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Logs and diagnostic information

Each service maintains its own set of logs. By default, the logs are maintained in the folder install_path/hcpcs/log on each instance in the system. During installation, you can configure each service to store its logs in a different, non-default location.

Log management

You can manage any of the HCP for cloud scale log files yourself. That is, you can delete or archive them as necessary.

NoteDeleting log files can make it more difficult for support personnel to resolve issues you might encounter.

System logs are managed automatically in these ways:

  • All log files are periodically added to a compressed file and moved to install_path/hcpcs/retired/. This occurs at least once a day, but can also occur:
    • Whenever you run the log_download script.
    • Hourly, if the system instance's disk space is more than 60% full.
  • When a log file grows larger than 10MB in size, the system stops writing to that file, renames it, and begins writing to a new file. For example, if the file exampleService.log.0 grows too large, it is renamed to exampleService.log.1 and the system creates a new file named exampleService.log.0 to write to.
Retrieving logs and diagnostic information

The tool log_download lets you easily retrieve logs and diagnostic information from all instances in the system. This tool is located at this path on each instance:


For information about running the tool, use this command:

install_path/hcpcs/bin/log_download -h

  • When using the tool log_download, if you specify the option --output, do not specify an output path that contains colons, spaces, or symbolic links. If you omit the option --output, you cannot run the script from within a folder path that contains colons, spaces, or symbolic links.
  • When you run the script log_download, all log files are automatically compressed and moved to the folder install_path/hcpcs/retired/.
  • If an instance is down, you need to specify the option --offline to collect the logs from that instance. If your whole system is down, you need to run the script log_download with the option --offline on each instance.
Default log locations

By default, each service stores its logs in its own folder at this path:


This table shows the default log folder names for each service. Depending on how your system was configured when first deployed, your system's logs might not be stored in these directories.

Default log folder nameRelated serviceContains information about
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​adminAppAdmin-AppThe System Management application.​AspenAspenThe HCP for cloud scale application.
  • System configuration data.
  • Document fields and values.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​chronosSchedulingWorkflow task scheduling.​clientaccess.​dataS3-GatewayThe client access data service.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​​elasticsearchMetricsThe storage and indexing of:
  • System events
  • Performance and failure metrics for workflow tasks
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​haproxyNetwork-ProxyNetwork requests between instances.​tracing.​​agentTracing-AgentThe tracing agent service.​collectorTracing-CollectorThe tracing collector service.​tracing.​​queryTracing-QueryThe tracing query service.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​kafkaMessage QueueThe transmission of data between instances.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​logstashLoggingThe transport of system events and workflow task metrics to the Metrics service.​mapi.​gatewayMAPI-GatewayThe management API gateway. key management server.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.marathonService-DeploymentThe deployment of high-level services across system instances. High-level services are the ones that you can move and configure (such as Index), not the services grouped under System Services.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​​mesosAgentCluster-WorkerThe work ordered by the Cluster-Coordination service.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​mesosMasterCluster-CoordinationHardware resource allocation.​policy.​enginePolicy-EngineThe metadata asynchronous policy engine.​prometheusTelemetry-ServiceTelemetry. QueueThe message broker.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​sentinelSentinelThe internal system processes.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​watchdogWatchdogGeneral diagnostic information.
com.hds.ensemble.plugins.service.​zookeeperSynchronizationThe coordination of actions and database activities across instances.