True Copy Support Questions

Expedite the troubleshooting process for the most common issues by reviewing and answering the following questions for your product. 

General Troubleshooting Questions

  1. Was it working before or is this a new setup?
  2. What changed recently that might have broken the functionality?
  3. Provide a screenshot of the error.
  4. If using CCI, provide the command that is producing an error.
    1. What are the HORCM instances related to the problem?
  5. If using GUI, provide a screenshot of the error message.
  6. What pairs are being affected by the problem?
  7. What are the Main Control Unity (MCU) and Remote Control Unit (RCU) arrays model and serials number?
  8. What is the status of the Remote Connections?
  9. What is the licensed capacity?

Data Collection

Service Partner Notes
Employee Notes
Support Center Notes
CXone Metadata

Tags: True Copy,Triage Questions

Page ID: 25468