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Password settings

To set additional safeguards on your local account(s) (both admin and secondary admin users), new password settings can be implemented to enhance their security.

Found under the Configuration > Security > Password Settings tab, administrators can apply any or all of the following policies:
  • Password Expiration (Days): The number of days until a password needs to be reset.
  • Minimum Password Age (Days): The number of days until a password can be changed again. Set this value to 0 to ignore it.
  • Password History: The number of unique new passwords that must be associated with an account before an old password can be resused. Set this value to 0 to ignore it.
  • Allowed Login Attempts: The number of failed login attempts before a user is locked out of the system. Set this value to 0 to ignore it.
  • Lockout Duration Mode: The amount of time (in minutes) that a user is locked out of the system after reaching the maximum Allowed Login Attempts.


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