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Handling network changes

After your system is deployed, its network infrastructure and configuration should not change. Specifically:

  • All instance IP addresses should not change.
  • All services should continue to use the same ports.
  • All services and instances should continue to use the same network types.

If any of these things change, you will need to reinstall the system.

Safely changing an instance IP address

If you need to change the IP addresses for one or more instances in the system, use this procedure to manually change the IP addresses without risk of data loss.

  • The instance must first be removed from your cluster to change its IP address.
  • The IP address of the host server cannot be changd while HCI is running.
  • The IP address of a single-instance cluster cannot be changed.

For each instance whose IP address you need to change:


  1. Move all services off of the instance. Distribute those services among all the other instances.

  2. On the instance from step 1, stop the run script using whatever tool or process you used to run it. For example, with systemd, run:

    systemctl stop <service-name>
  3. Remove the instance from the system.

  4. Delete the installation folder from the instance.

  5. Change the system's IP address.

  6. Add the instance back to the system.

After a network change

If a network infrastructure or configuration change occurs that prevents your system from functioning with its current network settings, you need to reinstall all instances in the system.


  1. If the Admin App is accessible, back up your system components by exporting a package.

  2. On each instance in the system:

    1. Navigate to the installation folder.

    2. Stop the run script using whatever tool or process you used to run it. For example, with systemd, run:

      systemctl stop <service-name>
    3. Run bin/stop

    4. Run the setup script, including the list of master instances:

      sudo bin/setup -i <ip-address-for-this-instance> -m
    5. Run the run script using whatever methods you usually use to run scripts.

  3. Log into Admin App and use the wizard to set up the system.

  4. After the system has been set up, upload your package.


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