HiCommandCLI Logs


Procedure to collect HiCommandCLI logs:

  • Device Manager CLI log file
  • Device Manager CLI message trace file


  • HCS 8.x


Device Manager CLI log files

Device Manager CLI (HiCommandCLI)  logs are output to the HiCommandCLI.log file in the Device Manager CLI execution directory or folder.  In the properties file, you can specify the output destination, file name, and log level.

Property for specifying the output destination of log files (HiCommandCLI.log file)

Use the "HiCommandCLI.logfile=" property settings to specify the output destination of log files.

The output destination must be a path that includes the file name. By default, a log file named HiCommandCLI.log is output to the Device Manager CLI execution directory or folder.

Note: In a Windows environment, when setting a path to a property, use / or \\ instead of \ as a delimiter.

Specification example

This example shows how to specify C:\Temp\diag.log as the output destination.


Device Manager CLI message trace file

A message trace file is output if the Device Manager CLI -t (or -- messagetrace) option is specified.

Recorded communications, including request messages sent to and responses received from the Device Manager server, are output to the MessageTrace.log file in the Device Manager CLI (HiCommandCLI) execution directory or folder. In the properties file, you can specify the output destination and the file name.

Tip: If message tracing is enabled, each time an application is executed, the message trace file is overwritten with a request and its response. The request is the same as the character string submitted to the server via HTTP. The response is the character string read from the Device Manager server via HTTP before analysis. The message destination file does not contain multiple requests and responses.

Property for specifying the output destination for the message trace file (HiCommandCLI.trace file)

Use the "HiCommandCLI.tracefile=" property settings to specify the output destination for the message trace file. The output destination must be a path that includes the file name. The message trace file is output if the -t (or --messagetrace) option is specified.

By default, a file named MessageTrace.log is created in the Device Manager CLI execution directory or folder.

Note: In a Windows environment, when setting a path to a property, use / or \\ instead of \ as a delimiter.

Specification example

This example shows how to specify C:\DeviceManager\traffic.log as the output destination.



Example of HiCommandCLI.properties file settings:

# Device Manager Command Line Interface (CLI) Properties File
# Can be used to provide options and default parameters 
# for the Device Manager CLI program.
# The Device Manager CLI program does not require
# any of the properties to be set.
# Location for the diagnostics file
# (default, when not specified, is HiCommandCLI.log
# in the executing directory).
# Diagnostic level of the diagnostic file
# (currently, default is INFO).
# Allowable values are DEBUG, INFO, and WARN,
# each of which will output that level and higher.
# Location for the message trace file
# (default, when not specified, is MessageTrace.log
# in the executing directory).
# Set the server url.
##### OPTIONS ####
# Password can be provided directly, or from a password file.
# Provide a copy of the raw xml request & response
# in MessageTrace.log file.
# Disable output of the results of successfully executed commands.
# Output of commands whose names start with "Get" is not disabled.
# Set the Array model, for commands that use this parameter.

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