daylight saving time
    • false: Do not adjust for daylight saving time
Status codes

The following table describes the meaning of the status code of the request for this operation. For details on other status codes, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Status code




Precondition Failed

The microcode version of the storage system does not support this operation.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Getting a list of time zones that can be used in a storage system

The following request checks the time zones that can be used when you set the system date and time of a storage system or other information.

You can use this API function for VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/v1/objects/time-zones
Request message
  • Object ID


  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "data": [
          "timeZoneId": "Etc/GMT+12",
          "timeZone": "(UTC-12:00)",
          "displayName": "International Date Line West",
          "observesDaylightSavingTime": false
          "timeZoneId": "Etc/GMT+11",
          "timeZone": "(UTC-11:00)",
          "displayName": "Coordinated Universal Time-11",
          "observesDaylightSavingTime": false
          "timeZoneId": "Pacific/Honolulu",
          "timeZone": "(UTC-10:00)",
          "displayName": "Hawaii",
          "observesDaylightSavingTime": false






    Time zone ID



    Time zone



    Displays the name of the time zone



    Whether daylight saving time is supported

    • true: Daylight saving time is supported.
    • false: Daylight saving time is not supported.
Status codes

The following table describes the meaning of the status code of the request for this operation. For details on other status codes, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Status code




Precondition Failed

The microcode version of the storage system does not support this operation.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Setting the system date and time of a storage system

The following request sets the system date and time of a storage system.

  • You can use this API function for VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900.

  • If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/date-times/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

      "isNtpEnabled": true,
      "ntpServerNames": [
      "timeZoneId": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "systemTime": "2016-07-20T17:02:12Z",
      "synchronizingLocalTime": "22:00",
      "adjustsDaylightSavingTime": true,
      "synchronizesNow": true






    (Required) Whether to synchronize the time with the NTP server

    • true: Synchronize the time with the NTP server
    • false: Do not synchronize the time with the NTP server



    (Optional) The IP address or host name of the NTP server

    You can specify this attribute only if true is specified for the isNtpEnabled attribute. If true is specified for the isNtpEnabled attribute, you must specify this attribute.

    If you specify multiple NTP servers, use commas to delimit the names. You can set a maximum of 5 NTP servers.



    (Required) Time zone ID

    Specify a time zone ID that you obtained by using the API function that obtains a list of available time zones for the storage system.



    (Required) System date and time (UTC)

    Specify a date between January 1, 2000 and December 31, 2037 in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ format.

    If the time zone specified for the timeZoneId attribute uses daylight saving time and the adjustsDaylightSavingTime attribute is set to true, you cannot set a time that is within the transition period of standard time to daylight saving time or the transition period of daylight saving time to standard time.

    The specified system date and time might be different from the date and time actually set on the storage system by several seconds. To set an accurate date and time, we recommend that you synchronize the date and time with the NTP server.



    (Optional) Synchronization time with the NTP server (local time)

    You can specify this attribute only if true is specified for the isNtpEnabled attribute. Specify a time between 00:00 and 23:59 in "hh:mm" format.

    If this attribute is omitted, 00:00 is assumed to be set.



    (Optional) Whether to automatically switch to daylight saving time

    You can specify this attribute only if the time zone specified for the timeZoneId attribute supports daylight saving time.

    You cannot specify this attribute if the specified time zone does not support daylight saving time. To check whether the time zone supports daylight saving time, you can use the API function that obtains a list of available time zones for the storage system.

    • true: Switch to daylight saving time
    • false: Do not switch to daylight saving time

    If this attribute is omitted, true is assumed to be set.



    (Optional) Whether to immediately synchronize with the NTP server

    You can specify this attribute only when true is specified for the isNtpEnabled attribute.

    • true: Immediately synchronize with the NTP server
    • false: Do not synchronize with the NTP server until the synchronization time

    If you specify false for this attribute, the time will be set as the time specified for the systemTime attribute until the time specified for the synchronization time of the synchronizingLocalTime attribute.

    If this attribute is omitted, true is assumed to be set.

Response message
  • Body

      "isNtpEnabled": true,
      "ntpServerNames": [
      "timeZoneId": "America/Los_Angeles",
      "systemTime": "2016-07-20T17:02:12Z",
      "synchronizingLocalTime": "22:00",
      "adjustsDaylightSavingTime": true






    Whether to synchronize the time with the NTP server

    • true: Synchronize the time with the NTP server
    • false: Do not synchronize the time with the NTP server



    The IP address or host name of the NTP server



    Time zone ID



    System date and time (UTC)



    Synchronization time with the NTP server (local time)



    Whether to automatically switch to daylight saving time

    • true: Switch to daylight saving time
    • false: Do not switch to daylight saving time
Action template


Status codes

The following table describes the meaning of the status code of the request for this operation. For details on other status codes, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Status code




Precondition Failed

The microcode version of the storage system does not support this operation.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Uploading the files required for initial configuration

The following request uploads the files required for the initial configuration of storage systems. The files are uploaded from a REST API client to the storage system. In the request header of this API function, specify multipart/form-data for Content-Type.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

If SSL communication is used between the storage system and the syslog server, run this API function to upload the required certificate file to the storage system in advance. After that, run the API function for setting the transfer destinations of the audit log. When you do so, the storage system will be set to use the uploaded certificate file for communication.


  • Only one file can be uploaded in one request.
  • If files with the same fileType attribute are already uploaded, the currently uploaded file will be overwritten by the file to be uploaded.
Execution permission

Audit Log Administrator (View & Modify)

Request header

In this API, the request body is sent in the format of multipart/form-data. Specify multipart/form-data for the Content-Type of the request header.

Request line

POST base-URL/v1/objects/actions/file-upload/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID


  • Query parameters


  • Body






    (Required) File type of the file to be uploaded

    The specifiable values are as follows:

    • AuditSyslogPrimaryClientCertFile: Client certificate file of the syslog server to which audit log files are to be transferred (for the primary server)
    • AuditSyslogPrimaryRootCertFile: Root certificate file of the syslog server to which audit log files are to be transferred (for the primary server)
    • AuditSyslogSecondaryClientCertFile: Client certificate file of the syslog server to which audit log files are to be transferred (for the secondary server)
    • AuditSyslogSecondaryRootCertFile: Root certificate file of the syslog server to which audit log files are to be transferred (for the secondary server)



    (Required) File to be uploaded

    You can use the following characters:
    • Spaces
    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

Response message
  • Body


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

If HTTP status code 502 is returned, make sure the file is correctly specified, and then run the API request again.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -H "Expect:" -X POST -F "file=@C:\certfile.crt" -F "fileType=AuditSyslogPrimaryClientCertFile"

If you run a request in which multipart/form-data is specified for Content-Type, Expect: 100-continue might be automatically assigned to the header, depending on the specifications of the client software. For VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900 storage systems, depending on the specifications of the web server, this header might not be accepted. If the header is not accepted, a 417 error occurs, and the request fails. In this coding example, the Except header is specified to overwrite the automatically assigned header, thereby preventing this error.

Getting information about the transfer destinations of audit log files

The following request gets information, specified for a storage system, about the settings related to the transfer of audit log files to the syslog servers.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Audit Log Administrator (View Only)

Request line

GET base-URL/v1/objects/auditlog-syslog-servers/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "transferProtocol": "TLS",
      "locationName": "886000123456",
      "retries": true,
      "retryInterval": 30,
      "isDetailed": true,
      "primarySyslogServer": {
        "isEnabled": true,
        "ipAddress": "",
        "port": 12345
      "secondarySyslogServer": {
        "isEnabled": true,
        "ipAddress": "",
        "port": 12345






    Protocol to be used when transferring audit log files to the syslog servers

    • TLS: TLS1.2/RFC5424
    • UDP: UDP/RFC3164

    If the transfer destination of audit log files has not been set, undefined will be output for VSP 5000 series storage systems, but UDP will be output for VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900 , VSP F350, F370, F700, F900 storage systems.



    Name of the storage system from which audit log files are to be transferred



    Specifies whether to try again if communication with a syslog server fails

    This attribute is displayed if the transferProtocol attribute is TLS.

    • true: Tries again
    • false: Does not try again



    Retry interval (in seconds) when communication with a syslog server fails

    This attribute is displayed if the retries attribute is true.



    Specifies whether to transfer detailed information about audit log files to the syslog servers

    • true: Transfers detailed information
    • false: Does not transfer detailed information



    Settings of the primary-site syslog server

    The following information about the primary-site syslog server is displayed:

    • isEnabled (boolean)

      Whether audit log files are transferred to the syslog server

      • true: Audit log files are transferred to the syslog server
      • false: Audit log files are not transferred to the syslog server
    • ipAddress (string)

      IP address or host name of the server

      This is displayed when the value of the isEnabled attribute is true.

    • port (int)

      Port number

      This is displayed when the value of the isEnabled attribute is true.



    Settings of the secondary-site syslog server

    The following information about the secondary-site syslog server is displayed:

    • isEnabled (boolean)

      Whether audit log files are transferred to the syslog server

      • true: Audit log files are transferred to the syslog server
      • false: Audit log files are not transferred to the syslog server
    • ipAddress (string)

      IP address or host name of the server

      This is displayed when the value of the isEnabled attribute is true.

    • port (int)

      Port number

      This is displayed when the value of the isEnabled attribute is true.

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Specifying the transfer destinations of audit log files

The following request specifies settings related to the transfer of audit log files from a storage system to the syslog servers. Run this API function with https specified as the protocol to be used.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


  • If SSL communication is to be used to transfer audit log files between syslog servers, upload the necessary certificate files to the storage system before specifying the transfer destinations of audit log files.
  • If you locked the resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use the API function for specifying the transfer destinations of audit log files. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.
  • When specifying the transfer destinations of audit log files for VSP 5000 series, number of the retry and the timeout value are set as 1 and 120 sec.

Execution permission

Audit Log Administrator (View & Modify)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/auditlog-syslog-servers/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

      "transferProtocol": "TLS",
      "locationName": "886000123456",
      "retries": true,
      "retryInterval": 30,
      "isDetailed": true,
      "primarySyslogServer": {
        "isEnabled": true,
        "ipAddress": "",
        "port": 12345,
        "clientCertFileName": "primaryClientCert.crt",
        "clientCertFilePassword": "123456",
        "rootCertFileName": "primaryRootCert.crt"
      "secondarySyslogServer": {
        "isEnabled": true,
        "ipAddress": "",
        "port": 12345,
        "clientCertFileName": "secondaryClientCert.crt",
        "clientCertFilePassword": "123456",
        "rootCertFileName": "secondaryRootCert.crt"






    (Required) Protocol used when transferring audit log files to syslog servers

    Specify one of the following values:

    • TLS: TLS1.2/RFC5424
    • UDP: UDP/RFC3164



    (Required) Name of the storage system from which audit log files are to be transferred

    Specify a character string consisting of 1 to 32 characters. You can use the following characters:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~



    (Optional) Specify whether to try again if communication with a syslog server fails.

    If the transferProtocol attribute is TLS, specify either of the following values:

    • true: Try again.
    • false: Do not try again.
    If you omit this item, true is assumed.



    (Optional) Retry interval (in seconds) if communication with a syslog server fails

    If the retries attribute is true, specify a value in the range from 1 to 60. If you omit this item, 1 will be set.



    (Optional) Specify whether to transfer detailed information about audit log files to the syslog servers.

    Specify one of the following values:

    • true: Transfer detailed information.
    • false: Do not transfer detailed information.
    If you omit this item, true is assumed.



    (Required) Settings of the primary-site syslog server

    Specify values for the following attributes of the primary-site syslog server:

    • isEnabled (boolean)

      (Required) Specify whether audit log files are to be transferred to the syslog server.

      • true: Transfer audit log files.
      • false: Do not transfer audit log files.
    • ipAddress (string)

      (Optional) IP address or host name of the server

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled.

      You can specify an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a host name.

      Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

      You can use the following characters in the host name:

      • Alphanumeric characters
      • The following symbols:

        ! $ % - . @ _ ` ~

    • port (int)

      (Optional) Port number

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled.

    • clientCertFileName (string)

      (Optional) Name of the client certificate file

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol. If you specify this attribute, the certificate file that was uploaded to the storage system will be set to be used. (The system will not check whether the file name of the certificate matches the file name specified for this attribute.) If a null character string is specified for this attribute, the certificate file that is already set for the storage system will be used.

    • clientCertFilePassword (string)

      (Optional) Password for client certificate

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol.

    • rootCertFileName (string)

      (Optional) File name for root certificate

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol. If you specify this attribute, the certificate file that was uploaded to the storage system will be set to be used. (The system will not check whether the file name of the certificate matches the file name specified for this attribute.) If a null character string is specified for this attribute, the certificate file that is already set for the storage system will be used.



    (Required) Settings of the secondary-site syslog server

    Specify values for the following attributes of the secondary-site syslog server:

    • isEnabled (boolean)

      (Required) Specify whether audit log files are to be transferred to the syslog server.

      • true: Transfer audit log files.
      • false: Do not transfer audit log files.
    • ipAddress (string)

      (Optional) IP address or host name of the server

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled.

      You can specify an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a host name.

      Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

      You can use the following characters in the host name:

      • Alphanumeric characters
      • The following symbols:

        ! $ % - . @ _ ` ~

    • port (int)

      (Optional) Port number

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled.

    • clientCertFileName (string)

      (Optional) Name of the client certificate file

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol. If you specify this attribute, the certificate file that was uploaded to the storage system will be set to be used. (The system will not check whether the file name of the certificate matches the file name specified for this attribute.) If a null character string is specified for this attribute, the certificate file that is already set for the storage system will be used.

    • clientCertFilePassword (string)

      (Optional) Password for client certificate

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol.

    • rootCertFileName (string)

      (Optional) File name for root certificate

      You must specify this attribute if true is specified for isEnabled and TLS is specified for transferProtocol. If you specify this attribute, the certificate file that was uploaded to the storage system will be set to be used. (The system will not check whether the file name of the certificate matches the file name specified for this attribute.) If a null character string is specified for this attribute, the certificate file that is already set for the storage system will be used.

Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the description of job objects.




    URL of the transfer destinations set for the audit log files of the storage system

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Sending test messages to the transfer destinations of audit log files

The following request sends test messages to the syslog servers to verify that the settings related to the transfer destinations of audit log files are correctly specified.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you locked the resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use the API function for sending test messages. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Audit Log Administrator (View & Modify)

Request line
POST base-URL/v1/objects/auditlog-syslog-servers/instance/actions/send-test/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on the schema of job objects, see the description of job objects.

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST -d ""

Getting SNMP settings

The following request explains how to obtain the SNMP settings for a storage system.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line
GET base-URL/v1/objects/snmp-settings/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    The following is an example of output when the SNMP version is SNMP v1:

      "isSNMPAgentEnabled": true,
      "snmpVersion": "v1",
      "sendingTrapSetting": {
        "snmpv1v2cSettings": [
            "community": "MyRestSNMPCommunity1",
            "sendTrapTo": [
      "requestAuthenticationSetting": {
        "snmpv1v2cSettings": [
            "community": "MyRestSNMPCommunity2",
            "requestsPermitted": [
      "systemGroupInformation": {
        "storageSystemName": "VSP_G700",
        "contact": "",
        "location": "Data Center 1F"
      "snmpEngineID": "0x80000074046361336663353061"

    The following is an example of output when the SNMP version is SNMP v3:

      "isSNMPAgentEnabled": true,
      "snmpVersion": "v3",
      "sendingTrapSetting": {
        "snmpv3Settings": [
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser1",
            "sendTrapTo": "",
            "authentication": {
              "protocol": "SHA",
              "password": "",
              "encryption": {
                "protocol": "AES",
                "key": ""
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser2",
            "sendTrapTo": ""
      "requestAuthenticationSetting": {
        "snmpv3Settings": [
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser3",
            "authentication": {
              "protocol": "MD5",
              "password": "",
              "encryption": {
                "protocol": "DES",
                "key": ""
      "systemGroupInformation": {
        "storageSystemName": "VSP_G700",
        "contact": "",
        "location": "Data Center 1F"
      "snmpEngineID": "0x80000074046361336663353061"






    Whether the SNMP Agent is enabled

    • true: Enabled
    • false: Disabled

    If this attribute is true, error information (SIM) is reported by SNMP traps. Also, SNMP operation requests (GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, and GETBULK REQUEST) are received.



    SNMP version

    Outputs the SNMP version that is being used.

    • v1 : SNMP v1
    • v2c : SNMP v2c
    • v3 : SNMP v3

    If this attribute is not set, Unestablished is output.



    SNMP trap destinations

    • snmpv1v2cSettings (object[])

      Array of settings for SNMP trap destinations

      This is output when there is a setting for which the SNMP version is SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.

      • community (string)

        Community name used for SNMP trap reports

      • sendTrapTo (string[])

        Array of IP addresses to which SNMP traps are sent

        The addresses are output in IPv4 or IPv6 IP.

    • snmpv3Settings (object[])

      Array of the settings for SNMP trap destinations

      This is output when there is a setting for which the SNMP protocol version is SNMP v3.

      • userName (string)

        User name that is used for SNMP trap reports

      • sendTrapTo (string)

        The IP address to which an SNMP trap is sent

        This is output in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

      • authentication (object)

        Authentication information

        This is output when password-based authentication is enabled. For details on the output attributes, see the table of the attributes output to the authentication attribute.



    Settings for permitted requests.

    Settings for the permitted requests (GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, and GETBULK REQUEST) of SNMP operations are output.

    • snmpv1v2cSettings (object[])

      Array of the settings for permitted requests

      This is output when there is a setting for which the SNMP protocol version is SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c.

      • community (string)

        Name of the community that receives requests

      • requestsPermitted (string[])

        Array of the IP addresses of the SNMP Managers that receive requests

        This is output in IPv4 or IPv6 format. If the array is empty, requests of all SNMP Managers are received.

    • snmpv3Settings (object[])

      Array of the settings for permitted requests

      This is output when there is a setting for which the SNMP version is SNMP v3.

      • userName (string)

        Name of the user who receives requests

      • authentication (object)

        Authentication information

        This is output when password-based authentication is enabled. For details on the output attributes, see the table of the attributes output to the authentication attribute.



    Information of the system group

    • storageSystemName (string)

      Name of the storage system

    • contact (string)

      Contact information or name of the administrator

    • location (string)

      Location of the storage system



    ID identifying the SNMP engine

    The following table shows the attributes output to the authentication attribute.






    Authentication method

    The following values are output:

    • SHA
    • MD5




    An empty character string is output even if a password has been set.



    Encryption information

    This is output when encryption is enabled.

    • protocol (string)

      Encryption method

      The following values are output:

      • AES
      • DES
    • key (string)

      Encryption key

      An empty character string is output even if an encryption key has been set.

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Specifying the SNMP error notification destinations

The following request specifies settings related to reporting error information (SIM) of a storage system by using SNMP. Run this API function with https specified as the protocol to be used.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Notes on creating the request body

Before running this API function, obtain the current settings by using the API function that obtains SNMP information. The response body you have obtained is to be used as the request body for this API function. Values other than the SNMP-version value specified in the snmpVersion attribute might also be output in the obtained settings information. Change only the values of the attributes that you want to change.

For the VSP 5000 series, this API only updates the values of settings supported by the SNMP version that is specified by the snmpVersion attribute. For example, if v1 is set for the snmpVersion attribute, this API updates only the values of the items that are supported by version SNMP v1 and specified under the sendingTrapSetting attribute. For details, see the descriptions about the attributes of the request body.

For VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900, this API updates all settings by overwriting the existing values, including the settings of versions other than the version specified by the snmpVersion attribute. When you delete the information of the acquired response body, those setting contents are deleted.

  • Null character values are output to the acquired response body for the password attribute and key attribute. Change the values only when you want to change the setting.
  • You cannot change the setting for the snmpEngineID attribute. The value is ignored even if it is specified.
  • If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/snmp-settings/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

    The following is a coding example when the SNMP version is SNMP v1:

      "isSNMPAgentEnabled": true,
      "snmpVersion": "v1",
      "sendingTrapSetting": {
        "snmpv1v2cSettings": [
            "community": "MyRestSNMPCommunity1",
            "sendTrapTo": [
      "requestAuthenticationSetting": {
        "snmpv1v2cSettings": [
            "community": "MyRestSNMPCommunity2",
            "requestsPermitted": [
      "systemGroupInformation": {
        "storageSystemName": "VSP_G700",
        "contact": "",
        "location": "Data Center 1F"

    The following is a coding example when the SNMP version is SNMP v3:

      "isSNMPAgentEnabled": true,
      "snmpVersion": "v3",
      "sendingTrapSetting": {
        "snmpv3Settings": [
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser1",
            "sendTrapTo": "",
            "authentication": {
              "protocol": "SHA",
              "password": "TopSecretForMySNMP1",
              "encryption": {
                "protocol": "AES",
                "key": "KeyForMySNMP1"
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser2",
            "sendTrapTo": ""
      "requestAuthenticationSetting": {
        "snmpv3Settings": [
            "userName": "MyRestSNMPUser3",
            "authentication": {
              "protocol": "MD5",
              "password": "",
              "encryption": {
                "protocol": "DES",
                "key": ""
      "systemGroupInformation": {
        "storageSystemName": "VSP_G700",
        "contact": "",
        "location": "Data Center 1F"






    (Required) Whether SNMP Agent is enabled

    • true: Enabled
    • false: Disabled

    If this attribute is true, error information (SIM) is sent by using SNMP traps. Also, SNMP operation requests (GET REQUEST, GET NEXT REQUEST, and GET BULK REQUEST) are received.



    (Required) SNMP version

    Specify the SNMP version that is used. The specifiable values are as follows:

    • v1: SNMP v1
    • v2c: SNMP v2c
    • v3: SNMP v3



    (Optional) SNMP trap destinations

    Specifiable attributes vary depending on the SNMP version.

    • snmpv1v2cSettings (object[])

      (Optional) Array of the settings for SNMP trap destinations (for SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c)

      You can specify up to 32 destinations. If you specify more than one destination, you must specify a unique community attribute. If you specify snmpv1v2cSettings attribute, you must also specify both the community attribute and the sendTrapTo attribute.

      • community (string)

        Community name used to report an SNMP trap#

        Specify a character string that consists of 1 to 180 characters.

      • sendTrapTo (string[])

        Array of the IP addresses to which SNMP traps are sent.

        Specify these in IPv4 or IPv6 format. You can specify up to 32 IP addresses.

    • snmpv3Settings (object[])

      (Optional) Array of the settings for SNMP trap destinations (for SNMP v3)

      You can specify up to 8 destinations. If you specify more than one destination, you must specify a unique sendTrapTo attribute. If you specify snmpv3Settings attribute, you must also specify both the userName attribute and the sendTrapTo attribute.

      • userName (string)

        User name that is used for SNMP trap reports#

        Specify a character string that consists of 1 to 32 characters.

      • sendTrapTo (string)

        Specify the IP address to which SNMP traps are sent.

        Specify these in IPv4 or IPv6 format.

      • authentication (object)

        (Optional) Authentication information

        Specify this attribute when password-based authentication is enabled. For details on the specifiable attributes, see the table of the attributes that can be specified for the authentication attribute.



    (Optional) Settings for the permitted requests

    Specify the settings for the permitted requests (GET REQUEST, GETNEXT REQUEST, and GETBULK REQUEST) of SNMP operations. Specifiable attributes vary depending on the SNMP version.

    • snmpv1v2cSettings (object[])

      (Optional) Array of the settings for permitted requests (for SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c)

      You can specify up to 32 requests. If you specify more than one request, you must specify a unique community attribute. If you specify snmpv1v2cSettings attribute, you must also specify both the community attribute and the requestsPermitted attribute.

      • community (string)

        Name of the community that receives requests#

        Specify a character string that consists of 1 to 180 characters.

      • requestsPermitted (string[])

        Array of the IP addresses of the SNMP Managers that receive requests

        Specify this in IPv4 or IPv6 format. You can specify up to 32 IP addresses. If you specify an empty array, requests of all SNMP Managers are received.

    • snmpv3Settings (object[])

      (Optional) Array of the settings for permitted requests (for SNMP v3)

      You can specify up to 8 requests. If you specify more than one request, you must specify a unique userName attribute. If you specify snmpv3Settings attribute, you must also specify the userName attribute.

      • userName (string)

        Name of the user who receives requests#

        Specify a character string that consists of 1 to 32 characters. This attribute is case sensitive.

      • authentication (object)

        (Optional) Authentication information

        Specify this attribute when password-based authentication is enabled. For details on the specifiable attributes, see the table of the attributes that can be specified for the authentication attribute.



    (Required) Information of the system group

    • storageSystemName (string)

      (Required) Name of the storage system#

      This is output as the sysName of the MIB of SNMP Agent. Specify a character string that consists of 1 to 180 characters.

    • contact (string)

      (Required) Contact information or name of the administrator#

      This is output as the sysContact of the MIB of SNMP Agent. Specify a character string that consists of 0 to 180 characters.

    • location (string)

      (Required) Location of the storage system#

      This is output as the sysLocation of the MIB of SNMP Agent. Specify a character string that consists of 0 to 180 characters.

    The following table shows the attributes that can be specified for the authentication attribute. If you specify authentication attribute, you must also specify both the protocol attribute and the password attribute.






    Authentication method

    You can specify the following values:

    • SHA
    • MD5




    For a VSP 5000 series storage system, specify a character string consisting of no fewer than 8 and no more than 180 characters.

    For a VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900 storage system, specify a character string consisting of no fewer than 8 and no more than 64 characters.

    If you do not want to change the password, specify an empty character string.



    (Optional) Encryption information

    Specify this item to enable encryption. If you specify this attribute, you must also specify both the protocol attribute and the key attribute.

    • protocol (string)

      Encryption method

      You can specify the following values:

      • AES
      • DES
    • key (string)

      Encryption key#

      For a VSP 5000 series storage system, specify a character string consisting of no fewer than 8 and no more than 180 characters.

      For a VSP E series, VSP G350, G370, G700, G900, VSP F350, F370, F700, F900 storage system, specify a character string consisting of no fewer than 8 and no more than 64 characters.

      If you do not want to change the encryption key, specify an empty character string.

    #: You can use the following characters:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! # $ ' ( ) + - . = @ [ ] _ ` { } ~

      For a VSP 5000 series storage system, the following symbols can be used for the community attribute.

      ! # $ ( ) + - . = @ [ ] _ ` { } ~

    • Spaces (except at the beginning or end of a character string)
Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL of the SNMP settings

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Sending a test SNMP trap

The following request sends a test SNMP trap to make sure that the settings for reporting error information (SIM) to the SNMP manager are correctly specified.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
POST base-URL/v1/objects/snmp-settings/instance/actions/send-trap-test/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on the schema of job objects, see the description of job objects.

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST -d ""

Getting information about the error notification email settings

The following request gets information about settings related to the sending of email notifications for the service information messages (SIMs) of storage systems.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line
GET base-URL/v1/objects/alert-email-settings/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "isEmailNotificationEnabled" : true,
      "mailServer" : {
        "serverName" : "server1",
        "smtpAuth" : {
          "isSmtpAuthEnabled" : false,
          "account" : "user1",
          "password" : "****"
      "fromAddress" : "",
      "replyToAddress" : "",
      "toAddresses" : [
        "attribute" : "to",
        "address" : ""
      "description" : "description"






    Whether notification by error notification emails is enabled

    • true: Enabled
    • false: Disabled



    Settings related to the server that sends the error notification emails

    The IP address or host name of the server is displayed, along with the following SMTP authentication settings.

    • serverName (string)

      IP address or host name of the server

    • smtpAuth (object)

      SMTP authentication settings for the server

      • isSmtpAuthEnabled (boolean)

        Whether SMTP authentication is enabled

        true: Enabled

        false: Disabled

      • account (string)

        Account (user name) for SMTP authentication

      • password (string)

        Password for SMTP authentication

        If a password is set, four asterisks (****) are displayed.

        If no password is set, an empty character string is displayed.



    Source (from) email address from which error notification emails are sent



    Reply-destination (reply-to) email address to which replies to error notification emails are sent



    Array of destination addresses for error notification emails

    If destination addresses for error notification emails are set, the following information is output:

    • attribute (string)

      An attribute of a destination address for error notification emails.

      Either to, cc, or bcc is output.

    • address (string)

      A destination address for error notification emails.



    Information displayed at the beginning of an error notification email

    Additional notification information that is displayed at the beginning of an error notification email is output.

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Specifying settings for error notification emails

The following request specifies settings related to the sending of email notifications for the service information messages (SIMs) of storage systems. You can specify, in a batch operation, the server that sends the error notification emails, additional information to be included in each email, and the destination addresses.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/alert-email-settings/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

      "isEmailNotificationEnabled": true,
      "mailServer": {
            "serverName": "server1",
            "smtpAuth" : {
              "account": "user1",
              "password": "userPass"
      "fromAddress" : "",
      "replyToAddress" : "",
      "toAddresses" : [
           "attribute" :"to",
           "address" :""
           "attribute" :"cc",
           "address" :""
           "attribute" :"bcc",
           "address" :""
      "description" : "description"






    (Optional) Whether to enable the sending of error notification emails

    • true: Enabled
    • false: Disabled
    If you specify true, be sure to specify at least one source (from) address and one destination address.



    (Optional) Settings related to the server that sends the error notification emails

    • serverName (string)

      (Optional) IP address or host name of the server

      If you want to enable sending error notification emails, be sure to specify the serverName attribute of the mailServer object.

      You can specify an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a host name.

      Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

      You can use the following characters in the host name:

      • Alphanumeric characters
      • The following symbols:

        ! $ % - . @ _ ` ~

      You cannot use spaces.

      To delete the IP address or host name of the server for sending emails, specify false for the isEmailNotificationEnabled attribute, and then specify an empty character string for this attribute.

    • smtpAuth (object)

      (Optional) SMTP authentication settings for the server

      • isSmtpAuthEnabled (boolean)

        (Optional) Whether to use SMTP authentication

        true: Use

        false: Do not use

      • account (string)

        (Optional) Account (user name) for SMTP authentication

        You must specify this attribute if true is specified for the isSmtpAuthEnabled attribute.

        Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

        You can use the following characters:

        Alphanumeric characters

        The following symbols:

        ! $ % ( ) - . @ _ ` ~

        You cannot use spaces.

        To delete the account (user name) for SMTP authentication, specify false for the isSmtpAuthEnabled attribute, and specify an empty character string for this attribute.

      • password (string)

        (Optional) Password for SMTP authentication

        You must specify this attribute if true is specified for the isSmtpAuthEnabled attribute.

        Specify a password consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

        You can use the following characters:

        Alphanumeric characters

        The following symbols:

        ! $ % ( ) - . @ _ ` ~

        You cannot use spaces.

        To delete the SMTP authentication password, specify false for the isSmtpAuthEnabled attribute, and specify an empty character string for this attribute.



    (Optional) Source (from) email address from which error notification emails are sent#

    In fromAddress, specify a value consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

    To delete a source (from) email address from which error notification emails are sent, specify false for the isEmailNotificationEnabled attribute, and then specify an empty character string for this attribute.



    (Optional) Reply-destination (reply-to) email address to which replies to error notification emails are to be sent#

    In replyToAddress, specify a value consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

    To delete the reply-destination (reply-to) address, specify an empty character string.



    (Optional) Array of destination addresses for error notification emails

    You can specify up to 32 destination addresses to which error notification emails are to be sent. If you specify this attribute, all destination addresses that are currently registered will be overwritten.

    • attribute (string)

      An attribute of a destination address for error notification emails.

      You must specify this attribute if you specify the toAddresses attribute.

      • to
      • cc
      • bcc
    • address (string)

      A destination address for error notification emails.#

      You must specify this attribute if you specify the toAddresses attribute. Specify an address consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

    To delete all registered destination addresses for error notification emails, specify false for the isEmailNotificationEnabled attribute, and then specify an empty array for this attribute.



    (Optional) Information displayed at the beginning of an error notification email

    Specify additional notification information to be displayed at the beginning of an error notification email. You can use between 1 and 511 characters.

    You can use the following characters:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

    • Spaces
    • Newlines

      A newline character is counted as two characters.

    To delete the information displayed at the beginning of an error notification email, specify an empty character string.

    #: You can use the following characters for the source (from) address, reply-destination (reply-to) address, and destination address:

    • Alphanumeric characters

    • The following symbols:

      ! # $ % & ' * + - . = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~

    You cannot use spaces.
Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL for acquiring settings information about an error notification email

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Adding a destination address for error notification emails

You can add a destination address for error notification emails. These notification emails are used to report service information messages (SIMs) of storage systems. This API allows you to add one destination address for error notification emails at a time.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line

POST base-URL/v1/objects/alert-email-settings/instance/actions/add-recipient-address/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

         "parameters": {
            "attribute" : "to",
            "address"   : ""






    (Required) An attribute of a destination address for error notification emails that you want to add.

    • to
    • cc
    • bcc



    (Required) A destination address for error notification emails that you want to add.

    Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

    You can use the following characters:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! # $ % & ' * + - . = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~

    You cannot use spaces.

Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL for acquiring settings information about an error notification email

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Deleting a destination address for error notification emails

You can delete a destination address for error notification emails. These notification emails are used to report service information messages (SIMs) of storage systems. This API allows you to delete one destination address at a time.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

  • To delete all destination addresses at once, disable the setting for sending error notification emails.

  • If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line

POST base-URL/v1/objects/alert-email-settings/instance/actions/remove-recipient-address/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body

         "parameters": {
             "address"   : ""






    (Required) A destination address for error notification emails that you want to delete.

    Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

    You can use the following characters:

    • Alphanumeric characters
    • The following symbols:

      ! # $ % & ' * + - . = ? @ ^ _ ` { | } ~

    You cannot use spaces.

Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL for acquiring settings information about an error notification email

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Sending a test error notification email

The following request sends a test error notification email to verify that the settings related to the sending of email notifications for the service information messages (SIMs) of storage systems are correctly specified.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
POST base-URL/v1/objects/alert-email-settings/instance/actions/send-email-test/invoke
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects. affectedResources is not displayed for this API. To verify that the email was successfully sent, check whether the test email was received by the specified recipients (destination addresses).

Status codes

The following table describes the meaning of the status code of the request for this operation. For details on other status codes, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Status code




Precondition Failed

If the setting for sending error notification emails is disabled, test emails cannot be sent.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST -d ""

Getting a list of license information

The following request obtains a list of software license information. You can also obtain the list by specifying the software name or installation status of the software.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


If you execute this API request immediately after updating the license, the request might not be processed correctly if the system does not recognize the updated license. If this happens, wait a while, and then execute the request again.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line
GET base-URL/v1/objects/licenses
Request message
  • Object ID


  • Query parameters



    Filter condition



    (Optional) Software name

    You cannot specify this parameter and the status parameter at the same time.



    (Optional) Installation status of the software

    You can specify the following values:

    • Installed
    • Installed (Disabled)
    • Not Installed
    • Not Enough License
    • Grace Period
    • Expired

    You cannot specify this parameter and the programProductName parameter at the same time.

  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "data": [
          "licenseId": 32775,
          "programProductName": "Dynamic Provisioning",
          "status": "Installed",
          "keyType": "Permanent",
          "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
          "usedCapacityInGB": 24379
          "licenseId": 32835,
          "programProductName": "Dynamic Tiering",
          "status": "Installed",
          "keyType": "Permanent",
          "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
          "usedCapacityInGB": 14682
          "licenseId": 32880,
          "programProductName": "Thin Image",
          "status": "Installed",
          "keyType": "Permanent",
          "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
          "usedCapacityInGB": 940
          "licenseId": 32884,
          "programProductName": "global-active device",
          "status": "Installed",
          "keyType": "Permanent",
          "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
          "usedCapacityInGB": 161

    The following is an example of output generated when the query parameters are specified:

      "data": [
          "licenseId": 32775,
          "programProductName": "Dynamic Provisioning",
          "status": "Installed",
          "keyType": "Permanent",
          "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
          "usedCapacityInGB": 24379

    The following table lists the license information that you can obtain. For details about license information, see the System Administrator Guide.






    License ID



    Software name



    Installation status of the software

    • Installed: Installed
    • Installed (Disabled): Installed (License is disabled)
    • Not Installed: Not installed
    • Not Enough License: Installed (Not enough license capacity)
    • Grace Period: Not enough license capacity because of additional LDEVs or pool volumes, or creation of pairs
    • Expired: Expired

      Output when the keyType attribute is Temporary.



    License key type

    • Permanent: For purchase (no limit on effective term)
    • Term: For purchase (effective term specified)
    • Temporary: For trial use before purchase
    • Emergency: For emergency use



    Specified if the permitted license capacity has a limit

    • Limited: Limited
    • Unlimited: Unlimited



    Permitted license capacity (TB)



    Volume capacity used by the software (GB)



    Remaining days before expiration

    • If the keyType attribute is Term, Temporary, or Emergency: Remaining days before expiration
    • If a license for which the keyType attribute is Temporary is expired: Remaining days after the expiration date until re-installation of the software becomes available
Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Getting information about a specific license

The following request obtains license information by specifying a software license ID.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (View Only)

Request line
GET base-URL/v1/objects/licenses/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the licenseId value obtained by getting information about the licenses.






    (Required) License ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

      "licenseId": 32775,
      "programProductName": "Dynamic Provisioning",
      "status": "Installed",
      "keyType": "Permanent",
      "capacityLimitStatus": "Unlimited",
      "usedCapacityInGB": 24379

    The following table lists the license information that you can obtain. For details about license information, see the System Administrator Guide.






    License ID



    Software name



    Installation status of the software

    • Installed: Installed
    • Installed (Disabled): Installed (License is disabled)
    • Not Installed: Not installed
    • Not Enough License: Installed (Not enough license capacity)
    • Grace Period: Not enough license capacity because of additional LDEVs or pool volumes, or creation of pairs
    • Expired: Expired

      Output when the keyType attribute is Temporary.



    License key type

    • Permanent: For purchase (no limit on effective term)
    • Term: For purchase (effective term specified)
    • Temporary: For trial use before purchase
    • Emergency: For emergency use



    Specified if the permitted license capacity has a limit

    • Limited: Limited
    • Unlimited: Unlimited



    Permitted license capacity (TB)



    Volume capacity used by the software (GB)



    Remaining days before expiration

    • If the keyType attribute is Term, Temporary, or Emergency: Remaining days before expiration
    • If a license for which the keyType attribute is Temporary is expired: Remaining days after the expiration date until re-installation of the software becomes available
Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X GET

Installing software

The following request installs software by registering a license key code.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
POST base-URL/v1/objects/licenses
Request message
  • Object ID


  • Query parameters


  • Body

      "keyCode": "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789012345678901234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS"






    (Required) License key code

Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL of the list of software license information

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X POST --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Enabling or disabling a license

You can enable or disable a software license by specifying the software license ID.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/licenses/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the licenseId value obtained by getting information about the licenses.






    (Required) License ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body

      "isEnabled": true






    (Required) Whether to enable a license or not

    • true: Enables a license
    • false: Disables a license
Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL of information about the license for which the setting was changed

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json

Removing software

The following request shows how to remove software by specifying the license ID.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.

Execution permission

Storage Administrator (Initial Configuration)

Request line
DELETE base-URL/v1/objects/licenses/object-ID
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify the licenseId value obtained by getting information about the licenses.






    (Required) License ID

  • Query parameters


  • Body


Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. For details on attributes other than affectedResources, see the section explaining job objects.




    URL of the license information of the removed program product

Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description on HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X DELETE

Changing the user information used in searches of the external authentication server set for a storage system

If the DN (Distinguished Name) or password of a user used in searches of the external authentication server (LDAP server) set for a storage system is changed on the LDAP server side, change the settings on the storage system side.

For a list of storage systems that support this API, see Overview of the initial settings of a storage system.


  • To specify the initial settings for linkage with the external authentication server, use the maintenance utility or Hitachi Device Manager - Storage Navigator.
  • If you locked any resources of the target storage system by using the REST API, you will not be able to use this API function. In such cases, unlock the resources before running the API function.

Execution permission

Security Administrator (View & Modify)

Request line
PATCH base-URL/v1/objects/external-authentication-server-settings/instance
Request message
  • Object ID

    Specify instance.

    If an object has only one instance, the instance is the fixed value that specifies the object ID.

  • Query information


  • Body

      "ldap" : {






    (Required) Setting when an LDAP server is used for the external authentication server

    • searchUserDN (string)

      (Optional) DN of the user used for searches

      Specify a name consisting of 1 to 255 characters.

      You can use the following characters:

      • Alphanumeric characters
      • The following symbols:

        ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~

      • Spaces
    • searchUserPassword (string)

      (Required) Password of the user used for searches

      Specify a name consisting of 1 to 256 characters.

      You can use the following characters:

      • Alphanumeric characters
      • The following symbols:

        ! # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . = @ \ ^ _ |

Response message
  • Body

    A job object is returned. See the description for the job object. affectedResources is not displayed for this API request. To check whether a change has been applied, as a user authenticated by the external authentication server, run the API request for generating a session and confirm that authentication is successful.

Action template


Status codes

For details on the status codes of the request for this operation, see the description of HTTP status codes.

Coding example
curl -v -H "Accept:application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -H "Authorization:Session d7b673af189048468c5af9bcf3bbbb6f" -X PATCH --data-binary @./InputParameters.json