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The events available in the Content Software for File system and how to work with them is described.


Content Software for File events indicate relevant information concerning the Weka cluster and customer environment. Triggered by a customer operation or an environment change, events can be informational, indicate an issue in the system, or indicate a previously resolved issue.

The Content Software for File system sends all events to a predefined central monitoring system.


Managing events using the GUI

How to manage events using the GUI.

Viewing events using the GUI

The events enable you to investigate issues that occur in the system.

The System Events page provides the following details:

  • Severity: The severity of the event. The options are Info (lowest), Warning, Minor, Major, and Critical (highest).
  • Timestamp: The date and time the event occurred. You can switch the display time between local and system time through the top bar.
  • Origin: The originator of the event. For example, when a user creates a filesystem, the username appears as the event's originator.
  • Category: The category options include Alerts, Cloud, Clustering, Drive, Events, Filesystem, IO, InterfaceGroup, Licensing, NFS, Network, Node, ObjectStorage, Raid, Statistics, System, Upgrade, and User.
  • Name: The name of the event.
  • Description: The description of the event.
TipYou can select the Advanced switch to display internal events. This option is helpful for experts investigating internal issues.


  1. From the menu, select Investigate > Events.


Filtering events using the GUI

You can filter the events according to the event severity, timestamp, category, or event name. You can also filter events by multiple categories and multiple event names.


  1. To display events of a specific minimum severity:

    • Select the filter icon of the Severity column.
    • Select the required minimum severity.

    For example, if you select the Major severity, also the Critical events are displayed.

  2. To display events that occur during a specific period:

    • Select the filter icon of the Timestamp column.
    • In the From field, select the timestamp of the beginning of the period to display.
    • In the To field, select the timestamp of the end of the period to display, or select Now.
    • Select Filter.
  3. To display events of specific categories:

    • Select the filter icon of the Category column.
    • In the Filter Categories, select the category you want to display. You can select multiple categories.
    • Select Filter.
  4. To display events with specific event names:

    • Select the filter icon of the Event column.
    • In the Events Filter, select the event name you want to display. You can select multiple event names.
    • Select Filter.

List of events

All the events generated by the Content Software for File system, according to Category are listed.


AlertMutedINFOAlert muted
AlertUnmutedINFOAlert unmuted


CloudDisabledINFOCloud disabled
CloudEnabledINFOCloud enabled
CloudProxyUpdatedINFOCloud proxy updated
CloudSetUploadRateINFOCloud upload rate changed
CloudStatsErrorClearedEventWARNINGCloud stats have now been written successfully
CloudStatsErrorEventWARNINGError writing cloud stats for upload
DiagsUploadedINFODiags uploaded
LowDiskSpaceClearedEventWARNINGHost no longer has low disk space
LowDiskSpaceEventWARNINGHost has low disk space


AllBucketsResponsiveINFOAll compute resources are now responding.
BucketRedistINFOBuckets were redistributed in the cluster.
ClientConnectedINFOClient connected.
ClientDisconnectedINFOClient disconnected.
ClientNodesFencedDuringStopIOINFOSome clients disconnected during stop-io
ClientRemovedINFODisconnected client is being removed from the cluster.
ClientsUnavailableCRITICALSome clients are unavailable because too many backends are down.
ClockSkewedHostJoinMINORHost cannot join because of clock skew
ClusterInitializationFailedMAJORCluster initialization failed.
ClusterInitializedINFOCluster successfully initialization.
ClusteringFailureMINORNode clustering failed.
ConfigChangeSetsSliderFullMINORConfig changeset slider is full while the node is pulling config.
ConfigGenerationHasNoFirstChunkMINORApplying a partial config generation is prohibited
ConfigSnapshotPulledMINORConfig snapshot pulled.
GrimReaperFencingNodeMINORPartially connected node selected to be fenced by grim reaper.
HostActivatedINFOHost configuration change.
HostAddedINFOHost configuration change.
HostAddingINFOHost configuration change.
HostDeactivatedINFOHost configuration change.
HostDeactivatingINFOHost configuration change.
HostRemovedINFOHost configuration change.
HostRemovingFailedINFOHost configuration change.
HostRemovingINFOHost configuration change.
LeaderChangedWARNINGCluster leader has changed.
NodeNetworkUnstableMAJORA node with unstable network detected.
NodePartiallyConnectedMINORA partially connected node was removed.
NodeRejoinedINFONode rejoined the cluster.
NodeUnreachableMINORAn unreachable node was removed.
PreviousClusterINFOThis host was part of another cluster before.
RejoinFailureReportMINORNode(s) failed to rejoin.
UnresponsiveBucketsCRITICALSome compute resources are not responding.
WrongConfigSignatureForRaftSnapshotMINORTried loading RAFT snapshot with unsupported config root snapshot signature
WrongSchemaVersionForRaftSnapshotMINORTried loading RAFT snapshot with unsupported schema version


DirectoryQuotasDisabledINFODirectory Quotas were disabled
DirectoryQuotasEnabledINFODirectory Quotas were enabled
LoginBannerClearedINFOLogin banner has been cleared
LoginBannerDisabledINFOLogin banner disabled
LoginBannerEnabledINFOLogin banner enabled
LoginBannerSetINFOLogin banner has been set
S3ClusterCreatedINFOS3 Cluster Created
S3ClusterDestroyedINFOS3 Cluster Destroyed
S3ClusterUpdatedINFOS3 Cluster Updated


Custom INFOCustom event.


CorruptedDriveMAJORDrive has a valid header but is corrupt.
DriveAddedINFODrive provisioned.
DriveDeactivatedINFODrive deactivated.
DriveExcessiveErrorsWARNINGDrive has excessive error rate and will be phased out; call Contact Support.
DriveFormatUpgradedINFODrive format was upgraded.
DriveImmediateShutdownMAJORDrive had to be shutdown immediately; call Contact Support.
DriveInfoReportINFODrive Information reporting.
DriveInitFailedMAJORDrive failed to initialize.
DriveIoErrorBMSMAJORDrive found an IO error in background media scan.
DriveIoErrorMAJORDrive had an IO error.
DriveLimitExceededWARNINGAttempted to add more drives than supported.
DriveMediumErrorMINORDrive had a Medium error.
DriveNvmeErrorLogWARNINGNVMe Drive Error Log Entry.
DriveNvmeSmartChangeMINORNVMe Drive SMART status changed.
DriveNvmeSmartInfoINFONVMe Drive SMART status update - drive normal.
DriveRemovedINFODrive removed.
DriveSignatureUnknownMINORDrive has an unknown signature.
DriveSmartCriticalWarningMINORDrive SMART reports critical warning, failing it immediately
DriveStateChangesReportMINORDrive state changes.
DriveTrimAbortedWARNINGDrive TRIM commands at initialization timed out and aborted, potentially degrading write performance
DriveUnderIOMMUMAJORDrive is under IOMMU and cannot be used.
DriveUnresponsiveMAJORDrive is unresponsive and failed to return IOs for an extended period of time; consider power cycling the host.
DriveWrongFailureDomainMINORDrive is attached to a host from an incorrect failure domain.
NvmeBindTimingOutMAJORNVMe device bind is stuck, server needs power cycle to recover.


DedupEventsDiscardedWARNINGDeduplicated events discarded.
EventsDedupReportINFO Event deduplication ended.
EventsDiscardedMINOR Too many events were generated in a short period of time, so some of them were discarded and lost.
ExampleAggregatedINFO Example Aggregated.
ExampleINFO Example.
TracesDumperDownEventMAJORTraces Dumper is inactive


BlockReadFailureCRITICALFailed to read a block.
BlockSeekFinishedMAJORBlock seek finished
BlockSeekStartedMAJORBlock seek started for a secondary metadata block that could not be read
BrokenFileMAJORFile metadata corruption
CWTaskTemplateFinishedINFOCWTask template finished
CacheFlushHangingMAJORHost is hanging while trying to sync a file's write cache to the cluster
ChecksumErrorInCommitMAJORChecksum error detected by SSD node in a committed block.
ChecksumErrorInWriteCRITICALChecksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a write
DefaultDirectoryQuotaSetINFODefault directory quota was set
DefaultDirectoryQuotaUnsetINFODefault directory quota was unset
DirectoryQuotaSetINFODirectory quota was set
DirectoryQuotaUnsetINFODirectory quota was unset
DumpSnapHashCompletedINFOFinished a snap hash manifest scan
FailedToSplitSliceNoRetryCRITICALFailed to split a directory slice - wont retry.
FilesystemAddedINFOFilesystem configuration change.
FilesystemDeletedINFOFilesystem configuration change.
FilesystemDownloadStartedINFOFilesystem download started.
FilesystemGroupAddedINFOFilesystem group configuration change.
FilesystemGroupDeletedINFOFilesystem group configuration change.
FilesystemGroupUpdatedINFOFilesystem group configuration change.
FilesystemRemovedINFOFilesystem configuration change
FilesystemUpdatedINFOFilesystem configuration change.
ForcedBucketStepdownMINORBucket forced to step down.
FsCapacityLimitReachedWARNINGFilesystem capacity limit has been reached
HangingBackendIosDetectedCRITICALSome IOs are hanging.
HangingBackendIosNoLongerDetectedINFOIOs are no longer hanging.
HangingBucketStepDownWARNINGBucket step-down is hanging.
HangingDirectorySplitCRITICALDirectory split hasn’t any made progress for a long time.
HangingDriverFrontendIosDetectedCRITICALSome IOs are hanging.
HangingDriverFrontendIosNoLongerDetected INFO IOs are no longer hanging.
HangingNFSFrontendIosDetectedCRITICALSome IOs are hanging.
HangingNFSFrontendIosNoLongerDetectedINFOIOs are no longer hanging.
IntegrityCheckFinishedINFOIntegrity check finished
IntegrityCheckIssueCRITICALFound an data integrity issue
IntegrityCheckStartedINFOIntegrity check started
IntegrityCheckTransientIssueWARNINGFound a possibly transitional data integrity issue - check if a critical issue is found afterwards
ManualOverrideStallWARNINGService has been manually-overridden and stalled
ObjectStorageAttachedToFilesystemINFOObject Storage attached to filesystem.
ObjectStorageFinishedDetachingdFromFilesystemINFOObject Storage finished detaching from filesystem.
ObjectStorageStartedDetachingdFromFilesystemINFOObject Storage started detaching from filesystem.
QuotaGraceExpiredWARNINGDirectory soft capacity quota has been reached and grace period expired
QuotaHardLimitReachedWARNINGDirectory hard capacity quota has been reached
RAIDDataBlockReadFailureInSnaphashDumpWARNINGFailed to read data block from RAID when dumping the snapshot manifest.
RAIDMDReadFailureInSnaphashDumpWARNINGFailed to read metadata block from RAID when dumping the snapshot manifest.
SnapshotContentCopiedINFOSnapshot content copied.
SnapshotCreatedINFOSnapshot created.
SnapshotDeletedINFOSnapshot deleted.
SnapshotDownloadStartedINFOSnapshot download started.
SnapshotFilesystemRestoredINFOFilesystem restored from snapshot.
SnapshotParamsUpdatedINFOSnapshot updated.
SnapshotUploadFinishedINFOSnapshot upload finished
SnapshotUploadStartedINFOSnapshot upload started.
SquelchBlockIdSetAbortedFlushedDEBUGWhile setting a squelch block's block id for upgrade was already changed to invalid
SquelchBlockIdSetAbortedRewrittenWARNINGWhile setting a squelch block's block id for upgrade was already rewritten to something else
SuperblockUnreadableCRITICALSuperblock of a bucket could not be loaded
UnflushedOpOnDeletingSnapviewMAJORUnflushed IO on a deleting snapshot.


SystemDriveIsTooSlowMAJORSystem drive is slow to respond.


FloatingIpAcquiredINFOFloating IP was acquired by Node.
FloatingIpReleasedINFOFloating IP was released by Node.
InterfaceGroupAddedINFOInterface group configuration change.
InterfaceGroupDeletedINFOInterface group configuration change.
InterfaceGroupIpsAddedINFOInterface group IPs configuration change.
InterfaceGroupIpsDeletedINFOInterface group IPs configuration change.
InterfaceGroupPortAddedINFOInterface group port configuration change.
InterfaceGroupPortDeletedINFOInterface group port configuration change.
InterfaceGroupUpdatedINFOInterface group configuration change.


KmsConfigurationAddedINFOKMS configuration configuration change.
KmsConfigurationRemovedINFOKMS configuration configuration change.
KmsConfigurationUpdatedINFOKMS configuration configuration change.


LicensingResetINFOLicensing state has been reset.
NewLicenseInstalledINFONew license installed.
PaygLicensingEnabledINFOPAYG licensing enabled.


ManualOverrideChangedINFOManual override changed


NfsClientGroupAddedINFONFS client group configuration change.
NfsClientGroupDeletedINFONFS client group configuration change.
NfsClientGroupRuleAddedINFONFS client group rule configuration change.
NfsClientGroupRuleDeletedINFONFS client group rule configuration change.
NfsExportsPermissionsAddedINFONFS export permissions for configuration change.
NfsExportsPermissionsDeletedINFONFS export permissions for configuration change.
NfsExportsPermissionsUpdatedINFONFS export permissions for configuration change.
NfsMountFailWARNING NFS mount request failed.
NfsPortmapFailMAJORNFS server failed to register in portmap.


ClientNodeDisconnectedINFOClient Node disconnected from cluster
DefaultDataNetworkingChangeINFODefault data networking configuration changed.
DpdkPoolSummaryDEBUGSummary of DPDK pool status
HangingRPCsMAJORRPCs are hanging too long.
HugepagesAllocationFailureMINORHugepages allocation failure.
IONodeCannotFetchConfigWARNINGode cannot join cluster for too long.
MgmtNodeCannotFetchConfigWARNINGNode cannot join cluster for too long.
NICNotFoundINFONIC not found when initializing.
NetDeviceLinkDownMINORNetwork interface DOWN.
NetDeviceLinkUpMINORNetwork interface UP.
NetSlaveDeviceLinkDownMAJORNetwork slave interface DOWN.
NetSlaveDeviceLinkUpMINORNetwork slave interface UP.
NetworkPortConfigFailMINORNetwork port configuration failed.
NetworkPortDeadMAJORNetwork Port hasn’t passed packets for a long period of time, it is likely dead.
NoConnectivityToLivingNodeMAJORNode is disconnected from living peer(s).
NoHardwareWatchdogMAJORNo hardware watchdog found.
NoJumboFramesMINORNetwork does not allow large-enough messages through.
NodeCannotJoinClusterWARNINGNode cannot join cluster for too long.
NodeCannotSendJumboFramesMINORNode cannot send jumbo packets.
NodeDisconnectedMINORNode disconnected from cluster.
RDMAClientDisabledMINORRDMA optimization disabled.
RDMAClientEnabledMINORRDMA optimization enabled.


AssertionFailedMAJORAssertion failed
GCCrashReportMINORNode has crashed in GC on the previous run.
NodeAbruptExitReportMINORNode has crashed on the previous run.
NodeExceptionExitMAJORNode exited with an exception.
NodeKernelStackWARNINGKernel stack of node before reset.
NodeStartedINFONode started.
NodeStoppedINFONode stopped.
NodeTracebackWARNINGTraceback of node before reset.


ChecksumErrorInDownloadedObjectCRITICALChecksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data block.
ChecksumErrorOnObjectUploadMAJORChecksum error detected by COMPUTE node when uploading an OBS data block (corrupted after verifying data read from the drive)
DataBlobDownloadFailedWARNINGFailed downloading data blob header.
DownloadedExtentHasInvalidBlobIdMAJORDownloaded extent has invalid blob id
DownloadedExtentMissingExpectedBlockMAJORDownloaded extent missing expected block
InvalidDataBlobHeaderMAJORInvalid header detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data blob.
ObjectStorageBucketAddedINFO Object storage bucket configuration change.
ObjectStorageBucketDeletedINFO Object storage bucket configuration change.
ObjectStorageBucketUpdatedINFO Object storage bucket configuration change.
ObjectStoreGroupAddedINFOObject store configuration change
ObjectStoreGroupDeletedINFOObject store configuration change
ObjectStoreGroupUpdatedINFOObject store configuration change
ObjectStoreHasHighLevelOfUnreclaimedCapacityWARNINGObject store has high level of unreclaimed capacity
ObjectStorageIsFullCRITICALObject storage is full.
ObjectStoreNoLongerHasHighLevelOfUnreclaimedCapacityINFOObject store has high level of unreclaimed capacity
ObjectStoreStatusDownMAJORObject Store status is now down
ObjectStoreStatusUpINFOObject Store status is now up
ObsIsMissingObjectMAJORPermanently failed to download an object from object storage - The object was not found
PersistentChecksumErrorInDownloadedObjectMAJORChecksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data block


OrgCreatedINFOOrg Created .
OrgDeletedINFOOrg Deleted.
OrgRenamedINFOOrg Renamed.
OrgSsdQuotaChangedINFOOrg SSD Quota Changed.
OrgTotalQuotaChangedINFOOrg Total Quota Changed.


BitmapChecksumMismatchMAJORBitmap checksum mismatch detected.
DataGenerationNumberBugWARNINGBug in the advancement of the applied data generation number report from a bucket.
DataProtectionLevelDecreasedMINORData protection level decreased.
DataProtectionLevelIncreasedINFOData protection level increased.
DisksFailureDetectedMINORDisk(s) failures detected.
DisksRecoveryDetectedINFODisk(s) quick recovery detected.
EnoughActiveFailureDomainsMINOREnough active failure domains.
FixedFalseFreeBlockCRITICALFound and fixed a false free block.
HotSpareFailureDomainsUpdatedINFOHot spare failure domains updated.
NoDataProtectionCRITICALNo data protection.
QuorumGenerationNumberBugWARNINGBug in the advancement of the applied quorum generation number report from a bucket.
RaidScrubbingRateUpdatedINFORAID scrubber limit updated.
RaidStartedINFORAID started on bucket.
SwitchPlacementHangingMINORSwitchPlacement has no non-dirty chunks.
SwitchPlacementRetryingMINORSwitchPlacement retrying.
TooFewActiveFailureDomainsCRITICALToo few active failure domains.
TooManyFailuresCRITICALToo many failures, some data is unavailable.
UsedSSDCapacityCriticalOverflowCRITICALSSD capacity use is critically overflowing, internal spares are running out. Cluster may soon become unavailable for writes.
UsedSSDCapacityNoLongerOverflowsINFOSSD capacity use is no longer overflowing
UsedSSDCapacityOverflowmajorSSD capacity use is overflowing, internal capacity spares are being utilized


APIServerStartFailedWARNINGFailed to start the API server
APIServerStartedINFOSuccessfully started the API server
BandwidthSelectedINFOBandwidth set for host.
CoreAllocatedINFOAllocated core.
DisabledNumaBalancingINFODisabled NUMA Balancing.
DriverLoadedINFODriver loaded.
FailedToLoadDriverWARNINGFailed to load the wekafs driver.
HugepagesAllocatedINFOHugepages allocated.
HugepagesAllocationRetriesWARNINGHugepages allocation retried.
HugepagesAllocationStartedINFOHugepages allocation started.
InactiveHostCannotJoinClusterINFOInactive host cannot join the cluster.
LoadingStableResourcesFailedINFOFailed loading stable resources.
NetworkDeviceAllocatedINFOAllocated network device.
NetworkDeviceNotUsedByAnySlotsMINORNetwork device not used by any slots.
NoIPsConfiguredForHostJoinWithNoDefaultNetWARNINGNo IP configured for node {nid} with no default-net
RevertToStableResourcesINFOReverted to stable resources.
UnlimitedBandwidthSelectedINFOBandwidth set to unlimited.


CaCertSetINFOCA cert was added to the cluster
CaCertUnsetINFOCA cert was unset
TLSUnsetINFOTLS was unset


SmbAdJoinedINFOActive Directory configuration change.
SmbAdLeftINFOActive Directory configuration change.
SmbClusterConfiguredINFOSMB cluster configuration change.
SmbClusterCreatedINFOSMB cluster configuration change.
SmbClusterDestroyedINFOSMB cluster configuration change.
SmbConfigGenerationUpdatedINFOSMB Config configuration change
SmbShareAddedINFOShare configuration change.
SmbShareConfiguredINFOShare configuration change.
SmbShareHostnameACERemovedRemovedINFOSambaHostnameACE configuration change
SmbShareHostnameACEResetDestroyedINFOSambaHostnameACE configuration change
SmbShareRemovedINFOShare configuration change.
SmbTrustedDomainAddedINFOTrustedDomain configuration change.
SmbTrustedDomainRemovedINFOTrustedDomain configuration change.


StatLimitExceededWARNINGA set limit on a stat was exceeded.


BlockTaskAbortedINFOA bucket task aborted successfully.
BlockTaskCompleteINFOA bucket task completed successfully.
BucketsCreatedINFOSystem has created buckets.
ClusterTaskAbortedINFOCluster task aborted
ClusterTaskPausedINFOCluster task paused
ClusterTaskResumedINFOCluster task resumed
ClusterTasksCpuLimitUpdatedINFOCluster tasks CPU limit set
ClusterwideTaskChangedINFOClusterwide task changed.
HaveEnoughSSDCapacityMINOREnough SSD capacity now exists for all provisioned file systems.
IOStartedINFOSystem has started.
IOStoppedINFOSystem has stopped.
NotEnoughSSDCapacityCRITICALNot enough SSD capacity exists for all provisioned file systems.
QOSConfigResetINFOQoS configuration reset
QOSConfigSetINFOQoS configuration set
StartIORequestedINFOThe user has requested that IO be started.
StopIORequestedINFOThe user has requested that IO be stopped.
SystemInfoReportINFOManagement node started; reporting OS info.


TracesConfigurationActivatedINFOTraces configuration change
TracesConfigurationDeactivatedINFOTraces configuration change
TracesConfigurationResetINFOTraces configuration change
TracesConfigurationUpdatedINFOTraces configuration change
TracesFreezePeriodResetINFOTraces freeze period has been reset
TracesFreezePeriodSetINFOTraces freeze period has been set


ClientUpgradeRequestedINFOClient upgrade requested
ExternalUpgradeCancelledINFOExternal Upgrade was cancelled.
ExternalUpgradeFinishedINFOExternal Upgrade complete.
ExternalUpgradeStartingINFOExternal Upgrade was started.
FinishedExternalHostUpgradeINFOExternal host upgrade complete.
StartingExternalHostUpgradeINFOExternal host upgrade started.
WekaVersionDowngradedWARNINGWeka is now running a lower version


LDAPAuthDisabledINFOLDAP authentication disabled.
LDAPAuthEnabledINFOLDAP authentication enabled.
LDAPConfigUpdatedINFOLDAP configuration updated.
UserCreatedINFOUser Created.
UserDeletedINFOUser Deleted.
UserLoggedInINFOUser logged in.
UserLoginFailedINFOUser login failed.
UserLoginLockedMINORUser login locked
UserPasswordChangedByAnotherUserINFOUser password changed by an admin.
UserPasswordChangedINFOUser changed password.
UserRoleChangedINFOUser role changed.


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