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Storage component management resources

This module describes the storage component management resources.

Activate storage components

When you define a storage component, it is marked as UNVERIFIED and not available to serve requests until you activate it. You can activate a storage component that is in the UNVERIFIED state.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/activate
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

    "id": "uuid"
idYesUUIDThe UUID of the storage component.
Response structure

The response body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageType": "type",
  "verified": true|false,
  "httpStatus": nnn,
  "errorCode": "code_text",
  "errorMessage": "message_text",
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": nnn,
  "state": "state"




idUUIDThe UUID of the storage component.
storageType StringThe type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
verifiedBooleanIf true, the storage component has been activated. If false, it is not verified and awaits administrative action.
httpStatus32-bit integerThe HTTP status code with which the storage component responded to your request. If 0, the storage component can't be reached. You can use other values to diagnose the issue.
errorCodeStringAny error code associated with the storage component.
errorMessageStringAny error message associated with the storage component.
daysUntilCertificate​Expiration32-bit integerNumber of days until the current HTTPS certificate expires.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe MAPI metadata ID is invalid.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
404Not FoundThe specified storage component does not exist.
405 Method Not AllowedThe specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

JSON response:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
  "verified": true,
  "httpStatus": 200,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": 364,
  "state": "ACTIVE"

Configure S3 settings

You can configure custom S3 settings for buckets. You can use this endpoint to configure settings, then use the endpoint /s3_settings/get to check them.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/s3_settings/set
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

  "maxFileSizeBytes": nnnnnnnnnn,
  "maxBucketsPerUser": buckets,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeBytes": size,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeCount": count
maxFileSizeBytesNoIntegerThe maximum size, in bytes, of a single object that can be uploaded to an HCP for cloud scale system. Limit: 5 GB, default: 5 GB.
maxBucketsPerUserNoIntegerThe maximum number of buckets that a single user can create and own. No limit, default: 100 buckets.
maxBulkDeleteRequest​Size​BytesNoIntegerThe maximum, total size of objects, in bytes, allowed in a single bulk delete operation. Default: 3 MB.
maxBulkDeleteRequest​Size​CountNoIntegerThe maximum, total number of objects allowed in a single bulk delete operation. Default: 1000 objects.
Response structure

The response returns the same parameters as the request. The response body structure is shown below:

  "maxFileSizeBytes": ,
  "maxBucketsPerUser": ,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeBytes": ,
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "maxBucketsPerUser": 1000

JSON response:

  "maxFileSizeBytes": 1099511627776,
  "maxBucketsPerUser": 1000,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeBytes": 3145728,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeCount": 1000

Configure storage component

You can configure a storage component, which exposes the S3 buckets for storage of data on various storage back-end systems. Buckets must already be created on the storage component before you can configure it. Ensure that the buckets are empty.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/create
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

  "storageType": "type",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "[label]",
    "host": "url",
    "https": {true|false},
    "port": [nnnnn],
    "bucket": "bucket_name",
    "region": "[region_name]",
    "authType": "[V2|V4]",
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "uuid"
    "accessKey": "key",
    "secretKey": "key",
    "useProxy": [true|false],
    "proxyHost": "[host_name]",
    "proxyPort": [nnnnn],
    "proxyUserName": "[user_name]",
    "proxyPassword": "[password]",
    "proxyDomain": "[domain_name]",
    "usePathStyleAlways": [true|false],
    "connectionTimeout": [ms],
    "socketTimeout": [ms],
    "connectionTTL": [ms],
    "maxConnections": [nnnnnnn],
    "userAgentPrefix": "[prefix]",
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
    "activateNow": {true|false}
ParameterRequiredType Description
storageType YesStringThe type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
storageComponent​ConfigYesListThe following storage component configuration values:
labelNoStringThe name of the storage component.
hostYesStringThe URL of the storage component back-end host domain.
httpsYesBooleanIf true, use an HTTPS connection to the back-end system. If false, use an HTTP connection. Default: false.
portNoIntegerHTTP port of back-end system.
bucketYesStringName of the bucket. The bucket must already exist.
regionNoStringThe S3 region. Default: us-west-2.
authTypeNoStringThe AWS Signature Version for authenticating all interactions with Amazon S3:
  • V2
  • V4
siteAffiliationYesUUIDFor id, the UUID representing the storage component or the user.
accessKeyYesAccess key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
secretKeyYesSecret key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
useProxyNoBooleanIf true, a proxy server is defined. If false, it is not. If true, then values are required for proxyHost and proxyHost. Default: false.
proxyHostNoStringThe proxy host, if used.
proxyPortNoIntegerThe proxy port number, if used.
proxyUserNameNoStringThe proxy domain user name, if used.
proxyPasswordNoStringThe proxy domain password, if used.
proxyDomainNoStringThe proxy domain. Not supported.
usePathStyleAlwaysNoBooleanIf true, use path-style syntax to send requests to the back-end system. If false, use virtual-hosted style. Default: true.
connectionTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP connection waits to establish a connection before timing out.
socketTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe timeout value for reading from a connected socket.
connectionTTLNo64-bit integerThe connection time to live (TTL) for a request.
maxConnectionsNo32-bit integerThe maximum number of open HTTP connections to a storage component.
userAgentPrefixNoStringThe HTTP user agent prefix header, used in requests to a storage component.
socketSendBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP send buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketRecvBufferSizeHint.
socketRecvBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP receive buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketSendBufferSizeHint.
activateNowNoBooleanIf true, activate the storage component immediately. If false, do not activate the storage component. Default: true.
Response structure

The response returns the same parameters as the request with the following additions. The response body structure is shown below:

    "id": "uuid",
    "storageType": "",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "",
      "host": "",
      "https": ,
      "port": ,
      "bucket": "",
      "region": "",
      "authType": "",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": ""
      "useProxy": ,
      "proxyHost": "",
      "proxyPort": ,
      "proxyUserName": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",
      "proxyDomain": "",
      "usePathStyleAlways": ,
      "connectionTimeout": ,
      "socketTimeout": ,
      "connectionTTL": ,
      "maxConnections": ,
      "userAgentPrefix": "",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": ,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": ,
      "readOnly": ,
      "state": "state"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing a valid storage component or parameter.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
405 Method Not AllowedThe specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "Cloud AWS Bucket",
    "host": "URL of an existing storage component backend",
    "https": true,
    "port": 0,
    "bucket": "string",
    "region": "string",
    "authType": "V2",
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
    "accessKey": "string",
    "secretKey": "string",
    "useProxy": true,
    "proxyHost": "string",
    "proxyPort": null,
    "proxyUserName": "string",
    "proxyPassword": "string",
    "proxyDomain": "string",
    "usePathStyleAlways": true,
    "connectionTimeout": null,
    "socketTimeout": null,
    "connectionTTL": null,
    "maxConnections": null,
    "userAgentPrefix": "string",
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": null,
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": null,
    "activateNow": true

JSON response:

    "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "Cloud AWS Bucket",
      "host": "URL of an existing storage component backend",
      "https": false,
      "port": 0,
      "bucket": "string",
      "region": "string",
      "authType": "V2",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
      "useProxy": true,
      "proxyHost": "string",
      "proxyPort": 0,
      "proxyUserName": "string",
      "proxyPassword": "string",
      "proxyDomain": "string",
      "usePathStyleAlways": true,
      "connectionTimeout": 0,
      "socketTimeout": 0,
      "connectionTTL": 0,
      "maxConnections": 0,
      "userAgentPrefix": "string",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": 0,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": 0,
      "readOnly": true,
      "state": "ACTIVE"

Get S3 settings

You can retrieve the current S3 settings. You can use the endpoint /s3_settings/set to configure settings, then use this endpoint to check them.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/s3_settings/get
Request structure

Not applicable.

Response structure

The response body is shown below:

  "maxFileSizeBytes": nnnnnnnnnn,
  "maxBucketsPerUser": buckets,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeBytes": size,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeCount": count
maxFileSizeBytesNoIntegerThe maximum size, in bytes, of a single object that can be uploaded to an HCP for cloud scale system. Limit: 5 GB, default: 5 GB.
maxBucketsPerUserNoIntegerThe maximum number of buckets that a single user can create and own. No limit, default: 100 buckets.
maxBulkDeleteRequest​Size​BytesNoIntegerThe maximum, total size of objects, in bytes, allowed in a single bulk delete operation. Default: 3 MB.
maxBulkDeleteRequest​Size​CountNoIntegerThe maximum, total number of objects allowed in a single bulk delete operation. Default: 1000 objects.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON response:

  "maxFileSizeBytes": 4294967296,
  "maxBucketsPerUser": 100,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeBytes": 3145728,
  "maxBulkDeleteRequestSizeCount": 1000

List storage component alerts

You can retrieve a list of active storage component alerts. Alerts are triggered by events and remain active until the condition that caused the event is removed. For example, HCP for cloud scale sends an alert when a storage component is unavailable or its certificate is about to expire. Once the event is resolved, the alert is cleared.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/alert/list
Request structure

Not applicable.

Response structure

The response body is shown below:

    "id": "uuid",
    "timestamp": date_time,
    "category": "STORAGECOMPONENT",
    "description": "alert_description"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
timestamp 64-bit integerThe date and time, in milliseconds since 1 January 1970 GMT, when the alert was generated.
categoryStringAlert category:
descriptionStringThe text of the alert.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.

Request example:


JSON response:

    "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "timestamp": 1571912640205,
    "category": "STORAGECOMPONENT",
    "description": "string"

List storage components

You can retrieve a list of all storage components created in the HCP for cloud scale system along with their component settings.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/list
Request structure

Not applicable.

Response structure

The response body is shown below:

    "id": "",
    "storageType": "type",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "label",
      "host": "url",
      "https": true|false,
      "port": nnnnn,
      "bucket": "bucket_name",
      "region": "region_name",
      "authType": "V2|V4",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": "uuid"
      "useProxy": true|false,
      "proxyHost": "host_name",
      "proxyPort": nnnnn,
      "proxyUserName": "user_name",
      "proxyPassword": "password",
      "proxyDomain": "domain_name",
      "usePathStyleAlways": true|false,
      "connectionTimeout": ms,
      "socketTimeout": ms,
      "connectionTTL": ms,
      "maxConnections": nnnnnnn,
      "userAgentPrefix": "prefix",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": nnnnnnn,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": nnnnnnn,
      "readOnly": true|false,
      "state": "state"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
storageType StringThe type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
storageComponentConfigListThe following storage component configuration values:
labelStringThe name of the storage component.
hostStringThe URL of the storage component back-end host domain.
httpsBooleantrue for HTTPS connection to back-end system, false for HTTP.
port32-bit integerHTTP port to back-end system.
bucketStringThe name of the bucket.
regionStringThe S3 region.
authTypeStringAWS Signature Version, used for authenticating all interactions with Amazon S3:
  • V2
  • V4
siteAffiliationThe value of id, a UUID representing the storage component or the user.
useProxyBooleanIf true, a proxy server is defined. If false, a proxy server is not defined.
proxyHostStringThe proxy host, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyPort32-bit integerThe proxy port number, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyUserNameStringThe proxy domain user name, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyPasswordStringThe proxy domain password, if used; otherwise, null).
proxyDomainStringThe proxy domain, if used; otherwise, null.
usePathStyleAlwaysBooleanIf true, use path-style syntax to send requests to the back-end system; if false, use virtual-hosted style.
connectionTimeout32-bit integerThe amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP connection waits to establish a connection before timing out.
socketTimeout32-bit integerThe timeout value for reading from a connected socket.
connectionTTL64-bit integerThe connection time to live (TTL) for a request.
maxConnections32-bit integerThe maximum number of open HTTP connections to a storage component.
userAgentPrefixStringThe HTTP user agent prefix header, used in requests to a storage component.
socketSendBuffer​Size​Hint32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP send buffer.
socketRecvBuffer​Size​Hint32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP receive buffer.
readOnlyBooleanIf true, the storage component is marked as read-only. If false, the storage component is available for reading and writing data.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
405 Method Not AllowedThe specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON response:

    "id": "8bff981b-5894-43ce-bd41-5a6f548cc241",
    "storageType": "GENERIC_S3",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": null,
      "host": "",
      "https": false,
      "port": 9000,
      "bucket": "samplebucket",
      "region": "us-west-2",
      "authType": null,
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": "19b96ae2-38dd-4686-b298-b5bebe173e96"
      "useProxy": false,
      "proxyHost": null,
      "proxyPort": null,
      "proxyUserName": null,
      "proxyPassword": null,
      "proxyDomain": null,
      "usePathStyleAlways": true,
      "connectionTimeout": null,
      "socketTimeout": null,
      "connectionTTL": null,
      "maxConnections": null,
      "userAgentPrefix": null,
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": null,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": null,
      "readOnly": false,
      "state": "ACTIVE"

Patch storage component configuration

You can update the configuration of specific storage component settings. Use the endpoint /storage_component/list to check the existing settings or verify changes. Use the endpoint /storage_component/update to update all settings.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
PATCH https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/update
Request structure

The full request body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageType": "type",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "[label]",
    "host": "url",
    "https": {true|false},
    "port": [nnnnn],
    "bucket": "bucket_name",
    "region": "[region_name]",
    "authType": "[V2|V4]",
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "uuid"
    "accessKey": "key",
    "secretKey": "key",
    "useProxy": [true|false],
    "proxyHost": "[host_name]",
    "proxyPort": [nnnnn],
    "proxyUserName": "[user_name]",
    "proxyPassword": "[password]",
    "proxyDomain": "[domain_name]",
    "usePathStyleAlways": [true|false],
    "connectionTimeout": [ms],
    "socketTimeout": [ms],
    "connectionTTL": [ms],
    "maxConnections": [nnnnnnn],
    "userAgentPrefix": "[prefix]",
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
ParameterRequiredType Description
id YesUUIDThe ID of the storage component.
storageComponent​ConfigNoListThe following storage component configuration values as needed:
labelNoStringThe name of the storage component.
hostNoStringThe URL of the storage component back-end host domain.
httpsNoBooleanIf true, use an HTTPS connection to the back-end system. If false, use an HTTP connection.
portNo32-bit integerHTTP port of back-end system.
bucketNoStringThe name of the bucket. The bucket must already exist.
regionNoStringThe S3 region.
authTypeNoStringThe AWS Signature Version for authenticating all interactions with Amazon S3:
  • V2
  • V4
siteAffiliationNoFor id, the UUID representing the storage component or the user.
accessKeyNoAccess key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
secretKeyNoSecret key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
useProxyNoBooleanIf true, a proxy server is defined. If false, a proxy server is not defined. If true, then you must enter values for proxyHost and proxyHost.
proxyHostNoStringThe proxy host, if used.
proxyPortNo32-bit integerThe proxy port number, if used.
proxyUserNameNoStringThe proxy domain user name, if used.
proxyPasswordNoStringThe proxy domain password, if used.
proxyDomainNoStringThe proxy domain. This is not supported.
usePathStyleAlwaysNoBooleanIf true, use path-style syntax to send requests to the back-end system. If false, use virtual-hosted style.
connectionTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP connection waits to establish a connection before timing out.
socketTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe timeout value for reading from a connected socket.
connectionTTLNo64-bit integerThe connection time to live (TTL) for a request.
maxConnectionsNo32-bit integerThe maximum number of open HTTP connections to a storage component.
userAgentPrefixNoStringThe HTTP user agent prefix header, used in requests to a storage component.
socketSendBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP send buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketRecvBufferSizeHint.
socketRecvBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP receive buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketSendBufferSizeHint.
readOnlyNoBooleanIf true, objects can be read and deleted but write operations aren't allowed. If false, write operations are allowed.
Response structure

The response returns the same parameters as the request with the following additions. The response body structure is shown below:

    "id": "uuid",
    "storageType": "",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "",
      "host": "",
      "https": ,
      "port": ,
      "bucket": "",
      "region": "",
      "authType": "",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": ""
      "useProxy": ,
      "proxyHost": "",
      "proxyPort": ,
      "proxyUserName": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",
      "proxyDomain": "",
      "usePathStyleAlways": ,
      "connectionTimeout": ,
      "socketTimeout": ,
      "connectionTTL": ,
      "maxConnections": ,
      "userAgentPrefix": "",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": ,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": ,
      "readOnly": ,
      "state": "state"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing a valid storage component or parameter.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
404Not FoundThe specified storage component was not found.
405 Method Not AllowedThe specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "Test cloud"

JSON response:

    "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "Test cloud",
      "host": "",
      "https": false,
      "port": 9000,
      "bucket": "testbucket",
      "region": "us-west-2",
      "authType": null,
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": "19546ae2-38dd-4686-b298-b5beb9173e96"
      "useProxy": false,
      "proxyHost": null,
      "proxyPort": null,
      "proxyUserName": null,
      "proxyPassword": null,
      "proxyDomain": null,
      "usePathStyleAlways": true,
      "connectionTimeout": null,
      "socketTimeout": null,
      "connectionTTL": null,
      "maxConnections": null,
      "userAgentPrefix": null,
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": null,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": null,
      "readOnly": false,
      "state": "ACTIVE"

Set storage component state

You can set the state of a storage component to either ACTIVE or INACTIVE.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/update_state
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageComponentState": "{ACTIVE|INACTIVE}"
ParameterRequiredType Description
id YesUUIDEnter the ID of the storage component.
storageComponent​StateYesStringSet the storage component state:
  • ACTIVE: Available to serve requests.
  • INACTIVE: Not available to serve requests (administrative pause).
Response structure

The response body structure is shown below:

    "id": "uuid",
    "storageType": "",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "",
      "host": "",
      "https": ,
      "port": ,
      "bucket": "",
      "region": "",
      "authType": "",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": ""
      "useProxy": ,
      "proxyHost": "",
      "proxyPort": ,
      "proxyUserName": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",
      "proxyDomain": "",
      "usePathStyleAlways": ,
      "connectionTimeout": ,
      "socketTimeout": ,
      "connectionTTL": ,
      "maxConnections": ,
      "userAgentPrefix": "",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": ,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": ,
      "readOnly": ,
      "state": "state"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
storageType StringThe type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
storageComponentConfigListThe following storage component configuration values:
labelStringThe name of the storage component.
hostStringThe URL of the storage component back-end host domain.
httpsBooleantrue for HTTPS connection to back-end system, false for HTTP.
port32-bit integerHTTP port to back-end system.
bucketStringThe name of the bucket.
regionStringThe S3 region.
authTypeStringAWS Signature Version, used for authenticating all interactions with Amazon S3:
  • V2
  • V4
siteAffiliationThe value of id, a UUID representing the storage component or the user.
useProxyBooleanIf true, a proxy server is defined. If false, a proxy server is not defined.
proxyHostStringThe proxy host, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyPort32-bit integerThe proxy port number, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyUserNameStringThe proxy domain user name, if used; otherwise, null.
proxyPasswordStringThe proxy domain password, if used; otherwise, null).
proxyDomainStringThe proxy domain, if used; otherwise, null.
usePathStyleAlwaysBooleanIf true, use path-style syntax to send requests to the back-end system; if false, use virtual-hosted style.
connectionTimeout32-bit integerThe amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP connection waits to establish a connection before timing out.
socketTimeout32-bit integerThe timeout value for reading from a connected socket.
connectionTTL64-bit integerThe connection time to live (TTL) for a request.
maxConnections32-bit integerThe maximum number of open HTTP connections to a storage component.
userAgentPrefixStringThe HTTP user agent prefix header, used in requests to a storage component.
socketSendBuffer​Size​Hint32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP send buffer.
socketRecvBuffer​Size​Hint32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP receive buffer.
readOnlyBooleanIf true, the storage component is marked as read-only. If false, the storage component is available for reading and writing data.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing a valid storage component or parameter.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
404Not FoundThe specified storage component was not found.
405 Method Not AllowedThe specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "id": "8bff981b-5894-43ce-bd41-5a6f558cc241",
  "storageComponentState": "INACTIVE"

JSON response:

  "id": "8bff981b-5894-43ce-bd41-5a6f558cc241",
  "storageType": "GENERIC_S3",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": null,
    "host": "",
    "https": false,
    "port": 9000,
    "bucket": "samplebucket",
    "region": "us-west-2",
    "authType": null,
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "19b96ae2-38ef-4686-b298-b5bebe173e96"
    "useProxy": false,
    "proxyHost": null,
    "proxyPort": null,
    "proxyUserName": null,
    "proxyPassword": null,
    "proxyDomain": null,
    "usePathStyleAlways": true,
    "connectionTimeout": null,
    "socketTimeout": null,
    "connectionTTL": null,
    "maxConnections": null,
    "userAgentPrefix": null,
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": null,
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": null,
    "readOnly": false,
    "state": "INACTIVE"

Test storage component access

You can test whether a storage component is accessible.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/test
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid"
ParameterRequiredType Description
id YesUUIDThe ID of the storage component.
Response structure

The response body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageType": "type",
  "verified": true|false,
  "httpStatus": nnn,
  "errorCode": "code_text",
  "errorMessage": "error_text",
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": nnn,
  "state": "state"




id UUID The ID of the storage component.
storageType StringThe type of storage component:
  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node
verifiedBooleanIf true, the storage component is activated. If false, it has not been verified and is awaiting for an administrative action.
httpStatusIntegerThe HTTP status code the storage component responded with. If 0, the storage component can't be reached. Otherwise, the code can help explain why it can't be verified.
errorCodeStringAny error codes associated with the storage component; otherwise, null.
errorMessageStringAny error messages associated with the storage component; otherwise, null.
daysUntilCertificate​Expiration32-bit integerThe number of days left until the current HTTP certificate expires.
stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing a valid storage component ID.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
404Not FoundThe specified storage component was not found.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

JSON response:

  "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
  "verified": true,
  "httpStatus": 200,
  "errorCode": null,
  "errorMessage": null,
  "daysUntilCertificateExpiration": null,
  "state": "ACTIVE"

Update storage component configuration

You can update the configuration of a storage component, which overwrites the existing settings. Use the endpoint /storage_component/list to check the existing settings or to verify changes. Use the endpoint PATCH /storage_component/update to update specific settings.

HTTP request syntax (URI)
POST https://host_ip:9099/mapi/v1/storage_component/update
Request structure

The request body is shown below:

  "id": "uuid",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "[label]",
    "host": "url",
    "https": {true|false},
    "port": [nnnnn],
    "bucket": "bucket_name",
    "region": "[region_name]",
    "authType": "[V2|V4]",
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "uuid"
    "accessKey": "key",
    "secretKey": "key",
    "useProxy": [true|false],
    "proxyHost": "[host_name]",
    "proxyPort": [nnnnn],
    "proxyUserName": "[user_name]",
    "proxyPassword": "[password]",
    "proxyDomain": "[domain_name]",
    "usePathStyleAlways": [true|false],
    "connectionTimeout": [ms],
    "socketTimeout": [ms],
    "connectionTTL": [ms],
    "maxConnections": [nnnnnnn],
    "userAgentPrefix": "[prefix]",
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": [nnnnnnn],
    "readOnly": {true|false}
ParameterRequiredType Description
id YesUUIDThe ID of the storage component.
storageComponent​ConfigYesListThe following storage component configuration values:
labelNoStringThe name of the storage component.
hostYesStringThe URL of the storage component back-end host domain.
httpsYesBooleanIf true, use an HTTPS connection to the back-end system. If false, use an HTTP connection to the back-end system. Default: false.
portNoIntegerThe HTTP port of the back-end system.
bucketYesStringThe name of the bucket. The bucket must already exist.
regionNoStringThe S3 region. Default: us-west-2.
authTypeNoStringThe AWS Signature Version for authenticating all interactions with Amazon S3:
  • V2
  • V4
siteAffiliationYesUUIDFor id, the UUID representing the storage component or the user.
accessKeyYesThe access key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
secretKeyYesThe secret key of the S3 credentials for access to the bucket.
useProxyNoBooleanIf true, a proxy server is defined. If false, a proxy server is not defined. If true, then values are required for proxyHost and proxyHost. Default: false.
proxyHostNoStringThe proxy host, if used.
proxyPortNoIntegerThe proxy port number, if used.
proxyUserNameNoStringThe proxy domain user name, if used.
proxyPasswordNoStringThe proxy domain password, if used.
proxyDomainNoStringThe proxy domain. This is not supported.
usePathStyleAlwaysNoBooleanIf true, use path-style syntax to send requests to the back-end system. If false, use virtual-hosted style. Default: true.
connectionTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe amount of time, in milliseconds, that the HTTP connection waits to establish a connection before timing out.
socketTimeoutNo32-bit integerThe timeout value for reading from a connected socket.
connectionTTLNo64-bit integerThe connection time to live (TTL) for a request.
maxConnectionsNo32-bit integerThe maximum number of open HTTP connections to a storage component.
userAgentPrefixNoStringThe HTTP user agent prefix header, used in requests to a storage component.
socketSendBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP send buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketRecvBufferSizeHint.
socketRecvBuffer​Size​HintNo32-bit integerThe size hint, in bytes, for the low-level TCP receive buffer. If specified, you must also specify socketSendBufferSizeHint.
readOnlyNoBooleanIf true, objects can be read and deleted but write operations aren't allowed. If false, write operations are allowed.
Response structure

The response returns the same parameters as the request with one addition. The response body structure is shown below:

    "id": "",
    "storageType": "",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "",
      "host": "",
      "https": ,
      "port": ,
      "bucket": "",
      "region": "",
      "authType": "",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": ""
      "useProxy": ,
      "proxyHost": "",
      "proxyPort": ,
      "proxyUserName": "",
      "proxyPassword": "",
      "proxyDomain": "",
      "usePathStyleAlways": ,
      "connectionTimeout": ,
      "socketTimeout": ,
      "connectionTTL": ,
      "maxConnections": ,
      "userAgentPrefix": "",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": ,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": ,
      "readOnly": true|false,
      "state": "state"




stateEnumThe state of the storage component, indicating its availability to serve requests:
  • ACTIVE: The storage component is ready for requests.
  • INACTIVE: The storage component is on an administrative pause.
  • INACCESSIBLE: The storage component is not accessible. This can be caused by network, authentication, or certificate errors.
  • UNVERIFIED: The storage component has not been activated or has failed to activate.
Return codes

Status code

HTTP name


200 OK The request was executed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request is missing a valid storage component or parameter.
401 Unauthorized Access was denied due to invalid credentials.
405 Method Not Allowed The specified HTTP method is not allowed for a storage component. Resend using POST.

Request example:


JSON request:

  "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
  "storageComponentConfig": {
    "label": "Cloud AWS Bucket",
    "host": "",
    "https": false,
    "port": 9000,
    "bucket": "testbucket",
    "region": "us-west-2",
    "authType": "V2",
    "siteAffiliation": {
      "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-bffc-2c963f66afa6"
    "useProxy": false,
    "proxyHost": ,
    "proxyPort": ,
    "proxyUserName": ,
    "proxyPassword": ,
    "proxyDomain": ,
    "usePathStyleAlways": true,
    "connectionTimeout": ,
    "socketTimeout": ,
    "connectionTTL": ,
    "maxConnections": ,
    "userAgentPrefix": ,
    "socketSendBufferSizeHint": ,
    "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": ,

JSON response:

    "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "storageType": "AMAZON_S3",
    "storageComponentConfig": {
      "label": "Cloud AWS Bucket",
      "host": "URL of an existing storage component backend",
      "https": false,
      "port": 0,
      "bucket": "string",
      "region": "string",
      "authType": "V2",
      "siteAffiliation": {
        "id": "3fa85f64-1024-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
      "useProxy": true,
      "proxyHost": "string",
      "proxyPort": 0,
      "proxyUserName": "string",
      "proxyPassword": "string",
      "proxyDomain": "string",
      "usePathStyleAlways": true,
      "connectionTimeout": 0,
      "socketTimeout": 0,
      "connectionTTL": 0,
      "maxConnections": 0,
      "userAgentPrefix": "string",
      "socketSendBufferSizeHint": 0,
      "socketRecvBufferSizeHint": 0,
      "readOnly": false,
      "state": "ACTIVE"