Priority: ● Medium Status: Monitoring First Published: 12 April, 2023 Advisory Version: 1.0 References: CVE-2023-25690 Summary Certain mod_proxy configurations in versions 2.4.0 through 2.4.55 of Apache HTTP Server could allow unauthorized access via an "HTTP Request Smuggling attack". The official CVE entry describes these configurations: "Configurations are affected when mod_proxy is enabled along with some form of RewriteRule or ProxyPassMatch in which a non-specific pattern matches some portion of the user-supplied request-target (URL) data and is then re-inserted into the proxied request-target using variable substitution ... Request splitting/smuggling could result in bypass of access controls in the proxy server, proxying unintended URLs to existing origin servers, and cache poisoning." [CVE-2023-25690 -] This vulnerability has since been fixed in version 2.4.56 (or later) of Apache HTTP Server. Affected Products Vulnerable Products Hitachi Vantara is currently investigating its product lines to determine if any are affected by this vulnerability. If any products or solutions are found to be impacted, they will be indicated in this section, in subsequent updates to this advisory, along with information regarding fixed release versions (if such information is available at the time.) Likewise, any products or solutions that have been confirmed not to be affected by the given vulnerability will be listed in the section below. Products Confirmed Not Vulnerable * As this is an ongoing investigation across all Hitachi Vantara product lines, please note that products may be reclassified as vulnerable as they continue to be evaluated for risk. Product | Notes | Software
| Hitachi Automation Director (HAD) 10.0.1-00 and v10.9.1-00 | Not vulnerable The implemented web server does not support the affected configurations. | Recommended Actions Please continue to check this Security Advisory, as new information will be added to it as it becomes available. If any of the information presented above remains unclear, please contact the Hitachi Vantara Global Support Center, or your Vantara-authorized service and support provider.
NOTE: Any cited product documentation, including product-specific Alerts and Technical Bulletins, are available to Hitachi Vantara customers logged into Support Connect. The information contained herein is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a guaranty or warranty about Hitachi Vantara’s products, including any guaranty or warranty that any product cannot be exploited by third parties. All product warranties and obligations to a customer must be specified in a mutually acceptable and executed contract between the parties. |