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Files and folders for Android

Adding files to HCP Anywhere

You can upload files to HCP Anywhere directly from the mobile app. When you add a file to the mobile app, the file is immediately available in your other HCP Anywhere applications.

On an Android device, you can upload any type of file to HCP Anywhere.

You can also upload files to HCP Anywhere from different apps on your phone. For instructions on doing this, see Adding files from other mobile apps.


  1. On the Files page, tap the plus icon (GUID-E60D0704-CBAA-4C4B-B57E-E61C2E6116E5-low.png).

  2. In the menu, tap Upload a file.

    NoteTap Take a picture to take a photo and upload that photo directly to HCP Anywhere.
    Your photo album or the app from which a file was last uploaded to HCP Anywhere appears.
  3. (Optional) Change the app you are in:

    1. Tap the Menu button (GUID-4BA44E56-AC64-4AC8-8BCA-53387F2B8F6B-low.png).

    2. Select an app.

  4. Tap the file you want to upload.

    The HCP Anywhere screen appears.
  5. (Optional) To rename the file, type a new name for the file in the Name field.

  6. (Optional) To upload the file to a specific location in HCP Anywhere:

    1. Tap Destination.

    2. Navigate into a folder.

      NoteYou can create a new folder by tapping the create folder icon (GUID-8FFA1361-3AE8-4F89-9262-DC13A9719946-low.png).
    3. Tap Upload Here.

  7. Tap Save.

Adding files from other mobile apps

In addition to uploading files from within HCP Anywhere, you can also upload files to the HCP Anywhere mobile app from other mobile apps.

The number of files that you can add at a time is limited by the number of notifications that the app can create in the Notification Drawer on your device. At most, you can upload 49 files to HCP Anywhere at a time. For more information, see About Android app notifications.


  1. In another app on your device, select the files you want to upload.

  2. Tap the app-specific control for sharing files.

    Typically, this is the share icon (GUID-8E96FE76-7FF5-4414-B577-9E10EE9B17F4-low.png) or Open In button.A list of apps appears.
  3. In the list, select HCP Anywhere.

    The Save to HCP Anywhere screen appears.
  4. (Optional) To name the file, enter a name in the Name field.

    You can only do this if you are uploading a single file to HCP Anywhere.
  5. (Optional) To upload the file to a specific location in HCP Anywhere:

    1. Tap Destination.

    2. Navigate into a folder.

      TipYou can create a new folder by tapping the create folder icon (GUID-8FFA1361-3AE8-4F89-9262-DC13A9719946-low.png).
    3. Tap Upload Here.

  6. Tap Save.

Sorting files

In the HCP Anywhere Android app, you can sort your files by name or date. You cannot adjust how your folders are sorted. Folders are always sorted by name.


  1. On the Files or Save Locally page, tap the Menu button (GUID-AD796876-A0A7-4929-BC42-3D3F828BE738-low.png).

  2. In the menu, tap Sort by.

  3. Tap Alphabetical (A-Z) or Date Modified.

Searching for files and folders

From the mobile app, you can search for files and folders that you've stored in HCP Anywhere. You can search based on the name of a file or folder. You cannot search by file content.


  1. On the Files page, navigate to the folder that you want to search in.

    TipTo search through all your files and folders, do a search from the top-level folder.
  2. Tap the search icon (GUID-46BA2A7E-B1EF-4C03-92B4-31F15D3D3147-low.png).

  3. In the search bar, enter a search term.

  4. On the keyboard, tap the search icon.

Refreshing the list of files through the menu

  1. On the Files or Saved Locally page, tap the Menu button (GUID-AD796876-A0A7-4929-BC42-3D3F828BE738-low.png).

  2. In the menu, tap Refresh.

Refreshing the list of files by pulling down

  1. Scroll to the top of the list.

  2. Press on the top of the screen, drag your finger towards the bottom of the screen, and then release.

    NotePull to refresh does not work when in multiselect mode.

Viewing files in HCP Anywhere

On Android devices, you can view files in HCP Anywhere on other apps. For instructions on doing this, see Viewing files in other mobile apps.


While online, you can view the contents of any file in the HCP Anywhere mobile app.

While offline or when the app cannot connect to the HCP Anywhere system, you can view only the contents of:

  • Files that you have recently viewed. These files are available because they are in a temporary storage for the HCP Anywhere app. This temporary storage is known as the cache. For information on configuring the cache size, see Configuring the file cache.
  • Files that have been saved locally. Saving a file locally makes it available offline. For more information, see Locally saved files.
NoteYou cannot view the contents of a file that is larger than the size of the cache or the maximum file size limit for the app. You can configure both of these limits in the HCP Anywhere mobile app settings.


  1. On either the Files or Saved Locally page, navigate to a file.

  2. Tap the file.

    The file opens.


When you view the contents of a file, the mobile app displays a toolbar that allows you to perform certain HCP Anywhere operations on the file.

Viewing files in other mobile apps

HCP Anywhere allows you to view and edit files in your HCP Anywhere app on other mobile apps.

  • While online, you can view the contents of any file in the HCP Anywhere mobile app.
  • While offline or unable to connect to the HCP Anywhere system, you can view only the contents of:
    • Files that you have recently viewed. These files are available because they are in a temporary storage for the HCP Anywhere app. This temporary storage is known as the cache. For information on configuring the cache size, see Configuring the file cache.
    • Files that you have saved locally. Saving locally makes files available offline. For more information, see Locally saved files.
    NoteYou cannot view the contents of files that are larger than the size of the cache or the maximum file size limit for the app. You can configure both of these limits in the HCP Anywhere mobile app settings.
  • If you're using the version of the HCP Anywhere app that's secured by Good, your organization may limit the apps to which you can view files.


  1. Navigate to the files you want.

  2. Do one of these:

    • To view a single file:
      1. Tap the file.

        One of these happens:

        • The file opens in the default app for that file type.
        • A list of apps that can open the file appear.
      2. If a list of app appears, select an app.

        The file opens.

    • To send multiple files to another app:
      1. Tap the multiselect button (GUID-25D99763-F83A-4242-BAA4-01D9751C5FEA-low.png).
      2. Select the files you want.
      3. Tap the menu button (GUID-AD796876-A0A7-4929-BC42-3D3F828BE738-low.png).
      4. In the menu, tap Open With.
      5. Select an app.

        The app opens to its default view.

Creating a folder

  1. On the Files page, tap the plus icon (GUID-E60D0704-CBAA-4C4B-B57E-E61C2E6116E5-low.png).

  2. In the menu, tap Create a folder.

  3. Enter a name for the folder.

  4. Tap Create Folder.

Renaming files and folders

  • When you rename a file or folder, any links pointing to the file or folder break. You can fix these links by restoring the file and folder to its original name and location. Additionally, you can always create new links to the file or folder.
  • You cannot rename backup files and folders. However, the folder that holds the backup files and folders can be moved. This folder looks like this (GUID-642396B6-372D-4B47-A34A-4955475E4F0E-low.png). Backup is a feature for the desktop application.


  1. On the Files page, press and hold the row of a file or folder until the item is selected.

  2. Tap the menu button (GUID-AD796876-A0A7-4929-BC42-3D3F828BE738-low.png).

  3. In the menu, tap Rename.

  4. Type a new name for the item.

  5. Tap Rename.

Creating links

Once you have files and folders in HCP Anywhere, you can share them with others. One easy way to share a file or folder is to create a link to it. Links let you give people access to a file or folder, but on your terms. When you create a link, you can set:

  • Who can access the link (people inside or outside your company)
  • When sending a link to a Microsoft Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file, whether people can edit and view the file
  • When sending a link to a folder, the operations that can be performed in the folder: view and download, upload, or create and edit Microsoft Office files
  • Whether the link requires an access code for additional security
  • The expiration date or the number of days before the link expires
  • Your company may have disabled link sharing or some of the link sharing features. For example, you may not be able to create public links, links that never expire, or links without access codes.
  • Your company may not have configured editing of Microsoft Office documents.
  • If your company has configured editing of Microsoft Office documents and you share a public link to a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file, anyone can view and edit the file in Microsoft Office for the web.
  • Even if you share a public link to a folder that contains Microsoft Office files, no one can create or edit Word, Excel, or PowerPoint files in that folder.
  • When you share a link to a folder, you must enable at least one permission (view, upload, or both).
  • If you move, rename, or delete a file or folder, all the links to that file or folder become inactive. You can reactivate these links by restoring the item to its original name and location.


  1. On the Files page, press and hold the row of a file or folder until the item is selected.

  2. On the action bar, tap the link icon (GUID-B4AE8273-7261-4383-A737-01F3EF7C73BE-low.png).

  3. In the Create Link window, configure the link.

  4. Tap Create Link.

  5. Do one of these:

    • To copy the link and, if applicable, the access code:
      1. Tap Copy.
      2. Paste the link into an email, instant messenger, or any other application you would like to use to share the link.
      3. Share the link
    • To open a new email message:
      1. Tap the Email button.

        The link and, if applicable, the access code are automatically included in a new email message.

      2. Share the link
    • To send the link as text to another app:
      1. Tap Send.
      2. Select an app.
      3. Follow the instructions for the app.

Locally saved files

By default, files in the HCP Anywhere mobile app are stored remotely, which makes them only available when you are online. However, HCP Anywhere also allows you to save files locally. When you save a file locally, the file is available when you are online or offline. This can come in handy if you know you’ll need a file but will be in a location with bad or no internet access (for example, on a plane or at an airport).

On an Android device, HCP Anywhere marks locally saved files with a star icon (GUID-FE72E4D5-B7B1-48A1-A80C-6067B99D4E1E-low.png).

  • When you save a file locally, a copy of the file is stored on your mobile device. The number of files that you can save locally is limited by the amount of storage space available on your device. For information on viewing how much space your saved files occupy, see Viewing user and app information.
  • When a change occurs to a file that has been saved locally in another one of the HCP Anywhere apps, the mobile app does not automatically update the saved file. For information on doing this, see Updating your locally saved files.
  • A file remains saved locally until:
    • The file is removed from your list of saved files. Files that have been removed from your local device are still available remotely in HCP Anywhere.
    • The file is deleted from HCP Anywhere.
    • You deregister the mobile device. For information, see Disconnecting the Android app.
    • You remove the mobile app from your device.

Saving a file locally

On an Android device, you can save multiple files at once on your local device. To save a file locally, the mobile app must be able to connect to the HCP Anywhere system.


  1. Navigate to the files you want to save locally.

  2. Tap the multiselect button (GUID-25D99763-F83A-4242-BAA4-01D9751C5FEA-low.png).

  3. Select the files.

  4. Tap the menu button (GUID-AD796876-A0A7-4929-BC42-3D3F828BE738-low.png).

  5. In the menu, tap Save Locally.

    The file is saved on your local device. HCP Anywhere marks locally saved files with a star icon (GUID-FE72E4D5-B7B1-48A1-A80C-6067B99D4E1E-low.png).

Viewing locally saved files

The HCP Anywhere mobile app has a Saved Locally page that lists all the files that you have saved on your local device. While on this page, you can perform many of the same operations that you normally can on files, such as sharing the files.

To view your locally saved files, tap Saved Locally at the bottom of the page.

Updating your locally saved files

The mobile app does not automatically update the contents of the files saved locally on your mobile device. Instead, you need to do one of these:

Refresh the Saved Locally page. This updates all your locally saved files.

Open one of your locally saved files. This updates that particular file.

NoteOn an Android device, you can stop an app by opening the list of active apps and then swiping the app off the screen. If you stop the app in this way while the app is updating one or more of your locally saved files, the files fail to be updated.


  1. On the Saved Locally page, scroll to the top of the list.

  2. Press on the top of the screen, drag your finger towards the bottom of the screen, and then release.

    NotePull to refresh does not work when in multiselect mode.

Removing locally saved files from your device

On Android devices, you can remove multiple files at once. Removing a locally saved file from your device does not delete the file from HCP Anywhere.


  1. On the Saved Locally page, tap the multiselect button (GUID-25D99763-F83A-4242-BAA4-01D9751C5FEA-low.png).

  2. Select files.

  3. In the menu, tap Keep Remote.

  4. In the Keep Remote prompt, tap OK.

File and folder icons

You may notice some of the folders in your HCP Anywhere have special icons:

  • GUID-474B48FB-C886-4556-9D58-D46E3CFBDCBF-low.png

    Shared folder

  • GUID-7006B2B0-A72B-4B02-8389-A1581315CD2D-low.png

    Team folder

  • GUID-D1FD7553-9521-485C-80DA-FEE56FA3DCDB-low.png

    Backup parent folder

  • GUID-6A0B31E8-BE7B-4982-87D8-9389137A932F-low.png

    Mobilized shares

These folders, and the files within them, cannot always be interacted with in the same way as the other items in HCP Anywhere.

Shared and team folders

In the HCP Anywhere User Portal, you can create collaborative workspaces by sharing entire folders with other people. When you share a folder with another person, the folder appears in their HCP Anywhere just as in your own. Changes that occur in a shared folder occur for all the folder members. For information creating a collaborative folder, see Creating collaborative folders.

There are two types of collaborative folder:

  • GUID-474B48FB-C886-4556-9D58-D46E3CFBDCBF-low.png

    Shared folders

  • GUID-7006B2B0-A72B-4B02-8389-A1581315CD2D-low.png

    Team folders

For the most part, you can interact with shared and team folders like normal folders. For example, you can rename and upload files to shared and team folders. However, some additional considerations apply to deleting a shared or team folder.

Deleting shared folders
  • If you are the Owner of the shared folder, the folder is deleted from both your HCP Anywhere account and the HCP Anywhere accounts of the other folder members.
  • If someone else is the Owner of the shared folder, the folder is deleted from your HCP Anywhere account, but not from the HCP Anywhere accounts of other folder members.
Deleting team folders
  • When you delete a team folder, the folder is deleted from your HCP Anywhere account, but not from the HCP Anywhere accounts of the other folder members.
  • If you are the last Manager of a team folder, you cannot delete the folder in the HCP Anywhere mobile application. If you are the last Manager in a team folder and delete the team folder in the HCP Anywhere mobile application, the folder is not deleted. Instead:
    • The folder remains in the User Portal and mobile app as a non-syncing folder.
    • For version 3.0 or later of the Windows desktop application, the folder becomes a remote folder. For all other versions of the desktop application, the folder is removed from your HCP Anywhere folder.
NoteEven though the last Manager of a team folder cannot delete the folder like a regular folder, the last Manager can still:
  • Invite another person to folder as a Manager.
  • Delete the team folder in the Manage Shared Folder window in the User Portal. For information on doing this, see Deleting a team folder.

Backup files and folders

Backup is a feature for the desktop application that offers you additional data security. When you backup a folder, the folder remains in the same place on your computer but is:

  • Copied to the your HCP Anywhere account.
  • Kept up-to-date and synchronized with HCP Anywhere.

In the mobile app, the backup parent folder — the folder that contains your backup files and folders — looks like this (GUID-D1FD7553-9521-485C-80DA-FEE56FA3DCDB-low.png).

  • If link sharing is enabled, you can share links to files and folders. However, links can only be created with the Read permission, not the Upload permission.
  • You cannot upload files to backup folders.
  • You can rename the backup parent folder. However, you cannot rename the files or folders within the backup parent folder unless they are no longer being tracked by HCP Anywhere on your computer.
  • You cannot convert a backup folder into a shared or team folder.
  • You cannot delete backup files and folders while they are being tracked by HCP Anywhere on your computer.

Mobilized shares

Typically, your computer has a special location for storing files on your organization's corporate network. This location usually takes the form of a particular folder or drive (for example, your computer's Z: drive) on your computer. These folders and drives are called mobilized shares. Your organization can make mobilized shares available in your HCP Anywhere account.

In the mobile app, mobilized shares look like this (GUID-6A0B31E8-BE7B-4982-87D8-9389137A932F-low.png).


With a mobilized share, you cannot:

  • Delete the share
  • Synchronize it with your desktop application folder
  • Share a link to a file or folder
  • Share a folder
  • Move files and folders in or out
  • Restore deleted files or folders
  • View old versions of a file
  • View deleted files and folders

Deleting files and folders

On Android devices, you can delete multiple files and folders at the same time.

When deleting shared folders, team folders, backup folders, and mobilized shares, there are a number of considerations. For these considerations, see File and folder icons.


  1. On the Files page, tap the multiselect button (GUID-25D99763-F83A-4242-BAA4-01D9751C5FEA-low.png).

  2. Select the items you want to delete.

  3. Tap the delete button (GUID-44114E66-AE96-4A7C-A6A8-AE0481FA6542-low.png).

  4. In the prompt, tap OK.

Deleting a team folder

If you are a Manager of a team folder, you can delete the folder for all the folder members. When you delete a team folder, the folder is deleted from your HCP Anywhere account and the HCP Anywhere accounts of each folder member.


  1. In the row of a collaborative folder, click the overflow icon (GUID-DFFB285C-3514-4E26-80D3-21F1E8E1152E-low.png).

  2. In the menu, click Manage shared folder.

  3. In the window, click Delete folder.

  4. In the Label field, enter the team folder label.

  5. Click Permanently delete.

Cached files

By default, files are only available offline, unless the file is in the mobile app temporary storage. This temporary storage is known as the cache. You can set how much space is available in your cache. For information on doing this, see Configuring the file cache.

When the cache reaches capacity, it starts ejecting files. It ejects the oldest files in the cache first.

If you want to access a file offline that's not in the cache, you need to save it locally. For information on saving files locally, see Saving a file locally.

Creating collaborative folders

HCP Anywhere allows you to share folders with other people to create shared workspaces for you and your team. When you share a folder with another person, the folder appears in their HCP Anywhere account. Changes that occur in a collaborative folder (such as adding, editing, or deleting a file) occur for all the folder members.

When inviting a person to a folder, you assign that person a member role (Viewer, Collaborator, or Manager). A person's member role determines the operations they can perform in the folder.

Your organization may have disabled team folders. In this case, the options for creating a team folder are not displayed in the Share folder window.

Types of collaborative folders

HCP Anywhere offers two types of collaborative folders: Shared folders and team folders.

  • Storage

    A shared folder uses the HCP Anywhere storage space of the person who created the folder. A team folder does not use the HCP Anywhere storage space of the person who created the folder. Instead, team folders use space set aside by your organization.

  • Ownership

    Shared folders have a single Owner while team folders can have multiple Managers. Owners and Managers can invite new people to the folder and manage folder membership.

You can create up to 60 shared and team folders. Each folder that you share can be shared with an unlimited number of people in your organization. You can only share folders with people who are in your organization.

Member roles

For both shared and team folders:

  • Viewer

    Viewer is a read-only role. Viewers can view and download the files in the folder but cannot edit or add files to the folder.

  • Collaborator

    Collaborator is a read-write role. Collaborators can view, edit, and add files to the folder.

For team folders:

  • Manager

    Manager is a read-write-manage role. Managers can invite people to the folder, set member roles, adjust the folder storage capacity, change the folder contact information, and delete the folder for all the members. Managers can also view, edit, and add files to the folder, just like a Collaborator.


  1. In the row of a folder, click the overflow icon (GUID-DFFB285C-3514-4E26-80D3-21F1E8E1152E-low.png).

  2. In the menu, click Share folder.

  3. In the Label field, enter a label for the shared folder.

    The label is the name of the folder as it appears to the folder members.
  4. (Optional) Create a team folder:

    1. Select Convert to Team Folder.

    2. In the Quota field, set the total storage capacity of the team folder.

      If you set the storage quota of the team folder higher than the limit set by your organization:

      • A request is sent to the system administrator for the additional space
      • The folder becomes a shared folder
  5. Click Share Folder.

  6. In the search bar, enter the name of a person or group that you want to invite to the folder. Then press Enter.

  7. For each person and group you want to invite:

    1. Optionally, select a role in the Role dropdown.

    2. Click Add user for each user you want to invite and Add group for each group you want to invite to the shared folder.


When you invite a group to a collaborative folder, HCP Anywhere manages the group membership for you. When a person is added to the group, that person is automatically invited to all the collaborative folders the group is a part of. Similarly, if a person is deleted from a group, that person is automatically removed from all the collaborative folders the group is a part of.

Next steps

Once a group is part of a collaborative folder, you can:
  • Change the roles of people in the group
  • Remove people in the group from a collaborative folder
  • Stop HCP Anywhere from tracking the group


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