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Working with snapshots

How to work with snapshots using the GUI.

Snapshot management

For information on snapshot viewing, creation, updating, deletion and restoring a filesystem from a snapshot, refer to Managing snapshots.

Uploading a snapshot using the GUI

You can upload a snapshot to a local, remote, or both object store buckets.


  1. From the menu, select Manage > Snapshots.

  2. Select the three dots on the right of the required snapshot. From the menu, select Upload To Object Store.

  3. In the Upload Snapshot dialog, select the target object store bucket: Local, Remote, or Both.

  4. Select Upload.

  5. In the confirmation message, select Yes. The snapshot is uploaded to the target object store bucket.

  6. To copy the snapshot locator, select the three dots on the right of the required snapshot. From the menu, select Copy Locator to Clipboard. Then, save the locator in a dedicated file.


Creating a filesystem from an uploaded snapshot

To create a filesystem from an uploaded snapshot:


  1. Switch the From Uploaded Snapshot field in the Filesystem Creation dialog box to On. The Create Filesystem dialog box is displayed.

    Snapshot Create Filesystem from an Uploaded Snapshot
  2. Define all the fields and enter the location of the snapshot to be used in the Object Store Locator field.

Deleting snapshots residing on an object store

Deleting a snapshot from a filesystem that uploaded it will remove all of its data from the object store.

CautionIf the snapshot has been (or is) downloaded and used by a different filesystem, that filesystem will stop functioning correctly, data might be unavailable, and errors might occur when accessing the data.

It is possible to either un-tier or migrate the filesystem to a different object store bucket before deleting the snapshot it has downloaded.


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