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Add SMTP alert profile

Adds a new SMTP email profile. Multiple profiles can be created to allow different options to be applied to each one, so that different recipients can receive different alert information from the system.

Valid notification frequency values are: IMMEDIATELY, SUMMARY or NEVER. Information alerts can’t be sent more frequently than Warning alerts, and Warning alerts can’t be sent more frequently than Severe alerts.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST <base_URI>/v8/storage/file-devices/alerts/smtp/profiles
Name Type Required Values Description
discloseDetailsBODYNbooleanDisclose details in the emails (IP addresses, etc). Default True.
excludeAttachmentsBODYNbooleanExcludes attachments for this profile. Default False.
htmlFormatBODYNbooleanSends the emails in HTML format. Default True.
ignoreNdmpEventsBODYNbooleanIgnore NDMP events in emails which are sent immediately. Default False.
isEnabledBODYNbooleanEnables/disables the profile. Default True.
maxEmailLengthBODYNintegerMaximum possible email length, in bytes. Default 65536 bytes.
nameBODYYstringName of the new email alert profile.
notificationFrequencyInfoBODYNstringFrequency to send Information severity alerts. Default Never.
notificationFrequencyWarningBODYNstringFrequency to send Warning severity alerts. Default Never.
notificationFrequencySevereBODYNstringFrequency to send Severe severity alerts. Default Never.
recipientsBODYNlist of stringsList of email recipients.
sendDailyStatusEmails BODYNbooleanSends a daily status email. Default True.
sendEmptyEmailsBODYNbooleanSends empty summary emails if there are no alerts to send. Default True.
summaryTimesBODYNlist of stringsList of times that summary emails will be sent. Times must be of the form HH:MM. Two summary times can be specified. Default 08:00.
TextBODYNstringArbitrary text to include at the beginning of the email body.
uuEncodeBODYNbooleanUuencode diagnostic emails. Default True.
Return codes
Code Data Description
201 emailProfile SMTP alert profile successfully created.
400 Error Message Missing or invalid request contents.
403Error MessageOperation forbidden by access level.
404 Error Message Requested resource not found.
500 Error message Error associated with the storage system.

Any HTTP status code other than 201 indicates that the API did not complete successfully.

Request example: Create a new SMTP email profile, with two recipients
curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: zrxvSDAv9x.RIP4gkmKarG3beF.or.4Tc2im7oeqYN88C9XPGHxbXC" -X POST -d '{"name":"profile2", "recipients":["", ""]}'
Response example
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
  "emailProfile": {
    "discloseDetails": true,
    "excludeAttachments": false,
    "htmlFormat": true,
    "ignoreNdmpEvents": false,
    "isEnabled": true,
    "maxEmailLength": 65536,
    "name": "profile2",
    "notificationFrequencyInfo": "NEVER",
    "notificationFrequencySevere": "NEVER",
    "notificationFrequencyWarning": "NEVER",
    "objectId": "70726f66696c65323a3a3a303a3a3a4f49445f24232140255f56",
    "recipients": [
    "sendDailyStatusEmails": true,
    "sendEmptyEmails": true,
    "summaryTimes": [
    "text": "",
    "uuEncode": true
  "uri": ""


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