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HCP S11 and S31 Node 3.2.0 Release Notes

About this document

This document (RN-HCPS015-12 November 2023) contains release notes for release 3.2.0 of the Hitachi Content Platform (HCP) S Series Node. The document describes what's new in the release, supported upgrades, CVEs addressed by the release, and resolved and known issues. The document also contains other useful information about this release of the product.

Intended audience

This document is intended for customers who have one or more HCP S11 or S31 Nodes.

This document assumes that you have a basic understanding of the concepts that underlie HCP S Series Nodes and the hardware used by HCP S11 and S31 Nodes.

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Product user documentation is available on the Hitachi Vantara Support Website: Check this site for the most current documentation, including important updates that may have been made after the release of the product.

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About this release

Release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node consists of version of the HCP S Series software and version of the HCP S Series operating system.

Upgrade notes

You can upgrade an HCP S11 or S31 Node to release 3.2.0 only from releases 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, and 3.1.6. You cannot upgrade to release 3.2.0 from any release earlier than 3.1.0.

You cannot downgrade an S Series Node to an earlier release.

NoteThe upgrade to release 3.2.0 is mandatory for existing S11 and S31 Nodes.
ImportantDue to the update of the internal database, upgrades to release 3.2.0 entail some S Series Node downtime. While the database is being updated, which occurs during upgrade finalization, the server modules reboot several times.

Upgrade finalization lasts 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the number of enclosures in the S Series Node. During this period, the S Series Node is unavailable for both management and data access purposes.

What's new in this release

Release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node includes several new and updated features and some new hardware and updated firmware. Release 3.2.0 also resolves a variety of issues that were identified in previous releases of the product.

Updated HCP S Series Management Console

For release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node, the HCP S Series Management Console has been re-created with a crisper, more modern look and feel. The new Management Console retains the full functionality of the previous version while adding support for the new and enhanced features that come with release 3.2.0. For improved ease of use, links to Management Console pages now appear only in the left navigation pane, buttons have moved to the tops of pages, and sections on pages are more clearly labeled.

Built with the React user-interface library, the new Management Console uses the HCP S Series management API to communicate with the S Series Node. For successful communication, the management API must support whichever protocol, HTTP or HTTPS, is being used with the Management Console. Therefore, in release 3.2.0 of the S Series Node:

  • When you enable or disable HTTP or HTTPS for the access or management network in the Management Console configuration, the same change occurs automatically to the corresponding setting in the management API configuration.
  • When you disable HTTP or HTTPS for the access or management network in the management API configuration, the same change occurs automatically to the corresponding setting in the Management Console configuration.
  • When you enable HTTP or HTTPS for the access or management network in the management API configuration, the corresponding setting in the Management Console configuration does not change.

In releases earlier than 3.2.0, HTTP could be enabled in the Management Console configuration and, at the same time, disabled in the management API configuration. This combination is not supported in release 3.2.0. If this combination is present before an upgrade to release 3.2.0 or later, HTTP is automatically enabled in the management API configuration during the upgrade.

New options for password requirements and user-account management

Release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node provides additional options for password requirements and user-account management. Like the existing options, the new options are part of the security settings for the S Series Node.

With the new options for user-account password requirements, you can:

  • Set the minimum numbers of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters that a password must contain
  • Block the re-use of a specified number of passwords previously used for a user account when the account owner changes the password for the account
  • Prevent the terms in a customer-compiled common-password dictionary from being used as passwords
  • Prevent passwords from containing or being the same as the username for the applicable user account

With the new options for user-account management, you can:

  • Specify the number of seconds during which a user account cannot be used to log in to the HCP S Series Management Console after each failed login attempt with that account
  • Specify the number of consecutive times a user can try to access the S Series Node with an incorrect or missing password before the applicable user account is automatically disabled
  • Specify the number of minutes until a user account is automatically re-enabled after being disabled due to consecutive failed login attempts
  • Specify the number of consecutive days a user account can be unused before it is automatically disabled

Exclusive SSH keys

As of release 3.2.0, on any HCP S Series Node, you can install a set of SSH keys that are exclusive to that S Series Node. When you install exclusive SSH keys, they become active, and the previously active keys are no longer valid. If the previously active SSH keys were exclusive, those keys are removed from the S Series Node.

If, after installing exclusive SSH keys, you want to make the default SSH keys active, you can revoke the exclusive SSH keys. When you revoke exclusive SSH keys, they are removed from the S Series Node, and the default SSH keys become active.

To install or revoke exclusive SSH keys, you need a user account with the security or service role.

Changes to minimum TLS version option

Release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node includes support for a minimum TLS version of 1.3.

Also in release 3.2.0, the default minimum TLS version has changed to 1.2.

LACP transmit hash policy

New with release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node, you can select the transmit hash policy for the access network when the bond is configured to use the IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP). With 802.3ad bonding, the selected S Series Node transmit hash policy determines how the ports in the bond share the workload on the network. The options are layer 2+3 and layer 3+4:

  • With layer 2+3, all traffic from any given client port targets the same access network port. Because the target port for a client port is selected independently of the target port selection for any other client port, the workload is not guaranteed to be balanced across the bonded access network ports. However, the greater the number of client ports, the more balanced the workload is likely to be.
  • With layer 3+4, an algorithm enables traffic from any given client to span multiple access network ports. The algorithm ensures that the workload is balanced across the bonded access network ports, thereby increasing the likelihood that transmissions to and from the S Series Node will use all those ports.

Enhanced storage-usage reporting

In release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node, reporting on storage usage has been enhanced both in the HCP S Series Management Console and with the HCP S Series management API. The updated reporting includes both new statistics and statistics that have been revised to be more informative.

Each of the categories across the top of the Dashboard page in the Management Console, except for Reserved for Repair, has a link you can use to get more detailed statistics for that category. For example, if you click the link for Total Storage, you get values for raw drive storage, system overhead, system storage, and unavailable storage, all of which are factored into the computation of total storage.

For descriptions of all the storage-usage statistics available in the Management Console, see the HCP S Series Node Help.

All the detailed statistics that are available in the Management Console are also available with the management API. Additionally, with the management API, you can retrieve historical storage-usage statistics. In your management API request, you can specify the time frame for which you want the statistics and the granularity of the statistics to be returned (minute, hour, day, or month).

System-load reporting

New with release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node, you can use the HCP S Series management API to request information about the current load on processing resources or about this load over time. The load on processing resources, called the system load, refers to the use of resources such as CPUs, network bandwidth, and memory. For each processing resource, usage statistics are available for the individual server modules and for the S Series Node as a whole. You can use system-load information to evaluate the use of these resources and to draw conclusions about the impact of the resource usage on the S Series Node.

For descriptions of the system-load statistics and information about how these statistics are collected, see the HCP S Series Node Help.

HCP S Series management API enhancements

In release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node, the HCP S Series management API includes many new resources and many new properties for existing resources. Other changes include role changes, new query parameters, and additional methods for existing resources.

The new HCP S Series Management Console uses the management API to retrieve information from the S Series Node. Some of this information, such as the message to display on the login page, is needed before users log in. Other information, such as the S Series Node version number, is needed for display on all Management Console pages, regardless of the roles associated with the user account used for login.

Several of the new management API resources provide such information. These resources are publicly available; that is, they can be accessed with requests that do not include user credentials. However, publicly available resources are intended primarily for use by the Management Console. The information provided by each of these resources is typically a subset of the information provided by another resource that does require user credentials.

New management API resources

The new management API resources and their uses are listed below. Resources marked with an asterisk (*) were created to support the new Management Console.

  • /configuration/console/message*

    Retrieve the message, if any, that appears on the Management Console login page

  • /configuration/ident/console*

    Retrieve identifying information about the S Series Node

  • /configuration/security/common_passwords

    • Upload a .txt file containing terms to be stored in a dictionary of disallowed passwords (called the common-password dictionary)
    • Download the contents of the common-password dictionary
    • Delete the contents of the common-password dictionary, leaving the dictionary empty
  • /configuration/security/common_passwords/dictionary_details

    Retrieve information about the current contents of the common-password dictionary

  • /configuration/security/password_rules

    Retrieve the user-account password requirements that are currently in effect

  • /configuration/setup*

    • Before initial configuration of the S Series Node, retrieve the default values for the initial configuration
    • After initial configuration, retrieve the status of the initial configuration
    • Perform the initial configuration of the S Series Node or validate configuration settings before submitting the configuration
  • /configuration/setup/status*

    Retrieve the status of the initial configuration of the S Series Node

  • /hardware/enclosures

    Retrieve complete information about each enclosure in the S Series Node

  • /hardware/enclosures/enclosure-number

    Retrieve complete information about a specific enclosure in the S Series Node

  • /hardware/enclosures/enclosure-number/slots

    Retrieve complete information about each drive slot in a specific enclosure in the S Series Node

  • /hardware/enclosures/enclosure-number/slots/slot-number

    Retrieve complete information about a specific drive slot in a specific enclosure in the S Series Node

  • /hardware/server_modules

    Retrieve complete information about each server module in the S Series Node

  • /hardware/server_modules/server-module-number

    Retrieve complete information about a specific server module in the S Series Node

  • /login/oauth*

    Request OAuth authorization for management API access to the S Series Node

  • /metrics/system/history

    Retrieve historical statistics about S Series Node storage usage

  • /metrics/system/history/data_points*

    Retrieve a limited set graphable historical statistics about S Series Node storage usage

  • /metrics/systemLoad

    Retrieve statistics about the current load on S Series Node processing resources

  • /metrics/systemLoad/history

    Retrieve historical statistics about the load on S Series Node processing resources

  • /system/ssh_keys

    • Install exclusive SSH keys on the S Series Node
    • Retrieve information about the currently active SSH keys
    • Revoke the exclusive SSH keys currently installed on the S Series Node
  • /system/status/notice*

    Retrieve any current S Series Node status messages (that is, messages that indicate that SSH is enabled, a maintenance procedure is in progress, or an update is in progress)

  • /user_accounts/username/access_key

    Retrieve the access key for your user account

  • /user_accounts/username/password

    Change the password for your user account

New properties for existing management API resources

The existing management API resources that have new properties are listed below along with those new properties.

  • configuration/networks/builtin/network-name

    • ipV4: IP mode for the network (Boolean)
    • netmask1: IPv4 subnet mask for the network
    • prefixLength1: Primary IPv6 address prefix length for the network
    • prefixLength2: Secondary IPv6 address prefix length for the network
    • supportedBondingHashPolicies: List of the combined settings for bonding mode and transmit hash policy that are supported for the access network
    • transmitHashPolicy: Transmit hash policy for the access network
  • /configuration/security

    • blockCommonPasswords: Prevent the terms in the common-password dictionary from being used as passwords (Boolean)
    • blockUsernameInPassword: Prevent passwords from containing or being the same as the username for the applicable account (Boolean)
    • disableAfterFailedLoginsMinutes: Number of minutes until a user account is automatically re-enabled after being disabled due to consecutive failed login attempts
    • disableAfterInactiveDays: Number of consecutive days a user account can be unused before it is automatically disabled
    • minimumPasswordLowercaseLetters: Minimum number of lowercase letters passwords must contain
    • minimumPasswordNumbers: Minimum number of numbers passwords must contain
    • minimumPasswordSpecialCharacers: Minimum number of special characters passwords must contain
    • minimumPasswordUppercaseLetters: Minimum number of uppercase letters passwords must contain
    • passwordReuseDepth: Number of previously used passwords for a user account that cannot be re-used when the account owner changes the password for that account

    Additionally, the name of the disableAfterAttempts property has changed to disableAfterFailedLogins, and the name of the logoutOnInactive property has changed to logoutAfterInactiveMinutes.

  • /configuration/syslog

    • syslogTestFacility: Local facility used by the S Series Node for testing connections to the specified syslog servers
  • /hardware/maintenance (drive properties)

    • status: Status of the drive
  • /hardware/maintenance (enclosure or slot properties)

    • slotType: Type of drive, data or database, that goes in the slot
    • upgradeDriveSet: Number of the capacity upgrade drive set that includes the slot
  • /hardware/power/node:

    • serverModules: Power status of each server module in the S Series Node
  • /hardware/power/server-module-number

    • hostname: Hostname of the server module
    • id: Server module number
    • powerOn: Power status of the server module (Boolean)
  • /metrics/buckets

    • owner: Owner of a listed bucket
  • /metrics/system

    • availableStorageBytes: Total amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently available for storing and protecting object data and object and system metadata; does not include storage reserved for repair
    • availableStoragePercent: Amount of available storage as a percent of total storage
    • estimatedTimeUntilReadOnlyDays: Estimated amount of time, in days, until the S Series Node stops accepting write requests
    • ingestedDataBytes: Number of bytes of data ingested for all the objects currently stored on the S Series Node
    • ingestibleCurrentEfficiencyBytes: Estimated amount of data, in bytes, that can be ingested into the S Series Node before no more data can be stored or protected, assuming that ingest patterns and the rate of single-instancing remain constant
    • ingestibleUniqueEfficiencyBytes: Fixed percent (approximately 76.92%) representing the ratio between the amount of data ingested for any given object and the amount of storage required to store and protect that data, assuming that single-instancing is not in effect
    • isWritable: Whether the S Series Node can accept write requests (Boolean)
    • objectDataBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently occupied by object data
    • objectMetadataBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently occupied by object and system metadata
    • projectedPostRepairUsedStorageBytes: Estimate amount of storage, in bytes, that will be used when the current repair backlog is empty
    • protectionBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently used for protecting object data and object and system metadata
    • rawDriveStorageBytes: Total of the vendor-specified capacity, in bytes, of all the data and database drives known to the S Series Node, including both available and unavailable drives
    • repairRateBytesPerSecond: Estimated rate at which the S Series Node is currently working through the repair backlog, in bytes per second
    • repairTimeToCompletionMs: Estimated amount of time, in milliseconds, until the repair backlog is empty
    • reservedForRepairBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently reserved for use in repairing damaged or otherwise unavailable storage
    • reservedForRepairPercent: Amount of storage reserved for repair as a percent of total storage
    • scavengingMetadataBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is currently occupied by metadata that can be used to recover objects whose object metadata has been lost or corrupted
    • singleInstanceSavingsBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, saved by the single-instancing of existing objects
    • systemOverheadBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that the S Series Node reserves for internal purposes on all the data and database drives, including both available and unavailable drives
    • systemStorageBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that remains when system overhead is subtracted from raw drive storage
    • unavailableStorageBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, on data and database drives that are known to the S Series Node but are currently unavailable
    • underRepairBytes: Amount of storage, in bytes, that is in need of repair

    The calculations of the values for some existing properties for the /metrics/system resource have been changed to produce more informative results.

    Additionally, the names of these existing properties have changed:

    • efficiency: currentEfficiencyPercent
    • idealEfficiency: uniqueEfficiencyPercent
    • precentUsed: usedStoragePercent
    • projectedPercentUsed: projectedPostRepairUsedStoragePercent
    • totalBytes: totalStorageBytes
    • usedBytes: usedStorageBytes
  • /system/logs/status

    • downloadPrepareInProgress: Whether the logs are being prepared for download on a server module (Boolean)
    • serverModule1: Log download status for server module 1
    • serverModule2: Log download status for server module 2
  • /system/status/full

    • sshKeys: Information about the SSH keys that are currently active on the S Series Node
  • /system/update/history

    • state: Final state of an S Series Node update operation
  • /system/update/manifest

    • hotfix: Version of the hotfix applied by the update
  • /system/update/upload/software

    • hotfix: Version of the hotfix in the update file
  • /user_accounts

    • userCount: Number of user accounts currently defined on the S Series Node
    • users: Information about each user account

New hardware and updated firmware

Release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node supports two new hardware components. The optional Intel two-port 25Gb Ethernet SFP28 PCIe card provides more options for connectivity on the access network. The new Seagate Nytro 3550 800GB database drive ensures the continued availability of database drives of this size.

Release 3.2.0 includes firmware updates for SAS expanders, personality modules, personality-module SAS expanders, I/O modules, Exos X20 20TB data drives, and the Nytro 3050 800GB database drives.

Important notice

The deployment, management, and usage of an S11 Node or S31 Node that has one or more expansion enclosures must follow these critical best practices to ensure the supportability of the S11 or S31 Node and to minimize the risk of data unavailability:

  • Always mount the base enclosure and expansion enclosures in the same rack. Mount the base enclosure as close as possible to the bottom of the rack. Mount each expansion enclosure as close as possible to the enclosure below it.
  • If the S11 or S31 Node has only one expansion enclosure, connect the base and expansion enclosures to the same pair of power distribution units (PDUs) in the rack. If possible, the two PDUs should be connected to separate power sources.
  • When shutting down the S11 or S31 Node, always power off both server modules before powering off the expansion enclosures. Powering off one or more expansion enclosures while one or both server modules are powered on can result in data unavailability and the possibility of data loss.
  • If possible, replicate all data stored on the S11 or S31 Node by an HCP system to another HCP system so that the data exists in two physically separate locations.

HCP S Series Node document set

The following documents contain information about HCP S Series Nodes:

  • HCP S Series Node Help for HCP S11 and S31 Nodes (PDF: MK-HCPS027; ZIP: MK-HCPS022)

    This Help system contains information about configuring, monitoring, and managing an HCP S11 or S31 Node. The Help includes information you need in order to effectively use the HCP S Series Management Console. The Help also describes the physical specifications of and environmental requirements for S11 and S31 Nodes.

  • HCP S11 and S31 Node API Reference (MK-HCPS023)

    This document contains all the information you need for using the HCP S Series management API with an HCP S11 or S31 Node. This RESTful HTTP-based API enables you to configure, monitor, and manage an S11 or S31 Node programmatically. The document explains how to use the management API to retrieve information about and manipulate S11 and S31 Node resources. The document also includes an introduction to the S Series Node concepts that underlie the management API resources.

Supported limits

HCP S Series Nodes support the maximum values listed in the table below.

Maximum number of objects per S Series NodeLimited only by available capacity and object size
Maximum object size10 TB
Maximum file size per PUT request (larger file sizes require multipart write)10 GB
Maximum parts per multipart write10,000
Maximum number of users10,000
Maximum number of buckets10,000
Maximum number of buckets per owner100
Maximum number of concurrent connections to the HCP S Series Management Console25 per server module
Maximum number of concurrent connections through the management API50 per server module
Maximum number of concurrent connections through the Hitachi API for Amazon S3 (the S3 compatible API)500 per server module

Supported browsers

The table below lists the web browsers that are qualified for use with the HCP S Series Management Console. Other browsers or versions may also work.

BrowserClient operating system
Microsoft Edge (latest version as of December 2023)Microsoft Windows
Mozilla Firefox (latest version as of December 2023)*

Apple macOS


Microsoft Windows

Google Chrome (latest version as of December 2023)

Apple macOS


Microsoft Windows

* If the S Series Node is using a self-signed SSL server certificate, the Management Console does not work with Mozilla Firefox.
NoteTo correctly display the HCP S Series Management Console, the browser window must be at least 1,024 pixels wide by 768 pixels high.

Supported firmware versions

The table below lists the supported firmware versions for hardware components of release 3.2.0 HCP S11 and S31 Nodes.

ComponentFirmware version
Base enclosure52B3
Expansion enclosure*52C8
Base-enclosure power supply (Seagate SGH-4U100-PSU-AX.X)1.10
Base-enclosure power supply (Seagate SGH-4U100-PSU-BX.X)2.0
Base-enclosure ecodesign-compliant power supply (Seagate SGH-4U100-PSU-CX.X)1.05
Expansion-enclosure power supply (SGH-4U106-PSU-AX.X)1.09
Expansion-enclosure ecodesign-compliant power supply (SGH-4U106-PSU-CX.X)1.07
SAS expander in base enclosure (Seagate SGH-SEXP-AX.X )
SAS expander in expansion enclosure (Seagate SGH-SEXP-AX.X or SGH-SEXP-BX.X)
Personality module5.2.0.179
Personality module controller07.00.00.00
Personality module SAS expander5.2.0.179
Server module BIOS02.05
Server module BMC0.00.0042
OS SSDM161225t
Intel I210 chip for the management and server interconnect networks3.25
Four-port SAS PCIe card (Broadcom 9305-16e)
Four-port SAS PCIe card (Broadcom 9500-16e)
Two-port 25Gb Ethernet SFP28 PCIe card8.70
Four-port 10GBase-T Ethernet PCIe card6.128 (6.80 NVM update)
I/O module (Seagate SGH-4U106-IOM-AX.X )
I/O module (Seagate SGH-4U106-IOM-BX.X)
I/O module (Seagate SGH-4U106-IOM-CX.X)
10TB data drive (Seagate ST10000NM0096)E005
10TB data drive (Seagate ST10000NM002G)E004
10TB data drive (Seagate ST10000NM013G)E002
14TB data drive (Seagate ST14000NM0048)E004
14TB data drive (Seagate ST14000NM004J)E004
16TB data drive (Seagate ST16000NM002G)E004
16TB data drives (Seagate ST16000NM004J)E004
18TB data drive (Seagate ST18000NM004J)E004
20TB data drive (Seagate ST20000NM002D)E004
400GB database drive (Seagate XS400LE10003)0006
800GB database drive (Seagate XS800LE70004)A005
800GB database drive (Seagate XS800LE70084)0003
800GB database drive (Seagate XS800LE70045)0003
* Expansion enclosures come with either of two different CPLDs installed on the drive baseplanes. To support both types of CPLD, the firmware installed on an expansion enclosure must be compatible with release 3.1.5 or later of the HCP S Series software.

CVEs addressed in this release

The table below lists vulnerabilities that no longer affect HCP S Series Nodes.

CVE IDDescription
CVE-2016-4484Debian initrd script shell-access vulnerability

A vulnerability exists in the Debian initrd script for the cryptsetup package 2:1.7.3-2 and earlier that lets attackers who are physically nearby gain shell access by means of multiple login attempts with an invalid password.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2016-5425Tomcat privilege-escalation vulnerability

A vulnerability exists in the Tomcat package on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, Fedora, CentOS, Oracle Linux, and possibly other Linux distributions wherein users in the tomcat group can modify the /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tomcat.conf configuration file. The weak permissions for the group enable members of the group to escalate their privileges, even to the point of giving themselves root privileges.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2017-18342PyYAML arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability

In PyYAML versions earlier than 5.1, a remote attacker can use the load() function to execute arbitrary code.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2019-11477Linux kernel denial-of-service vulnerability

While the Linux kernel is handling TCP Selective Acknowledgments (SACKs), the TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->tcp_gso_segs value is subject to an integer overflow. A remote attacker can take advantage of this flaw to cause a denial of service.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2019-12384Jackson-databind remote-code-execution vulnerability

FasterXML jackson-databind 2.x versions earlier than incorrectly handle deserialization for a particular class. Depending on the classpath content, a remote attacker can take advantage of this flaw to execute malicious code.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2019-12418Apache Tomcat man-in-the-middle vulnerability

When Apache Tomcat 9.0.0.M1 to 9.0.28, 8.5.0 to 8.5.47, 7.0.0, or 7.0.97 is configured with the JMX Remote Lifecycle Listener enabled, a local attacker without access to the Tomcat process or configuration files can manipulate the RMI registry to perform a man-in-the-middle attack. The attacker can then get usernames and passwords used to access the JMX interface, enabling the attacker to gain complete control over the Tomcat instance.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-5208Ipmitool buffer overflow vulnerability

Multiple functions in ipmitool versions earlier than 1.8.19 do not properly check data received from a remote LAN party. This flaw enables a remote authenticated attacker to overflow a buffer and execute malicious code on the ipmitool host. This vulnerability is increased if ipmitool is run as a privileged user.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-12888Linux kernel denial-of-service vulnerability

The VFIO PCI driver in versions 5.6.13 and earlier of the Linux kernel mishandles attempts to access disabled memory space. When a guest user or process tries to access disabled memory space, a fatal error condition may occur, causing the host system to crash. This crash results in a denial of service.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-13692PostgreSQL information-disclosure and denial-of-service vulnerabilities

PostgreSQL JDBC versions earlier than 42.2.13 have an XML External Entity (XXE) weakness wherein a local or remote attacker can cause PostgreSQL to embed malicious documents into output. This vulnerability is a threat to data confidentiality and system availability.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-13777GnuTLS man-in-the-middle and confidentiality vulnerabilities

GnuTLS versions starting from 3.6.4 and earlier than 3.6.14 have a flaw wherein incorrect cryptography is used for encrypting session tickets. Until the first key rotation, the TLS server always uses wrong data in place of an encryption key derived from an application. With TLS 1.3, the incorrect key provides the ability to bypass authentication, enabling an attacker to craft a man-in-the-middle attack. With TLS 1.2, the incorrect key enables an attacker to recover old conversations, posing a threat to data confidentiality.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-14343PyYAML library arbitrary-code-execution vulnerability

PyYAML library versions earlier than 5.4 is susceptible to arbitrary code execution when untrusted YAML files are processed through the full_load method or with the FullLoader loader. This flaw allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system by using the python/object/new constructor.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2020-17530Apache Struts remote-code-execution vulnerability

Apache Struts versions 2.0.0 through 2.5.25 have a vulnerability that enables attackers to perform remote code execution. This vulnerability occurs when Apache Struts framework is forced to perform double evaluation of attributes. Double evaluation is when an expression string gets evaluated as code, and then, if the result is another string, that string gets evaluated as code, too. Attackers can execute system commands by sending specially crafted HTTP requests containing malicious payloads for double evaluation to the target server.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-3156Sudo heap-based-buffer overflow vulnerability

In sudo versions earlier than 1.9.5p2, a heap-based buffer overflow was found in the way sudo parses command-line arguments. This flaw enables unprivileged local users to escalate their own privileges to root on the host system. With root privileges, users can execute code that compromises data confidentiality and integrity or causes system unavailability.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-3711OpenSSL buffer overflow vulnerability

OpenSSL is vulnerable to a buffer overflow caused by improper bounds checking by the EVP_PKEY_decrypt() function used for SM2 decryption. A remote attacker can present SM2 content to an application for decryption, where that content overflows the buffer, possibly changing application behavior or causing the application to crash. This flaw compromises data confidentiality and integrity and can result in system unavailability.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-3712OpenSSL buffer overflow vulnerability

With OpenSSL, an ASN.1 string that is not NUL terminated can cause a read buffer overflow. A remote attacker can take advantage of this flaw by forcing an application to call the openssl function with a string that is not NUL terminated. This flaw enables the disclosure of private memory and can cause the application to crash.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-33150Intel Trace Hub privilege-escalation vulnerability

With some Intel Trace Hub instances, when the hardware allows activation of the test or debug logic at runtime, a malicious attacker with physical access to the hardware can bypass security restrictions and, thereby, escalate privileges on the targeted system.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-35237Kiwi Syslog Server clickjacking vulnerability

A missing HTTP (X-Frame-Options) header in Kiwi Syslog Server enables malicious attackers to perform clickjacking attacks. An attacker can use a transparent iframe in a window to trick users into clicking an actionable item that links to an identical web page on another server.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-35515SevenZ library vulnerability

HCP S11 and S31 Nodes were not and are not vulnerable to CVE-2021-35515. However, the SevenZ library has been updated to prevent security scans from flagging the library for this CVE.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-43980Apache Tomcat information-disclosure vulnerability

Apache Tomcat versions 10.1.0 through 10.1.0-M12, 10.0.0-M1 through 10.0.18, 9.0.0-M1 through 9.0.60, and 8.5.0 through 8.5.77 have a concurrency bug that can cause client connections to share an Http11Processor instance, resulting in responses or partial responses being received by the wrong client. This misdirection compromises data security.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2021-44832Apache Log4j2 remote-code-execution vulnerability

With Apache Log4j2 versions 2.0-beta7 through 2.17.0 (excluding security fix releases 2.3.2 and 2.12.4), an attacker with permission to modify the logging configuration file can construct a malicious configuration using a JDBC Appender. The JDBC Appender can be modified with a data source referencing a JNDI URI that can execute remote code.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-0001Intel Processor information-disclosure vulnerability

In some Intel Processors, nontransparent sharing of branch predictor selectors between contexts may enable local authorized users to enable information disclosure.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-0002Intel Processor information-disclosure vulnerability

In some Intel Processors, nontransparent sharing of a branch predictor within a context may enable local authorized users to enable information disclosure.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-29885Apache Tomcat denial-of-service vulnerability

The Apache Tomcat version 10.1.0-M1 through 10.1.0-M14, 10.0.0-M1 through 10.0.20, 9.0.13 through 9.0.62, and 8.5.38 through 8.5.78 documentation for the EncryptInterceptor incorrectly states that EncryptInterceptor enables Tomcat clustering to run over an untrusted network. This is not correct. While the EncryptInterceptor does provide confidentiality and integrity protection, it does not protect against all risks associated with running over any untrusted network, particularly denial-of-service risks.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-31197PostgreSQL JDBC Driver SQL-injection vulnerability

The PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (PgJDBC) implementation of the `java.sql.ResultRow.refreshRow()` method is not performing escaping of column names. A malicious column name that contains a statement terminator can lead to SQL injection, resulting in the execution of additional SQL commands as the application's JDBC user.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-40152FasterXML/woodstox denial-of-service vulnerability

FasterXML/woodstox is an XML processor that parses XML data. If DTD support is enabled and if the parser is running on user-supplied input, an attacker can supply malicious content that results in a stack overflow, thereby causing the parser to crash. This effect can amount to a denial-of-service attack.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-40982Intel CPU downfall vulnerability

HCP S11 and S31 Nodes were not and are not vulnerable to CVE-2022-40982. Because S11 and S31 Nodes are closed appliances running only the HCP S Series software, the Intel CPU downfall vulnerability cannot be exploited against them.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2022-45688Hutool-json denial-of-service vulnerability

With the XML.toJSONObject component of hutool-json version 5.8.10, a malicious attacker can cause a crash by sending specially crafted JSON or XML data that triggers a stack overflow, resulting in a denial of service.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2023-22809Sudo privilege-escalation vulnerability

In sudo versions 1.8.0 through 1.9.12.p1, the sudoedit (also known as -e) feature mishandles extra arguments passed in the user-provided SUDO_EDITOR, VISUAL, and EDITOR environment variables, allowing a local attacker to append arbitrary entries to the list of files to process. Editing an arbitrary file with the privileges of the RunAs user can lead to privilege escalation.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2023-38545cURL heap-based-buffer overflow vulnerability

With cURL versions 7.69.0 through 8.3.0, if the hostname presented to cURL is longer than 255 bytes, cURL switches to local name resolution and passes only the resolved address to the SOCKS5 proxy. If the SOCKS5 handshake is slow, the too-long hostname instead of the resolved address can end up being copied to the target heap-based buffer, resulting in a buffer overflow.

For more information about this CVE, see

CVE-2023-38546Libcurl cookie-injection vulnerability

Libcurl versions 7.9.1 through 8.3.0 contain a flaw that allows an attacker to insert cookies into a running program at will. An application can create an individual handle for a single transfer and then use libcurl to duplicate that handle. If a transfer has cookies enabled when the handle is duplicated, the cookie-enable state is also cloned, but the cookies themselves are not. If the source handle doesn't read any cookies from a specific file, the cloned handle stores the file with a default name. When used again, the cloned handle loads cookies, if any, from the file with the default name, in which an attacker can have stored malicious user-supplied cookies.

For more information about this CVE, see

Issues resolved in this release

The table below lists previously identified HCP S Series Node issues that are resolved in release 3.2.0.

Ref. numberSR numberDescription
RNO-5723N/AFalse report about unsupported fan hardware after enclosure power outage

When an enclosure powers back on after losing power, the S Series Node falsely reports that the fan hardware is unsupported for each rear fan and each controller-bay fan. Messages about the unsupported hardware are written to the event log, and alerts reporting the unsupported hardware are briefly in effect. The part number shown for each fan in the full message text is NO_PSN_PRE. Despite the reports, the fan hardware is still supported, and the fans are operating correctly.

Fix: An enclosure powering back on after losing power no longer causes the S Series Node to report that the fan hardware is unsupported.

RNO-6097N/AFirst attempt to generate keys for S3 compatible API not working

After a fresh installation or reinstallation of the HCP S Series software, the first time you try to generate your access and secret keys for the S3 compatible API in the HCP S Series Management Console, the Next button may be inactive, with the Finish button active. If you select Yes to generate the keys and then click Finish, the generated keys are not displayed. In subsequent attempts to generate the keys, the Next button is active. If you select Yes and then click Next, the keys are displayed.

Fix: With the new Management Console, this issue no longer happens.

RNO-7177N/ASecondary virtual IPv6 addresses not working

If you configure secondary IPv6 addressing for the S Series Node access network while syslog logging is enabled, the secondary virtual IPv6 addresses are not enabled and cannot be used for access to the S Series Node.

Fix: Now, when you configure IPv6 addressing for the S Series Node access network while syslog logging is enabled, the secondary virtual IPv6 addresses are enabled and can be used for access to the S Series Node.

RNO-8744N/ASSL server certificate not uploading

Rarely, when you apply an SSL server certificate that has been signed by a certificate authority (CA), the S Series Node cannot upload the certificate.

Fix: The S Series Node now consistently uploads certificates that have been signed by a CA.

RNO-9874N/ALegend button not working on server module details page

When you click the Legend button below the diagram on the server module details page, the legend window does not open.

Fix: With the new Management Console, this issue no longer happens.

RNO-10128N/AIncorrect value for networkIndex property of management API /‍‍‍‍configuration/dns or /‍‍‍configuration/time resource

When you specify DNS servers or time servers, you select the network (access or management) to be used for communication with those servers. If the selected network is configured for IPv6 and has a secondary IPv6 gateway configured, you can choose to use either the primary or secondary IPv6 gateway with the DNS servers or time servers.

With the HCP S Series management API, the IPv6 gateway option is specified by the networkIndex property of the /‍configuration/dns or /‍configuration/time resource, as applicable. A value of 1 means use the primary IPv6 gateway. A value of 2 means use the secondary IPv6 gateway.

If the value of the networkIndex property for the /‍configuration/dns or /‍configuration/time resource is 2 and you delete the secondary IPv6 gateway configuration from the selected network, the value of the networkIndex property remains 2, even though no secondary IPv6 gateway exists. In spite of this incorrect value, the S Series Node correctly switches to using the primary IPv6 gateway.

Fix: When you delete the secondary IPv6 gateway configuration from the network selected for the DNS servers of time servers, the value of the networkIndex property for the management API /‍configuration/dns or /‍configuration/time resource, as applicable, automatically changes to 1.

RNO-11183N/ASelf-signed SSL server certificate

The process used by the S Series Node to generate a self-signed SSL server certificate contains an error.

Fix: The process used by the S Series Node to generate a self-signed certificate has been corrected.

ImportantAfter an upgrade from a release earlier than 3.2.0 to release 3.2.0 or later, if the S Series Node is using a self-signed certificate, use the HCP S Series Management Console or management API to generate a new self-signed certificate, or install a certificate generated by a certificate authority (CA).
RNO-11751N/ALegend not opening for second server module

To display the legend for a server module on the Hardware Overview page in the HCP S Series Management Console, you click the gear icon (GUID-BADF277B-A731-4F0E-9E28-328B8CD2A793-low.png) for the server module and then click Legend. After you open the legend for one server module, when you perform these steps for the other server module, the legend does not open.

Fix: With the new Management Console, this issue no longer happens.

RNO-12323N/AWrong severity level for storage-full alerts

When storage becomes 70% or 95% full, a message is written to the event log, and an alert is issued. In each case, the message and alert have a severity level of NOTICE, which causes the HCP S Series Management Console to use green for the alert display.

Fix: Event messages and alerts now occur when storage becomes 70%, 85%, or 95% full. For 70% or 85% full, the message and alert have a severity level of WARNING, and the Management Console uses orange for the alert display. For 95% full, the message and alert have a severity level of ERROR, and the Management Console uses red for the alert display.

Known issues

The table below lists known issues in release 3.2.0 of the HCP S Series Node. The issues are listed in order by reference number.

Ref. numberSR numberDescription
RNO-2266N/AAlert misplaced for database drive degraded, resyncing, or recovering

The alert that indicates that a database drive is degraded or being resynced or recovered should appear on the details page for the enclosure. Instead, the alert appears on the details page for the applicable server module. Additionally in this case, on the details page for the applicable slot, the row that shows the status of the database partition is not highlighted in red.

RNO-2375N/ABeaconing off and on during early Sunday mornings

If beaconing is on for an enclosure or for a component in an enclosure at 1:00 a.m. on a Sunday, for a brief period after that time, the event log may contain messages indicating that beaconing was turned off and back on a few times. At the end of this period, beaconing remains on.

RNO-4623N/AFalse report about unavailable server module during reboot of other server module

Rarely, while one server module is rebooting, the S Series Node incorrectly reports that the other server module is unavailable. A message about the unavailability is written to the event log, and an alert reporting the unavailability is briefly in effect (no more than a few seconds). Despite the report, the server module did not, in fact, become unavailable.

RNO-5094N/AFalse report about MTU after changing network MTU to 9,000

After you change the MTU to 9,000 for the access or management network, the S Series Node falsely reports that a network interface is not operating at the correct MTU. A message about the incorrect operation is written to the event log, and an alert reporting the incorrect operation is briefly in effect (no more than two minutes). Despite the report, the network interface is operating at the correct MTU.

RNO-5488N/AIPv6 access network with DNS or time server IPv4 addresses

If, before the S Series Node is upgraded to release 3.2.0, the access network is configured for IPv6 and is selected for the DNS or time servers, but the DNS or time servers are specified by IPv4 addresses, the HCP S Series Management Console correctly displays error messages indicating that the S Series Node cannot reach the DNS or time servers, as applicable. When the S Series Node is upgraded to release 3.2.0, the network and DNS and time server settings do not change. However, if the management network is configured for IPv4, the S Series Node uses the management network to reach the DNS or time servers, as applicable, and does not display any error messages. If the management network is configured for IPv6, the S Series Node still cannot reach the DNS or time servers and displays the applicable error messages.

RNO-5527N/ADeny list with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses ignored for Management Console access on IPv6 access network

While the access network IP mode is IPv6, if the deny list for access to the HCP S Series Management Console contains both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, those addresses are not denied access to the Console on the access network.

RNO-5692N/ACommunication with DNS servers or time servers on management network disabled by change of access network to IPv6 mode

With the access network and management network both configured for IPv4 and the management network selected for communication with DNS servers or time servers, if you change the IP mode of the access network to IPv6, the S Series Node can no longer communicate with the DNS servers or time servers, as applicable, on the management network. To re-enable communication with the DNS servers or time servers on the management network, use the HCP S Series Management Console or management API to reboot the S Series Node.

RNO-5758N/AFalse report of eth4 down after management network monitoring is enabled

When you enable management network monitoring while the management port is connected to an active network, the S Series Node falsely reports that the eth4 network interface is down. A message about the condition is written to the event log, and an alert reporting the condition is in effect. Despite the report, the network interface is connected and operating correctly.

RNO-5826N/AActive fields grayed on network details pages

On the details page for the access network, the Duplex, Bonding Mode, and MTU fields are grayed, making those fields appear to be inactive. Similarly, on the details page for the management network, the MTU field is grayed, making that field appear to be inactive. In fact, these fields are active, and you can select values in them.

RNO-5856N/AUninformative error message on HCP when S Series Node TLS is higher than 1.0

If you try to add an S Series Node to a release 7.x HCP system, where the minimum TLS version on the S Series Node is higher than 1.0, an error occurs on the HCP system. The error message displayed in the HCP System Management Console is peer is not authenticated. This message is also displayed for other types of errors. If you see this message, check the minimum TLS version setting on the S Series Node. If the setting is 1.0, a different error has occurred.

RNO-5933N/AInternal VLAN IDs not shown clearly in Management Console

For internal purposes, the S Series Node uses VLAN IDs of either 700 and 800 or 701 and 801. To determine which pair of VLAN IDs is being used internally, check the network interface name for the server interconnect network in the Network Interfaces section on the server module details page in the HCP S Series Management Console. If the name is eth4.800, VLAN IDs 700 and 800 are in use. If the name is eth4.801, VLAN IDs 701 and 801 are in use.

RNO-5958N/ASecond management API request to update same network ineffective

While the S Series Node is processing an HCP S Series management API request to update a network, a subsequent request to update the same network to its original settings has no effect.

RNO-6694N/ARear SAS port colors wrong for incorrect enclosure 2 cabling

The SAS cables for expansion enclosure 2 should be connected to rear ports 0 and 2 on the base enclosure. If these cables are connected to ports 1 and 3 instead, the diagram of the back of enclosure 2 in the HCP S Series Management Console incorrectly shows rear ports 1 and 3 as gray (not connected) and rear ports 0 and 2 as red (incorrectly connected).

RNO-6758N/AAdd IP Address option active with 10 syslog servers in list

The S Series Node supports a maximum of 10 syslog servers for syslog logging. However, on the SYSLOG page in the HCP S Series Management Console, the Add IP Address option remains active after 10 syslog servers have been added to the server list.

RNO-6765N/ADiffering amounts of available storage reported per server module

For an S11 or S31 Node that has more than one enclosure, disconnecting a SAS cable causes the server modules to see different sets of drives. As a result, the amount of available storage displayed on the HCP S Series Management Console DASHBOARD page or returned in response to a management API request for the /metrics/system resource differs depending on which server module provides the value.

RNO-6795N/AComponent temperature values of -20C

On the enclosure details pages in the HCP S Series Management Console, the temperature readings and temperature thresholds are all -20C for components that are not present in the enclosure.

RNO-7139N/AManagement Console text-box text not visible on Linux system with dark theme for buttons

When you open the HCP S Series Management Console in Firefox on a Linux system that has a dark theme for buttons, the text boxes on the Console pages appear black. Text in the boxes is not visible unless it is highlighted. A similar problem occurs with certain menus in the Console. In those cases, the menu options are not visible unless they are highlighted.

This issue does not occur when the Linux system has a light theme for buttons.

RNO-777201793199, 01917842New drive unavailable after replacement

After a drive is replaced, the top view of the applicable enclosure on the enclosure details page in the HCP S Series Management Console may show the new drive as unavailable, and the details window for the applicable slot may show the status for the new drive as Unavailable. Regardless of these status displays, if the Management Console does not show any alerts about the new drive, the drive is available and is functioning normally.

RNO-8589N/AReported memory incorrect

The amount of memory reported for an S Series Node in the HCP S Series Management Console or by the HCP S Series management API is slightly less than the expected amount of 64 GB for an S11 Node or the expected amount of 256 GB for an S31 Node.

RNO-11724N/ANew or changed origin not automatically usable for Management Console access to the S Series Node on the access network

Because the new HCP S Series Management Console uses the management API to communicate with the S Series Node, the management API must know about all the acceptable origins for requests from the Management Console. An origin is the fully qualified domain name of the S Series Node, the hostname of a server module in the S Series Node, or a physical or virtual IP address for a server module on the access or management network.

If you change an origin in any way (for example, add or change a virtual IP address or switch from IPv4 to IPv6 and update IP addresses accordingly), the management API does not know about the change until both server modules reboot. If the server modules have not rebooted yet, you cannot access the Management Console by entering the new origin in the browser address bar, and you cannot use the old origin because it is no longer valid.

If you change an origin for the management network or change the domain name of the S Series Node, the server modules automatically reboot. If you change an origin for the access network, you need to reboot the server modules yourself. So that the S Series Node remains available, reboot the server modules one at a time, waiting for the first one to become available before you reboot the second one.

RNO-12163N/AChanged time server IP address

The time servers for an S Series Node are identified by IP address. If the IP address of a time server changes such that the address no longer matches the IP address specified for that time server in the S Series Node, the S Series Node can no longer connect to that time server. This situation does not affect the operation of the S Series Node, even if that time server is the only time server specified for the S Series Node.

RNO-12176N/ASome previous historical statistics unavailable after upgrade

After an upgrade from a release earlier than 3.2.0 to release 3.2.0 or later, historical statistics for ingested data, object count, and the repair backlog that were available before the upgrade are no longer available. The earliest historical statistics for these items that can be displayed in the HCP S Series Management Console or returned by the management API start from the time the upgrade was complete.

RNO-1229404009404Server module reboot due to heavy syslog traffic

An S Series Node can send event log messages, log messages for data access requests, and log messages for management API requests to specified syslog servers. Sending log messages for data access requests in particular can result in very heavy traffic to the syslog servers. Heavy syslog traffic can impede traffic on the server interconnect network, causing one server module to reboot.

RNO-12495N/AMisleading reported amount of available storage

In the HCP S Series Management Console and with the management API /metrics/system resource, the reported ideal amount of available storage is the amount of unused storage, not counting storage reserved for repair. If the amount of storage under repair is less than the amount of ideal available storage, the amount of available storage (actual) is reported as the amount of ideal available storage. In this case, the reported amount of available storage (actual) can be misleading because some of that storage may be used to complete the repair of any currently damaged storage and, therefore, may not be entirely available for storing and protecting new data.

RNO-12539N/AUnexpected Management Console logout

Rarely, the HCP S Series Management Console unexpectedly logs out an active user with no warning. When this happens, the Management Console displays the login page, and the user can immediately log back in.

RNO-1268904246145, 04275141Subnet not working in access control lists

The S Series Node does not honor subnets in access control lists for the HCP S Series Management Console, management API, or S3 compatible API. You can add a subnet with the allow or deny option to an access control list, but doing so has no effect on whether IP addresses in the subnet can access the S Series Node through the applicable interface.

RNO-12750N/ASecond add of syslog server IP address not working after delete of same address

If you add an IP address for a syslog server on the SYSLOG page in the HCP S Series Management Console and then delete that IP address, you cannot add that IP address again.

Workaround: Reload the SYSLOG page. Then add the IP address again.

RNO-12836N/AS Series Node inaccessible for management purposes

If the access control list for the HCP S Series Management Console has no IP addresses with the allow option and the "Allow access from IP address with both Allow and Deny settings" option is set to No, the Management Console is inaccessible. Similarly, if the access control list for the management API has no IP addresses with the allow option and the "Allow access from IP address with both Allow and Deny settings" option is set to No, the management API cannot be used to access the S Series Node. If access is blocked for both these interfaces, you cannot perform any management functions on the S Series Node.

RNO-12909N/ADefault values for character-set minimums incorrect in Help

The HCP S Series Node Help incorrectly states that, for password requirements, the default value is 1 for each character-set minimum. The correct value is 0 for each character set.

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