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Performance Data Collection using the Export Tool 2

Updated  by hvuser
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  • Collect Export Monitor 2+ Performance Data from the Array Controllers.
  • Collect Performance Data from an Array Without a Service Processor (SVP).


  • Virtual Storage Platform (VSP) One Block 20 Series (H20K)
    • VSP B23, B24, B26, B28
  • Monitor 2 Program Product (Export Tool 2+)
  • No SVP (SVP-less)
  • Export Tool 2+
  • Perfmon
  • Customer Data Collection
  • Export Performance Data


The Export Monitor 2+ tool is located on the storage “Customer Tools CD” under the “Monitor2” directory. The ISO image can be downloaded from the Hitachi Vantara support site. Select the Hardware downloads and the correct micro-code level related to the storage system.

Download Page:

Instructions for installation are available within the “Monitor2” directory. Ensure JRE 11.0+ is installed to avoid handshake errors such as:

  • (details = Received fatal alert: handshake_failure) [MSG ID = 8011].

For detailed instructions on installing and using the Monitor2 tool, refer to the documentation link below:

To collect the performance export data, follow these steps:

1.    Create an exclusive storage login user ID to run the exports to avoid conflicts with other sessions (e.g., username=export).

2.    Download and install the Export Tool 2+ from the Customer Tools ISO of the microcode.

3.    Reduce the number of Control Units (CU) to 32 or less (replace SS:EE with the start/end control units):

runWin.bat show cu -ip x.x.x.x -login username password

runWin.bat remove cu -cu SS:EE -ip x.x.x.x -login username password


4.    With the reduced CU count, change to 1-minute sample intervals:

runWin.bat show interval -ip x.x.x.x -login username password

runWin.bat set interval -interval 1 -ip x.x.x.x -login username password -q


5.    Wait/Test and then list the available data point date/timestamp range (export range needs accurate info):

runWin.bat show range -ip x.x.x.x -login username password


6.    Run the export request:

runWin.bat export data -ip x.x.x.x -login export export -range 202310310951:202310311056 -outpath ..\myexportdata -option clear

Additional Notes

  • Where:
    • -ip is the IP address of the storage controller.
    • -login is the username and password of the storage.
  • The example above assumes the Windows version of the tool. For Linux, replace runWin.bat with
  • Use the files in the “log” subdirectory to monitor progress and any errors.


  • Once complete, zip up the log and out* directories, upload them to the Hitachi TUF service, and notify Support of the upload.
  • Below are some useful command on usage.
    • Use help command for full syntax:
      runWin.bat help

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