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System management objects

The object model describing this resource contains the following objects.

Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
bootReasonstringstringReason why the node last restarted.
bootTimestringstringLocal time the node booted.
nodeIdnumberintegerNode ID of the device.
uptimestringstringTextural representation of the node uptime.
uptimeInSecondsnumberuint64Node uptime, in seconds.
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
bannerContentstringstringContents of the login banner that is presented to a user when they connect to various management interfaces of the system. This field can contain additional text formatting characters, such as new line and tab characters.
enabledbooleanbooleanTrue if the login banner is enabled.
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
allowedHostsarraystringA list of hosts allowed to access the management service, if host access is restricted.
isEnabledbooleanbooleanTrue if management service is enabled.
isEvsIpAddressAllowedbooleanbooleanTrue if the management service can be accessed via file serving IP addresses in addition to the specific management addresses.
maxAllowedConnectionsnumberintegerNumber of allowed simultaneous connections.
maxSupportedConnectionsnumberintegerMaximum number of supported connections that can be configured.
portnumberintegerPort that the management service listens on.
restrictHostsbooleanbooleanTrue to restrict access to only the hosts in the allowedHosts list.
typestringstringType of management service. Possible values are:
  • https
  • rest
  • ssc
  • vss
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
allowSnmpV1booleanbooleanTrue if SNMPv1 requests are accepted.
allowSnmpV2booleanbooleanTrue if SNMPv2c requests are accepted.
allowSnmpV3booleanbooleanTrue if SNMPv3 requests are accepted.
allowedCommunitiesarraystringA list of community strings that can be used to access the SNMP agent.
allowedHostsarraystringA list of hosts allowed to access the SNMP agent, if host access is restricted.
isEnabledbooleanbooleanTrue if the SNMP agent is enabled.
portnumberintegerUDP port that the SNMP agent is listening on.
restrictHostsbooleanbooleanTrue to restrict access to only the hosts in the allowedHosts list.
sendAuthFailureTrapsbooleanbooleanTrue to send SNMP authentication failure traps to configured SNMP trap hosts.


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