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Viewing visualizations on a dashboard

To view a dashboard's visualizations, click Dashboards and then click View for the dashboard you want to see.

Each visualization on a dashboard shows one or more distinct pieces of information, called series.

For example the CPU Utilization contains a series for each of these:

  • CPU percentage used by applications
  • CPU percentage used by the OS
  • Total CPU utilization percentage
Enabling and disabling seriesYou can enable or disable any series in a visualization. For example, you can refine the Latency visualization to show only median and minimum values.To enable or disable a series:
  1. Click the Legend icon (GUID-BB64DE29-FAE7-4D53-A68F-E7C3AA64DA0C-low.png).
  2. Click the series you want.
Maximizing visualizationsEach visualization can be maximized for fullscreen view.

Click the Maximize icon (GUID-FB750138-6D38-4A8A-9A20-55A5BC4053E7-low.png).

You can also permanently resize and rearrange all visualizations on a dashboard. See Editing a dashboard.

Refining visualizationsEach visualization supports its own set of filtering options. For example, the CPU Utilization visualization by default shows information for all nodes in an HCP system, but you can filter it to show data for only one of the nodes.Click the Refine icon (GUID-D6340900-79F4-4094-AEA0-48765E63663E-low.png) to edit the filtering options for a visualization.
Using visualization zoomEach visualization supports zooming on line charts on the X-axis. After zooming, HCM applies a one second buffer to load your selected level of zoom before updating the forecast with the applicable data.

If visualization zoom pans beyond a 3-day time period, a warning message appears notifying the user that query load time for their selected data range range might take longer than expected.

Visualization zoom can be adjusted in three ways:

  • Mouseover a line chart and use your scroll wheel to zoom.
  • Click and drag the visualization along the X-axis.
  • On a touchscreen or track pad, use your fingers to pan horizontally.

To reset the adjusted visualizations, under the Range menu, click Reset Visualizations. Visualizations will be reset to the their custom time range (if applicable) or to their live view (default).

Viewing individual data pointsFor line chart visualizations, you can mouse-over the visualization to view more information about the data points on the line.Hover over the visualization with your cursor.


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