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Date and time objects

The object model describing this resource contains the following objects.

Attribute JSON Type Data Type Description
namestringstringName of the timezone.
offsetnumberinteger Offset from UTC in seconds.
AttributeJSON TypeData TypeDescription
isDstInEffectbooleanbooleanTrue if daylight saving is in effect.
isNtpConfiguredbooleanbooleanTrue if NTP is configured to synchronise the date and time.
localDatestringstringTextural representation of the local date.
localDateTimestringstringTextural representation of the local data and time.
localTimestringstringTextural representation of the local time.
localUtcOffsetnumberintegerLocal timezone offset in seconds from UTC.
posixTimenumberuint64Number of seconds since the 1st January 1970, in UTC.
timezonestringstringTimezone in effect.


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