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Creating a bucket index

To create a bucket index:


  1. On the HCP Bucket Indexing panel, click Create Object.

  2. Edit the settings of your bucket index.

    • Name: The name of the bucket search object.
    • Description: A description of the bucket search object.
    • Output Index Name: The name of the index to be used as the output. This index must not already exist prior to creating the bucket search object.
    • Kafka Topic Name: The name of the Kafka topic to be created. This name is used to configure the HCP-CS system.
    • HCP for Cloud Scale System to Monitor: Domain name of the HCP for cloud scale system.
    • Access Key ID: Access key ID for the HCP for cloud scale system.
    • Secret Access Key: Secret access key for the HCP for cloud scale system.
    • Initial Index Shard Count: The initial shard could to be used when creating the Solr index.
    • Use Proxy Server: Enables use of a proxy server to connect to the system.
  3. From within HCP-CS S3 Console, create a bucket with an event notifications policy enabled and setup with the following settings:

    • Events: s3:ObjectCreated:
    • Events: s3:ObjectRemoved:
    • Target > Target type: Kafka
    • Target > Hostname: Your system's IP address
    • Target > Port: 9092
    • Target > TLS: False
    • Target > Username: Not required
    • Target > Password: Not required
    • Target > Topic: Your Kafka Topic Name
    Once the bucket is created, HCI verifies and confirms the connection and a certificate appears on the HCP-CS system.
  4. On the HCP-CS system, click ACCEPT AND ADD CERTIFICATE to connect.

    HCI auto-generates the bucket search object pipeline and workflow.
  5. Click the HCP Bucket Indexing panel to view your new workflow.


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