- How to configure a Brocade VDX Switch to communicate with Hitachi Remote Ops Monitor
- How to configure Remote Ops (Hi-Track) monitoring for Hitachi NAS Systems?
- How to change the default user ID or password in Remote Ops for Hitachi NAS Systems?
- How to add a GEfN Cluster to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor that is being concurrently managed by more than one vSMU instance
- Use this procedure to configure Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor when a GEfN Cluster is being managed by a Production vSMU and a DR vSMU (used for File Replication), so that Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor will successfully report both the GEfN Cluster and DR Unified Cluster for alerts.
- Hitachi NAS Gateway Platform
- Hitachi NAS Platform 5300 (HNAS 5300)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 5200 (HNAS 5200)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4100 (HNAS 4100)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4080 (HNAS 4080)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4060 (HNAS 4060)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4040 (HNAS 4040)
- Hitachi VSP Series NAS
- VSP-F400 NAS
- VSP-F600 NAS
- VSP-F800 NAS
- VSP-G400 NAS
- VSP-G600 NAS
- VSP-G800 NAS
- VSP-N400 NAS
- VSP-N600 NAS
- VSP-N800 NAS
- Hitachi SMU
- Extreme (Brocade)
- VDX 6740 10GbE Ethernet Switch
Default passwords are no longer documented here. Customers requiring the default passwords should open a GSC case.
Service Partners and Employees may consult Hitachi NAS Upgrade, Deployment, and Procedures Documentation.
HRO Install/Upgrade and Configuration
* If upgrading, uninstall the old version first. It does not remove configuration information, but you should take a screenshot of the summary page first as a precaution.
Windows Upgrade
- Use Windows 'Add/Remove Programs' screen, to remove the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) application. This should stop the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) service and remove the application from the program list.
- Install the updated Remote Ops (Hi-Track) version by inserting the CD in the drive (it should auto-run) or by invoking the htinst.exe application.
Solaris/Linux Upgrade
- Stop the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor program; if it is running, use the command sh rundfmon stop in the installation directory (/usr/hds/hitdfmon by default).
- Run sh Uninstall_Remote Ops (Hi-Track)_Monitor" in the /usr/hds/hitdfmon/UninstallerData (by default) directory.
- Install the new version by entering sh HTinst.bin through a terminal window.
* Note: if installing from Linux terminal/console only, use HTinst.bin -i console
Configure Transport Agents
- Make sure Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor is running
- Run the following commands
- /usr/hds/hitdfmon/rundfmon status
- /usr/hds/hitdfmon/rundfmon start
- Browse to the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) web monitor:
- Open a browser session and enter http://localhost:6696 In the URL box
- Login as Username / password = Administrator / hds
- Configure Transport Agents using https
- Click Configuration tab
- Click Base Tab
- Enter Site ID
- Enter site email server information and user list
- Click Submit when finished
- Click Configuration Tab
- Click Transport Agents Tab
- Create a new HTTPS agent
- Host = ushtinet01.hds.com
- UserName = ht_http_row
- Password = htpw0425
- Click Submit
- Create another HTTPS agent, same as before except with host = ushtinet02.hds.com
- Create another HTTPS agent, same as before except with host = usdenhtinet01.hds.com
- Create another HTTPS agent, same as before except with host = usdenhtinet02.hds.com
Enable Transport Agents
- Click Transport History Tab
- Start Transport Activity
Extreme (Brocade) VDX 6740 (if included in the order)
After the Switch Setup as outlined in HNAS-BrocadeVDX6740SwitchConfigurationGuide_MK-92HNAS0660-00, to test the network connectivity, type the command ping <HRO Server> vrf mgmt-vrf. If the HRO responds, then proceed.
SNMP Configuration
Starting from v6.x, there is no default SNMP configuration on the VDX, and therefore the VDX does not respond to SNMP requests.
Type the following command to verify the SNMP configuration
VDX6940-5# sh run snmp
snmp-server contact "Field Support."
snmp-server location "End User Premise."
snmp-server sys-descr "Brocade VDX Switch."
snmp-server enable trap
Configure SNMP on VDX running NOS v5.x and above.
- Configure an snmp view:
snmp-server view All 1 included
'All' is the view name, '1' is the OID branch (1, which means all OIDs are included). - Configure a read-only group and associate it with the snmp view.
snmp-server group userv1 v1 read All notify All
'userv1' is the group name, 'All' is the view name created in step 1. - Create a community string and associate it with the group created in step 1.
snmp-server community readv1 groupname userv1
- Configure an snmp view:
snmp-server view All 1 included
'All' is the view name '1' is the OID branch (which means all OIDs are included). - Configure a read-only group and associate it with the snmp view.
snmp-server group userv3 v3 read All notify All
'userv3' is the group name, 'All' is the view name created in step 1. -
Create an snmpv3 user, specifying the group, authentication algorithm, authentication password, privacy algorithm, and privacy password.
snmp-server user snmpv3user groupname userv3 auth sha auth-password auth123456 priv AES128 priv-password priv123456
'userv3' is the group name created in step 2.
Test SNMPv3
With the snmpwalk Linux/Unix utility, we can verify the snmpv3 connectivity using the following syntax:
root@2l24-32-rhel6{168}: snmpwalk -v3 -l authPriv -u "snmpv3user" -a SHA -A "auth123456" -X "priv123456" -x AES128
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (1803600) 5:00:36.00
SNMPv2-MIB::sysContact.0 = STRING: Field Support.
Add Extreme VDX 6740 ICC Switch to Hitachi Remote Ops Monitor
Log in to the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) using the following address: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6696/CGI-LOGON (substitute your own Remote Ops server IP address)
Setting the Remote User Username/Password for Brocade Support-Save collection
Note: A 'Remote User Id' must be created before performing a Brocade Support-Save request.
The user ID must have read/write and admin privileges.
Ports 161 and 22 must be opened between the Hitachi Remote Ops Monitor Server and the Brocade switches.
- Click on the User Management button in the header
- Select Remote User Id from the security object list box and click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- Enter an alias name (i.e., VDX6740) in the box under 'Security Name'.
- After entering the name, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- In the 'Detail for Remote User Id' table at the bottom of the page, enter the Remote UserID to be associated with the name just entered in the previous step (recommend admin, same as the switch admin account)
Note: The Remote UserID defaults to be the same name as the Security Name, but the Remote UserID may be changed if needed. - In the "Remote Password" field, enter the password twice for the associated user ID. (recommend password, same as the switch admin account)
- After entering the information, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
Setting the SNMP Username/Password for Extreme (Brocade) Alerting
snmpv1 User
- Select SNMP Community from the Security Object Dropdown box
- Click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- Verify that the built-in SNMP Community Security name public is present
- If the Security Name public is not present, Enter pubic in the 'Security Name' box.
- After entering the name, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- In the 'Detail for Remote User Id' table at the bottom of the page, enter the Remote UserID public associated with the name just entered in the previous step.
Note: The Remote UserID defaults to be the same as the Security Name, but the Remote UserID may be changed if needed. - In the "Remote Password" field, enter the password for the associated user ID. After entering the information, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
snmpv3 User
- Select SNMP v3 from the Security Object Dropdown box
- Click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- Enter vdxsnmpv3user in the box under 'Security Name'.
- After entering the name, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
- In the 'Detail for Remote User Id' table at the bottom of the page, enter the Remote UserID associated with the name just entered in the previous step.
Note: The Remote UserID defaults to be the same as the Security Name, but the Remote UserID may be changed if needed. - In the "Remote Password" field, enter the password for the associated user ID. After entering the information, click the adjacent <Refresh> button.
Adding the Extreme (Brocade) VDX 6740 to Remote Ops Monitor
- Click Summary Tab
- Click Add a device (or if devices are already added to the monitor, click hyperlinked "Item")
- From the dropdown box, select “Brocade Switch or Director".
- Name / Location / Group = descriptive strings
- Site ID: Enter the location Site ID
- Serial: Enter the switch serial number
- IP Address or Name (1): IP address of the switch
- SNMP Access ID:
- SNMPv1: public
- snmpv3: vdxsnmpv3user
- Remote User = Select the Remote User created above from the dropdown (i.e., VDX6740)
- Click <Add>
- Go to Configuration > Local TCP/IP page
- Select the SFTP Server IP address (HiRO Monitor Server) from the dropdown
The SFTP server is provided for Brocade Support-Save support only.
Disable the server by selecting a local interface of 'NOT_SET'.
Enable the server by selecting a local interface accessible by the Brocade switches/directors.
NOTE: Any change in the chosen interface occurs only when Hi-Track Monitor is (re-)started. - Click <Submit>
- Re-start the HRO Monitor
- Click Summary Tab
- After Remote Ops Monitor connects to the Switch, an entry will appear in the list for the added switch.
It will take a few minutes for the item to go from Communication Errors to Devices Okay. Click <Refresh> to refresh the display. - If the last communication shows an error, then check your work.
- To open an entry, Click on the highlighted "Item" button on the "devices" section of the "Summary" tab.
- Make the appropriate changes to the entry information
- Repeat the process for the second Extreme VDX 6740 ICC Switch
Hitachi NAS SMU/Cluster
Note: All referenced to SMU below include the Hardware SMU 400 and Virtual SMU (vSMU).
- Log in to the Remote Ops (Hi-Track) using the following address: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6696/CGI-LOGON (substitute your own Remote Ops server IP address)
- Always start with the SMU that is configured to manage multiple clusters if one is configured.
- Click Summary Tab
- Click Add a device (or if devices are already added to the monitor, click hyperlinked "Item")
- From the dropdown box, select “Add Hitachi NAS (HNAS) Server Management Unit (SMU)".
- Name / Location / Group = descriptive strings
- Site ID: Enter the location Site ID
- IP Address
- External SMU - IP address of External SMU (Hardware or Virtual)
- VSP NAS Series with Internal SMUs - IP address of Controller 1 Management Port
- NAS Gateway with Internal SMU - IP address of Internal SMU
- Remote User = Select SMU from the dropdown
- There is a default SMU management user configured in Remote Ops Monitor.
Note: If the customer is using the default manager password, then no further action is required. - If the customer has changed the default password, it will need to be applied in Remote Ops Monitor.
- Click User Management Tab
- Select Remote User Id
- Click <Refresh>
- The screen should show the SMU user with the remote UserID as manager.
- Enter the new password twice in the password line
- Click <Refresh>
- When selecting the Remote User SMU, the Remote Ops Monitor will use the new password to authenticate to the SMU.
- If the customer needs to use a non-default SMU login/password combination, please click on the "User Management" tab.
- Select the Remote User ID
- Click <Refresh>
- Next, type in the new name for the user account
- Click <Refresh>
- Enter the new password twice in the password line
- Click <Refresh>
- When adding an SMU, select the new Remote User, instead of SMU, to change the “Remote User” to reflect the newly created account.
- Click <Add>
- Click Summary Tab
- After Remote Ops Monitor connects to the SMU, it will automatically generate entries for the managed Clusters, populating them through the SMU connection.
- It will take a few minutes for the item to go from Communication Errors to Devices Okay. Click <Refresh> to refresh the display.
- If the last communication shows an error, then check your work.
- To open an entry, Click on the highlighted "Item" button on the "devices" section of the "Summary" tab.
- Make the appropriate changes to the entry information
- This view will show an SMU device and a separate device for each Cluster or Server managed by the SMU.
- The screen displays one entry per Cluster, not individual nodes.
- The Cluster/Server entry will show the IP address of the SMU, not the adminEVS.
- If a Cluster is being managed by more than one SMU, the Cluster will appear twice. To prevent duplicate alerts and parts shipments from occurring, follow the steps below.
- Locate the IP address of the SMU that is managing both the DR and Production Cluster(s).
Note: This SMU is typically located at the DR site and will be called the DR SMU. - Once the DR SMU has successfully added both the DR and Production Cluster(s) to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor
- Rename the Production Cluster(s) to differentiate it/them from the cluster instance that will be added by the Production SMU
- Add the renamed Production Cluster(s) to the Not Managed list
- Add the SMU that is only managing the Production Cluster (Production SMU), which will add a single instance of the Production Cluster to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor
Note: Best practices dictate that each cluster should be managed by its local SMU if one exists. - Repeat the above steps for any additional DR/Production Clusters in the customer's environment that are to be managed by this instance of Remote Ops Monitor
GEfN Cluster
- Remove any vSMU that is managing the GEfN or DR Systems from Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor.
- Add the vSMU that is managing both the DR and Production (GEfN) Cluster (DR vSMU) to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor.
- After the DR vSMU has successfully added both the DR and Production (GEfN) Cluster(s) to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor
- Rename the Production (GEfN) Cluster(s) (to differentiate it/them from the GEfN cluster instance that will be added by the Production vSMU)
- Add the renamed Production (GEfN) Cluster(s) to the Not Managed list
- Add the vSMU that is only managing the Production (GEfN) Cluster (Production vSMU), which will add a single instance of the Production GEfN Cluster to Remote Ops (Hi-Track) Monitor
- Repeat the above steps for any additional DR/GEfN Clusters in the customer's environment that are to be managed by this instance of Remote Ops Monitor
Tags: article:howto,Network Attached Storage,High Performance NAS,Hi-track,KB14981,pagetype:knowledgearticle
PageID: 2347
- Keywords
- https://knowledge.hitachivantara.com/Knowledge/Support_Tools/Remote_Ops/Getting_Started/How_To_Configure_Hitachi_Remote_Ops_(HRO)_Monitor_for_Hitachi_NAS_Systems
- Solution ID
- 240403040002347
- Last Modified Date
- 09/18/2024 07:19:05 PM
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