VMware DLMgetras Utility

VMware DLMgetras Utility

This utility collects information that is needed to analyze HDLM errors that have occurred: information such as integrated trace files, trace files, definition files, and OS information.

Whenever the host is restarted, some of the information that is collected by the DLMgetras utility will be cleared. As a result, whenever an error occurs, immediately execute this utility to avoid losing any valuable information.


Execute this utility from the remote management client, in the following format:

  • DLMgetras {-s host-name -u user-name -p password [folder-to-whichcollected-information-is-output] [-eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd | -eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length}] | -h}

You can also use lower-case characters as follows:

  • dlmgetras {-s host-name -u user-name -p password [folder-to-which-collected-information-is-output] [-eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd | -eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length}] | -h}




Specify the host name for which to collect error information.


Specify the user name used to log in to the host.


Specify the password used to log in to the host.


Specify the output folder for the information that is to be collected by the DLMgetras utility.

-eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd

The utility obtains logs from each application, system, and security event log. The logs obtained are those output after 00:00 on the date yyyy/mm/dd. Specify the date in the yyyy/mm/dd format.

-eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length}


Logs from all applications, systems, and security event logs are obtained.


The utility obtains logs from each application, system, and security event log. The logs are obtained, starting from the most recent log, until the log size reaches maximum-file-length. Specify the log size in MB. The specifiable value ranges from 1 to 4096.


Displays the format of the DLMgetras utility.


Upload data output to TUF :


  • You cannot specify the -eventlogsize {all | maximum-filelength} parameter together with the -eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd parameter.
  • If neither the -eventlogsize {all | maximum-file-length} parameter nor the -eventlogtime yyyy/mm/dd parameter are specified, the utility's default is to obtain a maximum of 8 MB of event log data.
  • If the specified folder to which collected information is output already exists, an overwrite confirmation message is displayed. Responding by entering y instructs the DLMgetras utility to overwrite the existing files; entering n (or anything other than y) instructs the utility to terminate without executing.

    In the latter case, you can either rename the existing folder before re-executing the utility, or you can execute the utility with a different folder name specified.
  • Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Vista support User Account Control (UAC). Therefore, if you execute the DLMgetras utility as a user other than Administrator, execute it from the Administrator: Command Prompt window.
  • For detailed instructions on how to use "The DLMgetras Utility for Collecting HDLM Error Information", please see user guide Dynamic Link Manager Software User Guide for VMware� (MK-92DLM130-XX).
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