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This section contains information about troubleshooting, information on using the command-line interface, and information on using the REST API.


System event issues

The event log contains instances of event id 6007 with this message:

Service service-name health check against HTTP /health port cannot succeed because it is on a different network than service Cluster-Worker. Health check ignored to prevent service interruption.

Your system uses both internal and external networks, but the service specified by the event is on a different network type from the Cluster-Worker service. Because of this, the system cannot perform an additional health verification on the specified service.

You can ignore this event. The additional health verification is not required and does not affect the other health verifications used to display the service status on the Monitoring > Services page in the Admin App.

The MAPI Gateway service becomes unresponsive.

If you're working with a storage component that is configured with multiple retries and long timeouts, and if the endpoint for the storage component is unreachable, and if as a result you send multiple verification or activation requests to the endpoint, the MAPI Gateway service can become unresponsive.

If the MAPI Gateway service becomes unresponsive, use the System Management application Services function Repair on it.

Users can't write to storage components, objects read from storage components are encrypted, and you receive the critical alert Failed to connect to KMS server.The Key Management System service is down. The service should restart automatically. When it restarts, log in to HCP for Cloud Scale on port 8200 and provide a quorum of unseal keys.

CLI reference

The system includes an administrative CLI for system management. This interface allows you to perform all tasks relating to system setup and configuration. Any administrative activity that you can perform in the Admin App or REST API can be performed through the CLI.

Your system can also include additional, product-specific CLI tools.

Accessing the CLI tools on a system instance

You can access the CLI tools from any instance. To do this:


  1. Log in or SSH into a system instance.

  2. Navigate to the CLI tool:

    cd <installation-folder>/cli/
  3. Navigate to the folder for the CLI tool you want. For example:

    cd admin

Installing CLI tools on your computer

You can install your system's CLI tools on your Linux computer. To do this, you must have version 1.8 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed.

Your system's CLI tools are distributed in .tgz files along with the software installation package.

To install a CLI tool:


  1. Store the .tgz file in a folder on your computer.

  2. Unpack the file:

    tar zxvf filename


The CLI tools have this syntax:

<tool-name> [options] [command] [command-specific-options]

Options-c, --command <command|category>

Specifies the command you want to run. When used with the --help option, displays information about the specified command.

You can also use this option to specify a category of commands when using the --help option. Doing this displays information about all commands within the specified category.

-d, --model-definition <name>

Returns information about the specified request model.


Includes verbose debug output for troubleshooting purposes.

-h, --help <all>

Displays help information. If you specify the all argument, displays information an all commands. If you specify the --help option, displays information about commands in the specified category.

-k, --check-ssl-cert <true|false>

Whether to enable SSL security verification. When false, insecure connections are allowed.

-m, --model-schema <ModelName>

Returns the JSON-formatted schema for the specified request model.

-p, --password <password>

Password for the specified user account.


The port for the system application that supports the CLI tool.

-r, --realm <realm>

Security realm where your user account is defined.

-s, --server <server>

The hostname or IP address of a system instance.

-u, --username <username>

Username for an account that has permission to access system.

-V, --version

Displays the CLI version.

Viewing available commands

  • To view all available commands, run:

    <cli-tool-name> --help all

  • To view all command categories, run:

    <cli-tool-name> --help

  • To view all commands within a category, run:

    <cli-tool-name> --help -c <category>

    For example:

    admincli --help -c instances

  • To view all information about a single command, run:

    <cli-tool-name> --help -c <command>

    For example:

    admincli --help -c listInstances

Viewing request models

Some commands need a JSON-formatted request body along with the command. The command's request model determines how you need to format the request body.

The help command for an individual command indicates what request model it needs.

For example, this help command output indicates that a command to update a service needs a ServiceUpdateModel request:

# ./admincli -c updateServiceConfig -h
usage: updateServiceConfig
  Configure service instances
  admincli -c updateServiceConfig <options>
  --service-update-model <ServiceUpdateModel>
File containing JSON text representing a ServiceUpdateModel for the command 
updateServiceConfig. Use the -m and -d options to retrieve information on request and 
response models.
Viewing request model information

To view detailed information about the contents of a request model, run:

<cli-tool-name> -d <ModelName>

For example:

admincli -d ServiceUpdateModel
Viewing request model formatting

To view the JSON format for the request model, run:

<cli-tool-name> -m <ModelName>

Editing configuration preferences

You can use the CLI tool's .conf file to specify settings to use every time you run a CLI command.

The CLI configuration file has this format:

  "defaultSettings": {
    "checkSSLCert": "[false|true]",(optional)
    "server": "<hostname>",(optional)
    "realm": "[local|<security-realm-name>]",(optional)
    "username": "<your-username>",(optional)
    "password": "<your-password>" (optional)

For example, with the following configuration, all commands:

  • Are run against the system
  • Verify the SSL certificate for the system before connecting
  • Uses the exampleUsersEast security realm to authenticate the specified username and password
  "defaultSettings": {
  "checkSSLCert": "true",
  "server": "",
  "realm": "exampleUsersEast"
File location

You can configure CLI preference by editing the existing .conf files in the CLI installation folder.

The options you specify explicitly in a CLI command override the options specified in the .conf file.

System error responses

If a CLI request reaches the system and the system returns an error, the CLI response contains:

  • An HTTP status code
  • Conditionally, a product-specific error code
  • A JSON-formatted error response body
HTTP status codes

This table describes the typical reasons why these HTTP status codes are returned.

Status codeMeaningDescription
400Bad Request

The request body contains one or more of these:

  • An entry that isn't valid
  • A value for an entry that isn't valid
  • Incorrectly formatted JSON

If the request includes a UUID, the UUID might be incorrectly formatted.

401UnauthorizedThe provided credentials are incorrect.
403ForbiddenYou do not have permission to perform the request.
404No FoundThe resource you are trying to retrieve or edit cannot be found.
409ConflictThe resource you are trying to create already exists.
500Internal Server ErrorThe system experienced an error.
599Network Connection Timeout ErrorThe CLI request timed out while trying to connect to the system or one of its instances.
Product-specific error codes

Some CLI requests return product-specific error codes in addition to an HTTP status code. These error codes are listed in the errorCodes field in the JSON response body. This table describes these error codes.

Status codeDescription
4000SSL certificate not trusted.
JSON response body

Error response bodies have this format:

    "statusCode": <HTTP-status-code>,
    "errorCode": <product-specific-error-code>,
    "errorMessage": <message>,
    "errorProperties": [
            "name": <error-property>,
            "message": <error-property-message>

REST API Reference

Your system includes a RESTful API that you can use for writing applications that manage the system. Anything you can do in either the Object Storage Management application or the System Management application can also be performed using REST APIs.

Input and output formats

The REST API accepts and returns JSON.

Access and authentication

To use the REST API, you need a user account that has permission to perform the actions you want.

Requesting an access token

After you have a user account, you need to request an authentication token from the system. To do this, you send an HTTP POST request to the /auth/oauth method.

When you generate a new access token, a refresh token also gets generated automatically.

Here's an example using the cURL command-line tool:

curl -ik -X POST \
-d grant_type=password \
-d username=user1 \
-d password=password1 \
-d scope=* \
-d client_secret=my-client \
-d client_id=my-client \
-d realm=marketingUsers

In response to this request, you receive a JSON response body containing an access_token field. The value for this field is your token. For example:

{"access_token" : "eyJr287bjle..."
  • To get a list of security realms for the system, send an HTTP GET request to the /setup method. For example, to do this with cURL:
    curl -k -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' 
  • To get an access token for the local admin user account, you can omit the realm option for the request, or specify a realm value of Local.
Submitting your access token

You need to specify your access token as part of all REST API requests that you make. You do this by submitting an Authorization header along with your request. Here's an example that uses cURL:

curl -X GET --header "Accept:application/json"<admin-app-port>
/api/admin/instances --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJr287bjle..."
Changing a password

You can use the REST API to change your system's password using the following cURL command.

TOKEN=$(curl -ik -X POST https://$ -d grant_type=password
 -d username=admin -d password=$2 -d scope=* -d client_secret=hci-client -d client_id=hci-client
 -d realm=local 2>&1  | grep access_token | awk -F: '{print $2}' | awk -F\" '{print $2}')
curl -v -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 
https://$ -d '{"password": "'"$3"'"}'

Viewing and using REST API methods

Your system includes web-based documentation pages where you can view all supported REST API methods, including the request bodies, request URLs, response bodies, and return codes for each. You can also use these pages to run each REST API method.

Viewing the API documentation

To view the REST API documentation:

  • In the Object Storage Management application, click the user icon (User icon) and then click REST API.
  • In the System Management application, click the user icon (User icon) and then click REST API - Admin.
Making requests

You can use the REST API documentation pages to experiment with the REST API.

NoteAny requests you submit on the REST API page take effect on the system.

To use the REST API page to run a method:


  1. Select the row for the method you want.

  2. If the method you want needs a UUID:

    1. Select the row for the GET method for the resource type that you want.

    2. Click Try it Out!.

    3. In the JSON response body, copy the value for the uuid field for the resource that you want.

      NoteIf you specify UUIDs when creating resources, the UUIDs are ignored.
  3. If the method you want needs a request body:

    1. In the Parameters section, under Model Schema, click inside the JSON text box.

      The JSON text is added to the Value field.

    2. Edit the JSON in the Value field.

      NoteSome methods might need other information in addition to or instead of UUIDs or JSON-formatted text. Some need particular string values or need you to browse for and select a file to upload.
  4. Click Try it out!.

Error responses

When an API request fails, the API returns:

  • An HTTP status code
  • Conditionally, a system-specific error code
  • A JSON-formatted error response body
HTTP status codes

This table describes the typical reasons why these HTTP status codes are returned. For information on the status codes for a particular method, view the system REST API web interface.

Status codeMeaningDescription
400Bad Request

The request body contains one or more of these:

  • An entry that's not valid
  • A value for an entry that's not valid
  • JSON code that's not validly formatted

If the request includes a UUID, the UUID might not be validly formatted.

403ForbiddenYou do not have permission to perform the request.
404Not FoundThe resource you are trying to retrieve or edit cannot be found.
409ConflictThe resource you are trying to create already exists.
500)Internal Server ErrorThe system experienced an error.
System-specific error codes

Some API requests return system-specific error codes in addition to an HTTP status code. These error codes are listed in the errorCodes field in the JSON response body. This table describes these error codes.

Status codeDescription
4000SSL certificate not trusted.
JSON response body

REST API error responses have this format:

    "statusCode": <HTTP-status-code>,
    "errorCode": <system-specific-error-code>,
    "errorMessage": <message>,
    "errorProperties": [
            "name": <error-property>,
            "message": <error-property-message>


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