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Virtual server object model

The object model describing this resource contains the following objects.

Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
objectId string string Virtual server object unique identifier. Note: this ID is not HNAS storage virtual server ID.
virtualServerId number ushort HNAS virtual server ID.
status string string Status of the virtual server. Possible values are:
UUID string string UUID of the virtual server.
ipAddresses array array IP addresses for the virtual server.
name string string Name of the virtual server.
type string string Type of the virtual server. Possible values can be:
  • File Services

  • Administrative Services

isEnabled boolean boolean True if the virtual server is enabled.
scanServer (RPC mode)
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
namestringstringName of the virus scan engine server
inUsebooleanbooleanTrue if the virus scan server is in use
ipAddressstringstringIP of the virus scan server
domainstringstringDomain name of the virus scan service
scanStatusnumberintegerStatus of the virus scan server
scanServer (ICAP mode)
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
hostNamestringstringHost name of the virus scan engine server
enabledbooleanbooleanTrue if the virus scan server is enabled
ipAddressstringstringIP of the virus scan server
portnumberintegerPort of the virus scan server
serviceNamestringstringService name of the virus scan service
scanStatusnumberintegerStatus of the virus scan server
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
fileExtensionsarrayarrayA list of file extensions the virus scan run against
areAllFileTypesScannedbooleanbooleanVirus scan run for all file types or not
isSuccessfulbooleanbooleanVirus scan successful or not
isVirusScanEnabledbooleanbooleanVirus scan enabled or not
modestringstringVirus scan mode: RPC or ICAP
scanServersarrayarrayA list of objects of scanServer that describes the virus scan server configuration of either RPC mode or ICAP mode.
Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
cidrstringstringLength of the network mask, in bits, in a format that can be appended to the IP address.
ipAddressstringstringIPv4 or IPv6 address.
netmaskstringstringNetwork mask associated with the IP address.
portstringstringPort that the IP address is associated with – this can either be a physical, aggregate or VLAN interface.


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