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Report examples: CSV files

Some Device Manager - Storage Navigator reports appear in CSV format.

This topic describes reports that are saved in CSV format.


This is the concatenated file of all the csv files.


This CSV file contains information about cache packages. A record is created for each cache package.

Table 1: CacheInfo.csv file (Title: <<Cache>>)




Name of cache package

CMG#0 Size(GB)

Cache memory capacity (in GB) of CMG(#0) in CTL

CMG#1 Size(GB)

Cache memory capacity (in GB) of CMG(#1) in CTL

Cache Size (GB)

Total cache capacity of this package (in GB)

SM Size (GB)

Shared memory capacity (in GB). Includes the cache management information (directory). Output only when Cache Location is CACHE-1CA or CACHE-2CA. Blank displays in other cases.

CFM#0 Type

CFM(#0) type in Cluster

CFM#1 Type

CFM(#1) type in Cluster


This CSV file contains information about the iSCSI CHAP authenticated user registered to the port in the channel board. A record is created for each target related to the CHAP authenticated user.




Port name

User Name

Name of the CHAP authenticated user1

iSCSI Target ID2

The iSCSI number of the target (00 to fe, hexadecimal)


  1. If the character string contains a comma, the comma is converted to a tab.
  2. For the target information, see the record information with the same iSCSI target ID in IscsiTargetInfo.csv.


This CSV file contains information about the status of each channel board (CHB). A record is created for each CHB.

Table 1: ChaStatus.csv file (Title: <<CHB Status>>)



CHB Location

CHB name

PCB Status

Status of this CHB*

Port#00, #01, …, #07

Status of ports on this CHB*

*1: Normal, 0: Abnormal


This CSV file contains information about Cache Residency Manager. A record is created for each logical volume for which Cache Residency Manager is set.

Table 1: DcrInfo.csv file (Title: <<DCR Information>>)




ID of the logical volume for which Cache Residency Manager is set. "No Install BIND/PRIO Extent" displays if Cache Residency Manage is not set.


Cache Residency Manager type.

  • BIND
  • PRIO


Start slot for Cache Residency Manager.


End slot for Cache Residency Manager

PreStaging Request

Information about whether data is the target of prestaging or not.

  • On
  • Off


This CSV file contains information about equipment and devices that are part of the storage system, including power supplies and batteries for DKC, DB, and SVP. A record is created for each device.




Module number

Device Location

Device location name.

Equip Status

Equipment status of the device:

  • Equipped
  • Not Equipped


Status of the device:

  • Normal
  • Abnormal
  • Blank if "Equip Status" is Not Equipped


This CSV file contains information about disk boards (DKBs). A record is created for each DKB.

Table 1: DkaInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKA Information>>)



DKB Location

DKB name

Package Type

DKB type


  • DKB (2Port)
  • EDKB (2Port)
  • DKBN (2Port)


This CSV file contains information about the status of disk boards (DKBs). A record is created for each DKB.

Table 1: DkaStatus.csv file (Title: <<DKA Status>>)



DKB Location

DKB name

PCB Status

Status of this DKB1

BECON#00, #01

Status of BECON on this DKB1

BEPORT#0000, #0001, …, #0003.

Status of BEPORT on this DKB.1

Items are output in the format of "BEPORT#XXYY".

XX: BE controller number (2-digit hexadecimal (00))

YY: BE port number (2-digit hexadecimal (00 to 03))


  1. 1: Normal, 0: Abnormal


This CSV file contains information about DKC. A record is created for each module.

When Module #1 is not installed, the record for Module #1 is not created.

Table 1: DkcInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKC Information>>)



Storage System Type

Storage system type.

Output example: VSP 5000 series

Serial Number #

Serial product number (in the decimal format, from 1 to 99999)

IP Address

IP address1

Output example: (xxx is in decimal format)

Subnet Mask

Subnet mask1

Output example: (xxx is in decimal format)

Number of CUs

Number of CUs (number in the decimal format)1

Number of DKBs

Number of DKBs (number in the decimal format)2

Configuration Type

Configuration type1

Output example: PCM


DKC Number


  1. The same value is output for all DKCs.
  2. Different values are output for all DKCs.


This CSV file contains information about DB temperature for every two hours. The acquisition interval of temperature data cannot be changed from two hours. A record is DB temperature information obtained from the environment monitor. A record output to the first line shows the latest temperature information. Because DB temperature information is measured by DBPS, items are displayed in this unit*.

DkuTempInfo.csv shows the average temperature as DB temperature data. The total number of items is 1153.

The DB temperature data displayed in DkuTempAveInfo.csv (average temperature only), DkuTempMaxInfo.csv (maximum temperature only), and DkuTempMinInfo.csv (minimum temperature only) is the same value as the DB temperature data for DkuTempInfo.csv.

No records are created if the DKC is turned off. If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, the data that is output every two hours might not contain data for the period.

If a failure occurs in the storage system, the correct information might not be output.

Table 1: DkuTempInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKU temperature Information>>)
Item Description

Year, month, and date when temperature data was acquired in the format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature average

Average temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature maximum value

Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature minimum value

Minimum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature average

Average temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature maximum value

Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature minimum value

Minimum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period ofDKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Note: An item name is displayed as "DKU DByyy DBPSyyya" or "DKUxx DByyy&zzz DBPSyyya".

  • DKUxx: DKU location number (decimal)
  • DByyy or DByyy&zzz: DB location number

    The display format of DB location numbers differs depending on the type of DB.

    • DByyy: DBL location number (decimal)
    • DByyy&zzz: Location number of DBS2, DBF3, or DBN (decimal)

      Two DB numbers are written together, and then displayed as one DB location.

  • DBPSyyya: DBPS location number
    • yyy: DB location number (decimal)
    • a: DBPS number (1, 2)

The following table shows the locations and values for DKUxx, DByyy, and DByyy&zzz.

If DB is not implemented, the item name is displayed with the same as DBL, and the data part is blank. In the case of DBS2, DBF3, and DBN, the data of the same item is displayed twice in duplicate by DB location.

DKU # 0 1 2 3 4 5
x 0 1 0 1 0 1
y 0 0 1 1 2 2
DKUPSxyzc DKU00zc DKU10zc DKU01zc DKU11zc DKU02zc DKU12zc
DKU # 6 7 8 9 10 11
x 0 1 0 1 0 1
y 3 3 4 4 5 5
DKUxxy DKU03zc DKU13zc DKU04zc DKU14zc DKU05zc DKU15zc

The following tables list DKUPSxyzc: zc values (where DKC# is 0 and xy is 00)

DKU location numberDKU location number (DBS2/DBF3/DBN)
DKU location numberDKU location number (DBS2/DBF3/DBN)
A hyphen(-) is displayed if the power and temperature information cannot be acquired due to a unit or network failure.


This CSV file contains information about DB temperature for every two hours. The acquisition interval of temperature data cannot be changed from two hours. A record is DB temperature information obtained from the environment monitor. A record output to the first line shows the latest temperature information. Because DB temperature information is measured by DBPS, items are displayed in this unit*.

DkuTempAveInfo.csv shows the average temperature as DB temperature data. The total number of items is 385.

The DB temperature data displayed in DkuTempAveInfo.csv (average temperature only), DkuTempMaxInfo.csv (maximum temperature only), and DkuTempMinInfo.csv (minimum temperature only) is the same value as the DB temperature data for DkuTempInfo.csv.

No records are created if the DKC is turned off. If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, the data that is output every two hours might not contain data for the period.

If a failure occurs in the storage system, the correct information might not be output.

Table 1: DkuTempAveInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKU temperature average value Information>>)
Item Description

Year, month, and date when temperature data was acquired in the format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature average

Average temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature average

Average temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Note: An item name is displayed as "DKU DByyy DBPSyyya" or "DKUxx DByyy&zzz DBPSyyya".

  • DKUxx: DKU location number (decimal)
  • DByyy or DByyy&zzz: DB location number

    The display format of DB location numbers differs depending on the type of DB.

    • DByyy: DBL location number (decimal)
    • DByyy&zzz: Location number of DBS2, DBF3, or DBN (decimal)

      Two DB numbers are written together, and then displayed as one DB location.

  • DBPSyyya: DBPS location number
    • yyy: DB location number (decimal)
    • a: DBPS number (1, 2)

See DkuTempInfo.csv for locations and values for DKUxx, DByyy, and DByyy&zzz.

A hyphen(-) is displayed if the power and temperature information cannot be acquired due to a unit or network failure.


This CSV file contains information about DB temperature for every two hours. The acquisition interval of temperature data cannot be changed from two hours. A record is DB temperature information obtained from the environment monitor. A record output to the first line shows the latest temperature information. Because DB temperature information is measured by DBPS, items are displayed in this unit*.

DkuTempMaxInfo.csv shows the maximum temperature as DB temperature data. The total number of items is 385.

The DB temperature data displayed in DkuTempAveInfo.csv (average temperature only), DkuTempMaxInfo.csv (maximum temperature only), and DkuTempMinInfo.csv (minimum temperature only) is the same value as the DB temperature data for DkuTempInfo.csv.

No records are created if the DKC is turned off. If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, the data that is output every two hours might not contain data for the period.

If a failure occurs in the storage system, the correct information might not be output.

Table 1: DkuTempMaxInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKU temperature maximum value Information>>)
Item Description

Year, month, and date when temperature data was acquired in the format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature maximum value

Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature maximum value

Maximum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Note: An item name is displayed as "DKU DByyy DBPSyyya" or "DKUxx DByyy&zzz DBPSyyya".

  • DKUxx: DKU location number (decimal)
  • DByyy or DByyy&zzz: DB location number

    The display format of DB location numbers differs depending on the type of DB.

    • DByyy: DBL location number (decimal)
    • DByyy&zzz: Location number of DBS2, DBF3, or DBN (decimal)

      Two DB numbers are written together, and then displayed as one DB location.

  • DBPSyyya: DBPS location number
    • yyy: DB location number (decimal)
    • a: DBPS number (1, 2)

See DkuTempInfo.csv for locations and values for DKUxx, DByyy, and DByyy&zzz.

A hyphen(-) is displayed if the power and temperature information cannot be acquired due to a unit or network failure.


This CSV file contains information about DB temperature for every two hours. The acquisition interval of temperature data cannot be changed from two hours. A record is DB temperature information obtained from the environment monitor. A record output to the first line shows the latest temperature information. Because DB temperature information is measured by DBPS, items are displayed in this unit*.

DkuTempMinInfo.csv shows the minimum temperature as DB temperature data. The total number of items is 385.

The DB temperature data displayed in DkuTempAveInfo.csv (average temperature only), DkuTempMaxInfo.csv (maximum temperature only), and DkuTempMinInfo.csv (minimum temperature only) is the same value as the DB temperature data for DkuTempInfo.csv.

No records are created if the DKC is turned off. If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, the data that is output every two hours might not contain data for the period.

If a failure occurs in the storage system, the correct information might not be output.

Table 1: DkuTempMinInfo.csv file (Title: <<DKU temperature minimum value Information>>)
Item Description

Year, month, and date when temperature data was acquired in the format:

YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss

DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

Temperature minimum value

Minimum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU00 DB000 DBPS0001

DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Temperature minimum value

Minimum temperature (°C) for the two-hour period of DKU27 DB191 DBPS1912

Note: An item name is displayed as "DKU DByyy DBPSyyya" or "DKUxx DByyy&zzz DBPSyyya".

  • DKUxx: DKU location number (decimal)
  • DByyy or DByyy&zzz: DB location number

    The display format of DB location numbers differs depending on the type of DB.

    • DByyy: DBL location number (decimal)
    • DByyy&zzz: Location number of DBS2, DBF3, or DBN (decimal)

      Two DB numbers are written together, and then displayed as one DB location.

  • DBPSyyya: DBPS location number
    • yyy: DB location number (decimal)
    • a: DBPS number (1, 2)

See DkuTempInfo.csv for locations and values for DKUxx, DByyy, and DByyy&zzz.

A hyphen(-) is displayed if the power and temperature information cannot be acquired due to a unit or network failure.


This CSV file contains information about external volumes. Information about one external volume is output to multiple records according to the number of prioritized paths between the local and the external storage systems.

For details of external volumes, see Hitachi Universal Volume Manager User Guide.




Virtual device number to which the external volume is mapped


Identification number of the external volume1


Extended information for identifying the external volume


Product name reported to the host by the external volume1


Capacity of the external volume (in blocks)

Cache Mode

Indicates whether the write data from the host to the external storage system is reflected synchronously or asynchronously

  • Enabled: Asynchronously
  • Disabled: Synchronously

ECC Group

Number of parity group to which the external volume is mapped.

If the number starts with "E" (for example, E1-1), the parity group contains external volumes.

Current MPU

Number of a current MP unit controlling the parity group to which the external volume is mapped

Setting MPU

Number of an MP unit configured to control the external volume indicated by ECC Group


Vendor name of the external storage system

Product Name

Product name of the external storage system

Serial Number#

Serial product number of the external storage system

Path Mode

Mode which indicates how the paths between local and external storage systems operate

  • Multi
  • Single
  • ALUA


Name of a local port from which the external path is connected to the external storage system


Port identifier number of the external storage system

If "Package Type" is iSCSI, a blank space is displayed.


LU number set for the external volume.


Priority of the paths between the storage systems to be used for connection with the external volume.

"1" indicates the path of the highest priority.


Status of the path between storage systems.

  • Normal
  • Blocked


I/O timeout value for the external volume


The number of Read/Write commands that can be issued to the external volume at a time

Resource Group ID (ECC Group)

Resource group ID for the parity group that is mapping external volumes (in hexadecimal format)

Resource Group Name (ECC Group)

Resource group name of the parity group that is mapping external volumes

Load Balance Mode

I/O load balance distribution logic specified for external volume

  • Normal Round-robin
  • Extended Round-robin
  • Disabled

A hyphen is displayed if Single is specified in Path Mode

Path Mode on Profile

Path mode on profile information of the external storage system:

  • Multi
  • Single

ALUA Settable

Indicates whether ALUA mode can be set as path mode on the external storage system

  • Yes: ALUA mode can be set
  • No: ALUA mode cannot be set

ALUA Permitted

Indicates whether ALUA is used as path mode on the local storage system:

  • Enabled: ALUA mode is used
  • Disabled: ALUA mode is not used

Target Port Asymmetric Access State

Status of the port on the external storage system when the path mode is ALUA:

  • Active/Optimized
  • Active/Non-Optimized

Package Type

Type of CHB to which a port of the local storage system connecting to the external storage system belongs

  • Fibre: 4HF32R(Fibre)
  • SCSI: 2HS10S(iSCSI)
  • FICON: 4Mx16(Mfibre)

IP Address

IP address for an iSCSI target of an external storage system

  • IPv6:


    XX: 00 to FF (hexadecimal)

  • IPv4:


    XXX: 0 to 255 (decimal)

TCP Port Number

TCP port number (1 through 65535) for the iSCSI target of an external storage system

iSCSI Target Name

iSCSI target name of an external storage system

Virtual Port ID

Virtual port number of own storage system to which external storage system is connected.

If Virtual Port Mode is Disabled, this column to be blanked.


  1. If the character string contains a comma, the comma is converted to a tab.


This CSV file contains information about the power and temperature of the storage system. Power and temperature measurements from the environment monitor are recorded every two hours.

No records are created if the DKC is turned off. If the system is in maintenance mode or the SVP is rebooted, up to two hours of records could be lost.

If a failure occurs in the storage system, the correct information might not be output.




Year, month, and date when record data was acquired for the two-hour period in the format:


Electric power average

Average value of electric power (W)

Electric power maximum value

Maximum value of electric power (W)

Electric power minimum value

Minimum value of electric power (W)

In the following cases, a lower value might be temporarily displayed:

  • When the storage system is starting up
  • Right after replacing storage system parts
  • During or after microcode update

DKC0 CLT01 Temperature average

DKC0: Average temperature of CLT01 (°C)

DKC0 CLT01 Temperature maximum value

DKC0: Maximum temperature of CLT011 (°C)

DKC0 CLT01 Temperature minimum value

DKC0: Minimum temperature of CLT01 (°C)

DKC5 CLT52 Temperature average

DKC5 CLT52: Average temperature of CL2 (°C)

DKC5 CLT52 Temperature maximum value

DKC5 CLT52: Maximum temperature of CL2 (°C)

DKC5 CLT52 Temperature minimum value

DKC5 CLT52: Minimum temperature of CL2 (°C)

A hyphen(-) is displayed if the power and temperature information cannot be acquired due to a unit or network failure.


This CSV file contains information about Fibre Channel Security Protocols (FCSPs). A record is created for each initiator (host).

For details of port setting, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.




Port name

Host Group

Host group name

Target Username

WWN information about the storage system required for authentication (16-digit hexadecimal number)

Authentication of Group

Information about whether to perform authentication or not

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

Initiator Username

WWN information about the host required for authentication (16-digit hexadecimal number)


Protocol used for authentication ("CHAP" or blank)


This CSV file contains information about ports related to Fibre Channel Security Protocols (FCSPs). A record is created for each port.

For details of port setting, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.




Port name

Time out(Sec)

Time interval (in seconds) before retrying authentication in case of failure in authentication

Refusal Intvl.(Min)

Time interval (in minutes) before starting next authentication in case of failure in authentication for the number of times displayed by "Refusal Freq(Counts)"

Refusal Freq.(Counts)

Number of times of authentication allowable for connection to a port

Switch Port Username

WWN information about the Fabric switch required for authentication (16-digit hexadecimal number)


Mode of authentication between ports and FC switches

  • Bidirectional
  • Unidirectional

Authentication of Fabric Switch

Information about whether to perform authentication of the FC switch identified by "Switch Port Username"

  • Enabled
  • Disabled


This CSV file contains information about drive boxes (DBs). A record is created for each DB.

Table 1: HduInfo.csv file (Title: <<HDU Information>>)



DB Location

DB location name

Output example: HDU000

DB Status

Information about whether this DB is installed or not

  • Installed
  • Not Installed

Slot Size

Slot size (inches)

  • 2.5
  • 3.5
  • Blank when DB is DBF3(FMD DC2)

DB Type

DB type of HDU

  • DBL (DB for 3.5-inch drive)
  • DBS2 (2.5 inch SAS DB)
  • DBF3 (DB for FMD DC2)
  • DBN (2.5-inch NVMe DB)


This CSV file contains information about iSCSI Initiator (Host) set to the channel board port. A record is created for each iSCSI Host (Initiator) target.




Port name

iSCSI Name

iSCSI host name

Host Name

Nickname for iSCSI host name

iSCSI Target ID1

iSCSI target number (hexadecimal format, 00 to fe)


  1. For the target information, see the record information with the same iSCSI target ID in IscsiTargetInfo.csv.


This CSV file contains information about iSCSI information set to the channel board port. A record is created for each iSCSI host (initiator) target.




Port name

IPv4 | IP Address

IPv4 address

Output example: (decimal)

IPv4 | Subnet Mask

IPv4 subnet mask (decimal)

Output example: (decimal)

IPv4 | Default Gateway

Port IPv4 default gateway

Output example: (decimal)

IPv6 | Mode

Port IPv6 settings

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

IPv6 | Link Local Address

Port IPv6 link local address

  • Output example: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hexadecimal)
  • Output example: Auto

Auto is displayed if the link local address is automatically set. Blank if "IPv6 | Mode" is Disabled.

IPv6 | Global Address

IPv6 global address of the port

  • Output example: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hexadecimal)
  • Output example: Auto

Auto is displayed if the global address is automatically set. Blank if "IPv6 | Mode" is Disabled.

IPv6 | Assigned Default Gateway

Port IPv6 assigned default gateway

  • Output example: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hexadecimal)

Blank if "IPv6 | Mode" is Disabled.

Channel Speed

Data transfer speed of the port (10 Gbps)

Security Switch

Port security switch settings

  • On
  • Off

TCP Port Number

The number of the port for using socket (1 to 65535)

Ethernet MTU Size (Byte) | MTU

MTU settings

  • 1500
  • 4500
  • 9000

Keep Alive Timer (sec.)

Keep alive timer value of iSCSI (30 to 64800) (sec)

Selective ACK

Selective ACK mode

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

Delayed ACK

Delayed ACK mode

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

Maximum Window Size (KB)

Window scale option settings

  • 64KB
  • 128KB
  • 256KB
  • 512KB
  • 1024KB

iSNS Server | Mode

iSNS mode settings

  • On
  • Off

iSNS Server | IP Address

IP address of the iSNS server

  • IPv4: (decimal)
  • IPv6: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hexadecimal)
  • Blank if "iSNS Server | Mode" is Off.

iSNS Server | TCP Port Number

Port number of TCP used for iSNS (1 to 65535).

Blank if "iSNS Server | Mode" is Off.

VLAN | Tagging Mode

VLAN tagging mode set to the port

  • On
  • Off


VLAN number set to the port (1 to 4094)

Blank if "VLAN | Tagging Mode" is set to Off.

Resource Group ID (Port)

Resource group ID of the port (0 to 1023 in decimal)

Resource Group Name(Port)

Resource group name of the port

iSCSI Name

iSCSI name of the port

CHAP User Name

Authenticated user name of the port

IPv6 | Global Address 2

IPv6 global address 2 of the port

  • Output example: xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx (hexadecimal)
  • Output example: Auto

Auto is displayed if the global address 2 is automatically set. Blank if "IPv6 | Mode" is Disabled.

Virtual Port Mode

Virtual port mode of the port

  • Enabled
  • Disabled


This CSV file contains information about iSCSI target information set to the channel board port. A record is created for each iSCSI target.




Port name

iSCSI Target Alias

iSCSI target alias

iSCSI Target ID

Number of the iSCSI target (00 to fe, hexadecimal)

iSCSI Target Name

Name of the iSCSI target

Host Mode

Host mode set to the iSCSI target (hexadecimal)

Host Mode Option

Host mode option set to the iSCSI target (0 to 127, decimal)

Separated with a semicolon (;) if multiple host mode options are set.

Security Switch

Security switch status set to the iSCSI target port

  • On
  • Off

Authentication | Method

Authentication method settings of the iSCSI target

  • CHAP
  • None
  • Comply with Host Setting

Authentication | Mutual CHAP

Mutual CHAP authentication function settings of the iSCSI target

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

Authentication | User Name

User name set when iSCSI target was authenticated

Resource Group ID (iSCSI Target)

Resource group ID of the iSCSI target (0 to 1023)

Resource Group Name (iSCSI Target)

Resource group name of the iSCSI target


This CSV file contains information about Journals. A record is created for each journal.

Table 1: JnlInfo.cvs file (Title: <<JNL Information>>)




Journal number (in the hexadecimal format)

Current MPU

Number of MP unit currently controlling the journal

Setting MPU

Number of MP unit configured to control the journal


This CSV file contains information about LDEV capacities. A record is created for each of the classifications shown in "Volume Kind".



Volume Kind

The following classifications are output:

  • Internal OPEN Volumes
  • Internal Mainframe Volumes
  • External OPEN Volumes
  • External Mainframe Volumes
  • Total OPEN Volumes
  • Total Mainframe Volumes

Allocated LDEV Capacity (GB)

Allocated LDEV capacity

Unallocated LDEV Capacity (GB)

Unallocated LDEV capacity

Reserved Capacity (GB)

Reserved LDEV capacity

Total Volume Capacity (GB)

Total capacity of "Allocated LDEV Capacity", "Unallocated LDEV Capacity" and "Reserved Capacity"

Free Space (GB)

Free Space

Total Capacity (GB)

Total Capacity

The sum of "Total Volume Capacity" and "Free Space"


This CSV file contains information about the number of logical devices (LDEVs). A record is created for each of the classifications shown in "Volume Kind".



Volume Kind

The following classifications are output:

  • Internal Volumes
  • External Volumes
  • Total Volumes

Allocated OPEN LDEVs

The number of allocated open-system volumes (LDEVs).

Unallocated OPEN LDEVs

The number of unallocated open-system volumes (LDEVs).

Reserved OPEN LDEVs

The number of reserved open-system volumes (LDEVs).

Allocated Mainframe LDEVs

The number of allocated mainframe and multi-platform volumes (LDEVs).

Reserved Mainframe LDEVs

The number of reserved mainframe and multi-platform volumes (LDEVs).


The number of virtual volumes.

Output only when "Volume Kind" is Total Volumes.

Total(All LDEVs)

Total number of LDEVs.

ECC Groups

Total number of parity groups.


This CSV file contains information about logical devices (LDEVs). A record is created for each LDEV.

For details of LDEVs, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems.

Table 1: Ldevinfo.csv file (Title: <<LDEV Status>>)



ECC Group

Number of parity group where the LDEV belongs.

  • If the number starts with "E" (for example, E1-1), the parity group contains external volumes.
  • If the number starts with "M" (for example, M1-1), the parity group contains FICON DM volumes.
  • If "LDEV Type" is Dynamic Provisioning, Thin Image, or ALU (Administrative Logical Unit), a hyphen (-) is output.


LDEV number


LDEV name1

LDEV Emulation

LDEV emulation type


LDEV type:

  • Basic
  • Dynamic Provisioning
  • External
  • Thin Image (Thin Image virtual volume
  • ALU

LDEV Attribute

LDEV Attribute:

  • CMDDEV (Command device)
  • CMDDEV* (Remote command device)
  • Journal (Journal volume)
  • Pool (Pool volume)
  • Reserve (Reserved volume)
  • Quorum disk (Quorum Disk used with global-active device)
  • TSE (Volume for Hitachi Compatible FlashCopy®)
  • ALU
  • SLU (Subsidiary Logical Unit)
  • Deduplication system data volume
  • Regular (Others)

Volume Size(Cyl)

LDEV capacity (in cylinders)

Volume Size(MB)

LDEV capacity (in MB)

Volume Size(Blocks)

LDEV capacity (in blocks)


Information about whether the LDEV is a custom-sized volume or not:

  • On: Custom-sized volume
  • Off: Others

Pool ID

Pool number. This is blank except for the following cases:

  • If "LDEV Type" is Dynamic Provisioning
  • If LDEV Attribute is Pool

RAID Concatenation#0

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#0) identified by ECC Group. Blank if the parity group is not concatenated to another parity group.

RAID Concatenation#1

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#1) identified by ECC Group. Blank if the parity group is not concatenated to another parity group.

RAID Concatenation#2

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#2) identified by ECC Group. Blank if the parity group is not concatenated to another parity group.


Information about whether this LDEV is Oracle check sum target or not.

  • For open-system or multi-platform volumes: On or Off
  • For other volumes: blank

Current MPU

Number of MP unit currently controlling the LDEV.

Setting MPU

Number of MP unit configured to control LDEV.


Information about whether this LDEV is allocated to a host or not.

  • When mainframe or multi-platform volumes, "Y" is output for all except Reserved.
  • When open-system volumes, "Y" is output for volumes accessible to host.

Pool Name

The pool's name1

Name of the pool indicated by Pool ID


Indicates whether Security is specified as the attribute for the command device.


Indicates whether User Authentication is specified as the attribute for the command device.


Indicates whether Device Group Definition is specified as the attribute for the command device.

Resource Group ID (LDEV)

LDEV resource group ID (number in the decimal format)

Resource Group Name (LDEV)

LDEV resource group name


Indicates whether the parity group identified by ECC Group is encrypted.

  • For internal volumes: Enabled (encrypted) or Disabled (not encrypted)
  • For external volumes: blank


Indicates whether the ALUA mode is enabled:

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • For mainframe volumes: blank

T10 PI

Indicates the T10 PI attribute set for the LDEV.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Blank if "LDEV Emulation" is not OPEN-V.


1. If the character string contains a comma, the comma is converted to a tab.


This CSV file contains information about the status of logical devices (LDEVs). A record is created for each LDEV.




Virtual device number in which the LDEV is defined

VDEV Status

VDEV status of "VDEV#"

  • 1: Normal
  • 0: Abnormal


LDEV number

HDEV Status

LDEV status

  • 1: Normal
  • 0: Abnormal

LDEV Emulation

LDEV emulation type

ECC Group

Number of the parity group where the LDEV belongs.

  • If the number starts with "E" (for example, E1-1), the parity group contains external volumes.
  • If the type of the LDEV is a Dynamic Provisioning, Thin Image, or ALU virtual volume, a hyphen is output.

    Refer to "LdevInfo.csv" for information about the LDEV type.


This CSV file contains information about mainframe logical paths.

Table 1: LogPathStatus.csv file (Title: <<Main Frame Logical Path Status>>)




Logical path number (in the hexadecimal format)

CHB Location

CHB name


Port name


Link address of the connected host (6-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Logical address of the connected host (number in the hexadecimal format)


Number of connected LDKC (in the hexadecimal format)


Number of connected CU (in the hexadecimal format)


This CSV file contains information about the cache logical partitioning function. A record is created for each cache partition for a managed resource.

For details of the cache logical partitioning function, see Virtual Partition Manager.

Table 1: LPartition.csv file (Title: <<Logical Partitioning>>)




CLPR ID (in the decimal format)


CLPR name

Cache Size(MB)

Cache size allocated to this CLPR ID (in MB)

Cache Residency Size(MB)

Cache Residency Manager cache size allocated to this CLPR ID (in MB)

ECC Group

Number of parity group allocated to this CLPR ID.


LDEV number allocated to this CLPR ID

The type of this LDEV is Dynamic Provisioning, Thin Image, or ALU.


This CSV file contains information about LU path definitions. A record is created for each LU path definition. For details about LU path definitions, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems. For information about iSCSI targets, see IscsiTargetInfo.csv.




Port name

Host Group

Host group name

If "Package Type" is iSCSI, the iSCSI target alias is output.

Host Mode

Host mode specified for this host group (hexadecimal)

Host Mode Option

Host mode option set for this host group (number in the decimal format)

If more than one option is specified, the options are separated by semicolons (;).


LUN number for this LU path definition (hexadecimal)


LDEV number for this LU path definition

Command Device

Information about whether the LDEV is a command device:

  • On: Command Device
  • On*: Remote Command Device
  • Off: Others

Command Security

Information about whether the command device is secured:

  • On
  • Off


Information about whether the LDEV is a custom-sized volume:

  • On: Customized volume
  • Off: Other volumes

CHB Location

Name of the CHB on which this port is installed

Package Type

CHB type for CHB Location:

  • Fibre: 4HF32R(Fibre)
  • iSCSI: 2HS10S(iSCSI)
  • FICON: 4Mx16(Mfibre)

Resource Group ID (Host Group)

Resource group ID of a host group (0 to 1,023, decimal)

Resource Group Name (Host Group)

Resource group name of a host group

T10 PI Mode

Indicates whether the T10 PI mode can be applied to the port for which the LU path is defined.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Blank if "Package Type" is "8FC16(Fibre )" or "16FC16(Fibre)"

T10 PI

Information about the T10 PI attribute which is set for the LDEV number of the LU path definition.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled
  • Blank if LDEV# is blank

Asymmetric Access State

Asymmetric access status (output only for an open system CHB that is Fibre or FCoE)

Indicates the asymmetric access status:

  • Active/Optimized: Prioritized
  • Active/Non-Optimized: Lower priority

Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI


This CSV file contains information about LU path definition. A record is created for each port.

For details of LU path definition, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems. For information about iSCSI ports, see IscsiPortInfo.csv.




Port name.

Security Switch

The setting status of the security switch:

  • On
  • Off

Port Address

Port address (2-digit hexadecimal number) 00 to ff

Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI

Loop ID

Port address (0 - 125, decimal)

Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI


One of the Fibre topology settings indicating the setting status of the Fabric switch:

  • On
  • Off
  • Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI


One of the Fibre topology settings:

  • Point to Point
  • FC-AL
  • Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI

Channel Speed

Channel Speed of this port

  • 2 Gbps
  • 4 Gbps
  • 8 Gbps
  • 10 Gbps
  • 16 Gbps
  • 32 Gbps
  • Auto


WWN of this port (hexadecimal number)

Blank if "Package Type" is iSCSI

CHB Location

CHB on which the port is installed.

Package Type

CHB type for CHB Location

  • Fibre: 4HF32R(Fibre)
  • iSCSI: 2HS10S(iSCSI)
  • FICON: 4Mx16(Mfibre)

T10 PI Mode

Indicates whether the T10 PI mode can be applied to the port.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled


This CSV file contains information about migration volumes for mainframe. A record is created for each migration volume.

Table 1: MfDMInfo.csv file (Title: <<M/F DM Information>>)



Migration Volume Group

Number of the migration volume

The number starts with "M" (for example, M1-1)

Current MPU

Number of the MP unit that is controlling the migration volume

Setting MPU

Number f the MP unit specified to control the migration volume

Resource Group ID (ECC Group)

Resource group ID of migration volume (number in the decimal format)

Resource Group Name (ECC Group)

Resource group name of migration volume


This CSV file contains information about microcode versions.

Table 1: MicroVersion.csv file (Title: <<Micro Version>>)




The version of the microcode for the RAID storage system (10 digits)


HTP microcode version (6 digits)


DKB microcode version (6 digits)


The version of the microcode installed on the service processor (8 digits)


SSVP microcode version (6 digits)


FCDG microcode version (6 digits)


ROM BOOT microcode version (6 digits)


RAM BOOT microcode version (6 digits)


Config microcode version (8 digits)


HDD microcode version (4 digits) HDD version in the format of "(HDD device type - code):(version)." If an HDD drive is not installed, only a colon (:) is displayed.


HDD(SVP) microcode version (4 digits)

Expander Expander microcode version (6 digits)
CFMCFM microcode version (8 digits)
Printout ToolPrintout tool version


ISCF version (8 digits)


GUM firmware version (8 digits)


FCBK version (8 digits)


ISW firmware version (8 digits)

DKBNDKBN version (6 digits)
NSWNSW version (6 digits)


This CSV file contains information about endurance information of SSD or FMD. A record is created for each SSD or FMD endurance information.

If you change the SVP time 1 month or more, the history acquisition months will not be in order.



ECC Group

Number of parity group of which this SSD or FMD is a component


C# and R# (2-digit hexadecimal numbers), which identify the PDEV

Output in the format of "XX/YY"

XX: C#

YY: R#

Device Type-Code

Drive type code of this drive

Output example: SLR5B-M200SS

Used Endurance Indicator (%)

Current SSD life (0 to 100)

History1 (date)

Date on which SSD life was acquired (1 month ago)

Output example: yyyy/mm/dd

History1 (%)

SSD life (0 to 100)(1 month ago)

History2 (date)

Date on which SSD life was acquired (2 months ago)

Output example: yyyy/mm/dd

History2 (%)

SSD life (0 to 100) (2 months ago)

History3 (%) ... History 119 (%)

SSD life (0 to 100) (3 months ago ...119 months ago)

History120 (date)

Date on which SSD life was acquired (120 months ago)

History120 (%)

SSD life (0 to 100) (120 months ago)


This CSV file contains information about system option modes. A record is created for each system option mode.



System Option Mode#

System option mode # (decimal number)

LPR#0, LPR#1, …, LPR#31

System option mode for LPR#0 to LPR#31

  • If the system option mode is on:


  • If the system option mode is not on:



This CSV file contains information about the status of logical paths. A record is created for each MP unit or CTL.

Table 1: MpPathStatus.csv file (Title: <<MP Path Status>>)




MP unit number or CTL number (2-digit hexadecimal numbers):

  • For MP unit number

    MPU#00 to MPU#0b

  • For CTL number

    CTL#00 to CTL #0b

CMG#00-00 to CMG#00-0b

CMG#01-00 to CMG#01-0b

CMG#02-00 to CMG#02-0b

CMG#03-00 to CMG#03-0b

Cache module path status for MP unit number in the format of “CMG#XX-YY”.1

(CMG#XX-YY) XX: I path (00 to 03), YY: CMG# (00 to 0b)

MPU#00-00 to MPU#00-0b

MPU#01-00 to MPU#01-0b

MPU#02-00 to MPU#02-0b

MPU#03-00 to MPU#03-0b

MP unit path status for MP unit number in the format of “MPU#XX-YY”.1

MPU#XX-YY) XX: I path (00 to 03), YY: MPU# (00 to 0b


CMG#00-00 to CMG#00-0b

CMG#01-00 to CMG#01-0b

CMG#02-00 to CMG#02-0b

CMG#03-00 to CMG#03-0b

Cache module path status for CTL number in the format of “CMG#XX-YY”.1

(CMG#XX-YY) XX: I path (00 to 03), YY: CMG# (00 to 0b): MSW number in one module (2-digit number in the hexadecimal format)

MPU#00-00 to MPU#00-0b

MPU#01-00 to MPU#01-0b

MPU#02-00 to MPU#02-0b

MPU#03-00 to MPU#03-0b

MP unit path status for CTL number in the format of “MPU#XX-YY”.1

(MPU#XX-YY) XX: I path (00 to 03), YY: MPU# (00 to 0b)


  1. 1=Normal, 0=Abnormal


This CSV file contains information about the status of MP unit. A record is created for each MP unit.

Table 1: MpPcbStatus.csv file (Title: <<MP PCB Status>>)




MP unit ID

Auto Assignment

Information about whether this MP unit is set to be automatically assigned to each resource or not

  • Enabled

    Set to be automatically assigned

  • Disabled

    Not set to be automatically assigned

PCB Status

MP unit status1

MP#00, #01, #02..., #13

MP status on MP unit #0 to #131


  1. 1=Normal, 0=Abnormal


This CSV file contains information about revisions of packages such as channel boards (CHBs) and others. A record is created for each package.

Table 1: PcbRevInfo.csv file (Title: <<PCB Revision Information>>)




Part name

FRU number

Product name of the package or some other name

PK Revision

Revision of the package


Factory manufacturing the package


Serial number of the package

MAC Address

MAC address of the package


This CSV file contains information about physical device (PDEV) capacities. A record is created for each of the classifications shown in "PDEV Kind".




The following four classifications are output:

  • OPEN System (TB)
  • Mainframe System (TB)
  • Total Capacity (TB)
  • Number of PDEVs

HDD Drive

HDD drive capacity (TB)

Spare Drive

Spare drive capacity (TB)

SSD Drive

SSD capacity (TB)

Free Drive

Free drive capacity (TB)


This CSV file contains information about physical devices (PDEVs). A record is created for each PDEV.



ECC Group

Number of parity group of which this PDEV is a component.

  • Spare Drive: For spare drives

Emulation Type

Emulation type for the parity group indicated by "ECC Group"

  • Blank: "ECC Group" is Spare Drive.


C# and R# (2-digit hexadecimal numbers), which identify the PDEV

Output in the format XX/YY, where:

  • XX: C#
  • YY: R#

PDEV Location

PDEV location name

Device Type

Drive type

  • HDD
  • SSD
  • FMD
  • FMD DC2


Drive control name

  • SAS
  • SATA
  • NVMe


Revolutions per minute

Blank displays as RPM when the drive is SSD.

Device Type-Code

Device type code of this drive

Output example: DKR5D-J600SS

Device Size

Drive size (inches)

  • 2.5
  • 3.5
  • Blank when DKU is DBF (FMD)

Device Capacity

Drive capacity (GB or TB)

Drive Version

Drive firmware version (4-digit hexadecimal number)


Name of the DKB (1) controlling the PDEV


Name of the DKB (2) controlling the PDEV

Serial Number #

Serial number of this drive

RAID Level

RAID level of the parity group indicated by "ECC Group"

Blank if the "ECC Group" is Spare Drive

RAID Concatenation #0

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#0) identified by "ECC Group"1

RAID Concatenation #1

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#1) identified by "ECC Group"1

RAID Concatenation #2

Number of parity group to be concatenated to parity group (#2) identified by "ECC Group"1

Resource Group ID (ECC Group)

Resource group ID of parity group (decimal number)

Resource Group Name (ECC Group)

Resource group name of parity group


Encryption status of the parity group to which the PDEV belongs

  • Enabled: Encryption enabled
  • Disabled: Encryption disabled


  1. Blank if the parity group is not concatenated to another parity group or is Spare Drive.


This CSV file contains information about the status of physical devices (PDEVs). A record is created for each PDEV.




C# and R# (2-digit hexadecimal numbers), which identify the PDEV

Output in the format XX/YY, where:

  • XX: C#
  • YY: R#

Pdev Status

PDEV status1

Port0 Status

Status of Port 0 on this PDEV1

Port1 Status

Status of Port 1 on this PDEV1

Pdev Location

Location name of this PDEV


  1. 1=Normal, 0=Abnormal


This CSV file contains information about mainframe physical paths.

Table 1: PhyPathStatus.csv file (Title: <<Main Frame Physical Path Status>>)




Module number

CHB Location

CHB name


Port name


DKC port address (6-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Link address of the adjacent node (6-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Information about whether the adjacent node is enabled:



Type of the adjacent node (6-digit number in the hexadecimal format) and model name of the adjacent node (3-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Serial product number of the adjacent node (14-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Tag information of the adjacent node (4-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


N_Port_Name of the adjacent node (16-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Node_Name of the adjacent node (16-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Data transfer speed:

  • 2 Gbps
  • 4 Gbps
  • 8 Gbps


This CSV file contains information about channel boards (CHBs). A record is created for each CHB.

Table 1: PkInfo.csv file (Title: <<PK>>)



CHB Location

CHB name

DKC Emulation

DKC emulation type


Number of the port installed on the CHB (2-digit number in the hexadecimal format)


Name of port installed on the CHB

Package Type

CHB type

CHB for CHB location:

  • Fibre: 4HF32R (Fibre)
  • iSCI: 2HS10S (iSCI)
  • FICON: 4Mx16 (Mfibre)

SFP Kind

SFP (Small Form factor Pluggable) kind:

  • Short Wave
  • Long Wave

SFP Status

SFP status:

  • Normal
  • Failed
  • Not Fix

Port Type

Port type

Output example:

  • Bidirectional
  • Target
  • HTP
  • FNP


One of the Fibre topology settings indicating the setting status of the Fabric switch (output only for an open system CHB that is Fibre or FCoE):

  • On
  • Off


One of the Fibre topology settings (output only for an open system CHB that is Fibre or FCoE)

  • Point to Point
  • FC-AL

Port Address

Port address (2-digit number in the hexadecimal format)

Output only for an open system CHB that is Fibre or FCoE

Resource Group ID (Port)

Resource group ID of port (number in the decimal format)

Resource Group Name (Port)

Resource group name of port

Port Internal WWN

WWN of the port (output only for an open system CHB that is Fibre or FCoE)

T10 PI Mode

Indicates whether the T10 PI mode can be applied to the port.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled

SFP Data Transfer Rate

Maximum SFP data transfer rate that is supported by installed packages:

  • 8G
  • 10G
  • 16G
  • 32G


This CSV file contains information about the software. A record is created for each software product.

For details about the license key, see Managing license keys.



Program Product Name

Software name.


Information about whether the installed license key is enabled or not

  • Enabled: Installed and the software can be used
  • Disabled: Installed but the software cannot be used

Key Type

Installed license key type

  • Permanent
  • Temporary
  • Emergency
  • Term

If no license key is installed, "Not Installed" is output.

Permitted Volumes(TB)

Permitted volume capacity for this software (in TB) 1

If no upper limit value is set for the capacity, "Unlimited" is output.

Expiration Date

Expiration date of the software.

The format is mm/dd/yyyy (Month/Day/Year).


License key status of the software

  • Installed
  • Not Enough License
  • Grace Period
  • Expired
  • Not Installed
  • Installed (Disabled)


  1. The used volume capacity is not output.


This CSV file contains information about SM functions. A record is created for each of the classifications shown in "SM Install Function".



SM Install function

The following classifications are output:

  • Base
  • Extension1
  • Extension2
  • Extension3


Information about whether the function of "SM Install function" is enabled

  • Enabled
  • Disabled


This CSV file contains information about SSDs. A record is created for each SSD.



ECC Group

Number of the parity group of which this SSD is a component.


C# and R# (2-digit hexadecimal numbers), which identify the PDEV

Output in the format XX/YY, where:

  • XX: C#
  • YY: R#

PDEV Location

Location name of the PDEV

Output example: SLR5B-M200SS

Device Type-Code

Drive type code

Output example: SLR5B-M200SS

Device Capacity

Drive capacity in GB or TB

SSD Device Type

SSD drive type

  • MLC
  • FMD

Used Endurance Indicator (%)

SSD life (0 to 100)

Used Endurance Indicator Threshold (%)

SSD life threshold (0 to 100)

Used Endurance Indicator Warning SIM (%)

Warning SIM threshold (0 to 100)


This CSV file contains information about SSIDs. A record is created for each SSID.



DEV# Start

First LDEV number for the SSID

DEV# End

Last LDEV number for the SSID


Subsystem ID (hexadecimal)


This CSV file contains information about system options.



Spare Disk Recover

Speed of copying data to the spare drive.

  • Interleave mode
  • Full Speed mode

Dynamic Sparing

Information about whether to perform automatic copy to a spare drive if the occurrences of drive failures exceed the threshold.

  • On
  • Off

Correction Copy

Information about whether to perform correction copy to a spare drive if a drive is blocked.

  • On
  • Off

Disk Copy pace

Speed of copying the spare drive in the Interleave mode.

  • Faster
  • Medium
  • Slower

System Option On

System options that are set to ON.

Output example: modeXXXX (0 to 2047, decimal number)

Link Failure Threshold

Threshold to notify the link failure (0 to 255, decimal)

WDCP Enable

Information about whether the WDCP option is set or not. Output only in cases where the Config type is H.

  • On
  • Off

DDUMP Enable

DDUMP Enable Information about whether the DDUMP option is set or not. Output only in cases where the Config type is H.

  • On
  • Off


This CSV file contains information about hosts. A record is created for each host.

For details about the host setting, see the Provisioning Guide for Open Systems. For information about iSCSI hosts, see IscsiHostInfo.csv. For information about iSCSI targets, see IscsiTargetInfo.csv.

Table 1: WwnInfo.csv file (Title: <<World Wide Name Information>>)




Port name

Host Group

Host group name

If "Package Type" is iSCSI, the iSCSI target alias is output.

Host Mode

Host mode that is set for the host group (number in hexadecimal format)

Host Mode Option

Host mode option that is set for the host group (number in the hexadecimal format)

Multiple options are separated by semicolons.


World Wide Name of the host bus adapter registered to the host group (number in hexadecimal format)

Blank if Package Type is iSCSI.


Nickname of the host

Blank if Package Type is iSCSI.

Host Group#

Host group number (hexadecimal)

If "Package Type" is iSCSI, the iSCSI target alias is output.

CHB Location

CHB on which the port is installed

Package Type

CHB type for CHB Location

  • Fibre: 4HF32R (Fibre)
  • iSCSI: 2HS10S (iSCSI)
  • FICON: 4Mx16 (Mfibre)

T10 PI Mode

Indicates whether the T10 PI mode can be applied to the port.

  • Enabled
  • Disabled