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Asynchronous operations

REST API server supports asynchronous operations. Asynchronous operations are processed in two ways.

  • An individual API operation needs a considerable amount of time to process, then it will be set up in an asynchronous mode. Sections for APIs that can run asynchronously provide details for this operation.
  • The client program dynamically requests an asynchronous operation that contains a new custom HTTP header ( X-Async: true) .
These changes affect how client programs interact with the REST API SERVER in the following two ways:
  • When the server receives a new asynchronous request, instead of actually creating, updating, or retrieving a resource, the server returns a response containing the job URI in both the response body content and location header, displaying an HTTP status value of 202 (Accepted).
  • The client program is responsible for polling the job status. The client sends a request using the provided URI. When the job completes, the job status changes to FINISHED , and the response result and HTTP status code is encapsulated inside the nested response object.
Note The REST API server currently retains only 30 days of job data. After this period, the job ID and data will be deleted from the REST API server database.
job object model

Attribute JSON type Data type Description
createdTime string string Timestamp when the asynchronous request is received by the server.
jobId number uint64 Unique job identifier for each asynchronous request.
jobStatus string string The job status. Possible values are:
  • PENDING: The server received the asynchronous request but has not started to perform the actual API operation.
  • RUNNING: The server dispatched the request, initiating the API operation.
  • FINISHED: The request API operation completed and displays the result.
locationUri string string The URI of the job used by the client program to poll to retrieve the job request status.
request object object The object containing request information.
requestState string string The request state of the actual API operation. Possible values are:
  • PENDING: The request has been accepted.
  • RUNNING: The API operation is running.
  • SUCCEEDED: The following status codes indicate the operation successfully completed: 200, 201, 204, 301, 302, 303.
  • FAILED: Any HTTP status code that is not one of the success codes indicates the operation failed.
updatedTime string string The job time stamp. This value updates when job status changes.
response object object Encapsulates the response content and its HTTP status code when the API operation completes.
request object model
Attribute JSON type Data type Description
requestBodyContent object object Contains the request content if available. If no content is sent in the request, this attribute will not be presented.
requestHttpMethod string string The request http method. Possible values are:
  • GET
  • PUT
  • POST
requestUri string string The original URI request.
response object model
Attribute JSON type Data type Description
responseBodyContent object object Contains all the response content if available.
responseHttpStatus number uint The HTTP status code when the API completes.
Example request: Create an iSCSI logical unit in asynchronous mode

1) The client program sends a request; the server accepts the request and sends back a response.

curl -kv -H "X-Api-Key: Td5qNSpXX4.732uVwjjuN1Wgmxw7yJwL5nygQk79k6pbVg.wvMFqH2" -H "X-Async: true" -d '{"comment":"new lun", "filesystemId":"5639DE9595A600900000000000000000", "iSCSILogicalUnitId": "lun1", "path": "/lun1.iscsi", "sizeInBytes":10000000, "virtualServerId": 2}' -X POST
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
 "jobId" : 4,
 "locationUri" : "",
 "jobStatus" : "RUNNING",
 "requestState" : "RUNNING",
 "createdTime" : "2020-04-03 10:55:23",
 "updatedTime" : "2020-04-03 10:55:24",
 "request" : {
  "requestUri" : "",
  "requestHttpMethod" : "POST",
  "requestBodyContent" : {
   "comment" : "new lun",
   "filesystemId" : "5639DE9595A600900000000000000000",
   "iSCSILogicalUnitId" : "lun1",
   "path" : "/lun1.iscsi",
   "sizeInBytes" : 10000000,
   "virtualServerId" : 2

2) The client program sends a request to retrieve request status and data.

curl -vk -H "X-Api-Key: Td5qNSpXX4.732uVwjjuN1Wgmxw7yJwL5nygQk79k6pbVg.wvMFqH2"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
   "job" : {
      "createdTime" : "2020-04-03 10:55:23",
      "jobId" : 4,
      "jobStatus" : "FINISHED",
      "locationUri" : "",
      "request" : {
         "requestBodyContent" : {
            "comment" : "new lun",
            "filesystemId" : "5639DE9595A600900000000000000000",
            "iSCSILogicalUnitId" : "lun1",
            "path" : "/lun1.iscsi",
            "sizeInBytes" : 10000000,
            "virtualServerId" : 2
         "requestHttpMethod" : "POST",
         "requestUri" : ""
      "requestState" : "SUCCEEDED",
      "response" : {
         "responseBodyContent" : {
            "iSCSILogicalUnit" : {
               "comment" : "new lun",
               "filesystemId" : "5639DE9595A600900000000000000000",
               "iSCSILogicalUnitId" : "lun1",
               "iSCSITargetIds" : [],
               "isBoundToTarget" : false,
               "isMounted" : false,
               "objectId" : "323a3a3a6c756e313a3a3a3a3a3a303a3a3a4f49445f24232140255f56",
               "path" : "/lun1.iscsi",
               "precentageCreatedx100" : 0,
               "sizeInBytes" : 10000000,
               "virtualServerId" : 2
            "uri" : ""
         "responseHttpStatus" : 201
      "updatedTime" : "2020-04-03 10:55:24"


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