| How to Generate UCP Advisor Log Bundle via CLI |
Content | You can generate a log bundle using the CLI if you are unable to generate it using UCP Advisor. Procedure -
Log on to the Master Node VM as a ucpadmin user. -
Identify the UCP Advisor version. Enter: kubectl -n ucp get crd consolidationinformations.ucp.hitachivantara.com -ojson |grep -w storedVersions -A 2
Sample output: "storedVersions": ["v5"]
Create a yaml file in an editor: apiVersion: ucp.hitachivantara.com/<UCP Advisor version> kind: GenerateLogBundle metadata: name: <name of the log bundle> spec: timestamp: now
Sample yaml file: apiVersion: ucp.hitachivantara.com/v5 kind: GenerateLogBundle metadata: name: test spec: timestamp: now
Exit the edit mode. Press the Esc key. -
Save the changes. Enter: :wq
Generate the log bundle using the yaml file that you just created. Enter: $ kubectl -n ucp apply -f <yaml file name> Next steps - Check the status of the log bundle. Enter:
$ kubectl -n ucp get glb - Verify the details of the log bundle. Enter:
$ kubectl -n ucp describe glb - Parent Topic