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Management Auditing events

Category Event Description
Management users
Adding management user
Changing management user password
Deleting management user
Deleting all non-reserved management users
Management user logging out
Adding access configuration to an NFS export
Adding an NFS export
Changing a KDC IP address
Changing a public NFSv4 file handle
Changing an NFS hostname
Changing an NFS protocol character set
Changing an RPC service configuration
Changing the ignore-unix-security-ops mode
Changing the ignore-unix-security-ops setting
Changing the Kerberos realm
Deleting a Kerberos keytab for NFS
Deleting all NFS exports
Deleting an NFS export
Importing a Kerberos keytab for NFS
Modifying access configuration on an NFS export
Modifying an NFS export
Reading a Kerberos keytab for NFS
Removing a client's NLM state
Removing a file's NLM state
Removing access configuration from an NFS export
Adding cluster node
Adding cluster node address
Adding EVS
Adding EVS address
Changing cluster name
Changing cluster node address
Changing cluster node name
Changing cluster quorum device
Changing EVS address
Changing EVS map autofb
Changing time/date
Clearing EVS map
Deleting cluster node address
Deleting EVS
Deleting EVS address
Disabling EVS
Disabling EVS auto failover
Enabling EVS
Enabling EVS auto failover
GMS connections set
GMS enabled
GMS host added
GMS host removed
GMS port set
GMS restriction set
GMS status reset
Relabeling EVS
Removing cluster node
Saving EVS map
Setting EVS map
Adding an FTP user
Changing the FTP audit log configuration
Changing the FTP configuration
Changing FTP user settings
Deleting an FTP user
Deleting all FTP users
Disabling the FTP audit log
Starting the FTP service
Stopping the FTP service
Adding audit log cache file
Adding audit policy
Adding audit syslog server
Adding CIFS DC filter
Adding CIFS DC server
Adding CIFS name
Adding CIFS SAA access rights
Adding CIFS share
Changing audit policy
Changing audit syslog server
Changing CIFS anonymous user access configuration
Changing CIFS log access mode
Changing CIFS max multiplex value
Changing CIFS SAA access rights
Changing CIFS share access
Changing CIFS Share Filesystem options
Changing CIFS Share Mount Point options
Changing CIFS Share options
Changing CIFS user lookup access
Changing SMB2 client side symlink handling to its default
Changing SPNEGO negotiation behavior
Changing the maximum supported SMB version
Changing the maximum supported SMB version to its default
Changing the minimum supported SMB version
Changing the minimum supported SMB version to its default
Changing WINS server config
Clearing audit log
Clearing audit log cache file
Clearing CIFS DC filters
Clearing event log
Clearing SMB change notify configuration
Closing CIFS session
Closing event log
Closing opened CIFS file
Deleting all CIFS names
Deleting audit log cache file
Deleting audit policy
Deleting audit syslog server
Deleting CIFS DC filter
Deleting CIFS DC server
Deleting CIFS name
Deleting CIFS SAA access rights
Deleting CIFS share
Disabling audit log cache file
Disabling CIFS authentication
Disabling CIFS DC broadcast
Disabling CIFS DC clock skew acceptance
Disabling CIFS name DDNS registration
Disabling EVS rejection of unencrypted SMB clients
Disabling EVS SMB encryption
Disabling home directory share restriction
Disabling NetBIOS
Disabling SMB change notify
Disabling SMB signing required
Disabling SMB2 client side symlink handling
Displaying audit log cache file
Displaying audit log file
Displaying CIFS keytab list
Enabling audit log cache file
Enabling CIFS authentication
Enabling CIFS DC broadcast
Enabling CIFS DC clock skew acceptance
Enabling CIFS name DDNS registration
Enabling EVS rejection of unencrypted SMB clients
Enabling EVS SMB encryption
Enabling home directory share restriction
Enabling NetBIOS
Enabling SMB change notify
Enabling SMB signing required
Enabling SMB2 client side symlink handling
Opening event log
Reading event log
Resetting audit log
Resetting audit log cache file
Saving audit log file
Saving audit log cache file
Setting kerberos transport: TCP only
Setting kerberos transport: UDP default
Setting max number of channels per SMB3 session
Deleting system variable
Setting the desired maximum heap size
Writing system variable
Adding a NIS server
Changing a NIS protocol character set
Changing the settings of the internal NIS client
Disabling the internal NIS client
Enabling internal NIS client to find servers via broadcast
Enabling the internal NIS client
Preventing internal NIS client finding servers via broadcast
Removing a NIS server
Removing all configured NIS servers
Setting the NIS domain
Changing DNS domain name
Changing DNS nameservers
Changing DNS search domains
Changing nameservice order
Adding NTP server
Removing NTP server
Adding an iSCSI logical unit to an iSCSI target
Cloning an iSCSI logical unit
Cloning an iSCSI logical unit by EUI64
Creating a clone of an iSCSI logical unit
Creating a snapshot of an iSCSI logical unit
Creating an iSCSI initiator
Creating an iSCSI logical unit
Creating an iSCSI target
Deleting all iSCSI initiators
Deleting all iSCSI logical units
Deleting all iSCSI targets
Deleting an iSCSI cloned file
Deleting an iSCSI initiator
Deleting an iSCSI logical unit
Deleting an iSCSI target
Modifying an iSCSI logical unit
Modifying an iSCSI target
Mounting an iSCSI logical unit
Removing all iSCSI logical units from an iSCSI target
Removing an iSCSI logical unit from an iSCSI target
Replacing an iSCSI logical unit file
Setting an iSCSI domain
Setting an iSCSI initiator
Setting an iSCSI parameter
Starting the iSCSI service
Stopping the iSCSI service
Unmounting an iSCSI logical unit
Adding an iSNS server
Removing an iSNS server
Adding cluster-node route
Adding route
Deleting cluster-node route
Deleting route
Disabling CIDR routing
Disabling cluster-node routing
Disabling routing by EVS
Enabling CIDR routing
Enabling cluster-node routing
Enabling routing by EVS
A management user has successfully authenticated
A management user failed to authenticate
Changing Security mode
Clearing Security mode
Developer level command executed
Aborting object replication session
Adding replication policy
Adding replication schedule
Changing replication policy
Changing replication schedule
Deleting all object replication recovery task logs
Deleting object replication recovery task log
Deleting replication policy
Deleting replication schedule
Queuing object replication recovery task
Setting object replication listening port
Setting object replication source throughput limit
Starting object replication session
Virus Scan
Adding virus scan exclusion list item
Adding virus scan icap server
Adding virus scan inclusion list item
Changing to default virus scan inclusion list
Changing virus scan best effort setting
Changing virus scan inclusion list from/to all files
Changing virus scan max file size state
Changing virus scan mode
Changing virus scan state
Clearing virus scan exclusion list
Disabling virus scan exclusion list
Enabling virus scan exclusion list
Modifying virus scan icap server
Removing all virus scan icap servers
Removing virus scan exclusion list item
Removing virus scan icap server
Removing virus scan inclusion list item
Adding LDAP server
Changing LDAP search configuration settings
Changing LDAP security settings
Changing the NIS/LDAP mode
Deleting LDAP server
Disconnecting LDAP server
Getting LDAP server
Prodding LDAP server
Querying host NIS netgroup membership
Returning NIS netgroups for host
Adding VSS credential
Deleting VSS credential
VSS client disconnecting
Management Audit
Adding management audit log server
Clearing management audit logging statistics
Deleting management audit log server
Ext Migration
Adding ext migration account
Adding ext migration destination
Adding ext migration policy
Adding ext migration rule
Adding ext migration schedule
Changing ext migration account
Changing ext migration destination
Changing ext migration policy
Changing ext migration rule
Changing ext migration schedule
Deleting ext migration account
Deleting ext migration destination
Deleting ext migration policy
Deleting ext migration rule
Deleting ext migration schedule
File System
Adding a domain mapping
Adding ACLs and ACEs to a Security Descriptor
Adding global symlink definition
Adding members to a local group
Adding members to a local netgroup
Adding object to quarantine
Adding quota
Adding virtual volume
Analyzing data usage
Authenticating a network user
Bypassing permissions check
Calculating directory entry CRC
Canceling queued task
Changing current directory
Changing file ownership
Changing group ownership
Changing No-DOS-Offline-forXVL flag
Changing quota mode
Changing snapshot deletion state
Changing tier for leaf onodes
Changing Unix file access permission
Changing virtual volume
Checking all objects
Checking checkpoint's health
Checking file system free space bitmap
Checking object store metadata
Clearing accessed time maintenance
Clearing default quota
Clearing file system's quota system files
Clearing utility progress monitor
Cloning a file's unnamed stream
Committing group mapping changes
Committing user mapping changes
Completing directory check
Completing directory tree cloning
Completing directory tree delete
Completing file system check
Completing file system fix
Completing file system mount
Completing snapshot rollback
Completing snapshots kill
Configuring automount
Configuring file system DACL mode
Controlling system drive group allocation mode
Converting file system to enhanced resiliency bitmap
Converting file system to standard resiliency bitmap
Converting file system to support dedupe
Converting file system's bitmap resiliency
Creating a group mapping
Creating a link to a file system object
Creating a new view
Creating a snapshot rule
Creating a user mapping
Creating directories
Creating or resetting a local netgroup
Creating snapshot by name
Creating snapshot by rule
Decloning a file's unnamed stream
Decoding an onode dumping
Deleting a domain mapping
Deleting a file's security descriptor
Deleting a group mapping
Deleting a snapshot rule
Deleting a user mapping
Deleting a user-to-primary group mapping
Deleting ACLs and ACEs from a Security Descriptor
Deleting all local groups
Deleting all local netgroups
Deleting all snapshot rules
Deleting all snapshots
Deleting all user-to-primary group mappings
Deleting email
Deleting file system
Deleting members from a local group
Deleting members from a local netgroup
Deleting snapshot by checkpoint
Deleting snapshot by name
Deleting snapshots by rule
Disabling automatic saving of local group table
Disabling automatic saving of user-to-primary group table
Disabling file system space tracking
Displaying a file's security information
Displaying clone information
Displaying directory creation umask
Displaying file creation umask
Displaying file information
Displaying snapshot deletion state
Downgrading file system
Dumping disk contents
Dumping file contents
Dumping freed blockslist
Enabling file system space tracking
Enabling quota event adding
Expanding file system
Expanding the definition of a local netgroup
Exporting group definitions
File system CLI command failed
Finding entry
Formatting file system
Getting or setting the current root of mount
Importing group mappings from NIS
Importing legacy group mappings
Importing legacy user mappings
Importing user mappings from NIS
Listing a local netgroup
Listing directory entries
Listing quarantined objects
Masking in Security Descriptor values
Masking out Security Descriptor values
Measuring free space fragmentation
Modifying a domain mapping table entry
Modifying a group mapping
Modifying a user mapping
Modifying quota
Moving a file
Printing current working directory
Queueing a file system for dedupe
Reading user data of a file system object
Reassessing credentials after changes
Recalculating multi-tiered file system state
Reclaiming file system leaked space
Refreshing all group mappings
Refreshing all user mappings
Refreshing one group mapping
Refreshing one user mapping
Releasing objects from quarantine
Removing all global symlink definitions
Removing all local authentication
Removing global symlink definition
Removing local authentication
Removing quota
Removing virtual volume
Renaming snapshot
Reporting allocations' owner and bitmap state
Reporting file system state/statistics
Requesting directory tree cloning
Requesting directory tree delete
Resetting file system data read/written counters
Resetting fixfs resumption point
Resetting group mappings table to default
Resetting network user authentication statistics report
Resetting user mappings table to default
Saving local group table
Saving user-to-primary group table
Selecting checkpoint
Selecting email format
Selecting file system
Setting a user's primary group
Setting accessed time maintenance
Setting cluster-wide default resiliency level
Setting default quota
Setting directory creation umask
Setting email
Setting entire memberships of a group
Setting events based on file system usage
Setting file counts on latest DSB
Setting file creation umask
Setting file system dedupe status
Setting file system resiliency level
Setting maximum directory sizes
Setting ObjStore metadata cache bias
Setting read-only to protocols flag
Setting Security Descriptor element values
Setting snapshot directory browsing configuration
Setting soft quotas visible
Setting space reporting based on vivol quota
Setting space reservation
Setting true sparse files state
Setting up local authentication
Setting user data write policy
Setting user quotas visible
Setting utility progress monitor
Setting volume failure limit
Starting directory check
Starting file system check
Starting file system fix
Starting file system mount
Starting snapshots kill
Starting snapshot rollback
Starting/Stopping dedupe service
Touching a file
Unlinking directories
Unlinking files
Un-mounting file system
Un-mounting all file systems
Un-selecting file system
Using default domain mapping entry
Adding VLAN
Adding VLAN interface
Removing VLAN
Removing VLAN interface
Creating linux aggregated interface (eth-ag)
Deleting linux aggregated interface (eth-ag)
Adding member(s) to aggregation
Changing aggregation load-balancing mode
Changing LACP timeout for aggregation
Creating aggregated interface
Deleting aggregated interface
Disabling LACP for aggregation
Disabling network interface
Enabling LACP for aggregation
Enabling network interface
Removing member(s) from aggregation
Allowing access to all the system drives in a span
Assigning a span to a cluster, removing any existing cluster assignments
Assigning a span to an additional cluster, preserving any existing cluster assignments
Assigning all a span's SDs to the same tier
Configuring or unconfiguring SD mirror relationships on a span
Confining a filesystem (preventing it from auto-expanding beyond a specified capacity)
Confining a span (preventing auto-expansion of its filesystems)
Copying one system drive's filesystem Cod to the other SDs in the same span
Deleting a filesystem without saving undeletion information
Deleting a span
Deleting a storage-based snapshot that isn't loaded into memory
Deleting all the filesystems on a span
Deleting the filesystems on a storage-based snapshot
Deleting the filesystems on a storage-based snapshot
Denying access to all the system drives in primary position in a span
Denying access to all the system drives in secondary position in a span
Dumping raw data from a filesystem
Dumping raw data from a named chunk in a filesystem
Dumping raw data from a span
Dumping raw data from a named chunk in a span
Dumping raw data from a named chunk in a span
Dumping raw data from a stripeset
Dumping raw data from a stripeset
Dumping raw data from a system drive
Enabling or disabling pre-allocation writes on all HDP- and UVM-based spans
Expanding a filesystem
Hiding a file system, so that it can't be mounted
Hiding a span's file systems, so that they can't be mounted
Indicating that storage-based mirror relationships on a span are about to be broken
Listing the contents of a disk block at the console
Listing the contents of a disk block at the console and reading the data into memory
Loading a span's filesystem Cod from a single SD
Moving a filesystem to the recycle bin
Pegging system drive to the opposite of their current mirror roles
Pegging system drives to the primary mirror role
Pegging system drives to the secondary mirror role
Preventing the server from loading span Cod from SDs that become healthy, primary and licensed
Preventing the server from loading span Cod from SDs that become healthy, primary and licensed
Recycling a recently deleted filesystem
Re-enabling the server to load span Cod from SDs that become healthy, primary and licensed
Releasing a filesystem (allowing it to auto-expand freely, provided that its host span isn't confined)
Releasing a span (enabling auto-expansion of its filesystems)
Releasing a span (enabling auto-expansion of its filesystems)
Removing one cluster assignment from a span, preserving any other cluster assignments
Replacing one system drive in a span with another SD
Rescanning Cod
Restoring a system drive's previously wiped span Cod signature
Restoring an integrated Cod backup
Resuming status events on a span
Revealing a file system, so that it can be mounted
Revealing a span's file systems, so that they can be mounted
Reverting to the factory-set default capacity warning threshold for newly created spans
Rewriting all the Cod on a span
Setting the default capacity warning threshold for newly created spans
Suppressing status events on a span
Telling the server to heed HDP structure violations via 'span-hdp-thickly-provisioned'
Telling the server to ignore HDP structure violations via 'span-hdp-thickly-provisioned'
Unloading a span and denying access to all its system drives
Un-pegging system drives, enabling the server to detect their mirror roles
Wiping a system drive's span Cod signature
Writing a section of Cod
Writing one disk block from memory to disk
Multi Tenancy
Enabling Multi-Tenancy
Disabling Multi-Tenancy
Creating a namespace
Creating a namespace directory
Creating a namespace link
Deleting a namespace
Moving a namespace object
Removing a namespace object
Changing RIP mode
Create RIP source block
Create RIP route block
Remove RIP route block
Remove RIP source block
Changing IRDP mode
Creating IP parameters interface configuration
Changing IP parameters
Removing IP parameters interface configuration
Resetting IP advanced configuration
Resetting IP engineering configuration
File Filtering
Deregistering file filtering server
Disabling file filtering
Enabling file filtering
Enabling file filtering server
Event Log
Adding event log filter
Clearing event log
Changing event log filter
Deleting all event log filters
Deleting event log filter
Alert Mail
Adding alert-mail profile
Adding alert-mail-profile recipient
Changing alert-mail profile
Clearing alert-mail destination and sender
Deleting alert-mail profile
Deleting alert-mail-profile recipient
Setting alert-mail destination and sender
Alert Syslog And Snmp
Setting alert-snmp configuration
Setting alert-syslog configuration
NDMP replication
Deleting NDMP backup records
Deleting NDMP replication record
Modifying NDMP replication record
NDMP external path
Adding external migration path
Deleting external migration path
Expanding/modifying external migration path
NDMP internal path
Adding internal migration path
Deleting internal migration path
NDMP Device
Deleting NDMP device name assignment
Deleting NDMP fibre channel device number
Setting NDMP device name assignment
Setting NDMP fibre channel device number
NDMP Restricted User
Changing an NDMP restricted user
Changing NDMP restricted user password
Creating NDMP restricted user
Deleting an NDMP restricted user
Deleting all NDMP restricted users
Disabling access to an NDMP directory or device
Enabling access to an NDMP directory or device
NDMP General
Aborting NDMP
An NDMP operation has started
Changing backup level snapshot rule for object replication
Changing NDMP pool limits
Changing the NDMP Changed Object parameters
Creating or deleting a migration control directory
Deleting a directory tree
Disabling NDMP boot
Enabling NDMP boot
Removing a Changed File Location directory
Setting Changed File Location options
Setting NDMP option
Setting NDMP snapshot options
Setting NDMP user
Setting the migration mode for recreated file links
Starting NDMP user
Terminating an NDMP session
Waking up an NDMP device session
Waking up an NDMP session
NDMP Option
Setting NDMP option
Add SMU managed server
Authenticate failed SMU user
Change password for SMU user
Create SMU user
Delete SMU user
Login failed for SMU user
Login SMU user
Logout SMU user
Modify SMU user
Remove SMU managed server
FC Link
Disabling Fibre Channel interface
Performing Fibre Channel port test
Resetting Fibre Channel interface
Setting Fibre Channel link speed
Setting Fibre Channel link type
Virtualization Path
Adding a Virtualization Path
Controlling a Virtualization Path
Controlling Virtualization Path journal
Deleting a Virtualization Path
Modifying a Virtualization Path
Performing an exclude directory operation on a Virtualization Path
Start network packet capture
Stop network packet capture
Perf API
Disabling performance monitoring
Enabling performance monitoring
disk write threshold
Changing disk write threshold
Setting disk write threshold to default
Gathering server diagnostics
Gathering SMU diagnostics
Sending diagnostic email
Clearing email queue
Queuing email for sending


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