IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) data collection for HPP
A special tool, the TSM Data Collector, is available for the collection of TSM-related data.
- Download the ZIP file containing the tool to a Windows workstation in the customer's environment. This tool must be installed on a Windows workstation.
- Unpack the ZIP file in the same folder as the TSM "dsmadmc.exe" executable (as it uses it).
- On Windows-7 sytems, "dsmadmc.exe" must have the "Run as Administrator" setting enabled. Please check and set accordingly.
- Alter the settings in the top of the file to suit your TSM system. Below is an example (in red) of what may need to be changed:
- rem ***********************************************
- set COLLDIR="c:\Collection TSMServername 02-08-2014"
- set TCPPORT=1500
- set ID=admin
- set PWD=admin
The values for 'ID' (login), 'PWD' (password), and 'TSMADDRESS' (the TSM master server) are the ones that need to be changed to match your TSM environment. A unique value for 'COLLDIR' (the collection directory/folder) must be chosen for each system against which the tool is run. Unless things were changed at the customer site, there usually should be no need to change 'TCPPORT'.
A new version (.BAT file) of the script must be created for each TSM system. - Run the tool. (No special command-line arguments are needed)
- ZIP up the collections directory/folder.
- Upload the resulting ZIP file(s) to TUF for analysis.
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