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Create a virtual server

Creates a virtual server on the storage system. The virtual server is assigned the specified IP address when created, and that is assigned to a specific network port or VLAN.

This API call has changed in version 8.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST <base_URI>/v8/storage/virtual-servers
Name Type Required Values Description
name BODY Y string Name (only alphanumeric and "-") for the virtual server to be created.
nodeId BODY N number Specifies either a node object ID or an HNAS storage cluster node ID of the cluster node on which to create the virtual server.
ipAddress BODY Y string Either IPv4 or IPv6 address of the virtual server.
netmask BODY Y string Netmask must be of the form x.x.x.x for an IPv4 address or specify a prefix length which would be valid for both IPv4 or IPv6 addresses..
port BODY Y string Name or object ID of the Ethernet link aggregation, or VLAN object ID for the virtual server.
Return codes
Code Data Description
201 virtualServer Virtual server object successfully created.
400 Error Message Missing or invalid request contents.
403Error MessageOperation forbidden by access level.
404 Error Message Requested resource not found.
500 Error message Error associated with the storage system.

Any HTTP status code other than 201 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.

Request example
curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" –d '{"name":"TestEVS", "ipAddress":"", "port":"ag1", "netmask": ""}' -X POST
Response example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  "virtualServer": {
    "UUID": "b912ecdc-77df-11d0-958c-49e1bb864b23",
    "virtualServerId": 7,
    "ipAddresses": [
    "isEnabled": true,
    "name": "TestEVS",
    "objectId": "373a3a3a4f49445f24232140255f56",
    "status": "ONLINE",
    "type": "File services",
  "uri" : ""


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