| How to Collect HNAS Diagnostics Using Command Line Interface CLI |
Content | Objective Collect the HNAS Diagnostics log if there is a problem collecting the logs via System Management Unit (SMU) Graphical User Interface (GUI). Environment - Hitachi NAS Gateway Platform
- Hitachi NAS Platform 5300 (HNAS 5300)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 5200 (HNAS 5200)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4100 (HNAS 4100)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4080 (HNAS 4080)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4060 (HNAS 4060)
- Hitachi NAS Platform 4040 (HNAS 4040)
Procedure Collect Logs from the vSMU - Connect to the vSMU using an ssh PuTTY session.
- Log in as manager; enter the current manager password.
- Type q to go to the Linux prompt
- Type su; enter the current root password
- Type cd /opt/smu/mgr-scripts
- Type ./smu-getlogs -p /tmp/usb -n smu_logs_<date>.zip
- Type ls -l /tmp (verify the file is present)
- Transfer the file from the SMU using an SFTP application or SCP/WinSCP.
Collect logs from the Nodes using the SMU - Connect to SMU using an ssh PuTTY session.
- Log in using the manager credentials.
- At the Menu, type the number of the adminEVS for the Cluster to retrieve logs from.
- Once connected, type the following commands to collect logs from each Node:
Note: The output file will be saved to the /home/manager directory of the SMU with a filename similar to NODE-1_diagnostics_2022-12-06_1749+0000.tgz. - getdiagnostic --cnode 1
- getdiagnostic --cnode 2
- getdiagnostic --cnode x ("x" being the number of the other nodes in the Cluster).
- Type exit
- Type q
- Type ls-al /home/manager (verify the diagnostics are present)
- Transfer these files from the SMU using an SFTP application or SCP/WinSCP.
Collect Diagnostic logs from the Nodes using a Serial Connection - Connect the Serial Cable to a Node
- Establish a Serial PuTTY session to a Node
- Login as manager; enter the current root password
- Type getdiagnostic
The output file will be saved to the /var/opt/mercury-platform-config/home/manager directory of Node with a filename similar to NODE-1_diagnostics_2022-12-06_1749+0000.tgz. - Type cd /var/opt/mercury-platform-config/home/manager.
- Type ls -l (verify the file is there)
- Transfer these files from Node using an SFTP application or SCP/WinSCP
- Perform the above commands to collect diagnostics on the other nodes in the Cluster.
Collecting Historical logs from Nodes to a USB Stick - Collect the Historical Diagnostics from the Node (do this for each Node.)
- Connect the Serial Cable to a Node
- Establish a Serial PuTTY session to a Node
- Login as root; enter the current root password
- Type getdiagnostic.linux
The output file will be saved to the /root directory with a filename similar to NODE-1_diagnostics_2022-12-06_1749+0000.tgz. - Enter mkdir /tmp/usb
- Connect the USB drive to a USB port on the back of the Node.
Note: Once connected, you may see the device name displayed on the screen. - Enter tail -f /var/log/messages to determine the device number from the entries in the log.
- If the device found is sdc1
- Type mount /dev/sdc1 /tmp/usb
- Type pwd (confirm you are in the /root directory
- Type ls -l (note the filename similar to the above for today's date)
- Type cp <filename> /tmp/usb
- Unmount the USB: If the device found was sdc1
- Type umount /dev/sdc1pwd
- Remove the USB Stick from the Node
- Perform the above commands to collect diagnostics on the other nodes.
Collect Logs from a Physical SMU to a USB Stick - Move the serial connection to the SMU
- Establish a Serial PuTTY session with the SMU
- Insert the USB flash drive into the SMU.
- Log into the SMU as root; enter the current root password
- Create a directory: Type mkdir /tmp/usb
- Mount the USB: Type mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/usb
- Type cd /opt/smu/mgr-scripts
- Type ./smu-getlogs -p /tmp/usb -n smu_logs_<date>.zip
- Type ls -l /tmp/usb (verify the file is present)
- Unmount USB
- Type umount /dev/sdb1
- Remove the USB from the SMU
CXone Metadata | Tags: howto hnas cli LogCollection Page ID: 8358 |