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Monitoring jobs

You can use Admin App, CLI, and REST API to monitor jobs. You can monitor information for all jobs, for all jobs of a type, or for each job individually.

Monitoring all jobs

You can use Admin App, CLI, and REST API to view the status of all jobs for the system.

To view the status of all jobs, in the Admin App, click Jobs.

On this page, the All Jobs section shows cumulative information for all jobs in the system.

  • Service Units: The total number of service units currently being spent for running jobs.

    This value is determined by where your system's job types are allowed to run.

    Each job type has its own service unit cost. If an instance is configured to run multiple job types, only the job type with the highest service unit cost counts.

    For example, suppose that your system has four instances and supports two job types: X, which costs 50 service units, and Y, which costs 25. Job type X is configured to run on three instances. Job type Y is configured to run on those same three instances, plus an additional instance (four total). In this case, your total service unit cost for jobs is equal to 175:

    50 + 50 + 50 + 25 = 175

  • Total CPU: The total CPU percentage utilization for all jobs across all instances in the system.
  • Total Memory: The total RAM consumed by all jobs across all instances in the system.
  • Total Disk: The total disk space consumed by all jobs across all instances in the system.

The Job Types section shows a box for each job type that the system supports.

Related REST API methods

GET /jobs

You can get help on specific REST API methods for the Admin App at REST API - Admin.

Monitoring job types

You can use Admin App, CLI, and REST API to view the status of all jobs of a particular type.

To view the detailed status for all jobs of a type, in the Admin App, click Jobs and then select the box for the job type you want.

The Job Type page shows cumulative information for all jobs of the selected type.

  • Total CPU: The total CPU percentage utilization for all jobs of this type across all instances in the system.
  • Total Memory: The total amount of RAM consumed by all jobs of this type across all instances in the system.
  • Total Disk: The total disk space consumed by all jobs of this type across all instances in the system.

The Jobs section lists each individual job of this type.

The Instances section shows a list of all system instances where jobs of this type are currently running.

The Pool section shows the instances that jobs of this type are allowed to run on.

The Events section shows a list of all events related to this job type.

Related CLI commands


Related REST API methods

GET /jobs/types

You can get help on specific REST API methods for the Admin App at REST API - Admin.

Monitoring individual jobs

You can use Admin App, CLI, and REST API to view the status of individual jobs.

To view the detailed status for all jobs of a type, in the Admin App:


  1. Click Jobs.

  2. Select the box for the job type you want.

  3. Select the box for the job you want.

    The Job page shows this information about the job:

    • Error Count: A tally of the number of errors encountered by the system when running the job or relocating it to other instances.
    • Status: One of these:
      • Idle: The job has not run yet or, for jobs that have a schedule, the job is not scheduled to be running at the current time.
      • Pending: The job has been submitted for execution but is not yet running.
      • Running: The job is being executed.
      • Completed: The job finished execution without error.
      • Failed: The job finished execution with errors.
      • Canceled: The job has been canceled and is no longer running.
    • If the task is configured to run according to a schedule, the Status panel shows this icon: GUID-8E45254C-AEF0-4E70-BB7E-C2D89D227B70-low.png
    • Service Units: The per-instance cost for this job's type. Individual jobs do not cost any service units to run.
    • Total CPU: The total CPU percentage utilization for this job across all instances in the system.
    • Total Memory: The total amount of RAM consumed by this job across all instances in the system.
    • Total Disk: The total disk space consumed by this job across all instances in the system.

    The Instances section shows a list of all system instances where the job is currently running.

    To view information about the volumes that the job uses, select the row for an instance in the Instances section.

    The Pool section shows the instances that job is allowed to run on.

    The Events section shows a list of all events related to this job.

Related REST API methods

GET /jobs/status/{uuid}

You can get help on specific REST API methods for the Admin App at REST API - Admin.


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