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Your system displays alert messages to notify you of situations that need your attention. You can view these alerts through the Admin App, CLI, and REST API.

Each alert corresponds to a system event.

SeverityAlert DescriptionAction
SevereInstance ip-address disk usage severe threshold

The specified instance has less than 10% free disk space. Add additional storage to the instance.

Important: If an instance runs out of disk space, the system might become unresponsive.

SevereMaster Instance ip-address is down

Do one of these:

  • Restart the instance hardware or virtual machine.
  • Restart the run script on the instance. This script is located in the folder bin in the installation folder.
SevereService is down

Verify the health of your instances. If one is down, do one of these:

  • Restart the instance hardware or virtual machine.
  • Restart the script run on the instance. This script is located in the folder bin in the installation folder.

Otherwise, if your instances are healthy and the problem persists, contact support.

SevereWorker Instance ip-address is down

Do one of these:

  • Restart the instance hardware or virtual machine.
  • Restart the run script on the instance. This script is located in the folder bin in the installation folder.
WarningInstance ip-address disk usage warning threshold

The specified instance has less than 25% free disk space. Add additional storage to the instance.

Important: If an instance runs out of disk space, the system can become unresponsive.

WarningPackage installation failed

Your system failed to install a package that you uploaded.

WarningService below recommendation

The service is currently running on fewer than the recommended number of instances. Configure this service to run on additional instances.

WarningService under-protected

A service has lost redundancy; that is, one or more instances on which that service is running are unresponsive.

Verify the health of your instances. If one is down, do one of these:

  • Restart the instance hardware or virtual machine.
  • Restart the script run on the instance. This script is located in the folder bin in the installation folder.

Otherwise, if your instances are healthy and the problem persists, contact support.

WarningSSL server certificate chain expires soon

A certificate in the SSL server certificate chain for this system expires soon. If the certificate chain expires, users will be unable to access the system.

WarningSSL server certificate chain expired

The SSL server certificate chain for this system contains an expired certificate. Users cannot access the system until the certificate chain is replaced.

InfoPackage installation in progress

Your system is currently installing a package that you uploaded. Depending on the contents of the package, this might take a while.

HCM-specific alerts

WarningWorkflow Monitor App Workflow is not running and will be restarted.No action required. The workflow will automatically restart.
WarningThe Monitor-App is not processing data fast enough. Dashboard data is more than 15 minutes behind the latest data from the source. While in this state, monitors might fail to be triggered or might be triggered unexpectedly. If this alert persists, your system might be undersized. Consider adding more instances.Wait to see if the Monitor Appcatches up and the alert goes away. If it doesn't, add more instances to the system.
WarningThe Monitor-App is not processing data fast enough. Dashboard data is more than 30 minutes behind the latest data from the source. While in this state, monitors might fail to be triggered or might be triggered unexpectedly. If this alert persists, your system might be undersized. Consider adding more instances.Wait to see if the Monitor Appcatches up and the alert goes away. If it doesn't, add more instances to the system.

Viewing alerts

To view an alert:


  1. To view alerts, click the user icon (GUID-F65C10E6-C9EB-4958-9692-6E677A75CBF1-low.png) in the top right corner of each Admin App page and then click Notifications.

Related CLI commands


Related REST API methods

GET /alerts

You can get help on specific REST API methods for the Admin App at REST API - Admin.


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