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Software installation

This section of the HCI Getting Started guide helps you with the software installation of the HCI product.

Unpack the installation package

  1. Download the installation package HCI-<version_number>.tgz and store it in a folder on the server or virtual machine.
  2. In the largest disk partition on the server or virtual machine, create a folder named /hci:

    mkdir /<path>/hci

  3. Move the installation package to the folder /hci:

    mv /<path>/HCI-<version_number>.tgz /<path>/hci

  4. Navigate to the installation folder:

    cd /<path>/hci

  5. Unpack the installation package:

    tar -zxf HCI-<version_number>.tgz

    This creates a number of directories and folders within the installation folder.

  6. Run the installation script install, located within the folder matching the version number of the installation package:

    sudo ./cluster/<version_number>/bin/install

  • Don't change directories after running the installation script. The following steps are performed in your current folder, not under the version-specific folder.
  • The installation script can be run only one time per instance. You cannot rerun this script to try to repair or upgrade a system instance.

Start the application on your server or virtual machine

  1. Start the application script run using whatever methods you usually use to run scripts.

    ImportantEnsure that the method you use can keep the run script running and can automatically restart it in the event of a server restart or other availability event.
    • You can run the script in the foreground: sudo /<path>/hci/bin/run

      When executed this way, the run script does not automatically complete, but instead remains running in the foreground.

    • You can run the script as a service using systemd:
      1. Open the HCI.service file in a text editor.
      2. Update ExecStart= to include the run file:


      3. Update ExecStopPost= to include the stop file:


      4. Save the file.
      5. Copy the HCI.service file to the appropriate location for your OS. For example:

        cp /<path>/hci/bin/HCI.service /etc/systemd/system

      6. Enable and start HCI.service:
        sudo systemctl enable HCI.service
        sudo systemctl start HCI.service
    NoteWhen you enable HCI.service, systemctl might display this message:

    The unit files have no [Install] section. They are not meant to be enabled using systemctl. Possible reasons for having this kind of units are:

    1) A unit may be statically enabled by being symlinked from another unit's .wants/ or .requires/ directory.

    2) A unit's purpose may be to act as a helper for some other unit which has a requirement dependency on it.

    3) A unit may be started when needed via activation (socket, path, timer, D-Bus, udev, scripted systemctl call, ...).

    Depending on your OS, the HCI.service may or may not have successfully been enabled. To avoid this, make sure that you moved HCI.service to the appropriate location, typically /etc/systemd/system.


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