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Object storage management

S3 User Credentials

HCP for cloud scale provides an application to obtain S3 user credentials.

Amazon Web Services uses security credentials, called S3 credentials, to authenticate and authorize data requests. The credentials consist of an access key and a secret key. Client applications that post S3 requests, such as uploading documents, reading documents, and adding buckets, to Hitachi Content Platform for cloud scale (HCP for cloud scale) also need these credentials. HCP for cloud scale provides a simple application, S3 User Credentials, to obtain these credentials for registered users of the system. It obtains an OAuth token from system services once you log in, and provides credentials on demand.

Obtaining S3 credentials

You can use the S3 User Credentials application or APIs to obtain S3 credentials.

The S3 User Credentials application retrieves credentials (access key and secret key) to access Amazon S3 bucket services. These credentials are linked to the username and password supplied in the API call. Thus, each unique user will retrieve a unique set of credentials.

If a user makes multiple, repeated API calls, only the last set of credentials remain active. Previously retrieved credentials become invalidated and will no longer work. Credentials expire automatically if a user changes his or her password held in the identity provider.

S3 application instructions

Use the S3 User Credentials application to obtain S3 access credentials.

Obtaining credentials nullifies any pre-existing S3 credentials you may already have.

To obtain S3 credentials:


  1. From the Applications page, select the application S3 User Credentials.

  2. Click Generate S3 Credentials.

    You are warned that any existing credentials for the logged-in user will be nullified.
  3. Click Generate.

    NoteIf this step fails, your session may have timed out.
    The application generates and displays an Access Key and a Secret Key.
  4. Click Copy, next to the Access Key field, and paste the credential into the client application that you use to post S3 requests to HCP for cloud scale.

  5. Click Copy, next to the Secret Key field, and paste the credential into the client application that you use to post S3 requests to HCP for cloud scale.

Related API method

POST /s3/user/generate_credentials

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Revoking S3 credentials

Amazon S3 credentials can be revoked by the associated user or by other users with appropriate permissions. If you have permissions you can revoke all Amazon S3 credentials belonging to a specific user. Use the endpoint /user/list to look up the ID of the user for whom you want to revoke credentials.

Related API methods
POST /user/list
POST /user/revoke_credentials

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.


HCP for cloud scale uses a third-party, open-source software tool, running as a service, to provide storage component metrics through a browser.

The Metrics service collects metrics for these HCP for cloud scale services:

  • S3 Gateway
  • MAPI Gateway
  • Metadata Policy Engine
  • Metadata Cache
  • Metadata Coordination
  • Metadata Gateway

By default the Metrics service collects all storage component metrics, and you cannot disable collection. By default, the Metrics service collects data every ten seconds (the Scrape Interval), and retains data for 15 days (the Database Retention); you can configure these values in the service by using the System Management application.

NoteMetrics related to the operation of HCP for cloud scale instances and services are collected and provided by the System Management application. Collection of these metrics cannot be disabled. For information about these metrics, see the Help available in that application.

Displaying metrics

You can use the metrics service to display or graph metrics, or use the service APIs to obtain metrics.

Object Storage Management application instructions

You can display and graph metrics using the metrics GUI.

To display metrics, select Dashboard and then click the Metrics panel. The metrics tool opens in a separate browser window.

The metrics tool is a third-party, open-source package. For information about using the metrics tool, see the documentation provided with the tool.

Displaying the active object count

The Object Storage Management application displays a count of active objects stored in the system.

Object Storage Management application instructions

To display the Active Object Count report, select Dashboard.

The report displays a line graph showing the total number of active objects in the system over the past week.

Available metrics

Metrics from all services

The following metrics are available from all services.

http_healthcheck_requests_totalCount of the total number of requests made to the health check API
http_monitoring_requests_totalCount of the total number of requests made to the monitoring API
scrape_duration_secondsDuration in seconds of the scrape (collection interval)
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabelingNumber of samples remaining after metric relabeling was applied
scrape_samples_scrapedNumber of samples the target exposed
up1 if the instance is healthy (reachable) or 0 if collection of metrics from the instance failed
S3 Gateway

The following metrics are available from the S3 Gateway service.

http_s3_servlet_errors_totalCount of total number of errors returned by the s3 servlet
http_s3_servlet_get_object_response_bytes_totalCount of total bytes in the body of S3 GET Object responses
http_s3_servlet_operations_totalCount of total number of S3 operations made to the s3 servlet (for each endpoint)
http_s3_servlet_post_object_bytes_totalCount of total bytes of objects posted to S3
http_s3_servlet_put_copied_bytes_totalCount of total bytes of objects PUT copied to S3
http_s3_servlet_put_object_bytes_totalCount of total bytes of objects put to S3
http_s3_servlet_put_object_part_bytes_totalCount of total bytes of put part operations to S3
http_s3_servlet_requests_histogram_latency_seconds_bucketLatency in seconds as measured by a histogram timer
http_s3_servlet_requests_histogram_latency_seconds_countCount of S3 servlet request observations; used with sum to determine average
http_s3_servlet_requests_histogram_latency_seconds_sumSum of S3 servlet request latency; used with count to determine average
http_s3_servlet_requests_latency_secondsLatency in seconds as measured by a summary timer
http_s3_servlet_requests_latency_seconds:hour_averageLatency in seconds over the last hour as measured by a summary timer
http_s3_servlet_requests_totalCount of total number of requests made to the s3 servlet
Metadata Policy Engine

The following metrics are available from the Metadata Policy Engine service.

duq_query_latencyTime to get a response from a Get DUQ query
duq_query_latency_countNumber of times the DUQ is queried (for determining the average)
duq_query_latency_sumAggregate sum of latencies for DUQ latencies (for determining the average)
Metadata Coordination

The following metrics are available from the Metadata Coordination service.

mcs_copies_per_partitionCount of number of copies of each metadata partition of each key space (to verify protection)
mcs_disk_usage_per_instanceTotal disk usage of each metadata instance
mcs_disk_usage_per_partitionDisk usage of each metadata partition of each key space
mcs_partitions_per_instanceCount of total number of metadata partitions per metadata instance (to verify balance)
Metadata Gateway

The following metrics are available from the Metadata Gateway service.

metadata_clientobject_active_countNumber of client objects in metadata that are in the ACTIVE state
metadata_clientobject_and_part_active_spaceSpace occupied by client objects and parts in metadata that are in the ACTIVE state
metadata_clientobject_part_active_countNumber of client object parts in metadata that are in the ACTIVE state
metadata_storedObject_active_spaceSpace occupied by stored objects on the back-end storage components
update_queue_inprogressNumber of update queue entries in progress
update_queue_sizeSize of the update queue
  1. If a metric measured over an interval (for example, http_s3_servlet_requests_latency_seconds) doesn't have at least two data points, the value is reported as NaN.
  2. Depending on when garbage collection tasks run, the ratio of client objects size to stored objects size may show a discrepancy.

Tracing requests and operations

HCP for cloud scale uses an open-source software tool, running as a service, to provide service tracing through a browser.

The Tracing service provides end-to-end, distributed tracing of S3 requests and operations by HCP for cloud scale services. By tracing requests and operations you can monitor performance and troubleshoot possible issues.

Tracing involves three service instances:

  • Tracing Query: serves up the traces
  • Tracing Agent: receives spans from tracers
  • Tracing Collector: receives spans from Tracing Agent service using Tchannel

Displaying traces

You can display traces using the tracing service GUI.

To begin tracing, select Dashboard and then click the Tracing panel. The tracing tool opens in a separate browser window.

When tracing, you can specify:

  • Service to trace
  • Operation to trace (all or specific) for each service
  • Tags
  • Lookback period (by default, over the last hour)
  • Minimum duration
  • Number of results to display (by default, 20)

The service displays all found traces with a chart giving the time duration for each trace. You can click on a trace to display how the trace is served by difference services in cascade and the time spent on each service.

For information about the tracing tool, see the documentation provided with the tool.

Traceable operations

The following operations are traceable.

async-policy-engineAction Pipeline Action: BucketIdToNameMapAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketLookupForAsyncPolicyAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketOwnerIdToNameMapAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketUpdateSecondaryAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectDispatchRemoveBack​ReferencesAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectLookupAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectModifyInProgressListAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectModifyListAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectUpdateSecondaryAction
Action Pipeline Action: DequeueAction
Action Pipeline Action: MetadataAction
client-access-serviceAction Pipeline Action: BucketAuthorizationAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketCountLimitAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketCreateAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketRegionValidationAction
Action Pipeline Action: BucketUpdateAclAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectInitiateMultipartAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectListInProgressMultipartAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectListVersionsAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectSizeLimitAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectTableLookupAction
Action Pipeline Action: ClientObjectUpdateAclAction
Action Pipeline Action: CompleteMultipartUploadAction
Action Pipeline Action: DataContentAction
Action Pipeline Action: DataDeletionAction
Action Pipeline Action: NotAnonymousAuthorizationAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectAuthorizationAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectDataPlacementAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectGetCurrentExpirationAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectGetMultipartAbortDateAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectGetUndeterminedExpirationAction
Action Pipeline Action: ObjectLookupAction
Action Pipeline Action: PartDataPlacementAction
Action Pipeline Action: PutAclAction
Action Pipeline Action: RequestBucketLookupAction
Action Pipeline Action: RequestVersionIdValidationAction
Action Pipeline Action: UploadIdValidationAction
Action Pipeline Action: UserLookupBucketsAction
Action Pipeline Action: VersionIdNotEmptyValidationAction
storage-component-managerStorageComponentManager Operation: Create
StorageComponentManager Operation: List
StorageComponentManager Operation: Lookup
StorageComponentManager Operation: Update
tomcat-servletS3 Operation

Managing storage components

Hitachi Content Platform for cloud scale (HCP for cloud scale) provides functions to let you manage and monitor storage components.

Your starting point is the Storage Component page.

Adding a storage component

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to add a storage component to the system.

TipTo improve performance and availability, and to avoid transfer fees, register storage components that are local to the HCP for cloud scale site.

Before adding a storage component to HCP for cloud scale, you must have created an S3 bucket on it.

To define a storage component, it must be operating, and you need the following information about it:

  • Storage component type
  • Endpoint information (host name or IP address)
  • If used, the proxy host and port, and proxy user name and password
  • API port
  • S3 credentials (the access key and secret key you use for access to the storage component bucket)

Object Storage Management application instructions

The Add Storage Component wizard helps you define a storage component.

The storage component must include an HCP for cloud scale bucket.

To add a storage component:


  1. From the Storage Component page, click Add Storage Component.

    The Add Storage Component wizard opens. The first page describes the process and the information needed.
  2. Click Start.

    The Connection page opens.
  3. Enter the following information:

    1. Storage Component Name (optional): The display name you choose for the storage component. Enter up to 1024 alphanumeric characters.

    2. Storage Type: Select AMAZON_S3, HCP_S3, HCPS_S3, or GENERIC_S3.

    3. Region (optional): Enter a region name of up to 1024 characters.

      HCP for cloud scale doesn't validate this field except for its length.
    4. Host: Enter the host name of the storage component.

  4. Click Next.

    The Connection Advanced page opens.
  5. Enter the following information:

    1. Select the protocol HTTPS (the default) or HTTP.

    2. If Use Default is selected, the appropriate default port number is filled in. If you deselect Use Default, enter the Port number.

    3. If you select Proxy, enter values for the fields Proxy Host and Proxy Port, and if the proxy requires authentication, enter the Proxy User Name and Proxy Password.

  6. Click Next.

    The Activation page opens.
  7. Enter the following information:

    1. Bucket Name: The name of the bucket on the storage component. Enter a name up to 1024 characters long.

      NoteThe bucket must already exist on the storage component.
    2. (Optional) To use path-style URLs to access buckets, select Use Path Style Always.

    3. Authenticate: Select the AWS Signature version: Select V2 or V4.

    4. Enter your Access Key.

    5. Enter your Secret Key.

  8. Click Next.

    The Review page opens.
  9. Review the configuration of the storage component.

    • If the information is not correct, click Back to return to the wizard page with the information to correct.
    • If the information is correct, click Create.


The storage component is defined. The Storage Component page is refreshed, and the storage component is added to the list.
NoteAfter you define the storage component, if its state is UNVERIFIED, go back and check the parameters you used when adding it.

Related API method

POST /storage_component/create
NoteAfter you define the storage component, if its state is UNVERIFIED, check the parameters you used when adding it.

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Modifying a storage component

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to modify a storage component.

Object Storage Management application instructions

You can modify the configuration of a storage component.


  1. From the Storage Component page, click the Edit Component icon by the storage component you want to modify.

    The Edit Storage Component wizard opens.
  2. Edit connection information as needed. When you're finished click Next.

    The Connection Advanced page opens.
  3. Edit advanced connection information as needed. When you're finished click Next.

    The Activation page opens.
  4. Edit activation information as needed. When you're finished click Next.

    The Review page opens.
  5. Review the edited configuration of the storage component.

    • If the information is not correct, click Back to return to the wizard page with the information to correct.
    • If the information is correct, click Create.

Related API method

POST /storage_component/update

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Activating a storage component

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to activate a storage component.

A storage component is displayed as UNVERIFIED if HCP for cloud scale cannot reach the storage component with the supplied parameters.

Object Storage Management application instructions

You can activate a storage container that is in the state INACTIVE.

To activate a storage component:


  1. Select Storage.

    The Storage Component page opens.
  2. For the storage component you want to activate, click Activate Now.

    The storage component state changes to ACTIVE.

Related API method

POST /storage_component/update_state

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Deactivating a storage component

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to deactivate a storage component.

You might deactivate a storage component for maintenance purposes.

Once you mark a storage component as INACTIVE, read, write, and healthcheck requests are rejected.

Object Storage Management application instructions

You can deactivate a storage container that is in the state ACTIVE.

To deactivate a storage component:


  1. Select Storage.

    The Storage Component page opens.
  2. For the storage component you want to deactivate, click Yes, Inactivate.

    The storage component state changes to INACTIVE.

Related API method

POST /storage_component/update_state

For information about specific API methods, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Marking a storage component as read-only

You can use the Object Storage Management application or API calls to mark a storage component as read-only.

You might mark a storage component as read-only if it is nearly full.

Once you mark a storage component as read-only, write requests are directed to different storage components.

Object Storage Management application instructions

To mark a storage component as read-only:


  1. From the Storage Component page, select the Read-Only box for the storage component you want to mark.

    A window opens, displaying details about the storage component endpoint and showing you the buckets affected by the change, and prompts you to confirm your action.
  2. Click Mark Read-only.

    The storage component is marked as read-only.

Related API methods

PATCH /storage_component/update
POST /storage_component/update_state

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Marking a storage component as read-write

You can use the Object Storage Management application or API calls to mark a storage component as read-write.

This makes the storage component available for writing new objects.

Object Storage Management application instructions

To mark a read-only storage component as read-write:


  1. From the Storage Component page, deselect the Read-Only box for the storage component you want to mark.

    A window opens, displaying details about the storage component enpoint and showing you the buckets affected by the change, and prompts you to confirm your action.
  2. Click Open for Writes.

    The storage component is marked as read-write.

Related API methods

PATCH /storage_component/update
POST /storage_component/update_state

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Viewing storage components

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to list the storage components defined in the system.

For each storage component, the list gives its name, type, region, and state.

The storage component types are:

  • AMAZON_S3: An Amazon Web Services S3-compatible node
  • HCP_S3: A Hitachi Content Platform node
  • HCPS_S3: An HCP S Series node
  • GENERIC_S3: An S3-compatible node

The possible storage component states are:

  • ACTIVE: Available to serve requests
  • INACTIVE: Not available to serve requests (access is administratively paused)
  • INACESSIBLE: Available to serve requests, but HCP for cloud scale is having issues (for example, network, authentication, or certificate issues) accessing it
  • UNVERIFIED: Not available to serve requests (unreachable by specified parameters, or awaiting administrative activation)

Object Storage Management application instructions

The storage components defined in the HCP for cloud scale system are listed in the Storage Components section of the Storage Components page.

Related API method

POST /storage_component/list

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Displaying storage component analytics

The Storage Component page includes an Analytics section that displays counts of active, inactive, and unverified storage components.

The states displayed are:

  • ACTIVE: Available to serve requests
  • INACTIVE: Not available to serve requests (access is administratively paused)
  • UNVERIFIED: Not available to serve requests (unreachable by specified parameters, or awaiting administrative activation)

Displaying counts of storage components

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to display counts of storage components in the system.

Object Storage Management application instructions

To display storage counts, select Storage.

The infographic displays the count of active, inactive, and unverified storage components.

Related API method
POST /storage_component/list

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

Viewing alerts

You can use the Object Storage Management application or an API method to list active alerts.

An alert is a message to notify you of an event that may require your attention. Alerts are triggered by events, and remain active until the condition that caused the event is resolved. Once the condition is resolved, the alert is cleared.

NoteSystem alerts are generated by the System Management application to help you monitor overall system health and status of your HCP for cloud scale system. For information about system alerts and how to configure email notifications, see the Help in the System Management application.

Object Storage Management application instructions

The Object Storage Management application displays alerts about storage components. If an alert is raised the alert icon turns red and displays a badge with the number of active alerts. For example:

Alert badge showing one active alert

Click the icon to display a panel listing alert text.

Related API method

POST /alert/list

For information about specific API methods, see the MAPI Reference or, in the Object Storage Management application, click the profile icon and select REST API.

HCP for cloud scale alerts

An alert is a message that notifies you of a situation that requires your attention. Each alert corresponds to an event. Alerts have the severity INFO, WARNING, or SEVERE. Most alerts are generated by and reported through the System Management application. For information about those alerts, see the online help for the System Management application.

This table lists the alerts specific to HCP for cloud scale.

WARNINGCertificate for Storage component id is about to expire in n days The SSL certificate for the storage component id is set to expire in n days. If the certificate expires, HCP for cloud scale will not be able to read from or write to the storage component.
WARNINGStorage component id is now inaccessibleThe storage component id is in the state INACCESIBLE. HCP for cloud scale cannot read from or write to the storage component.
SEVERECertificate for Storage component idexpired The SSL certificate for the storage component id has expired. HCP for cloud scale cannot read from or write to the storage component. Install a new certificate.

HCP for cloud scale events

Most events are generated by and reported through the System Management application. For information about those events, see the online help for the System Management application.

Events specific to HCP for cloud scale are reported with the IDs 6006 (informational), 6007 (warning), and 6008 (severe). These events are:

6006INFOService Information: Job Configuration 'id' of type 'job_type' updated with status 'status'The policy configuration has changed, and the status of job id of type 'job_type is one of the following:
6006INFOService Information: Job Configuration 'id' startedPolicy configuration for job id has started.
6006INFOService Information: Lifecycle policy {CREATE|UPDATE|DELETE} bucket 'bucket_name'The lifecyle policy for bucket bucket_name has been either created, updated, or deleted.
6006INFOService Information: Lifecycle policy deleted for bucket 'bucket_name'The lifecyle policy for bucket bucket_name has been deleted.
6006INFOService Information: Serial number updated to valueThe HCP for cloud scale serial number has been changed to value.
6006INFOService Information: setting was set to valueThe S3 setting setting has been changed to value.
6006INFOService Warning: Storage component 'id' createdThe storage component id has been created.
6006INFOService Warning: Storage component 'id' is now state The storage component id is in one of the following:states
6006INFOService Warning: Storage component 'id' updated: configurationThe storage component id has been updated. configurationlists the changes.
6007WARNINGService Warning: Certificate for Storage component 'id' is about to expire in 'n' days The SSL certificate for the storage component id is set to expire in n days. If the certificate expires, HCP for cloud scale will not be able to read from or write to the storage component.
6007WARNINGService Warning: Storage component 'id' is now INACCESSIBLE The storage component id is inaccessible.HCP for cloud scale cannot read from or write to the storage component.
6008SEVEREService Error: Storage Component Certificate Expired. The SSL certificate for a storage component has expired. HCP for cloud scale cannot read from or write to the storage component.


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